Joomla virtuemart simple cart total in add fix price - joomla

I am using virtue-mart version 2.6.8 with joomla 2.5.22
I want to add additional cost on products and i need to add dorpdown box on product detail page like 700 and 1500 additional cost.
Price of product $10 and user will add 100 products and select from dropdown 700 then in cart its shows like:
10(price) * 100(quantity) = 1000 (cart total)
And 700 add on total amount of that product cost.
So final calculation should be 1000(cart total) + 700(add additional cost as per selecting dropdown extension) = 1700(we need this)
Note : Its for particular products of category.
please help me out here.

You could create a cart variant custom field (from custom fields menu) and add the fix price value there.
Virtuemart -> Custom Fields -> New -> Custom Field Type: Cart Variant / Cart Attribute: Yes
If you don't want to show this fixed price to the client you have to change with css the visibility of the field display:none;.


View in the cart the product's regular price plus the custom options selected for each product added

Is it possible to view inside a column in the cart, the regular price plus the custom options selected for each product added? (the cost should vary depending on the quantity of the product and the options selected)
Which code should I edit?
I guess you are trying to edit the row on the cart page. For that have a look on the default.phtml file in "template/checkout/cart/item/default.phtml".
Hope this will help.

Coupon code for Combo Pack in Magento Panel

I have a Magento shopping cart in which i want to apply coupon code for amount of subtotal >=2000, now i have applied this from Magento panel and it is working..
But when i select two combo pack products the coupon code doesn't work..
E.g. If i select products (single) with amount of subtotal which is >=2000 Rupees it is working...
secondly if i select one product (combo) and another single products which gives subtotal amount >=2000 Rupees it is working too...
But if i select two products which are combo packs worth rupees 1000 and 1200 the coupon code doesn't work .
Please let me know how to set this for all products irrespective of type (combo or single) which is having worth rupees >=2000 from Magento Panel.
Please help me out..
Krunal Panchal
whatever rule which u have created -> Edit -> Action Tab -> leave your second portion as it is default[ Apply the rule only to cart items matching the following conditions (leave blank for all items) ]

Magento Qty Increments

Basically all my products in magento are single units, however everything is sold in packs say 10 units to a pack. Theres the Enable Qty Increments on the product options in Magento and then you enter the Qty increments, which works without problems. However by default when you go to the product on the front end, hit add to cart it tries to add just 1 unit not the minimum of 10 is there a way, when you hit add to cart it adds the minimum qty of 10 rather than 1?
I know this is a while after you posted the problem & you probably have a fix already..
We are looking at this problem ourselves.. & have an issue with Bundled products not allowing us to add more than one instance of the product on each page.. hard to explain..
What I am thinking to do is remove the quantity box from the actual product.. Customers can select in a drop down if they want packs of 5 - 10 - or singles.. if they require odd numbers they can adjust the number still in the checkout..
does that all make sense..
Add to cart & Qty box are on the products.phtml page i think... I am still looking at all my options though.. Setting up a selection of Grouped products at the moment..
Just a passing suggestion ;)
Edit.. // What we have done as a final solution.. Use // Promotions /
Shopping Cart Rules.. You can make specific rules for Bulk categories
& Products in set numbers.. This will be a lot easier for our staff to
manage.. just drop requested products into a category called "bulk"
..wish I had thought of it earlier :)
In Admin panel go to
System >> Configuration >> Catalog >> Inventory >> Product Stock Options and set Qty Increments to what you want.
Magento provides Bundled Products to achieve such sell of products in packets.
Create a Bundle Product and follow these steps at Bundled Items tab in product edit form
Add New Option
Provide Title, select input type checkbox or multiselect and set Is Required to Yes
Search your product in below grid and add this product providing "Qty to add" to 10
Add selected product to option and then save product.

Choose attributes for each quantity on a configurable product in Magento

I need on Magento 1.7 to let the user choose attributes for each quantity in a configurable product.
Is it possible?
The customer can select one product at a time and add them to shopping cart by selecting different attribute each time.
What you can do is let the customer stay on the product details page even after adding products to the cart(means, don't redirect them to shopping cart). For setting this property follow the path given below,
Admin > System > Configuration > Default Config > Sales > Checkout >
Shopping Cart > “After adding a product redirect to shopping cart” and
set it to NO
This way is also helpful when a customer want to add different quantity with same attribute, suppose the customer wants 3 RED Small Reebok T-shirt, 2 Black XL Reebok T-shirt, 4 Green L Reebok T-shirt. The customer can add the desired quantity with a particular attribute of the same product and still remains in the same Product Details page.
This is a very handy functionality of Magento.

Custom price for product, displayed in cart; not showing custom price in Review order page- in Multiple Shipping Checkout

I am in a deep trouble, I want to add different categories of product in cart, For each product I have to bring additional 5$ for additional quantity. It may differ in different category.
For the above case I have successfully implemented. But issue is that the price is not showing as that in cart in review order while opting multiple address checkout option.
for E.g: there is two product 1 and 2. for product 1 , for
additional quantity i have to add $5/qty excluding its original price
, i.e; if cost of product 1 is $10 and i selected 2 quantity then
price will be $10*2+($5*1)=25 . for product 2 , for additional
quantity i have to add $10/qty excluding its original price , i.e; if
cost of product 1 is 15 and i selected 2 quantity then price will be
$15*2+($10*1)=40 .
I have implemented it.
while proceeding with checkout option this price is showing fine. *But when I opt multiple shipping its showing products original price,*
Is there anyway , to show the custom price in the review order also.
Please provide me help.
thanks in advance.
Atlast I figure out the solution for this. All price for product displaying in cart is being set in Subtotal.php in
[magento root]/app/code/core/Mage/Sales/Model/Quote/Address/Total/Subtotal.php
in function _initItem($address, $item), there I edit the set price for product with the custom price.
Now its working fine.
Hope it helps if someone needed it...
