My project has a group with a few hundred files (organized into a couple dozen subgroups two levels deep). The files in that group are themselves being changed reasonably often. I want those files to be included in some targets, but not others.
In Xcode 3.x, after each change to the group, I would just Get Info on the group itself, go to the Targets tab, and (re-)select the targets I wanted. (This was, in fact, the answer to a nearly-identical question from 2010, Xcode — groups and targets.)
In Xcode 5, the equivalent File Inspector panel doesn't have a Target Membership section if you have a group selected (and, even if selecting a group were the same as selecting all of its files, the Target Membership checkboxes are disabled if you select more than one file).
So, is this functionality still there, but hidden somewhere I haven't been able to find it?
If not, obviously there are other ways I can do what I want—script Xcode, parse the .pbxproj file, or abstract the group into a subproject or an entirely separate project that builds a static lib, etc. But I'd love to be able to work with Xcode here, the way I did in 3.x, instead of have to fight against it.
Actually, scripting Xcode doesn't seem to work. Any attempt to get the build files of a build phase fails with a generic -10000 error. For example:
tell application "Xcode"
set theproject to project "SampleProject"
set thetarget to target "SampleTarget" of theproject
set thephase to build phase "Compile Sources" of thetarget
build files of phase
end tell
… fails on the last line with:
error "Xcode got an error: AppleEvent handler failed." number -10000
Here's the hack I ended up using—I'd obviously still appreciate a better solution.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import plistlib
import sys
pbxproj = os.path.join(sys.argv[1], 'project.pbxproj')
groupname = sys.argv[2]
extensions = 'm mm c cc cpp'.split()
with open(pbxproj, 'rb') as f:
p = plistlib.load(f)
objs = p['objects']
groupid, group = next((k, v) for k, v in objs.items()
if v.get('path') == groupname)
def descendants(id):
obj = objs[id]
if obj['isa'] == 'PBXFileReference':
yield (id, obj)
for child in obj.get('children', []):
yield from descendants(child)
mdict = {id: obj for id, obj in descendants(group_id)
if os.path.splitext(obj['path'])[-1] in extensions}
proj_id, proj = next((k, v) for k, v in objs.items()
if v['isa'] == 'PBXProject')
for target_id in proj['targets']:
target = objs[target_id]
phase_ids = target['buildPhases']
phases = [(phase_id, objs[phase_id]) for phase_id in phase_ids]
phase_id, phase = next((phase_id, phase)
for phase_id, phase in phases
if phase['isa'] == 'PBXSourcesBuildPhase')
fileref_ids = [i
for i, buildfile_id in enumerate(phase['files'])
if objs[buildfile_id]['fileRef'] in mdict]
for i in fileref_ids:
del phase['files'][i]
with open(pbxproj + '.new', 'wb') as f:
plistlib.dump(p, f)
os.rename(pbxproj, pbxproj + '.bak')
os.rename(pbxproj + '.new', pbxproj)
configfile: "config.yaml"
DATA = config['DATA_DIR']
BIN = config['BIN']
JASPAR = config['DATA_DIR']
# JASPAR = "{0}/JASPAR2020".format(DATA)
JASPARS, ASSEMBLIES, BATCHES, TFS, BEDS = glob_wildcards(os.path.join(DATA, "{jaspar}", "{assembly}", "TFs", "{batch}", "{tf}", "{bed}.bed"))
rule all:
expand (os.path.join(RESULTS, "{jaspar}", "{assembly}", "LOLA_dbs", "JASPAR2020_LOLA_{batch}.RDS"), jaspar = JASPARS, assembly = ASSEMBLIES, batch = BATCHES)
rule createdb:
files = expand(os.path.join(RESULTS, "{jaspar}", "{assembly}", "data", "{batch}", "{tf}", "regions", "{bed}.bed"), zip, jaspar = JASPARS, assembly = ASSEMBLIES, batch = BATCHES, tf = TFS, bed = BEDS)
os.path.join(RESULTS, "{jaspar}", "{assembly}", "LOLA_dbs", "JASPAR2020_LOLA_{batch}.RDS")
R --vanilla --slave --silent -f {BIN}/create_lola_db.R \
--args {RESULTS}/{wildcards.jaspar}/{wildcards.assembly}/data/{wildcards.batch} \
Why my snakemake program is not considering "createdb" rule. It is only considering "all". Can someone please help me with this?
"snakemake only runs the first rule in a Snakefile, by default." - SOURCE
If that first rule's input isn't clearly linked to createdb, it's not going to know to run createdb. Because the only rule it wants to run would have to depend on createdb.
I suspect your problem is the input to your rule createdb shouldn't have expand() used for all the wildcards already handled by rule all, just bed?. See here.
Also other avenues to consider for debugging is investigating what you unpacked glob_wildcards() to and what files is.
We have a large project that has multiple separate declarative pipeline file definitions. This is used to build different apps and installers from the single code base.
