How to display latin characters in vbscript MsgBox - vbscript
I have a vbscript that open message box, but I'm making an spanish version of the program and the latin characters are not displaying well:
MsgBox "No se ha instalado la Consola de Administración pues debe tener instalado Internet Explorer 8 o superior.", vbExclamation, "Atención"
But when I execute the script this is what is displayed:
As you can see, the Latin characters are not well formatted, does someone could advise me how to fix it?
you need to use the chr(#) equivalent
MsgBox "No se ha instalado la Consola de Administraci" + chr(242) + "n pues debe tener instalado Internet Explorer 8 o superior.", vbExclamation, "Atenci" + chr(242) + "n"
sphinx gettext inserts empty quotes "" in front of previously matching msg
Currently my worflow when I change things in the original file is this: make gettext to update *.pot files sphinx-intl update -p build/gettext -l fr to create *.po files out of it However, this always results in the following behavior: Some longer messages in the *.po files are not correctly updated or to be more correct they are updated although they didn't change. sphinx-intl update will insert quotes "" in front of every paragraph that spans over multiple lines. Here's how that looks: Before: (in some french *.po file): msgid "Some longer paragraph text that spans multiple lines. This text was just" "lying here and matched a sequence within the file before gettext inserted" "unnecessary quotes on top." msgstr "Un texte de paragraphe plus long qui s'étend sur plusieurs lignes. Ce texte se trouvait juste ici et correspondait à une séquence dans le fichier avant que gettext n'insère des guillemets inutiles par-dessus." After: msgid "" "Some longer paragraph text that spans multiple lines. This text was just" "lying here and matched a sequence within the file before gettext inserted" "unnecessary quotes on top." msgstr "" "Un texte de paragraphe plus long qui s'étend sur plusieurs lignes " "Ce texte se trouvait juste ici et correspondait à une séquence dans le " "fichier avant que gettext n'insère des guillemets inutiles par-dessus." This is extremely annoying as it will not match anymore with the text it is supposed to! Only when I remove the leading "" the texts will match again. I wondered if this happens because I tend write my translated msgstr as one line without intermitted quotes (what are they good for anyway?). After sphinx-intl update they are enclosed in quotes... What is going on and how can I prevent this?
Add and replace data ListBoxes (Visual Studio 2013)
