Jmeter(Testing tool) with worklight - jmeter

I need to use jmeter with worklight. I followed the IBM knowledge center and could extract the wl instance from init.But when try to use the login function , it is showing unauthorized 401 and the response is not the authstatus required ,instead it is displaying another instance id. Give me suggestion and document for solving this issue.

Without seeing your test script, it is difficult to answer this question.
However, something to look at is:
Is the instance ID the same one in all trials or not?
If it is the same instance ID then you are likely not properly extracting the instance ID.
If is is not the same instance ID, you might have a configuration problem in the HTTP cookie manager in jMeter. It would be better to see the script.
What exactly did follow from the IBM Knowledge Center? Please provide the link.


Cannot exchange short-lived token to long-lived token by instagram API

I should show the snapshot to you.
Unsupported request - method type:get
Even the official documentation said that we can only use get to exchange token to long-lived token,
I still tried the post method to experiment, it also failed.
More information:
I passed the validation about instagram_graph_user_profile and instagram_graph_user_media,
but I am still facing the problem like the snapshot.
If I added this user to our testing account, this problem has never shown again,
I'm really frustrated about this.
Our website is an easy application,
we use LAMP structure to build our website,
please help me to solve this out :(
I can give more information if you need :)

What can we do for the error "No error field found in JSON" (VDM:401)?

We try to call the API API_BUSINESS_PARTNER via our Java application. The Java implementation communicates with a SAPUI5 - Front End application, so that the data can be displayed via an app.
Through our On - Premise System it works without any problems and we also get back data. But via the application we get the error "No error field found in JSON" and the SCP - Log for ODataConnectivityUtil shows us that the respective user is not authorized.
Accordingly we tried to call an older one MMIM_MATERIAL_DATA_SRV and it works without any problems. We get the same error message in API_PRODUCT_SRV. So it doesn't seem to work with the new APIs in general.
Thank you,
best regards.
The error message
Our source code
Logging snippet
Thanks again for the support.
We have solved the problem now.
The problem is that the first metadata request is executed on the default client (client 100) although we have set "sap-client=200" in the destination configuration.
Our passwords between the clients were different, so we received an authentication error.
We suspect that the "newer" API's will not be able to access the configuration for the destination from the SCP. So it probably worked with the older ones.
One problem for us was that the Cloud SDK does not take the client from the destination configuration (for the metadata request).
The other problem was that the error message "No error field found in JSON" was misleading.
Only by the tip with "ODataConnectivityUtil", we could see our authentication error. So thanks again.
Which version of the S/4HANA Cloud SDK are you using? This might be an issue that we had in an older version. Could you update to the latest release version and give it a try again?
Details on releases can be found here:
Hint: I would also suggest to use our virtual data model classes that we provide for invoking such OData services. You can find a blog post on this topic here:
Pls take a look in the S/4HANA OData log which you can find using transaction /iwfnd/error_log (put /n before it).
Then you execute the OData call to provoke the error. If you then find an entry in the OData log, it does mean that the authentication to S/4HANA was succesful. Also then you would figure out mor error details.
In case you do not find any entry, it is very likely that you are not authenticating correctly. In this case S/4HANA returns 401 and an HTML document as response payload.

Monitor my siteminder application

Is there any "out of the box" siteminder tool that checks if the siteminder server / application is runnig?
e.g. I send a request by a url like http:/mysiteminderapplication:myport/check_heartbeat.html and it responses me the actual status like ok, error, etc.
Sorry, I have never seen an siteminder installation but I have to check this fact for a customer.
thank you in advance,
You can use the One View Monitor to check the policy server status. It returns a lot of HTML though, you would need to parse the XML to get the values.
You can monitor smpolicysrv services by writing some scripts on siteminder server. As said above you can have oneView monitor too.
I have seen customers using Splunk Siteminder App.

MOTO TxType with Form Protocol Integration

We're attempting to write an application that integrates with SagePay via a web page. The information will be entered by a sales person as part of a larger application (after taking payment details over the phone from a customer) and we are trying to use the Form Protocol Integration to facilitate this.
After having successfully got this working using the PAYMENT TxType, we discovered that the client requires the transaction type of "MOTO". This doesn't appear to work by simply changing the TxType field we are sending (and the documentation is pretty explicit about which types are permitted).
Is there an easy way to resolve this without completely changing the way we're integrating with SagePay? Also, if we do need to use a different API or integration method, is there any documentation on this? None of the documentation I have found has referenced a "MOTO" TxType.
Thank you.
TxType will always be PAYMENT. You can specify the account type with the field AccountType and setting it to M for Moto
Hope this helps.
According to SagePay MOTO can not be implemented for Form Integration. h

Consuming SOAP web service for a cocoa application

I am trying to consume a SOAP web service into a cocoa application. The return value which is printing in the log is an HTML error page.
My Main objective is to pass two parameters to the web service and get a value in response. Can anyone please suggest correct way of achieving this?
It could be any number of things. For startes: you may be hitting the wrong URL, you may be sending invalid data and the server is not returning a valid error. The best thing to do is check what you are doing against any docs you may have, then contact the person working on the server side of the project for help debugging.
I know that is not a very specific answer, but I don't have a lot to go on. Hope it helps.
