what is difference between spring framework and spring roo - spring

Can anyone clarify what are the differences between Spring Framework, Spring ROO, and Spring MVC ? I am really puzzled by these similar terms and cannot mangage find an answer.

It's really easy:
Spring Roo is a DEVELOPMENT-TIME tool, similar to Eclipse, IntelliJ, etc.
Spring Framework is a RUN-TIME framework.
Applications generated with Spring Roo at development time use Spring Framework at run time.
Hope this helps.

I do not want to be rude, but also from SO tags we know:
The Spring Framework is an open source framework for application development on the Java platform. At its core is rich support for component based architectures, and it currently has over a dozen highly integrated modules.
Based on the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern, Spring MVC helps you build web-based applications that are flexible and decoupled from the underlying view technologies.
Spring Roo is a lightweight tool aimed at developer productivity. Via an intuitive command line interface it supports operations such as Java web project creation, persistence configuration and view scaffolding. Roo creates a Java web project that uses the Spring framework, and leverage some best ...
My own brief description would be: Spring framework is the framework providing some functionalities for example dependency injection. Spring MVC is for creating web projects as you mentioned already. Finally Spring Roo is a tool, that helps you increase productivity, I'd say that instead of manual configuration changes you are using this tool.
Hopefully, this was not too brief...


I am developing a website I know bootstrap and learned spring I want to know what else can be done to make it better?

I want to know what spring dependencies should I use on my website to make the work easy and spring or spring boot which one is better. also, suggest some frontend technologies that I can use to make the website smart.
It's a very broad question. And it all depends on what features you want in your web site. Just listing few basic module to give you some hints.
Spring MVC - For web application with MVC Pattern
Spring Security - To secure your app
Spring ORM - If using any ORM tool like hibernate
You need to explore more on the basis of your need.
Spring Boot vs Spring:
You should use Spring Boot if you are starting new project. Spring Boot came to make development process easier when using Spring Framework. In Spring, developer had to write lots of code to configure beans and dependencies. Spring Boot automated this process so that you no longer do it by yourself but Spring Boot will take care of it. Plus it provides some extra tools (In built Web Server, in Memory DB, tool to monitor and manage Spring Boot App )
Try to create a simple web app in Spring and Spring Boot to understand the difference.
Front-end Technologies:
JavaScript based framework/lib like Angular,React,Vue etc. are the trend for front-end now a days. Again there are pros and cons of each of them. Hence you need to evaluate, what suits you better as per your requirement.

Spring MVC vs Java EE

So I'm about to learn Spring MVC. But what I don't understand is why should I use Spring MVC if I can implement the MVC pattern using a single servlet conroller and JSPs? What advantages does Spring MVC provide over simple java MVC pattern?
Actually yes, you can do it. Question is if you should do it. Spring MVC gives you better organization of your code.
Pure MVC Frameworks like Spring MVC are obsolete today. When combined with templating engines like Thymeleaf, it lacks functionality and developers usually reinvent JSF. For single-page apps based on some popular JS frameworks that need REST backend, JAX-RS is way cleaner and better than Spring MVC REST.
So no, today you don't need Spring MVC and can stick with pure Java EE. For simple, toy-like applications where servlets are enough, you don't really need it but it may be better to use it. For anything serious, MVC is outdated and Spring has nothing to offer.
Edit 2017: Spring offers JAX-RS integration. However, it has several pitfalls, for example Spring won't automatically register classes annotated with #Path for you. Details can be found in Dzone Article
The best way to realize that it's better to play with these technologies for yourself, if you want to try spring MVC I recommend you start with spring boot because you can create projects with more agility without configuring xml files
Spring Boot
Some Features
Create stand-alone Spring applications
Embed Tomcat, Jetty or Undertow directly (no need to deploy WAR files)
Provide opinionated 'starter' POMs to simplify your Maven configuration
Automatically configure Spring whenever possible
Provide production-ready features such as metrics, health checks and
externalized configuration
Absolutely no code generation and no requirement for XML configuration
One of the ideas applied in Spring (not invented by Spring) is
Do not reinvent a wheel.
Having a single controller is not a good idea I'd say - breaking separation of concerns principle.
You can learn more about MVC from Spring documentation.

Whats the difference between Spring and Spring MVC?

I know this is not a programmatic questions.
I am a n00b to this area coming from Java EE background and could not find the difference between the two online (may be I am not a good surfer)
Could someone please share the info?
Spring is a framework alternative to Java EE with three parts:
Dependency injection
Aspect oriented programming.
Libraries for web MVC, persistence, messaging, etc.
Spring MVC is for web MVC. It's one of the many libraries built into Spring. You can use other alternatives (e.g. Struts, SEAM, etc.) if you wish and still use Spring.
spring is enterprise framework designed to solve all your problems for enterprise applications. At present they call it as Spring IO, which can be found at spring.io website.
However, Spring MVC is a framework part of the whole stack available to solve the enterprise solutions. This is framework for writing web applications.

Can we use Spring MVC Framework and other components of Spring framework (like AOP) together?

I am new to Spring. Just having basic understanding of it.
I am curious to know, can we use Spring MVC Framework and other components of Spring framework (like AOP) together?
Briefly yes.
Spring could potentially be a one-stop shop for all your enterprise applications, however, Spring is modular, allowing you to pick and choose which modules are applicable to you, without having to bring in the rest. You can read details about modules available in Spring Framework.Here

Where is the MVC architecture when I use Spring Roo with GWT setup?

I'm pretty new to Spring framework but have been working with GWT for a while. Hoping to use Roo to learn Spring MVC + GWT. However, when I do gwt setup (Roo command), there's only client-side code generated with no server-side code (have persistence code though)..
I suggest you download the Spring Tool Suite (STS), which has a bunch of tutorials built into it, including Roo tutorials that walk you through all these basic steps. The tutorials actually walk you through creating Roo projects and getting everything set up in working projects and applications. The Suite is also full of Spring tools which make your life easier.