I'm very new to Visual Studio. I want to create a currency converter, using Listboxes. But now i'm stuck with this program. I have multiple cases in my Listbox. This program works as follow: The user selects a valuta in Listbox "ListboxMunteenheden" The program show a InputBox. The user enters a number in the InputBox The selected item will be added in the Listbox "ListBoxWisselkoersen" and if it is applicable, the value in "ListBoxWisselkoersen" will be replaced. I don't get the last point working. The selected item won't appear in ListboxWisselkoersen, and I don't get the old data replaced either. Can anyone help me with this function? Private Sub ListBoxMunteenheden_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ListBoxMunteenheden.SelectedIndexChanged 'De Cases worden aangemaakt om de verschillende Munteenheden aan ListBox Wisselkoersen toe te voegen. Select Case ListBoxMunteenheden.SelectedIndex Case 0 'De Amerikaanse Dollar wordt toegevoegd aan ListBoxWisselkoersen Dim AmerikaanseDollar As Decimal AmerikaanseDollar = InputBox("Geef de wisselkoers >0 en <500 voor de Euro tov Amerikaanse dollars (1 Euro = .... Amerikaanse Dollar): ") For i = 0 To ListBoxWisselkoersen.Items.Count - 1 ' Er wordt gezocht in de tekst van de valuta en vervangen hem met de nieuwe waarde. If InStr(ListBoxWisselkoersen.Items(i), "Amerikaanse Dollar") > 0 Then ListBoxWisselkoersen.Items(i) = "1 Euro = " & AmerikaanseDollar.ToString & " Amerikaanse Dollar" Else End If If AmerikaanseDollar <= 0 Or AmerikaanseDollar >= 500 Then MsgBox("U dient een andere waarde op te geven, tussen de 1 en 499.", MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly) 'Er wordt gecontroleerd of de waarde tussen de 0 en de 500 ligt. Als de MessageBox hieraan voldoet, zal de functie uitgevoerd worden. End If Next
Explanation of error using "color" in a batch script
In order to set the color of a batch script's console/terminal, color can be used. E.g. color 70. However, in order to reset the color of a the console, color without any arguments/values can be used. What is causing confusion for me is why it only works inside the command prompt or a called script but not a script started specifically with cmd /c. It fails and returns an errorcode of 1. Is there some legacy reason for this or is it a bug in Windows? cmd /c color || echo foobar Output: foobar Expected output: cmd /c color 70 || echo foobar Output: Expected output: call color || echo foobar Output: Expected output:
To have no error, try to put the default color, as you said, the color of a the console That means the default color, I gess, so put color 07, to switch to color black-light grey. For more info for colors in a .bat file create a .bat file and put in it color h, only this, save it and run it. It will give you all the info about colors. If you are not able to do this, here is what it will show you. (Sorry, it's in french, but I gess you can understand) Change les couleurs par défaut du premier et de l'arrière plan de la console. COLOR [attr] attr Spécifie les attributs de couleurs de l'apparence de la console Les attributs de couleurs sont spécifiés par DEUX chiffres hexadécimaux -- le premier correspond à l'arrière plan, le second au premier plan. Chaque chiffre peut