My current understanding:
I have tried reading a few papers and links regarding NMF. It all talks about how we can split a MxN matrix into MxR and RxN matrices(R
I have a list of users(U) and some assignments(A) for each user. Now I split this matrix(UxA) using NMF. I get 2 Matrices UxR and RxA. How do I use these to predict what assignments(A') a new user(U') must have?
Any help would be appreciated as I couldn't understand this after trying to search for the answer.
Side question and opinion based:
Also if anyone can tell me with their experience, how do they chose R, specially when the number of assignments are in the order of 50,000 or perhaps a hundred thousand. I have been trying these with the scikit-learn library
This can simply be done using model.inverse_transform(model.transform(User'))
You can try think this problem as recommender. you want to approximate decompose matrix X into two nonnegative matrix U and V.
For pyothn scikit-learn, you can use:
from sklearn.decomposition import NMF
model = NMF(n_components=2, init='random', random_state=0)
W = model.fit_transform(X)
H = model.components_
Where X is the matrix you want to decomose. W and H is the nonnegative factor
To predict what assignments(A') a new user(U'), you just use WH' to complete the maitrx
I have a matrix S(105 rows and 22 columns) and I need to find its orthogonal (when I multiply S with the orthogonal the result must be a zero matrix).I searched and the only command I found that seems to do what I want is nullspace[S] but the result is not the matrix I need.It is a matrix with 8 rows and 22 columns that it doesnt give me the result I want.I tried Transpose in case it got the matrix backwards but the multiplication cannot be done either.Is there anyone who knows about mathematica that can help me?Thanks.
I am not sure, if I understood your concept of an "orthogonal" matrix, which is usually defined differently. But if you are looking for a matrix T such that T.S == {{0,0,....},...} then
T = NullSpace[Transpose[S]];
Unless your 105*22-dimensional matrix S is highly degenerate, there is no solution such that S.T==0.
In this case, T = Transpose[NullSpace[S]] will most likely render {}.
I tried to using this post How to find Correlation of an image
to find Correlation for my image but i have questions.when i use this: cov(x,y) / ( sqrt(D(x)* D(y) )) my result is [1.0025 -0.0358 ;-0.0358 0.9975](for 5000 pixel). -0.0358 is Correlation for my image?what is 0.9975?i run my code tow times. the second result is [0.9830 0.0243;0.0243 1.0173].-0.0358 or 0.0243 which one is Correlation ? I know because of using randperm In each run different number is create but Which one is a best?negative number or positive number?
Functions like corrcoef return values like [1.0025 -0.0358; -0.0358 0.9975] where the coefficient is -0.0358, and the other values relate to the certainty of the coefficient.
Here's what you should expect from the covariance matrix cov:
Here's what you should expect from the correlation coefficients corrcoef:
What I suspect is going on is there's some variable whose value is affected by running. A useful debugging practice (when going through your code with a fine-toothed comb) is having your code output to the screen some of the values as they are being generated. In Matlab, this is as simple as removing a few ; at the end of a few lines.
Hope this helps!
I have two parameters fL and fV, both functions of T and P. If I make a function called func(T), which takes only T as input, then how do I go about implementing this step in Matlab:
Guess P
if |(fL/fV)-1|<0.0001 % where fL and fV are both functions of T and P
then print P
else P=P*(fL/fV)
Initially it is advised to guess the P in the beginning of the algorithm. All other steps before this involve formula calculation and doesn't involve any converging, so I didn't write all those formulas. The important thing to note is even though we take only T as input for our function, the pressure is guessed in the beginning of the code and is not part of any input by the user.
In order to "guess" P, you can either proceed using a) an educated guess or b) a random guess. So, for example if you were dealing with pressure in the day to day surroundings, 100kPa would be a reasonable guess. A random guess would mean initializing P to a random variable generated over a meaningful domain. So in my example, it could be a random variable uniformly distributed between 90kPa and 110kPa. Which of these approaches you choose depends on your specific problem.
You can code your requirements as follows
P=minP+(maxP-minP)*rand;%# a random guess between 90 & 100
<some code here where you calculate fL and fV
if abs(fL/fV-1)<0.0001
I apologize for being a bit verbose in advance: if you want to skip all the background mumbo jumbo you can see my question down below.
This is pretty much a follow up to a question I previously posted on how to compare two 1D (time dependent) signals. One of the answers I got was to use the cross-correlation function (xcorr in MATLAB), which I did.
Background information
Perhaps a little background information will be useful: I'm trying to implement an Independent Component Analysis algorithm. One of my informal tests is to (1) create the test case by (a) generate 2 random vectors (1x1000), (b) combine the vectors into a 2x1000 matrix (called "S"), and multiply this by a 2x2 mixing matrix (called "A"), to give me a new matrix (let's call it "T").
In summary: T = A * S
(2) I then run the ICA algorithm to generate the inverse of the mixing matrix (called "W"), (3) multiply "T" by "W" to (hopefully) give me a reconstruction of the original signal matrix (called "X")
In summary: X = W * T
(4) I now want to compare "S" and "X". Although "S" and "X" are 2x1000, I simply compare S(1,:) to X(1,:) and S(2,:) to X(2,:), each which is 1x1000, making them 1D signals. (I have another step which makes sure that these vectors are the proper vectors to compare to each other and I also normalize the signals).
So my current quandary is how to 'grade' how close S(1,:) matches to X(1,:), and likewise with S(2,:) to X(2,:).
So far I have used something like: r1 = max(abs(xcorr(S(1,:), X(1,:)))
My question
Assuming that using the cross correlation function is a valid way to go about comparing the similarity of two signals, what would be considered a good R value to grade the similarity of the signals? Wikipedia states that this is a very subjective area, and so I defer to the better judgment of those who might have experience in this field.
