Ruby Nokogiri - How to prevent Nokogiri from printing HTML character entities - ruby

I have a html which I am parsing using Nokogiri and then generating a html out of this like this
h_doc = Nokogiri::HTML(htmltext)
/////Modifying h_doc//////////, 'w+') do |file|
Question is how to prevent NOkogiri from printing HTML character entities (< >, & ) in the final generated html file.
Instead of HTML character entities (< > & ) I want to print actual character (< ,> etc).
As an example it is printing the html like
<title><%= ("/emailclient=sometext") %></title>
and I want it to output like this
<title><%= ("/emailclient=sometext")%></title>

So... you want Nokogiri to output incorrect or invalid XML/HTML?
Best suggestion I have, replace those sequences with something else beforehand, cut it up with Nokogiri, then replace them back. Your input is not XML/HTML, there is no point expecting Nokogiri to know how to handle it correctly. Because look:
<div>To write "&", you need to write "&amp;".</div>
This renders:
To write "&", you need to write "&".
If you had your way, you'd get this HTML:
<div>To write "&", you need to write "&".</div>
which would render as:
To write "&", you need to write "&".
Even worse in this scenario, say, in XHTML:
<div>Use the <script> tag for JavaScript</div>
if you replace the entities, you get undisplayable file, due to unclosed <script> tag:
<div>Use the <script> tag for JavaScript</div>
EDIT I still think you're trying to get Nokogiri to do something it is not designed to do: handle template HTML. I'd rather assume that your documents normally don't contain those sequences, and post-correct them:
doc.traverse do |node|
if node.text?
node.content = node.content.gsub(/^(\s*)(\S.+?)(\s*)$/,
"\\1<%= \\2 %>\\3")
puts doc.to_html.gsub('<%=', '<%=').gsub('%>', '%>')

You absolutely can prevent Nokogiri from transforming your entities. Its a built in function even, no voodoo or hacking needed. Be warned, I'm not a nokogiri guru and I've only got this to work when I'm actuing directly on a node inside document, but I'm sure a little digging can show you how to do it with a standalone node too.
When you create or load your document you need to include the NOENT option. Thats it. You're done, you can now add entities to your hearts content.
It is important to note that there are about half a dozen ways to call a doc with options, below is my personal favorite method.
require 'nokogiri'
noko_doc ='<my/doc/path>') { |f| Nokogiri.<XML_or_HTML>(f, &:noent)}
xpath = '<selector_for_element>'
noko_doc.at_<css_or_xpath>(xpath).set_attribute('I_can_now_safely_add_preformatted_entities!', '&&&&&')
puts noko_doc.at_xpath(xpath).attributes['I_can_now_safely_add_preformatted_entities!']
>>> &&&&&
As for as usefulness of this feature... I find it incredibly useful. There are plenty of cases where you are dealing with preformatted data that you do not control and it would be a serious pain to have to manage incoming entities just so nokogiri could put them back the way they were.


Nokogiri XML Parser with Bad Attribute Values

I can't find any good documentation on the difference between how Nokogiri (or by implication libxml) handles attribute values in XML vs. HTML. One of our projects was still using the now defunct Hpricot gem, mostly because of it's lax acceptance of attributes.
The crux of the problem seems to be that our XML input has both unquoted and missing attribute values. I'm not a spec lawyer, but I gather that most of the HTML variants allow these attribute patterns and XML does not.
If Nokogiri (or libxml) is going to be strict, shouldn't there be an option to make it less strict on attributes? If I could get the HTML parser not to strip the namespaces, I could maybe use that.
We can't be the only team that has XMLish formats that aren't exactly fish or fowl but something in between. If we could fix it at the source we might do that, but in the meantime we have to handle the format as it is.
This is my hack to fix the attributes before sending it to Nokogiri:
ATTR_RE = /[^\s=>]+\s*(?:=(?:[^\s'">]+|\s*"[^"]*"|\s*'[^']*'))?/mo
ELEMENT_RE = /(<\s*[:\w]+)((?:\s+#{ATTR_RE})*)(\s*>)/mo
data.gsub(ELEMENT_RE) do |m|
open, close = $1, $3
([open] +
$2.scan(ATTR_RE).map do |atr|
if atr =~ /=[ '"]/
elsif atr =~ /=/
) * ' ' + close

writing a short script to process markdown links and handling multiple scans

I'd like to process just links written in markdown. I've looked at redcarpet which I'd be ok with using but I really want to support just links and it doesn't look like you can use it that way. So I think I'm going to write a little method using regex but....
assuming I have something like this:
str="here is my thing [hope]( and after [hxxx]("
or if there is some way I could just gsub in place [hope]( -> <a href=''>hope</a>
How would I get an array of the matched phrases? I was thinking once I get an array, I could just do a replace on the original string. Are there better / easier ways of achieving the same result?
I would actually stick with redcarpet. It includes a StripDown render class that will eliminate any markdown markup (essentially, rendering markdown as plain text). You can subclass it to reactivate the link method:
require 'redcarpet'
require 'redcarpet/render_strip'
module Redcarpet
module Render
class LinksOnly < StripDown
def link(link, title, content)
str="here is my thing [hope]( and after [hxxx]("
md =
puts md.render(str)
# => here is my thing hope and ...
This has the added benefits of being able to easily implement a few additional tags (say, if you decide you want paragraph tags to be inserted for line breaks).
You could just do a replace.
Match this:
Replace with:
In Ruby it should be something like:
str.gsub(/\[([^[]\n]+)\]\(([^()[]\s"'<>]+)\)/, '\1')

How can I use Nokogiri to find specific text/words on a webpage?