prendre n'importe quelle de ces valeurs : 0 = Noir 8 = Gris 1 = Bleu foncé 9 = Bleu clair 2 = Vert A = Vert clair 3 = Bleu-gris B = Cyan 4 = Marron C = Rouge 5 = Pourpre D = Rose 6 = Kaki E = Jaune 7 = Gris clair F = Blanc Si aucun argument n'est donné, cette commande restaure les couleurs sélectionnées au moment où CMD.EXE a été ouvert. Cette valeur vient soit de la fenêtre de la console, du commutateur en ligne de commande /T, ou de la valeur DefaultColor du registre. Appuyez sur une touche pour continuer... Again, sorry that is in french Kalolol
How con i resize a label to a smaller one with LP 2824 Plus
I'm trying to resize automatic labels that comes from (latin american sell/buy page like eBay). They reccomend another zebra printer, but i have a smalller one, LP 2824 Plus. The current code for every label looks like this ^XA ^FX MELI LOGO IMAGE ^FO50,50^GFA,6900,6900,50,,:::::::::::::::::::::::gI0FF,g01LF8,Y03IF00IFChO08,X03FEL07FChM07C,W01FCN03F8hL0FC,W0FCP03FhL0FC,V07ER07EhK0FC,U01FT0F8hJ0FC,U07CT03EhJ0FC,T01FV078hI0FC,T03CV03CO07F81FEI03FFJ07E01FF8003FF8007F8FC03FF8,T0FO0FN0FN01FFE3FF800IFC001FE07FFE00IFE00FFCFC0IFE,S01CM01IF8L038M03IF7FFC01IFE007FE0JF01JF03JFC1JF,S07CM07E07F8K01EM07LFE03JF00FFE1JF83JF83JFC3JF8,S0FF8K01EI03EK03FM07MF07FCFF81FFE3JFC3FC7F87JFC3FE7FC,R01C7FK078J0FCI01FB8L0FE1FF87F07F03FC1FFC7F81FC3F01F8FF07FC7F01FC,R0380FFI0FFK03FC01FE1CL0FC0FF03F8FE01FC3FC07F01FC3F01F8FE03FC7F00FE,R07001FF0FFEL07JF80EL0FC07E01F8FC00FC3F807E00FC3E01F8FC01FCFE00FE,R0EI01JF8M07FFI07K01F807E01F8FC00FC3F00FEM03FDFC01FCFE007E,Q01CJ01F87I0F8O038J01F807E01F8KFC3F00FEL0IF9FC00FCFC007F,Q018M0E003FEO018J01F807E01F9KFE3F00FEK07IF9FC00FCFC007F,Q03N0C00FDFP0CJ01F807E01F9KFE3F00FEJ01JF9FC00FCFC007F,Q07M01C01E03CO0EJ01F807E01F9KFE3F00FEJ03FFDF9FC00FCFC007F,Q06M03803801EO06J01F807E01F9FCI043F00FEJ07FC1F9FC00FCFC007F,Q0CM0700FI07O03J01F807E01F8FCJ03F00FEJ07F01F9FC00FCFC007F,Q0CM0601EI038N03J01F807E01F8FCJ03F00FE00FC7E01F9FC01FCFE007E,P018M07078I01CN018I01F807E01F8FCJ03F007F00FC7E01F8FC01FC7E00FE,P018M07FFK0FN018I01F807E01F8FE00FC3F007F01FC7E03F8FE03FC7F01FE,P018M01FCK078M018I01F807E01F87F03FC3F007F83FC7E07F8FF07F87F83FC,P03V03CN0CI01F807E01F87JF83F003JF87F9FF07JF83JFC,P03W0EN0CI01F807E01F83JF03F001JF07JF03JF01JF8,P038V07N0CI01F807E01F81IFE03F001IFE03IFE03IFE00JF,P03F8U038L07CI01F807E01F80IFC03FI07FFC01IFC00IFC007FFE,P03FF8T01CK03FCJ0F803E00F803FF003EI01FFI0FFEI03FFI01FF8,P031FFU0FJ03FEC,P0601FET038001FE04,P06001FCS01C00FE004,P06I03FT0E07FI0C,P07J07C78Q071F8I0EU01C1F81E,P07J01FFEFCL01803FCJ0CU07C3F83E,P03K07C7FEL01C01FK0CU07C3F83E,P03K038387M0E00EK0CU0FC3F87E,P038J030303FCK03006J01CU0FC3F87E,P038J03I03BEK03806J01CU0FC1F07E,P038J03K06K01C06J01CU0FCI07E,P03CJ038J07L0E0EJ03CU0FCI07E0FK0E007C,P01CJ01CCI03I030079CJ038U0FC1F87E3FCI07E03FF8,P01EK0FCI03I03803F8J078U0FC3F87F7FF001FE0IFE,P01EK03CI03E001C03EK078U0FC3F87JF807FE1JF,Q0FL0EI07FI0E038K0FV0FC3F87JFC0FFE3JF8,Q0F8K06J03800703K01FV0FC3F87