Right now, all of these files contain a large block of "code" used to generate the email body and JIRA update messages. examples:
// Get a JIRA's to add Comments to
// Return map of JIRA id to comment text from all commits for that JIRA
def getJiraMap() {
a bunch of stuff
return jiraset
// Get the body text for the emails
def getMailBody1() {
return "See: ${BUILD_URL}\n\nChanges:\n" + getChangeString() + "\n" + testStatuses()
What I would like to do is have all these common methods in a separate file that all the other pipeline files can include. This seems like it SHOULD be easy, but all examples I've found appear to be rather complex involving a separate SCM - which is NOT what I want.
Going through the various suggestions given in that link, I make the following file - BuildTools.groovy: Note that this file is in the same directory as the jenkins pipeline file that uses it.
import hudson.tasks.test.AbstractTestResultAction
import hudson.model.Actionable
Class BuildTools {
// Get a JIRA's to add Comments to
// Return map of JIRA id to comment text from all commits for that JIRA
def getJiraMap() {
def jiraset = [:]
.. whole bunch of stuff ..
Here are the various things I've tried, and the results.
File sourceFile = new File("./AutomatedBuild/BuildTools.groovy");
Class gcl = new GroovyClassLoader(getClass().getClassLoader()).parseClass(sourceFile);
GroovyObject bt = (GroovyObject) gcl.newInstance();
Fails with:
org.jenkinsci.plugins.scriptsecurity.sandbox.RejectedAccessException: Scripts not permitted to use method java.lang.Class getClassLoader
evaluate(new File("./AutomatedBuild/BuildTools.groovy"))
def bt = new BuildTools()
Fails with:
15:29:07 WorkflowScript: 8: unable to resolve class BuildTools
15:29:07 # line 8, column 10.
15:29:07 def bt = new BuildTools()
15:29:07 ^
import BuildTools
def bt = new BuildTools()
Fails with:
15:35:58 WorkflowScript: 16: unable to resolve class BuildTools (note that BuildTools.groovy is in the same folder as this script)
15:35:58 # line 16, column 1.
15:35:58 import BuildTools
15:35:58 ^
GroovyShell shell = new GroovyShell()
def bt = shell.parse(new File("./AutomatedBuild/BuildTools.groovy"))
Fails with:
org.jenkinsci.plugins.scriptsecurity.sandbox.RejectedAccessException: Scripts not permitted to use new groovy.lang.GroovyShell
I'm trying to add a simple line in fstab within
the final rootfs that Yocto builds.
My first approach was to add my own fstab in my layer meta-mylayer/recipes-core/base-files/base-files/fstab and the proper meta-mylayer/recipes-core/base-files/base-files/base-files_%.bbappend which only have the following line:
And it works, but as the title of my question says, i want to modify fstab based on the recipe-image i want to build i.e. dev-image & prod-image.
After some investigation i think i have 2 options
Modify fstab within the recipe image, extending the do_install task...
DESCRIPTION = "Development Image"
inherit core-image
do_install_append () {
echo "======= Modifying fstab ========"
cat >> ${D}${sysconfdir}/fstab <<EOF
# The line i want to Add
Problem is that i'm actually not seeing my modified line in my final /etc/fstab and bitbake is not showing any build error or warning about this, actually, i'm not even able to see the echo-trace i put.
My second attempt was to handle these modifications with packages and depending on the recipe-image i will be able to add the package for *-dev or *-prod. This idea was taken from Oleksandr Poznyak in this answer in summary he suggest the following:
1) Create *.bbappend recipe base-files_%s.bbappend in your layer. It
appends to poky "base-files" recipe.
2) Create your own "python do_package_prepend" function where you should
make your recipe produce two different packages
3) Add them to DEPENDS in your image recipe
And based on his example i made my own recipe:
SRC_URI += "file://fstab-dev \
file://fstab-prod \
PACKAGES += " ${PN}-dev ${PN}-prod"
pkg_preinst_${PN}-dev = "${pkg_preinst_${PN}}"
pkg_preinst_${PN}-prod = "${pkg_preinst_${PN}}"
RREPLACES_${PN}-dev = "${PN}"
RPROVIDES_${PN}-dev = "${PN}"
RCONFLICTS_${PN}-dev = "${PN}"
RREPLACES_${PN}-prod = "${PN}"
RPROVIDES_${PN}-prod = "${PN}"
RCONFLICTS_${PN}-prod = "${PN}"
python populate_packages_prepend() {
import shutil
packages = ("${PN}-dev", "${PN}-prod")
for package in packages:
# copy ${PN} content to packages
shutil.copytree("${PKGD}", "${PKGDEST}/%s" % package, symlinks=True)
# replace fstab
if package == "${PN}-dev":
shutil.copy("${WORKDIR}/fstab-dev", "${PKGDEST}/${PN}-dev/etc/fstab")
shutil.copy("${WORKDIR}/fstab-prod", "${PKGDEST}/${PN}-prod/etc/fstab")
And in my recipe-image( i added base-files-dev packet
DESCRIPTION = "Development Image"
inherit core-image
base-files-dev \
Problem with this, is that i'm not familiarized with phyton indentation so probably i'm messing things up, the error log shows as follows.