I am new to nokogiri, but it looks like this would be the tool that I would use to scrape a webpage. I am looking for specific words on a webpage. The words are "Valid", "Requirements Met", and "Requirements Not". I am using watir to drive through the website. I currently have:
page = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(browser.html)
to get the html, but I am not sure where to go from here.
Thanks for the help!
If you are using Watir to drive the website, I would suggest using Watir to check for the text. You can get all the text on the page using:
ie.text #Where ie is a Watir::IE
You could then check to see if it has those words are included (by comparing to a regex):
if ie.text =~ /Valid|Requirements Met|Requirements Not/
#Do something if the words are on the page
That said, if you are looking for a specific bits of text, you can use Watir to look specifically for those elements (and avoid parsing text or html). If you can provide an HTML sample of what you are working on, we can help find a more robust solution.
I am not sure why you are using both. You could get the page using 'net/http' or mechanize if you just want to check for text. Anyways, you can check for text in watir with browser.text.match 'Valid', same for nokogiri with page.text.match 'Valid'.
You should also be able to use the .text method from Justin's answer along with the standard ruby string .include? method which returns true or false.
if browser.text.include? /Valid|Requirements Met|Requirements Not/
#code to execute if text found
#code to execute if text not found
This also makes it easy to have a single line validation step if that is what you are after
if using rspec/cucumber
browser.text.should include /Valid|Requirements Met|Requirements Not/
if using test:Unit
assert browser.text.include? /Valid|Requirements Met|Requirements Not/

What would be the best way to take a string of html, chop it up, and put each piece into an array?

I have a general idea of how I can do this, but can't pinpoint how exactly to get it done. I am sure it can be done with a regex of some sort. Wondering if anyone here can point me in the right direction.
If I have a string of html such as this
some_html = '<div><b>This is some BOLD text</b></div>'
I want to to divide it into logical pieces, and then put those pieces into an array so I end with a result like this
html_array = ["<div>", "<b>", "This is some BOLD text", "</b>","</div>" ]
Rather than use regex I'd use the nokogiri gem (a gem for parsing html written by Aaron Patterson - contributor to Rails and Ruby). Here's a sample of how to use it:
html_doc = Nokogiri::HTML("<html><body><h1>Mr. Belvedere Fan Club</h1></body></html>")
You can then call html_doc.children to get a nodeset and work your way from there
html_doc.children # returns a nodeset
Use an HTML parser, for instance, Nokogiri. Using SAX you can add tags/elements to the array as events are triggered.
It's not a good idea to try to regex HTML, unless you're planning to treat only a small determined subset of it.
some_html.split(/(<[^>]*>)/).reject{|x| '' == x}

How to tidy up malformed xml in ruby

I'm having issues tidying up malformed XML code I'm getting back from the SEC's edgar database.
For some reason they have horribly formed xml. Tags that contain any sort of string aren't closed and it can actually contain other xml or html documents inside other tags. Normally I'd had this off to Tidy but that isn't being maintained.
I've tried using Nokogiri::XML::SAX::Parser but that seems to choke because the tags aren't closed. It seems to work alright until it hits the first ending tag and then it doesn't fire off on any more of them. But it is spiting out the right characters.
class Filing < Nokogiri::XML::SAX::Document
def start_element name, attrs = []
puts "starting: #{name}"
def characters str
puts "chars: #{str}"
def end_element name
puts "ending: #{name}"
It seems like this would be the best option because I can simply have it ignore the other xml or html doc. Also it would make the most sense because some of these documents can get quite large so storing the whole dom in memory would probably not work.
Here are some example files: 1 2 3
I'm starting to think I'll just have to write my own custom parser
Nokogiri's normal DOM mode is able to automatically fix-up the XML so it is syntactically correct, or a reasonable facsimile of that. It sometimes gets confused and will shift closing tags around, but you can preprocess the file to give it a nudge in the right direction if need be.
I saved the XML #1 out to a document and loaded it:
require 'nokogiri'
doc = '''./test.xml') do |fi|
doc = Nokogiri::XML(fi)
puts doc.to_xml
After parsing, you can check the Nokogiri::XML::Document instance's errors method to see what errors were generated, for perverse pleasure.
If using Nokogiri's DOM model isn't good enough, have you considered using XMLLint to preprocess and clean the data, emitting clean XML so the SAX will work? Its --recover option might be of use.
xmllint --recover test.xml
It will output errors on stderr, and the code on stdout, so you can pipe it easily to another file.
As for writing your own parser... why? You have other options available to you, and reinventing a nicely implemented wheel is not a good use of time.
