Any way to use nodemon + debugger with Cloud9 IDE? - cloud9-ide

The javascript debugger in Cloud9 is great, but it only appears to work if I run 'node' rather than using something like 'nodemon'.
I'd like the run command to restart if a file changes, and I also want to use the debugger. Anyone know a quick fix for this?

Discovered that there's no need to restart the runner - changes are applied to the run environment / configuration immediately. Even better!

That's what I wanted to write, it applies changes automatically.
Though, if you make changes to routes, you have to restart the server,
at least that's what I was having to do.


Why Laravel doesn't accept changes until I stop swoole

Every time I make some change in Laravel, I need to do php artisan swoole:http stop and after that php artisan swoole:http start. It doesnt see my changes until I do that. Is there any other way to reloading server, or what..Also, when I do docker-compose up -d it starts running, but in app I am getting Connection is refused.. I am new with Docker and Swoole. Can someone explain to me how to use it? Thank you
I assume you're using octane but in general.
it loads the application into memory and then serves the application from memory. if you're doing local development there is a watcher you can add that will auto-reload when it detects changes.
As more of a general statement and background: this is how most programming languages work, the code is compiled into an executable and any time you need to make changes, you would have to recompile and re-execute the program.
PHP is an interpreted language so the compilation normally happens as you execute the script which means it can respond to filesystem changes without you having to manually restart or recompile. This may be convenient but it also can be very poor performing.
Various optimizations can be made to change how/when the code is compiled to improve performance (opcache, swoole, etc). When you're running with these optimizations, you will have to follow their guidelines on what needs to be done when you make changes (recompile, restart, or clear caches).

Lines of code automatically added without warning/consent

**edited tags to reflect the cause of the problem
I've been working with Node.js for about 3 months give or take, and today I was working on a project when I suddenly got an import error on the client side, even though I hadn't touched any code there since I last ran the program. In fact, the only changes I had made were on the server side, and it was just some minor refactoring that didn't have anything to do with the imports. After frantically trying to find what I'd done, I scrolled up to see this line in server/index.js:
const { default: socket } = require('../client/src/socket.js');
I didn't write this line. It had been added without me asking or even noticing that it was there. I'm pretty sure that I hadn't clicked on any formatting tooltips, and it seemed to appear out of nowhere and was the cause of the break.
This isn't the first time that this has happened to me. I have noticed that at sporadic moments, code is added to my projects that I never asked for. So I have some questions:
Is this a feature of Node, and if so what triggers it?
As I'm using VScode, is it rather the IDE that's doing this?
How do I stop whatever's causing this from trying, and failing, to be helpful?
This is most likely VSCode's built-in auto-imports. You've probably typed socket and selected an auto-suggestion which contained Auto import from "../client/src/socket.js"
You can disable it with the setting "javascript.suggest.autoImports": false.
Additionally, if you're using Git for version control, try using git add -p (-p for patch) to stage your changes bit by bit instead of the entire file. This way you can review your changes in slices and you'll probably catch things like this.
That's not a feature of Node but, Some of the VSCode extensions possess capabilities of auto import. Maybe one of your extension has added that line. To prevent it disable your JavaScript autocomplete, linter extensions.

Explore and debug vim script

I would like to dynamically debug a vim script. My current workflow is that I have the autoload plugin opened on a tmux pannel and the running application on the other pannel. I also set a tail -f vim.log and I launched vim with vim -V15vim.log. My goal is to monitor the execution of the plugin by adding plenty of echom.
Actually I was expecting something more useful that what I actually got.
I need to restart vim everytime I add a new echom
Nothing really useful is displayed on the log file vim.log
This method is obviously not the right one
I also tried to add breakpoints with breakadd func myfunc#test but it is not really working because the debugger windows interfers with the main window and change the way the plugin I am debuging behave.
How to improve my vim-script debug workflow?
I am actually trying to debug the vim-multiple-cursor plugin which does not work with a column block selection and virtualedit enabled. I would like to fix it.
:breakadd is the most powerful tool, but yes, its output and interaction may interfere with certain plugin actions, and trigger additional autocmds. It may help if you specify the optional [lnum] offset to only stop executing inside the function.
I need to restart vim everytime I add a new echom
It should be enough if you just :source the changed plugin script again. Scripts inside ~/.vim/plugin/ usually employ a multiple inclusion guard that you need to work around, though. My ReloadScript plugin can help with that.
Alternatively, the Decho plugin might offer a different approach worth looking at.

ApiGen Windows Netbeans

I configured ApiGen on Windows and am trying generate documentation from NetBeans. Everything runs well after many errors, however I have a mistake, which is my destination is my desk from my pc. How can I change this? Whenever I try to generate documentation it never asks me for the destination again.
I tried uninstall NetBeans I do all again, but nothing.
My error is the destination of my documentation.
Current NetBeans ApiGen plugin doesn't work with the new ApiGen v4. If you need to generate documentation using ApiGen, you can use command line to get it working, or use other tools like phpDoc which is working fine from the NetBeans IDE.
You need to right click on the project, select Properties and look for documentation setting and change the folder there. Uninstalling NetBeans won't make any difference as this setting is stored in project as such.
To get an idea, have a look at, on the 2nd picture. It might look a bit different now, but you should get the idea.

Build a installation wrapper for my application

SO I have a application that is a simple installer that use a flag at the end of it like so:
My goal is to build a install wrapper for it so I don't always have to open a command prompt to run it. I want to be able to just double click to run it.
I'm not exactly sure where to go from here and what to use. Someone told me C# would be there best one to use but maybe there is a easier way?
