Run Go script inside Docker Container or cron job? - go

I have Go application deployed over Docker. Other than running the main program, I want to run periodic job for updating my data.
Which is better?
Run periodic job using concurrency (channel) while being run on main program.
Crontab to register periodic job on system. But I don't know how to do this inside Docker
In Dockerfile or in docker what is the best way to run a separate cronjob?
Please help me. Thanks!

If you are developing the application and all you need is basic periodical execution of one "job" , I would go and implement it in your app. If things get more complicated I would build on an image such as which brings support for management of multiple container processes (including cron).


How to use AWS sbatch (SLURM) inside docker on an EC2 instance?

I am trying to get OpenFOAM to run on an AWS EC2 cluster using AWS parallelCluster.
One possibility is to compile OpenFOAM. Another is to use a docker container. I am trying to get the second option to work.
However, I am running into trouble understanding how I should orchestrate the various operations. Basically what I need is :
copy an OpenFOAM case from S3 to FSx file system on the master node
run the docker container containing OpenFOAM
Perform OpenFOAM operations, some of them using the cluster (running the computation in parallel being the most important one)
I want to put all of this into scripts to make it reproducible. But I am wondering how should I structure the scripts together to have SLURM handle the parallel side of things.
My problem at the moment is that the Master node shell knows the command e.g. sbatch but when I launch docker to access the OpenFOAM command, it "forgets" the sbatch commands.
How could I export all SLURM related commands (sbatch, ...) to docker easily ? Is this the correct way to handle the problem ?
Thanks for the support
for the first option there is a workshop that walks you through:
For the second option; I created a container workshop that uses HPC container runtimes containers-on-pcluster.
I incorporated a section about GROMACS but I am happy to add OpenFOAM as well. I am using Spack to create the container images. While I only documented single-node runs, we can certainly add multi-node runs.
Running Docker via sbatch is not going to get you very far, b/c docker is not a user-land runtime. For more info: FOSDEM21 Talk about Containers in HPC
Christian (full disclosure: AWS Developer Advocate HPC/Batch)

How can I start running server in one yml job and tests in another when run server job is still running

So I have 2 yml pipelines currently... one starts running the server and after server is up and running I start the other pipeline that runs tests in one job and once that's completed starts a job that shuts down the server from first pipeline.
I'm kinda new to yml and wondering if there is a way to run all this in a single pipeline...
The problem I came across is that if I put server to run in a first job I do not know how to condition the second job to kick off after server is running. This job doesn't have succeeded of failed condition because it's still in progress as the server has to run in order for tests to be run.
I tried adding a variable that I set to true after server is running but it still never jumps to the next job?
I looked into templates too but those are not very clear to me so any suggestion or documentation or tutorial would be very helpful on how to achive putting this in one pipeline...
I already googled a bunch and will keep googling but figured someone here might have an answer already.
Each agent can run only one job at a time. To run multiple jobs in parallel you must configure multiple agents. You also need sufficient parallel jobs.
You can specify the conditions under which each job runs. By default, a job runs if it does not depend on any other job, or if all of the jobs that it depends on have completed and succeeded. You can customize this behavior by forcing a job to run even if a previous job fails or by specifying a custom condition.
Since you have added a variable that you set to true after server is running. Then try to enable a custom condition, set that job run if a variable is xxx.
More details please kindly check official doc here:
Specify jobs in your pipeline
Specify conditions

How to deploy laravel into a docker container while there are jobs running

We are trying to migrate our laravel setup to use docker. Dockerizing the laravel app was straight forward however we ran into an issue where if do a deployment while scheduled jobs are running they would be killed since the container is destroyed. Whats the best practice here? Having a separate container to run the laravel scheduler doesnt seem like it would solve the problem.
Run the scheduled job in a different container so you can scale it independently of the laravel app.
Run multiple containers of the scheduled job so you can stop some to upgrade them while the old ones will continue processing jobs.
Docker will send a SIGTERM signal to the container and wait for the container to exit cleanly before issuing SIGKILL (the time between the two signals is configurable, 10 seconds by default). This will allow to finish your current job cleanly (or save a checkpoint to continue later).
The plan is to stop old containers and start new containers gradually so there aren't lost jobs or downtime. If you use an orchestrator like Docker Swarm or Kubernetes, they will handle most of these logistics for you.
Note: the laravel scheduler is based on cron and will fire processes that will be killed by docker. To prevent this have the scheduler add a job to a laravel queue. The queue is a foreground process and it will be given the chance to stop/save cleanly by the SIGTERM that it will receive before being killed.

How to schedule jar file as event on aws EC2

I wrote talend etl job and packaged it into an executable Jar file.
i want schedule this jar file to run every week once.
I am using Amazon AWS. Can it achieve what I wanted? If yes, what are the steps I should proceed with? If not what are other alternatives?
If you are using Linux, I recommend you to use the traditional cron service served by unix system.
Edit /etc/crontab
Write schedule and shell script to kick Talend job
Please be careful timezone setting.
Wikipedia - List of job scheduler software
I would personally recommend putting your jar in a docker container and putting it into an EC2 instance on AWS. Cron job will work, however, but what happens if you are not signed in when your task is scheduled to execute? If you put the jar in the cloud it will always execute.

Can I run mesos/marathon application at specific host?

I wanna use marathon as cluster monitoring and management. Bellow scenario is possible?
My Scenario
Cassandra 5EA was already deployed and are running.
Cassandra hosts are physical machine.
I want to run script that verifies healthness of cassandra each host. ex) cassandra process, disk usage, number of file, ..
If problem found at host, than run correcting script on that host. Script launched manually.
Each script can be run by marathon application. But I couldn't found run application on (specific) error host.
No restriction of adding machines and installing mesos components.
And if you know more suitable tool, please recommend!!
If you are not running Cassandra on Mesos I think Marathon is not the best choice. From your description, it looks like you need a monitoring tool (e.g., Nagios) rather than service Orchestration.
Please extend your question with more information. It's not clear what you are asking.
