GraniteDS websockets, same endpoint for Flex and JS - websocket

GraniteDS 3.1.0RC1 supports Websocket JSR 356 specification. Does it mean I can use the same endpoint for Flex client and Javascript client?
I didn't find websocket demo in the GraniteDS tutorial :(

GraniteDS implements an AMF-based messaging protocol on top of websockets.
It's not really possible nor useful to use a JS client with this same endpoint as it would not be able to communicate with Flex clients.
As for a demo/tutorial, you can have a look at this.


Create documentation for websocket

What can I use to create api documentation for websocket server?
We use swagger for REST API, but I not find support for websockets
you can use postman or swagger-websocket to generate documentation

STOMP Client for Quarkus Websockets

Has anyone found a STOMP client implementation that works with Quarkus Native via web sockets?
I am using Quarkus 2.7.5.Final including io.quarkus:quarkus-websockets-client

Does Spring webflux supports or sockJs

Following spring webflux documentation
I couldnt but notice that every single example is based on pure websocket.
Does spring webflux supports such browser client libraries such as or sockjs?
The Spring Framework team is not considering this feature right now in WebFlux. Because of the back-pressure support in reactive streams, the team is considering protocols that would leverage that information.
For example, rsocket support would fit that space and much more. See SPR-16751

Does vert.x support websocket using stomp over sockjs like Spring4?

Does vert.x support websocket using stomp over sockjs like Spring4?
Spring4 websocket support stomp over sockjs, but I don't found in Vert.x document about stomp over sockjs, only stomp with websocket:
As of Vert.x 3.5.1 it is not supported. Can you please file a feature request in the vertx-stomp project? Thanks

Websocket support in a web application

I want to develop a web application using websocket.
I have found two solutions for this task:
Using Spring websocket (included in Spring 4) - I am already familiarized with Spring
Using Atmosphere framework - I've read the docs, it seems to be a mature framework.
I want from the websocket framework to provide a fallback-support in case when the
browser isn't HTML5 compliant, also, I need a client-library for android.
I see that Atmosphere provides support for Socket.IO library, which I want to use on
browser client side. I see that Spring websocket provides only SockJS support over STOMP.
Can I use the same library, Socket.IO, in Spring websocket?
Do you recommend me to use Atmosphere + Spring (for building the RESTFul API) in the same
Thank you
I would suggest going for the WebSocket support in Spring. If you are already using Spring, this will give you a similar programming model plus all these features:
Fallback options with SockJS
Subprotocol support with STOMP
Integration with full blown STOMP broker (like RabbitMQ)
HttpSession and WebSocket Session sync (using Spring Session)
WebSocket security (in the upcoming Spring Security 4)
SockJS Java client (for application to application communication and performance testing, haven't tried it on Android yet but might work)
Runtime Monitoring
Active community with fast response times to requests
The WebSocket support has been around since Spring 4, tested and refined for over a year now. A production ready solution which I'm using in my projects.
