(WebGL) Rendering triangles that are slightly different thru a single VBO - opengl-es

I've stepped away from my personal R&D with WebGL and im trying to get back into the groove.
First let me make this clear, I first stepped away from this because I became very frustrated with trying to draw objects via a single render call. In short, I did not know how to do this from the shader perspective. So here I am now, trying to tackle this again.
My situation/scenario is simple. I have many objects (i.e. cubes) which I want to render in a single render call. I know I need to send this to the GPU via a single VBO. Each cube is the same set of vertices, but they can have different transformations as well as different colors.
Where/how can a non-engine programmer like me understand the vertex shader well enough to write one myself, so that the shader can draw all objects from a single VBO?
Right now I'm not sure how a vertex shader can understand which object it is "working" on (the VBO is a contiguous memory allocation for all of my cube objects). How does such a shader look like?
I sincerely hope this is clear and precise and that this question(s) is reviewed as valuable to this community.


InstancedBufferGeometry negative scale issue

I have InstancedBufferGeometry working in my scene. However, some of the instances are mirrors of the source, hence they have a negative scale to represent the geometry.
This flips the winding order of those instances and look wrong due to Back Face Culling (which I want to keep).
I'm fully aware of the limitations within this approach, but I was wondering if there was a way to tackle this that I may have not come across yet? Maybe some trick in the shader to specify which ones are front face and which are back face? I don't recall this being possible though...
Or should I be doing two separate loads? (Which will duplicate the draw calls)
I'm loading a lot of different geometries (which are all instanced) so trying to make sure I get the best performance possible.
[EDIT: Added a little more detail]
It would help if you provide an example. As far as I can understand your question, simple answer is - no, you can't do that.
As far as i'm aware, primitives are rejected before they get to the shader, meaning that it's not in your control. If you want to use negative scaling, and make sure that surfaces are still visible - enable rendering of both faces (Front and Back).
Alternatively, you might be okay with simply rotating objects and sticking to positive scale - if you have to have mirroring - you're out of luck here.
One more idea: have 2 instanced objects, one with normal geometry and one with mirrored, you can fix up normals in the mirrored geometry.

Is there a way to create simple animations "on the fly" in modern OpenGL?

I think this requires a bit of background information:
I have been modding Minecraft for a while now, but I alway wanted to make my own game, so I started digging into the freshly released LWJGL3 to actually get things done. Yes, I know it's a bit ow level and I should use an engine and stuff...indeed, I already tried some engines and they never quite match what I want to do, so I decided I want to tackle the problem at its root.
So far, I kind of understand how to render meshes, move the "camera", etc. and I'm willing to take the learning curve.
But the thing is, at some point all the tutorials start to explain how to load models and create skeletal animations and so on...but I think I do not really want to go that way. A lot of things in working with Minecraft code was awful, but I liked how I could create models and animations from Java code. Sure, it did not look super realistic, but since I'm not great with Blender either, I doubt having "classic" models and animations would help. Anyway, in that code, I could rotate a box around to make a creature look at a player, I could use a sinus function to move legs and arms (or wings, in my case) and that was working, since Minecraft used immediate mode and Java could directly tell the graphics card where to draw each vertex.
So, actual question(s): Is there any good way to make dynamic animations in modern (3.3+) OpenGL? My models would basically be a hierarchy of shapes (boxes or whatever) and I want to be able to rotate them on the fly. But I'm not sure how to organize that. Would I store all the translation/rotation-matrices for each sub-shape? Would that put a hard limit on the amount of sub-shapes a model could have? Did anyone try something like that?
Edit: For clarification, what I did looked something like this:
Create a model: https://github.com/TheOnlySilverClaw/Birdmod/blob/master/src/main/java/silverclaw/birds/client/model/ModelOstrich.java
The model is created as a bunch of boxes in the constructor, the render and setRotationAngles methods set scale and rotations.
You should follow one opengl tutorial in order to understand the basics.
Let me suggest "Learning Modern 3D Graphics Programming", and especially this chapter, where you move one robot arm with multiple joints.
I did a port in java using jogl here, but you can easily port it over lwjgl.
What you are looking for is exactly skeletal animation, the only difference being the fact you do not want to load animations for your bones but want to compute / generate transforms on the fly.
You basically have a hierarchy of bones, and geometry attached to it. It looks like you want to manipulate this geometry "rigidly", so before sending your meshes / transforms to the GPU (the classic way), you want to start by computing the new transforms in model or world space, then send those freshly computed matrices to draw your geometries on the gpu the standard way.
As Sorin said, to compute each transform you simply have to iterate over your hierarchy and accumulate transforms given the transform of the parent bone and your local transform w.r.t the parent.
Yes and no.
You can have your hierarchy of shapes and store a relative transform for each.
For example the "player" whould have a translation to 100,100, 10 (where the player is), and then the "head" subcomponent would have an additional translation of 0,0,5 (just a bit higher on the z axis).
You can store these as matrices (they can encode translation, roation and scaling) and use glPushMatrix and glPop matrix to add and remove a matrix to a stack maintained by openGL.
The draw() function(or whatever you call it) should look something like :
glMultMatrix(my_transform); // You can also just have glTranslate, glRotate or anything else.
// Draw my mesh
for (child : children) { child.draw(); }
This gives you a hierarchical setup so that objects move with their parent. Alternatively you can have a stack in the main memory and do the multiplications yourself (use a library). I think the openGL stack may have a limit (implementation dependent), but if you handle it yourself the only limit is the amount of ram you can use. Once all the matrices are multiplied rendering is done in the same amount of time, that is it doesn't matter for performance how deep a mesh is in the hierarchy.
For actual animations you need to compute the intermediate transformations. For example for a crouch animation you probably want to have a few frames in between so that the camera doesn't just jump to the low position. You can do this with a time based linear interpolation between the start and end positions, but this only covers simple animations and you still have to implement it yourself.
Anything more complicated (i.e. modify the mesh based on the bone links) you would need to implement yourself.

