Cygwin can't execute shell script - shell

I am trying to execute a .sh file with Cygwin on Windows 7, and I'm getting an error cannot execute binary file.
Here is what I wrote in the Cygwin command prompt window:
$ bash cygpath --unix C:\Users\\MyName\\Documents\\MyProject\\dygraphsMaster\\
This was the result:
/usr/bin/cygpath: /usr/bin/cygpath: cannot execute binary file

Enclose your Windows path with double quotes (") and your entire cygpath command with backticks (`).
My example:
> pwd
> ls -al
total 1
drwx------+ 1 Administrators Domain Users 0 Aug 25 13:08 .
drwx------+ 1 Administrators Domain Users 0 Aug 25 13:13 ..
-rwx------+ 1 Administrators Domain Users 29 Aug 25 13:08
> cat
echo Hello World
Running the above:
> bash `cygpath --unix "C:\TestFolder\ScriptInsideHere\"`
Hello World


Unable to switch to root user after ssh into the instance using shell script

I have a scenario to automate the manual build update process via shell script on multiple VM nodes.
For the same, I am trying the below sample script to first ssh into the instance and then switch to root user to perform the further steps like copying the build to archives directory under /var and then proceed with the later steps.
Below is the sample script,
buildVersion='deb9.deb build'
script="whoami && pwd && ls -la && whoami && mv ${buildVersion} ${buildPathToStore} && find ${buildPathToStore} | grep deb9"
for var in "$#"
copyBuildPath="${publicKey} ${buildVersion} ${var}:/home/admin/"
echo "copy build ==>" ${copyBuildPath}
scp -r -i ${copyBuildPath}
ssh -i $publicKey -t $var "sudo su - & ${script}; " # This shall execute all commands as root
So the CLI stats for the above script are something like this
admin //this is the user check
total 48
drwxr-xr-x 6 admin admin 4096 Dec 6 00:28 .
drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4096 Nov 17 14:07 ..
drwxr-xr-x 3 admin admin 4096 Nov 17 14:00 .ansible
drwx------ 2 admin admin 4096 Nov 23 18:26 .appdata
-rw------- 1 admin admin 5002 Dec 6 17:47 .bash_history
-rw-r--r-- 1 admin admin 220 May 16 2017 .bash_logout
-rw-r--r-- 1 admin admin 3506 Jun 14 2019 .bashrc
-rw-r--r-- 1 admin admin 675 May 16 2017 .profile
drwx------ 4 admin admin 4096 Nov 23 18:26 .registry
drwx------ 2 admin admin 4096 Jun 21 2019 .ssh
-rw-r--r-- 1 admin admin 0 Dec 6 19:42 testFile.txt
-rw------- 1 admin admin 2236 Jun 21 2019 .viminfo
If I use sudo su -c and remove &
ssh -i $publicKey -t $var "sudo su -c ${script}; "
Then for once whoami returns the user as root but the working directory still prints as /home/admin instead of /root
And the next set of commands are still accounted for admin user rather than the root. So the admin user do not have the privileges to move the build to archive directory and install the build.
Using & I want to ensure that the further steps are being done in the background.
Not sure how to proceed ahead with this. Good suggestions are most welcome right now :)
"sudo su - & ${script}; "
expands to:
sudo su - & whoami && pwd && ...
First sudo su - is run in the background. Then the command chain is executed.
sudo su -c ${script};
expands to:
sudo su -c whoami && pwd && ...
So first sudo su - whoami is executed, which runs whoami as root. Then if this command is successful, then pwd is executed. As normal user.
It is utterly hard to correctly pass commands to execute on remote site using ssh. It is increasingly hard to do it with sudo su - the command will be triple (or twice?) word splitted - one time by ssh, then by the shell, then by the shell run by sudo su.
If you do not need interactive communication, it's best to use a here document with -s shell option, something along (untested):
# DO NOT store commands to use in a variable.
# or if you do and you know what you are doing, properly quote it (printf "%q ") and run it via eval
script() {
set -euo pipefail
ls -la
mv "$buildVersion" "$buildPathToStore"
find "$buildPathToStore" | grep deb9
ssh ... "sudo bash -s" <<EOF
echo "Yay! anything here!"
echo "Note that here document delimiter is not quoted!"
# safely import context to work with
# note how command substitution is executed on host side
declare -f script
# pass variables too!
declare -p buildVersion buildPathToStore buildPathToStore
When you use su alone it keeps you in your actual directory, if you use su - it simulates the root login.
You should write : su - root -c ${script};

Bash file does not run by directory in ubuntu

When I run a bash file inside its directory in ubuntu there isn't any problem
But when I try to run it by its directory I get the error:
sh: 0: Can't open /directory/
I followed this steps:
$ cat web/
touch /tmp/testweb
echo "File has been created succesfully"
$ ls -la web/
-rwxr--r-- 1 test test 88 Dec 5 05:58 web/
1- $ date
Sat 05 Dec 2020 06:00:14 AM UTC
2- $ /home/test-env/web/
File has been created succesfully
3- $ ls -la /tmp/test*
-rw-r--r-- 1 test test 0 Dec 5 06:00 /tmp/testweb
Able to run the file in ubuntu and debian as well