As you might realize, I'm not coming from a EE/DSP/statistical background at all (I'm a medical student) so I'm going through a sort of "baptism through fire" right now, and I appreciate all the help I can get. Thanks!
(edit: as far as directly answering your question about R values, see below)
One way to approach this would be to use cross-correlation. Bear in mind that you have to normalize amplitudes and correct for delays: if you have signal S1, and signal S2 is identical in shape, but half the amplitude and delayed by 3 samples, they're still perfectly correlated.
For example:
>> t = 0:0.001:1;
>> y = #(t) sin(10*t).*exp(-10*t).*(t > 0);
>> S1 = y(t);
>> S2 = 0.4*y(t-0.1);
>> plot(t,S1,t,S2);
These should have a perfect correlation coefficient. A way to compute this is to use maximum cross-correlation:
>> f = #(S1,S2) max(xcorr(S1,S2));
f =
#(S1,S2) max(xcorr(S1,S2))
>> disp(f(S1,S1)); disp(f(S2,S2)); disp(f(S1,S2));
The maximum value of xcorr() takes care of the time-delay between signals. As far as correcting for amplitude goes, you can normalize the signals so that their self-cross-correlation is 1.0, or you can fold that equivalent step into the following:
ρ2 = f(S1,S2)2 / (f(S1,S1)*f(S2,S2);
In this case ρ2 = 5 * 5 / (12.5 * 2) = 1.0
You can solve for ρ itself, i.e. ρ = f(S1,S2)/sqrt(f(S1,S1)*f(S2,S2)), just bear in mind that both 1.0 and -1.0 are perfectly correlated (-1.0 has opposite sign)
Try it on your signals!
with respect to what threshold to use for acceptance/rejection, that really depends on what kind of signals you have. 0.9 and above is fairly good but can be misleading. I would consider looking at the residual signal you get after you subtract out the correlated version. You could do this by looking at the time index of the maximum value of xcorr():
>> t = 0:0.001:1;
>> y = #(a,t) sin(a*t).*exp(-a*t).*(t > 0);
>> S1=y(10,t);
>> S2=0.4*y(9,t-0.1);
>> f(S1,S2)/sqrt(f(S1,S1)*f(S2,S2))
ans =
This looks pretty darn good for a correlation. But let's try fitting S2 with a scaled/shifted multiple of S1:
>> [A,i]=max(xcorr(S1,S2)); tshift = i-length(S1);
>> S2fit = zeros(size(S2)); S2fit(1-tshift:end) = A/f(S1,S1)*S1(1:end+tshift);
>> plot(t,[S2; S2fit]); % fit S2 using S1 as a basis
>> plot(t,[S2-S2fit]); % residual
Residual has some energy in it; to get a feel for how much, you can use this:
>> S2res=S2-S2fit;
>> dot(S2res,S2res)/dot(S2,S2)
ans =
>> sqrt(dot(S2res,S2res)/dot(S2,S2))
ans =
This says that the residual has about 0.81% of the energy (9% of the root-mean-square amplitude) of the original signal S2. (the dot product of a 1D signal with itself will always be equal to the maximum value of cross-correlation of that signal with itself.)
I don't think there's a silver bullet for answering how similar two signals are with each other, but hopefully I've given you some ideas that might be applicable to your circumstances.
A good starting point is to get a sense of what a perfect match will look like by calculating the auto-correlations for each signal (i.e. do the "cross-correlation" of each signal with itself).
THIS IS A COMPLETE GUESS - but I'm guessing max(abs(xcorr(S(1,:),X(1,:)))) > 0.8 implies success. Just out of curiosity, what kind of values do you get for max(abs(xcorr(S(1,:),X(2,:))))?
Another approach to validate your algorithm might be to compare A and W. If W is calculated correctly, it should be A^-1, so can you calculate a measure like |A*W - I|? Maybe you have to normalize by the trace of A*W.
Getting back to your original question, I come from a DSP background, so I get to deal with fairly noise-free signals. I understand that's not a luxury you get in biology :) so my 0.8 guess might be very optimistic. Perhaps looking at some literature in your field, even if they aren't using cross-correlation exactly, might be useful.
Usually in such cases people talk about "false acceptance rate" and "false rejection rate".
The first one describes how many times algorithm says "similar" for non-similar signals, the second one is the opposite.
Selecting a threshold thus becomes a trade-off between these criteria. To make FAR=0, threshold should be 1, to make FRR=0 threshold should be -1.
So probably, you will need to decide which trade-off between FAR and FRR is acceptable in your situation and this will give the right value for threshold.
Mathematically this can be expressed in different ways. Just a couple of examples:
1. fix some of rates at acceptable value and minimize other one
2. minimize max(FRR,FAR)
3. minimize aFRR+bFAR
Since they should be equal, the correlation coefficient should be high, between .99 and 1. I would take the max and abs functions out of your calculation, too.
I spoke too soon. I confused cross-correlation with correlation coefficient, which is completely different. My answer might not be worth much.
I would agree that the result would be subjective. Something that would involve the sum of the squares of the differences, element by element, would have some value. Two identical arrays would give a value of 0 in that form. You would have to decide what value then becomes "bad". Make up 2 different vectors that "aren't too bad" and find their cross-correlation coefficient to be used as a guide.
(parenthetically: if you were doing a correlation coefficient where 1 or -1 would be great and 0 would be awful, I've been told by bio-statisticians that a real-life value of 0.7 is extremely good. I understand that this is not exactly what you are doing but the comment on correlation coefficient came up earlier.)