Checking UAC whitelist? - windows

The program I'm using is dumping log-files which I'm then later unable to write to, if the program even manages to pick up the files. The problem doesn't seem to occur on machines where the infamous User Account Control is disabled, but I'm wondering if it's possible to find a list somewhere of the programs accepted by the UAC?


Create file or registry key without calling NTDLL.DLL

I know that ntdll is always present in the running process but is there a way (not necessarily supported/stable/guaranteed to work) to create a file/key without ever invoking ntdll functions?
NTDLL is at the bottom of the user-mode hierarchy, some of its functions switch to kernel mode to perform their tasks. If you want to duplicate its code then I suppose there is nothing stopping you from decompiling NtCreateFile to figure out how it works. Keep in mind that on 32-bit Windows there are 3 different instructions used to enter kernel mode (depending on the CPU type), the exact way and where the transition code lives changes between versions and the system call ids change between versions (and even service packs). You can find a list of system call ids here.
I assume you are doing this to avoid people hooking your calls? Detecting your calls? Either way, I can't recommend that you try to do this. Having to test on a huge set of different Windows versions is unmanageable and your software might break on a simple Windows update at any point.
You could create a custom kernel driver that does the work for you but then you are on the hook for getting all the security correct. At least you would have documented functions to call in the kernel.
Technically, registry is stored in %WINDIR%\System32\config / %WINDIR%\SysWOW64\config, excepted your own user's registry which is stored in your own profile, in %USERPROFILE%\NTUSER.DAT.
And now, the problems...
You don't normally have even a read access to this folder, and this is true even from an elevated process. You'll need to change (and mess up a lot...) the permissions to simply read it.
Even for your own registry, you can't open the binary file - "Sharing violation"... So, for system/local machine registries... You can't in fact open ANY registry file for the current machine/session. You would need to shut down your Windows and mount its system drive in another machine/OS to be able to open - and maybe edit - registry files.
Real registry isn't a simple file like the .reg files. It's a database (you can look here for some elements on its structure). Even when having a full access to the binary files, it won't be fun to add something inside "from scratch", without any sotware support.
So, it's technically possible - after all, Windows does it, right? But I doubt that it can be done in a reasonable amount of time, and I simply can't see any benefit from doing that since, as you said, ntdll is ALWAYS present, loaded and available to be used.
If the purpose is to hack the current machine and/or bypass some lack of privileges, it's a hopeless approach, since you'll need even more privileges to do it - like being able to open your case and extract the system drive or being able to boot on another operating system on the same machine... If it's possible, then there is already tools to access the offline Windows, found on a well-known "Boot CD", so still no need to write in registry without any Windows support.

ReadDirectoryChangesW and determining which process caused the change

How can I determine which processes are making changes to which files.
I did find this:
FileSystemWatcher: how to know which process made the change?
But I'm curious if anything has changed lately? Is it possible yet to determine which process is making changes to the file system, either using ReadDirectoryChangesW or anything else? I'd prefer not to have to write or use a kernel driver.
Create a security audit on the files you want to track. The information will be recorded in the security event log.
While it may be possible to find out the process that changes a file using kernel drivers (for example, process monitor), there will always be a problem identifying the process in case the folder is shared on the network, and a process on another computer modifies the file over the network.
Even the kernel drivers would in this case identify the network share process as the one accessing the file, not the process on the other computer.
I can't seem to comment yet. I would be interested in your Python code that creates a security audit on files or paths. It's a bit of a shame if it messes with the system security event log, but you can't have everything! :-)
Up until this point, I have been using GetForegroundWindow at the time of the change to eventually get the associated process. It only works well for changes initiated by the user, but that is primarily what I've been interested in. Besides background processes, the only minor issue is that sometimes a process is spawned just to accomplish a task (like a batch file) and it is non-existent by the time you want to learn more about it (like what process spawned it). I imagine that is a problem even with a security audit, though.

Simulating file errors (e.g. ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) on Windows

For testing and development purposes, it would be nice to somehow simulate (spurious) file access errors to local files. For example, even if an application has correctly opened a file with the appropriate restrictive sharing flags, it still can happen that an attempt to access the file (through any of the Win32 API functions or your favourite framework, which internally will just call any of the Win32 API functions) can fail.
The only example I ever was able to track down was the virus scanner on a machine, but I guess there could be other reasons. (In this question's comment, Luke mentions something about "File system filter drivers".)
FWIW, I know of a few possibilities to "simulate" file problems, that I do not consider good solutions, either because they require to much manual work or because they don't fit for every app/file:
Place a file on a network drive or removable storage device - that way you can just mess up the device (unplug, disk-full, ...).
Open the application process in Process Explorer and close the handle of the file you want to test.
So the question really is if there are any ((semi)automated) tools that can mess up file access (on an NTFS drive) even though an application has already opened a file with appropriate (for the app) sharing flags.
Holodeck purports to allow Win32 API hooking, which would enable you to manipulate return codes as needed for Fault Injection.
If your API set of interest is well-defined, you could probably do this yourself using the Import Address Table approach described here.

Why does FileCopy fail at random on Windows 7?