cd command fails when directory is extracted from windows file

I have one text file in windows that contains lots of directories that I need to extract.
I tried to extract one directory and tried to cd to it in a shell script, but the cd command failed, with prompting cd: /VAR/GPIO/: No such file or directory.
I have confirmed that the directory exists in my local PC and the directory is correct (though it is relative). I have also searched a lot, seems some special windows characters exist in the extract file. I tried to see them with cat -A check and the result is ^[[m^[[K^[[m^[[KVAR/GPIO/$
I don't even know what the meaning of the m^ or [[K.
Could you please help me about this problem? I use Cygwin in Windows 7 64-bit.
Below is my related code for review:
templt_dir=$(cat temp | grep -m 1 "$templt_name" |head -1 | sed -n "s#$templt_name##p" | sed -n "s#\".*##p")
echo $templt_dir ###comment, it runs output: /VAR/GPIO/, that's correct!
cd $templt_dir ###comment, cd error prompts
cat temp | grep -m 1 "$templt_name" |head -1 | sed -n "s#$templt_name##p" | sed -n "s#\".*##p" > check ###comment, for problem checking
Below is the content of the check file:
$ cat -A check
To confirm my directory is correct, below is the results of ls -l on /VAR:
$ ls VAR -l
total 80K
drwxrwx---+ 1 Administrators Domain Users 0 Jun 24 11:11 Analog/
drwxrwx---+ 1 Administrators Domain Users 0 Jun 24 11:37 Communication/
drwxrwx---+ 1 Administrators Domain Users 0 Jun 24 11:10 GPIO/
drwxrwx---+ 1 Administrators Domain Users 0 Jun 24 11:11 HumanInterface/
drwxrwx---+ 1 Administrators Domain Users 0 Jun 24 11:11 Memory/
drwxrwx---+ 1 Administrators Domain Users 0 Jun 24 11:11 PWM/
drwxrwx---+ 1 Administrators Domain Users 0 Jun 24 11:10 Security/
drwxrwx---+ 1 Administrators Domain Users 0 Jun 24 11:11 System/
drwxrwx---+ 1 Administrators Domain Users 0 Jun 25 16:25 Timers/
drwxrwx---+ 1 Administrators Domain Users 0 Jun 24 11:10 UniversalDevice/
The error message cd: /VAR/GPIO/: No such file or directory indicates that
the name stored in $templt_dir doesn’t exist.
This is actually due to the string containing non-printing ANSI escape
You need to remove these characters from the string containing the directory.
I found the following sed substitution from this Unix and Linux answer
sed -r "s/\x1B\[([0-9]{1,2}(;[0-9]{1,2})?)?[m|K]//g"
which you should include in your pipe command:
templt_dir=$(grep -m 1 "$templt_name" temp | sed -n "s#$templt_name##p; s#\".*##p" | sed -r "s/\x1B\[([0-9]{1,2}(;[0-9]{1,2})?)?[m|K]//g")
Note: I concatenated your two sed substitutions into the one command and I removed the unnecessary cat. I also removed the redundant head -1 since grep -m 1 should only output one line. You can probably combine all the sed substitutions into one: sed -r "s#$templt_name##; s#\".*##; s/\x1B\[([0-9]{1,2}(;[0-9]{1,2})?)?[m|K]//g" (the -n sed option and p sed command can be left out if there’s only line being processed but I can’t test this without having the original file).
Other ways of using sed to strip ANSI escape sequences are listed at Remove color codes (special characters) with sed.
However, a better long-term fix would be to modify the process which creates the text file listing the directories to not include ANSI Escape codes in its output.

Why my shell script not working with cron?

I have two shell scripts .
(working one)
$ cat
for i in `cat nas_filers`
do echo $i
touch /mnt/config-backup/nas_backup/$i.auditlog.0.$(date '+%Y%m%d')
ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 root#$i rdfile /etc/configs/config_saved > /mnt/config-backup/nas_backup/$i.auditlog.0.$(date '+%Y%m%d')
(not working one)
$ cat
for i in `cat san_filers`
do echo $i
touch /mnt/config-backup/san_backup/$i.auditlog.0.$(date '+%Y%m%d')
ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 root#$i rdfile /etc/configs/config_saved > /mnt/config-backup/san_backup/$i.auditlog.0.$(date '+%Y%m%d')
Cron entries are:
$ crontab -l
Filers config save script
0 0 * * * /mnt/config-backup/
0 0 * * * /mnt/config-backup/
0 0 * * * /mnt/config-backup/delete_file
Script is not working.
Outputs are like
SAN backup directory
san_backup]# ls -lart*
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 210083 Mar 1 22:24 alln01-na-exch01a.auditlog.0.20150301
[root#XXXXX san_backup]# pwd
NAS backup directory
nas_backup]# ls -lart*
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 278730 Feb 26 00:06
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 281612 Feb 27 00:17
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 284105 Feb 28 00:02
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 284101 Mar 1 00:02
[root#XXXXXXX nas_backup]#
From cron logs I can see that cron is executing both the script but output for is not coming.
From my experience, most of the times script is working manually but not from crontab is because login scripts were not running. Try to add something like source ~/.bash_profile in the begging of script or first line in cron file. Did you try (for debugging) to run the script with at command?

Print out the alias'd command when using the alias

I am trying to get alias's setup so that they print out the command, then run the command.
> alias ls='ls -alh'
> ls
Running "ls -alh"
total 1.8G
drwxr-x--- 36 root root 4.0K Apr 23 09:44 ./
drwxr-xr-x 28 root root 4.0K Mar 6 17:24 ../
Is this possible? I was thinking of using a wrapper function, but I am unsure as to how one would acomplish this.
Just add an echo command in your alias before the actual command:
alias ls='echo "Running ls -alh"; ls -alh'
alias ls='echo "Running ls -alh" && ls -alh'
This runs two commands one after the other. The first command is echo "Running ls -alh", the && checks the return value of the echo command, if that's 0, then the command ls -alh is run. However, if for some reason there is a problem with the echo command and its return value is not 0 then the ls command won't be run.
The && command can come in very handy when writing scripts to run one command only when another is successful.