What is the best approach for making large number of 2d rectangles using Three.js

Three.JS noob here trying to do 2d visualization.
I used d3.js to make an interactive visualization involving thousands of nodes (rectangle shaped). Needless to say there were performance issues during animation because Browsers have to create an svg DOM element for every one of those 10 thousand nodes.
I wish to recreate the same visualization using WebGl in order to leverage hardware acceleration.
Now ThreeJS is a library which I have choosen because of its popularity (btw, I did look at PixiJS and its api didn't appeal to me). I am wanting to know what is the best approach to do 2d graphics in three.js.
I tried creating one PlaneGeometry for every rectangle. But it seems that 10 thousand Plane geometries are not the say to go (animation becomes super duper slow).
I am probably missing something. I just need to know what is the best primitive way to create 2d rectangles and still identify them uniquely so that I can interact with them once drawn.
Thanks for any help.
EDIT: Would you guys suggest to use another library by any chance?
I think you're on the right track with looking at WebGL, but depending on what you're doing in your visualization you might need to get closer to the metal than "out of the box" threejs.
I recommend taking a look at GLSL and taking a look at how you can implement your visualization using vertex and fragment shaders. You can still use threejs for a lot of the WebGL plumbing.
The reason you'll probably need to get directly into GLSL shader work is because you want to take most of the poly manipulation logic out of javascript, at least as much as is possible. Any time you ask js to do a tight loop over tens of thousands of polys to update position, etc... you are going to struggle with CPU usage.
It is going to be much more performant to have js pass in data parameters to your shaders and let the vertex manipulation happen there.
Take a look here: http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/webgl/shaders/ for a nice shader tutorial.

What are the non-trivial use-cases of attributes in WebGL/OpenGL in general?