I have a VB6 program running on Windows 7. It is copying a large number of files and sometimes FileCopy fails with an access violation (between every 60 and 500 files).
I cannot reproduce it using a single file, only during such mass-copying operations this problem happens.
It makes no difference, if source/target are on hard disks, network shares or CD-ROMs.
What could trigger this problem?
EDIT: My question might be a little bit convoluted, so here's some more data:
Run 1:
Start copying 5.000 files
Access violation on file #983
Access violation on file #1437
Access violation on file #1499
Access violation on file #2132
Access violation on file #3456
Access violation on file #4320
Run 2:
Start copying 5.000 files
Access violation on file #60
Access violation on file #3745
The affected files are always different
The number of affected files tends to decrease if the same file batch is copied multiple times in succession.
Running as Administrator makes no difference
The application has read/write access to all necessary file system objects
This problem happens on Windows 7 workstations only!
Best guess: Is it possible that another user/application is using the specified file at the time the process is running? (anti-virus scanner, Win7 search indexing tool, windows defender, etc) You might try booting the machine in safe-mood to eliminate any of the background services/apps and try running the process to see.
Is there any consistency in the file types or size of the files causing the issue?
Is the machine low on resources? RAM/Disk Space
You said it occurs on Win7 – is it multiple Win7 machines or just one. (help to rule out system resources vs. software/OS)
Any hints from the event viewer (control panel > admin tools) – doubtful
Does the process take a long time to complete? If you can take the performance hit you might look at destroying and recreating the FSO object after every copy or every X files to make sure there isn’t some odd memory leak issue with Win7/VB6.
Not necessarily a recommended solution but if all else fails you could handle that error and save the files that trigger it in a dictionary/collection and reloop through the process with any those files when done. No guarantee it wouldn’t happen again.
Not enough information (as you probably know). Do you log the activity? If not, it's a good place to start. Knowing whether certain files are the problem, and if the issue is repeatable, can help narrow it down.
In your case I would also trap (and log) all errors and retry N times after waiting N seconds. You could be trying to copy in-use files locked by another process, and a retry may allow time for that lock to go away.
Really, more data is the key, and logging is the way to get it.
Is there any chance your antivirus program or some indexer is getting in the way?
Try creating a procmon trace while reproducing the error and see what is actually failing. With the trace you can see if there is another program causing the issue or if your app is trying to write somewhere it should't (incorrect permissions) or can't (a temp/scratch directory without enough space).
Check out the presentations linked to on the procmon page or Mark Russinovich's blog for some cool examples of using this tool to solve various Windows/application mysteries.
Is there a a hidden/system file in the directory that is potentially blocking it?
Does running the VB6 App with right-click "Run As Administrator" make a difference?
Is the point where it dies at the max # of files in the directory? e.g. Are you sure the upper limit on whatever loop structure you are using in VB6 is correct (Count vs count -1)?

How do I make Windows file-locking more like UNIX file-locking?

UNIX file-locking is dead-easy: The operating system assumes that you know what you are doing and lets you do what you want:
For example, if you try to delete a file which another process has opened the operating system will usually let you do it. The original process still keeps it's file-handles until it terminates - at which point the the file-system will quietly re-cycle the disk-resources. No fuss, that's the way I like it.
How different things are on Windows: If I try to delete a file which another process is using I get an Operating-System error. The file is untouchable until the original process releases it's lock on the file. That was great back in the single-user days of MS-DOS when any locking process was likely to be on the same computer that contained the files, however on a network it's a nightmare:
Consider what happens when a process hangs while writing to a shared file on a Windows file-server. Before the file can be deleted we have to locate the computer and ID the process on that computer which originally opened the file. Only then can we kill the process and delete our unwanted file.
What a nuisance!
Is there a way to make this better? What I want is for file-locking on Windows to behave a like file-locking in UNIX. I want the operating system to just let me do what I want because I'm in charge and I know what I'm doing... can it be done?
No. Windows is designed for the "average user", that is people who don't understand anything about a computer. Therefore, the OS tries to be smart to avoid PEBKACs. To quote Bill Gates: "There are no issues with Windows that any number of people want to be fixed." Of course, he knows that 99.9999% of all Windows users can't tell whether the program just did something odd because of them or the guy who wrote it.
Unix was designed when the world was more simple and anyone close enough to a computer to touch it, probably knew how to assemble it from dirty sand. Therefore, the OS usually lets you do what you want because it assumes that you know better (and if you didn't, you will next time).
Technical answer: Unix allocates an "i-nodes" if you create a file. I-nodes can be shared between processes. If two processes create the same file (that is, two processes call create() with the same path), then you end up with two i-nodes. This is by design. It allows for a fancy security feature: You can create files which no one can open but yourself:
Open a file
Delete it (but keep the file handle)
Use the file any way you like
Close the file
After step #2, the only process in the universe who can access the file is the one who created it (unless you want to read the hard disk block by block). The OS will keep the data alive until you either close the file or your process dies (at which time Unix will clean up after you).
This design is the foundation of all Unix filesystems. The Windows file system NTFS works much the same way but the high level API is different. Many applications open files in exclusive mode (which prevents anyone, even backup programs) to read the file. This is even true for applications which just display information like PDF viewers.
That means you'll have to fix all the Windows applications to achieve the desired effect. If you have access to the source, you can create a file in a shared mode. That would allow other processes to access it at the same time but then, you will have to check before every read/write if the file still exists, whether someone has made changes, etc.
According to MSDN you can specify to CreateFile() 3rd parameter (dwSharedMode) shared mode flag FILE_SHARE_DELETE which:
Enables subsequent open operations on a file or device to request delete access.
Otherwise, other processes cannot open the file or device if they request delete access.
If this flag is not specified, but the file or device has been opened for delete access, the function fails.
Note Delete access allows both delete and rename operations.
So if you're can control your applications you can use this flag.
Note that Process Explorer allow for force closing of file handles (for processes local to the box on which you are running it) via Handle -> Close Handle.
Unlocker purports to do a lot more, and provides a helpful list of other tools.
Also deleting on reboot is an option (though this sounds like not what you want)
That doesn't really help if the hung process still has the handle open. It won't release the resources until that hung process releases the handle. But anyway, in Windows it is possible to force close a file out from under a process that's using it. Process Explorer from will let you look at and close handles that a process has open.
