How to save Xcode Window Layout and Size - xcode

I've got my workspace windows set up like this:
Then I Navigate away from my story board to replace the left window with some code so i Can compare two code documents like this:
When I navigate back to my storyboard, it resets the document outline column to this:
How the frak do I configure window sizing presets? Coming from an Adobe background I'm used to having a preference somewhere that allows me to save interface layouts and sizing presets. The closest thing I can find is "behaviors", but this doesn't seem to control the sizing of columns and windows.

Seems like the best way to handle this is by using "Tabs"
I found this very helpful blog post.


Reduce helper window size

I know this is a really trivial question but I'm struggling. Whenever I type something like
my screen looks like this. I want to be able to see my code still but I don't know how to move it back.
So I can't see my code and I don't know how to move the window to be smaller again.
You can modify the windows size with ctrl+shift+number with various result based on the number you use. (see shortcuts)
Otherwise, under the Project none on the top right corner of the picture you provide, there is 2 rectangles which allow to reduce partly the current windows inside Rstudio.
Lastly, there are many options in the view panel or in Tools > Global options > Pane layout

Xcode-like Navigator control

What type of control is this? Some sort of Segment control but without borders? It works like a menu in that you can mouse down and drag... it will highlight as you drag and pick the one you release on.
How can I do something similar?
The big difference I need is to allow multiple selection which will show different sets of details in the area below it. I can do this with a series of NSButtons, but don't get the drag-over "menu" effect.
In the past, I have come across two example of implementation of Xcode-like inspector views:
Some time has passed, so they seem to me more the style of Xcode 4, but they should be ready to adapt to the new appearance.

CPropertySheet: How to get the child page from OnDrawItem

I've added some code as found here Big problems with MFC/WinAPI to colour tab titles the same as the reset of the dialog, which works, but unfortunately all the tabs end up with the same name. This doesn't surprise me all that much as GetCurSel() is used to grab the text to use, and only one tab can currently be selected, but I'm struggling to see how you access the correct tab index from OnDrawItem().
I've googled and had a look on MSDN but don't see how anything passed to OnDrawItem lets you know which tab is currently being drawn, rather all the examples I've seen assume you're only interested in the one currently selected. All I want to do is something along the lines of GetWindowText() on the child window and redraw with that. I'm also unsure of the parent/child/sibling relationship between the sheet, tab control and page - it depends who you listen to.
I should probably add that I'm also unsure why all the tabs are redrawn when I select one. I don't know if this is normal or something specific to this implementation (that's something I'm looking at, but like seemingly everything else in this code base it's multiply inherited several times over ...).
Cheers for any help.
Not to worry, I now realise lpDrawItemStruct->itemID holds the tab index so I can get a handle to the tab using that.

slide-in search box on windows phone (like in the bing maps app)

In the bing maps app on windows phone, when I click the search button I get a search box sliding in from the top of the screen, and the keyboard sliding in from the bottom. I want to achieve the same behaviour in my own windows phone app (based around a bing map control).
I will want a few drop-in boxes, such as for setting up a filter (which will need a few check boxes and text entry), and adding an item (which will require a text entry for the name, and ideally still allow the map in the main panel to be panned to fine-tune the location of the item).
I'm pretty sure the keyboard comes up automatically when a textbox gets focus, but I'm not sure what might be the best approach for dropping in the search box. It looks like it would need something with storyboards/animations/projections, but I haven't found a clear standard approach so far, and I want to make sure I do it the right way from the start (as I don't really have time to do it twice).
Is there a standard/best practice way to achieve the effect?
Yes, and you don't need a single line of code. You can express the whole animation using XAML. Get a text on Silverlight and read the chapters on animation with particular reference to storyboards and Easing.

chrome-like status bar in qt

I'm not big on creating GUI's, and generally my philosophy is: I don't create them, or I make them as simple as possible (and convince myself that it's better for usability :)
For my current project, I'm using Qt from Python (PyQt), and I want to start adding some GUI elements without cluttering the interface.
My idea is to create these elements as sort of floating-shaped-widgets that only appear when necessary; pretty much like the status bar (and find bar) in chrome.
Is there any standard api that enables creating this kind of interface?
This is not very complicated. If you want something like the status bar in Chrome you just need to have a QFrame at the bottom of your windows and show or hide it when you need it.
You have 2 options here, add is as part of your window layout so all the items move up when it is shown. Or you can have if floating, so it will be shown on top of the items. For the second option you need to create the QFrame with the window as parent and then in the window resizeEvent set the geometry of the frame.
This is an example of the second approach:
void MyWindow::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* event)
frame.setGeometry(0, this->height() - frame.sizeHint().height(), this->width(), frame.sizeHint().height());
I hope this helps.