DEBUG: Executing python function populate_packages
ERROR: Error executing a python function in exec_python_func() autogenerated:
The stack trace of python calls that resulted in this exception/failure was:
File: 'exec_python_func() autogenerated', lineno: 2, function: <module>
*** 0002:populate_packages(d)
File: '/home/build/share/build_2/../sources/poky/meta/classes/package.bbclass', lineno: 1138, function: populate_packages
1135: workdir = d.getVar('WORKDIR')
1136: outdir = d.getVar('DEPLOY_DIR')
1137: dvar = d.getVar('PKGD')
*** 1138: packages = d.getVar('PACKAGES').split()
1139: pn = d.getVar('PN')
1141: bb.utils.mkdirhier(outdir)
1142: os.chdir(dvar)
File: '/usr/lib/python3.6/', lineno: 315, function: copytree
0311: destination path as arguments. By default, copy2() is used, but any
0312: function that supports the same signature (like copy()) can be used.
0314: """
*** 0315: names = os.listdir(src)
0316: if ignore is not None:
0317: ignored_names = ignore(src, names)
0318: else:
0319: ignored_names = set()
Exception: FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '${PKGD}'
DEBUG: Python function populate_packages finished
DEBUG: Python function do_package finished
I will really appreciate any clue or sort of direction, i'm not an Yocto expert so maybe the options that i suggest are not the most elegant and probably there is a better way to do it, so be free to give me any recommendation.
Thank you very much.
As always, i was not the only one trying this, the way that i make it work was thanks this answer the only inconvenience with this is that you need to rm what you want to install through a .bbappend but for now is fine for me.
I also tried to do the same with bbclasses, which for me, it is a more elegant wayto do it, but i failed... i got the following error
ERROR: base-files-dev-3.0.14-r89 do_packagedata: The recipe base-files-dev is trying to install files into a shared area when those files already exist. Those files and their manifest location are:
I tried to rm fstab within the .bbappend but the same error is showed
Maybe somebody will share what i'm doing wrong...
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Your recipe which base on Oleksandr doesn't work due to dropped support for variables expansion in newer Poky.
Error explicit says:
Exception: FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '${PKGD}'
It didn't expand the variable.
This is not a proper answer to Your question but SO blocks comments.
I'm trying to use erl_lint() to build a simple Erlang syntax and style checker. I've gotten far enough to load the file and parse it into Forms and to get erl_lint to partially understand it, but then erl_lint complains about undefined functions that are defined. What am I doing wrong?
erlint.erl :
% based on
lint(File) ->
{ok, B} = file:read_file(File),
Forms = scan(erl_scan:tokens([],binary_to_list(B),1),[]),
F = fun(X) -> {ok,Y} = erl_parse:parse_form(X), Y end,
erl_lint:module([F(X) || X <- Forms],File).
scan({done,{ok,T,N},S},Res) ->
scan(_,Res) ->
hello.erl :
hello_world() -> io:fwrite("hello, world\n").
attempt to use :
1> c(erlint).
2> erlint:lint("hello.erl").
I'm not sure this approach fits with your overall plan, but you could instead compile the input file, extract its abstract forms from the resulting beam, and pass them to erl_lint:
lint(File) ->
{ok,_,Bin} = compile:file(File,[debug_info,binary]),
{ok,{_,[{abstract_code,{_,AC}}]}} = beam_lib:chunks(Bin,[abstract_code]),
Let's change your hello.erl to include an unused variable:
hello_world() ->
X = io:fwrite("hello, world\n").
We see that this version of erlint:lint/1 correctly reports it:
1> erlint:lint("hello.erl").
If you need them for your overall purposes, note that you can retrieve source code forms from the abstract forms variable AC by calling erl_syntax:form_list(AC).
I have the following folder structure under build folder (which you get during a Gradle build):
How can I tell Gradle to show me the following:
Print only the top level / direct child folders (only) in folder "CDROM"
i.e. it should print only disk1, disk2, disk3 and folder1
Print only the top level / direct child folders (only) which has a pattern of disk[0-9] i.e. diskX where X is a number.
i.e. it should print only disk1, disk2 and disk3
The following will do it, but I think there should be an efficient way to achieve the same and where one can define patterns and DON'T have to use "IF" statements that I have used below.
FileTree dirs = fileTree (dir: "$buildDir/CDROM", include: "disk*/**")
dirs.visit { FileVisitDetails fd ->
if ( &&'disk')){
println "------ $buildDir/CDROM_Installers/${} ---------------"
By top level if you mean only direct children of CDROM then this should be as easy as:
new File("${buildDir}/CDROM").eachDir{ if( ==~/disk.*/) println it}
If you want more control on depth and other things, then you can try variations of following code:
new File("${buildDir}/CDROM").traverse( [maxDepth: 2, filter: ~/.*disk\d/,
println it // or do whatever
see traverse for more details.