JFC0FFE3JF8,Q07CK03F8001CC038FK03EV0FC3F87FC1FE1FFE7F01FC,Q07CK01F8I0C601FEK03EV0FC3F87F80FE1FC07E00FC,Q03EL07CI0C701FCK07CV0FC3F87F007E3F807E00FE,Q03FM0E300C381CL0FCV0FC3F87F007F3F80FE007E,Q01F8L07F00C1C38K03F8V0FC3F87F007F3F00KFE,R0FEL03F01C0FFL07FW0FC3F87E003F3F00KFE,R07FM0381E0FEL0FEW0FC3F87E003F3F00KFE,R07F8L01E7FFCL01FEW0FC3F87E003F3F00KFE,R03FEM07E3F8L07FCW0FC3F87E003F3F00FE,R01FFM018O0FF8W0FC3F87F007F3F00FC,S0FFCV03FFX0FC3F87F007F3F00FE,S07FFV0FFEX0FC3F83F007F3F007E,S01FFCT03FF8X0FC3F83F80FE3F007F00FC,T0IF8R01IFY0FC3F83FC1FE3F007F83FC,T07FFER07FFEY0FC3F81JFC3F003JFC,T01IFCP03IF8Y0FC3F81JFC3F001JF8,U07IFCN03IFEg0FC3F80JF83FI0JF,U03JFEL07JFCg0FC3F803FFE03FI07FFC,V07TFEgI01FI0FF801EJ0FF,V01TF8,W03RFC,X07PFE,Y0PF,g07LFE,gH03FFC,,:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::^FS ^FX MOTONORTE LOGO IMAGE ^FO250,835^GFA,3045,3045,35,,::::::::::::gL078gG03C,gL07CgG07E,gL07CgG07C,::R0E1F01FI01FC01FF001FC01C3FI03F003870FF801FE,07LFI01IFC7FC007FF03FFC07FF03IF800FFC07FF1FFC07FF8J01LFC,07LFI01LFE00IF83FFC0IF83IFC01FFE07FF1FFC0IFCJ01LFC,03KFEI01MF01IFC3FFC1IFC3IFE03IF87FF1FFC1IFEK0LF8,Q01MF83IFE1FF83IFE3JF07IF87FF1FFC3FCFF,Q01FC3FE1FC3F8FE0FC07F8FE3FC7F0FE1FC7F807E03F03F,Q01F81FC0FC7E03F07C07E07F3F03F0FC0FC7E007E03E01F8,Q01F81F80FC7E03F07C07E03F3F01F1F807E7E007E07E01F8,Q01F00F807C7C01F07C07C01F3F01F1F807E7C007E07JF8,Q01F00F807C7C01F87C0FC01F3F01F1F803E7C007E07JF8J08J01,03KFEI01F00F807C7C01F87C0FC01F3F01F1F003E7C007E07JF8J0LF8,:Q01F00F807C7C01F07C07C01F3F01F1F807E7C003E07E,Q01F00F807C7E01F07C07C03F3F01F1F807E7C003E07C,Q01F00F807C7E03F07E07E03F3F01F0FC0FC7C003E03E00F,Q01F00F807C3F07E07F07F07E3F01F0FE1FC7C003F03F03F,Q01F00F807C3IFE07FC3IFE3F01F07IF87C003FC3JF,Q01F00F807C1IFC03FC1IFC3F01F03IF87C003FE1IFE,07LFI01F00F807C0IF801FC0IF83F01F03FFE07C001FE0IFCJ01LFC,07LFI01F00F807C07FFI0FC07FF03F01F00FFC07CI0FC07FF8J01LFC,03KFEJ0F00F807C01FCI03801FC01E01F007F803CI01C01FEL0LF8,,::::::::g06V03T04J03001,g06L018N03T04J030018,g04L01O0301R08M018,J01E600E01E00C03804018078100EI0230303C06038I0701C03E0100F80E,J03FF01F03F01C03C0603C078100FI0230303C0E03CI0F01E07E0301F80F,J03FF03F03F83801E0607E0703807I073030380E01EI0E00E07303033807,J0I383F03381C07E0607E060381FI023030300C03EI0C03E0630303181F,J0I383E03180E07E0607C060383FI037030380C07EI0C07E0730303183F8,J0I383C03380E06E06070060383FI03F030180C06EI0C07E07F0303F83F8,J031100E03101C07C0603C060101FI03F0301C0807EI0C03E07E0301F01F,g0EV02V07,g0EgS06,g08gS02,,::::gN03030302102,gN040244031830018,gN040244031830108,gN0202C3031818108,gN018201008806008,gO0820080C806008,gN01820180C807008,,:::::::::::::^FS ^MMT ^PW799 ^LL1519 ^LS0 ^FT256,928^XG000.GRF,1,1^FS ^FT32,192^XG001.GRF,1,1^FS ^FO14,13^GB772,1100,2^FS ^FO47,943^GB710,0,2^FS ^FO44,807^GB710,0,2^FS ^FO41,626^GB710,0,2^FS ^FO41,393^GB710,0,2^FS ^FO43,205^GB710,0,2^FS ^FT500,144^A0N,25,24^FH\^FDEmisi\A2n^FS ^FT578,144^A0N,25,24^FD03/02/2017 16:21^FS ^FT670,101^A0N,39,38^FDR2^FS ^FT670,249^A0N,39,38^FDC2^FS ^FT43,249^A0N,28,31^FDDestinatario:^FS ^FT45,280^A0N,25,24^FH\^FDBernardita Franco^FS ^FT510,280^A0N,21,20^FDTel: 0387156057943^FS ^FT45,310^A0N,25,24^FH\^FDAvenida Libertador 1154^FS ^FT45,340^A0N,25,24^FH\^FDpiso 14 A^FS ^FT45,370^A0N,25,24^FH\^FD(1112) autonoma - Capital Federal^FS ^FT41,443^A0N,28,31^FH\^FDNro. de Gu\A1a:^FS ^BY4,3,115^FT120,578^BCN,,Y,N ^FD0191070591^FS ^FT43,670^A0N,28,31^FDRemitente^FS ^FT45,698^A0N,25,24^FH\^FDIMPORTADORA FOTOGRAFICA SOCIEDAD ANONIMA^FS ^FT490,698^A0N,21,20^FDTel: (11)4643-2003 ^FS ^FT45,726^A0N,25,24^FH\^FDAv. Rivadavia 10820^FS ^FT45,752^A0N,25,24^FH\^FDImportadora Fotogr\A0fica S.A.^FS ^FT45,780^A0N,25,24^FH\^FD(1408) Liniers - Capital Federal^FS ^FT47,982^A0N,20,19^FH\^FDImportante: Se deja expresamente^FS ^FT319,982^A0N,20,19^FDaclarado que MercadoLibre^FS ^FT538,982^A0N,20,19^FH\^FDs\A2lo se limita a la^FS ^FT47,1010^A0N,20,19^FH\^FDpublicaci\A2n de anuncios^FS ^FT241,1010^A0N,20,19^FDde sus usuarios^FS ^FT370,1010^A0N,20,19^FDy no es el propietario,^FS ^FT545,1010^A0N,20,19^FDno ha vendido y no^FS ^FT47,1038^A0N,20,19^FH\^FDser\A0 responsable^FS ^FT182,1038^A0N,20,19^FH\^FDpor los art\A1culos^FS ^FT317,1038^A0N,20,19^FDentregados y/o contenidos^FS ^FT526,1038^A0N,20,19^FDen este paquete, ya que^FS ^FT47,1065^A0N,20,19^FDel vendedor es la persona^FS ^FT253,1065^A0N,20,19^FDidentificada en esta etiqueta.^FS ^PQ1,0,1,Y ^XZ What parameters should i change to make it work in a label such as: 2.5x4 inches?
This printers came by default in CPCL, you need to send the following command to change it to ZPL ! U1 setvar "device.languages" "zpl"
Justify + TabSpaces does not work on CKEDITOR
team! When I use "config.tabSpaces = 20;" in justified text, he gets different spaces. for example: first paragraph: <p style="text-align:justify"> Além disso, constata-se que a parte reclamante recebeu, como última remuneração, valor <strong><u>muito acima do piso dos bancários, diferenciando-o de um SIMPLES CAIXA, quer seja pelas atividades desenvolvida, quer seja pela maior remuneração auferida.</u></strong></p> second paragraph: <p style="text-align:justify"> Nesse passo, verifica-se que era depositada uma confiança acima do comum, além daquela que é inerente a qualquer relação de emprego, <strong>e muito diferenciada das responsabilidades daqueles que exercem cargos de base (caixas, agentes ou atendentes comerciais)</strong>, estes sim, bancários comuns.</p> see that tab spaces were different, microsoft word redistributes spaces as the length of the sentence someone can help me?
CKEditor is not Microsoft Word. CKEditor is focused on editing fragments of HTML documents from the semantical (structural) POV, not from the visual POV. You cannot expect it to work as Microsoft Word which, despite the seeming similarities, is a totally different tool. So the behaviour you encountered is the right behaviour, because it is caused by how HTML and CSS works.