I'm making a WebGL game and eventually came up with a pretty convenient concept of object templates, when the game objects of the same kind (say, characters of the same race) are using the same template (which means: buffers, attributes and shader program), and are instanced from that template by specifying a set of uniforms (which are, in fact, the most common difference between the same-kind objects: model matrix, textures, bones positions, etc). For making independent objects with their own deep-copy of buffers, I just deep-copy and re-initialize the original template and start instantiating new objects from it.
But after that I started having doubts. Say, if I start using morphing on objects, by explicit editing of the vertices, this approach will require me to make a separate template for every object of such kind (otherwise, they would start morphing in exactly the same phase). Which is probably fine for this very case, 'cause I'll most likely need to recalculate normals and even texture coordinates, which means – most of the buffers.
But what if I'm missing some very common case of using attributes, say, blood decals, which will require me to update only a small piece of the buffer? In that case, it would be much more reasonable to have two buffers for each object: a common one that is shared by them all and the one for blood decals, which is unique for every single of them. And, as blood is usually spilled on everything, this sounds pretty reasonable, so that we would save a lot of space by storing vertices, normals and such without their unnecessary duplication.
I haven't tried implementing decals yet, so honestly not even sure if implementing them using vertex painting (textured or not) is the right choice. But I'm also pretty sure there are some commonly used attributes aside from vertices, normals and texture coordinates.
Here are some that I managed to come up with myself:
decals (probably better to be modelled as separate objects?)
bullet holes and such (same as decals maybe?)
Any thoughts?
UPD: as all this might sound confusing, I want to clarify: I do understand that using as few buffers as possible is a good thing, this is exactly why I'm trying to use this templates concept. My question is: what are the possible cases when using a single buffer and a single element buffer (with both of them shared between similar objects) for a template is going to stab me in the back?
Keeping a giant chunk of data that won't change on the card is incredibly useful for saving bandwidth. Additionally, you probably won't be directly changing the vertices positions once they are on the card. Instead you will probably morph them with passed in uniforms in the Vertex shader through Skeletal animation. Read about it here: Skeletal Animation
Do keep in mind though, that in Key frame animation with meshes, you would keep a bunch of buffers on the card each in a different key frame pose of the animation. However, you would then load whatever two key frames you want to interpolate over in as attributes and then blend between them (You can have more than two). Keyframe Animation
Additionally, with the introduction of Transformation Feedback, (No you don't get to use it in WebGL, it became core in OpenGL 3.0, WebGL is based on OpenGL ES 2.0, which is based on OpenGL 2.0) you can start keeping calculated data GPU side. In other words, you can do a giant particle system simulation in the vertex or geometry shader and then store the calculated data into another buffer, then use that buffer in the next frame without having to have a round trip from the GPU to CPU Read about them here: Transform Feedback and here: Transform Feedback how to
In general, you don't want to touch buffers once they are on the card, especially every frame. Instead load several and use pointers to that data in shaders as attributes.

Sharing VBOs across multiple mesh objects

I'm working on a very small game engine that uses OpenGL ES 2.0. I'm having a bit of a design issue with integrating VBOs into my Mesh Class.
The problem is that I don't want to instantiate a new VBO for each mesh, and I want the VBO size to be determined by the number of meshes I load into it (not just a fixed size of 2MB or something).
Since there's no realloc function for VBOs, I need to batch load all my vertex data at once. This is ok, since I only have 4 or 5 small meshes. So I created a MeshList class.
I call MeshList.AddMesh(Mesh mesh) and it aggregates the vertex/index data of the mesh object and returns the offsets into the array of vertex data/index data back to the mesh that was added. This way the mesh knows where it is in the VBO (but not which VBO it's in).
However, none of the MeshList data is uploaded into a VBO until I call MeshList.BindToVBO(). But now, none of my meshes know which VBO they're in. So I was thinking of creating an array of pointers in MeshList that point to integer member variables in each Mesh class that would hold the VBO Handle. This way, when BindToVBO() is called, it iterates over the pointer array and updates the VBO Handles in the mesh objects.
I figured, this way it gives me the flexibility of having different mesh objects in different VBOs or all in one VBO. The only concern I have is whether or not this is a good design.
It's not clear to someone glancing at the code that MeshList.BindToVBO() is updating a whole bunch of mesh objects. I mean, MeshList does interact with all of the Mesh objects prior to the BindToVBO() call, but there's nothing explicitly saying that by passing a Mesh object to MeshList.AddMesh(), it's essentially subscribing it's VBOHandle members to updates at some point in the future.
I've tried to make this as clear as I can. Let me know if something needs clarification.
Honestly to me sounds like a lot of trouble for a dubious payoff. Do you have a reason to believe that putting multiple meshes in the same buffer is going to make a noticeable in your performance?
It sounds like premature optimization to me.
Sure, if you have a particle system with 50,000 particles I could see wanting that to be in a shared buffer, but in general I don't know if there's a benefit to storing two arbitrary meshes in the same buffer. It just sounds like a huge potential for bugs and headaches.
