How to set server port with org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-maven-plugin? - maven

I am currently setting the port via a jetty.xml file and I've been trying to figure out from the new documentation how to actually define an httpConnector through the Maven plugin's configuration. The docs on Eclipse's site seem a bit vague on it and I've been trying to figure this out for a while, thus ending up using a jetty.xml. I'd like to find out the proper way to do this now.
I'm currently using org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-maven-plugin:9.2.1.v20140609.

The jetty-maven-plugin documentation (for jetty 11 at the time of this answer - update) states that you can either configure the httpConnector element in the pom.xml file to setup the ServerConnector preferences or use the jetty.http.port system property to change the port or use the Jetty descriptor i.e. the way you are doing it actually.
Then you have several options:
(Java) System Property:
Change the port when just running your application through the mvn command:
mvn jetty:run -Djetty.http.port=9999
(Maven) Project Property:
Set the property inside your project pom.xml descriptor file:
Then just run your application through the Jetty plugin and the port will be picked up automatically:
mvn jetty:run
(Maven) Jetty Plugin Configuration:
Set the port in your plugin declaration inside the pom.xml file:
In new versions of jetty-maven-plugin, jetty.http.port is the default port property and jetty.port won't work as in previous plugin versions.

Run following command:
mvn jetty:run -Djetty.port=9999
I guess mvn jetty:run -Djetty.http.port=9999 is deprecated. It didn't work for me.

You may configure the port through the pom.xml:

This works for me, confirmed as I am currently debugging the server in my chrome on port 8088.
mvn jetty:run -Dhttp.port=8088

By Default Jetty runs on 8080 port, if any application like oracle DB using that port in your system then Jetty server will not start and gives some BIND exception. to overcome this if your project is maven project then in pom.xml file use below code, then it works perfectly(here i am using port 8888 which is free in my system)
<!-- The Jetty plugin allows us to easily test the development build by
running jetty:run on the command line. -->

in pom.xml file


How to add a Spring project to Tomcat configuration using Eclipse IDE, so that Tomcat will load the index page from web.xml

I have a project imported as an existing Maven project in Eclipse, however I'm having trouble configuring Tomcat so that it loads the index page from web.xml
User Yugerten tried to help with their solution, however I'm obviously doing something wrong and its not running, therefore I include the screenshots of configuration and error log.
Add a plugin configuration to your pom.xml
Or via Terminal / cmd:
mvn tomcat7:run / mvn tomcat7:deploy / mvn tomcat7:undeploy / mvn tomcat7:undeploy

Deploy Java EE Wildfly REST Application to Openshift

I am new to Openshift and having trouble with deploying my Java EE project to it. I have made REST API for a simple webstore. Locally it works fine on Wildfly 9.0.2 I want to deploy it on openshift. I 've made new wildfly9 + mysql5.5 application using eclipse openshit jboss plugin and added a profile to root pom.xml:
My root project consist of several maven modules including store-ear (EAR), store-jpa (JAR), store-rest (WAR), store-web (WAR), store-services (EJB), store-rest-interfaces (JAR),store-service-interfaces (JAR).
I have changed datasourse in JPA configuration (persistence.xml) to use MysqlDB on Openshift.
After pushing back to openshift the build is succesfull, but when it gets deployed it is missing some dependancies (ClassNotFoundException), and fails to deploy main war file.
You use a maven-war plugin in your openshift maven profile.
But you say that your project is packaged as en ear. So you should probably deploy this ear which contains all your project modules (wars, ejbs, libs...) instead of a specific war of your project.
To achieve this, you have to use a maven-ear plugin instead of the maven-war one in your openshift profile which would look like this:

Tomcat 7 maven plugin complete configuration reference

I cant seem to find the online reference on tomcat 7 maven plugin configurations.
Example :
<!-- <server>tomcat7</server> -->
Some examples i got so far that shows more of the configuration options:
How do I configure an additional context path for Maven-Tomcat plugin?
But they are not the complete configuration reference.
I wonder where the configurations reference are located ?
Reference documentation is available in Apache Tomcat web site.

How to set http port for forked grails running under maven?

How do I set the http port from the command line for a grails (2.1.0) project running under maven? Grails is being forked.
I've tried:
mvn grails:run-app -Dserver.port=8081 -Dgrails.server.port.http=8081
but no luck. It still runs on port 8080.
I am not specifying the port property anywhere else.
pom snippet:
Like Niels said, if you're forking the Grails process (true by default), you can add forkedVmArgs to the pom:
<!-- Whether for Fork a JVM to run Grails commands -->
Since you use the fork option it spawns a new shell with the execution, which probably doesnt inherit your arguments.
Try not to fork it, and see if that helps.
Alternatively, you can apparently add some fork arguments to the plugin using:
mvn grails:exec -Dcommand=run-app -Dserver.port=8081

Cargo maven plugin - start goal ignores configuration, "run" works fine

I want cargo maven plugin to start a Tomcat7 so i put into my pom:
<!-- minimal configuration to let adb run (mvn package org.codehaus.cargo:cargo-maven2-plugin:run) in a local tomcat -->
The Problem is if i run:
mvn package org.codehaus.cargo:cargo-maven2-plugin:run
all is working fine but if i run
mvn package org.codehaus.cargo:cargo-maven2-plugin:start
the configuration set in pom is beeing ignored:"No container defined, using a default [jetty6x, embedded] container"
you can reproduce this easily. just create an war-maven app:
mvn archetype:generate -DartifactId=my-webapp -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-webappp
Then add the code above to pom and run both commands.
So how to set ContainerId and Url properly for goal start -- Am I missing something?!
so i contacted cargo support. the configuration above works indeed only with run goal, but there is also a configuration that works with both (the cargo doc is somehow misguiding):
<!-- minimal configuration to let adb run (mvn package org.codehaus.cargo:cargo-maven2-plugin:run) in a local tomcat -->
notice the additional container and zipUrlInstaller tag instead of containerUrl.
