AWK command to separate line using Field-sperator - bash

Info 750: local macro 'ADD_GEN_METHOD' (line 149, file /home/vya3kor/vmshare/vya3kor_rbin_g3g_tas_lcmccatestadapter.vws/di_cfc/components/spm/LcmProject/framework/cca/server/generic/spm_CcaServiceHandlerFiParamConfig.cpp) not referenced
I want to separate above line using awk with field-separator (line
I used this command but it's not working
$ grep Info.* 1.txt |awk -F "(line" '{print $1}'
error : awk: fatal: Unmatched ( or \(: /(line/
output I want:
/di_cfc/components/spm/LcmProject/framework/cca/server/generic/spm_CcaServiceHandlerFiParamConfig.cpp%149%Info 750%local macro 'ADD_GEN_METHOD'%
So I used this command :
$ grep '^[Ii]nfo.*:'|
awk -F ":" '{print $1"%" $2}'|
awk -F ", file.*.vws" '{print $1"%" $2 }'|
awk -F ") not referenced" '{print $1"%" }'|
awk -F '(' '{print $1"%" $2"%" $3}'|
awk -F "line" '{print $1 $2 $3 }' |
awk -F "%" '{print $1$ "\n2" $3 $4 $4 $5}'

You can use this awk:
awk -F '\\(line' '{print $1}'
Info 750: local macro ADD_GEN_METHOD
( is special regex symbol that needs to be escaped.

instead of escaping the (, you can do in this way:
awk -F'[(]line' '... your codes'
personally I think it is easier to read.

You need to use three backslashes if the Field Seperator was set through -v,
$ echo 'Info 750: local macro 'ADD_GEN_METHOD' (line 149, file /home/vya3kor/vmshare/vya3kor_rbin_g3g_tas_lcmccatestadapter.vws/di_cfc/components/spm/LcmProject/framework/cca/server/generic/spm_CcaServiceHandlerFiParamConfig.cpp) not referenced' | awk -v FS="\\\(line" '{print $1}'
Info 750: local macro ADD_GEN_METHOD

With all that chopping, you may be better off with sed:
sed -n '/^[Ii]nfo/s/\(Info.*\): \([^(]*\).*file \([^)]*)\) .*/\3%\1%\2/gp' 1.txt

$ cat file
Info 750: local macro 'ADD_GEN_METHOD' (line 149, file /home/vya3kor/vmshare/vya3kor_rbin_g3g_tas_lcmccatestadapter.vws/di_cfc/components/spm/LcmProject/framework/cca/server/generic/spm_CcaServiceHandlerFiParamConfig.cpp) not referenced
$ cat tst.awk
BEGIN{ FS=" *[()] *"; OFS="%" }
/^[Ii]nfo.*:/ {
split($2,a,/[ ,]+/)
sub(/: /,OFS,$1)
print $2, a[2], $1 OFS
$ awk -f tst.awk file
/di_cfc/components/spm/LcmProject/framework/cca/server/generic/spm_CcaServiceHandlerFiParamConfig.cpp%149%Info 750%local macro 'ADD_GEN_METHOD'%
or you could do it all in GNU awk with one gensub() call or just use sed as #chthonicdaemon suggested since this is just a simple substitution on a single line.


handler: xyz.lambda_handler is a text and i want xyz.lambda_handler as output using sh script

i have "handler: xyz.lambda_handler" text in one file and i want "xyz.lambda_handler" i.e text present next to "handler:" as output using shell script, how can i do this.
I have tried
awk -F '${handler}' '{print $1}' filename | awk '{print $2}
grep handler filename
command but not getting correct output
as mentioned in qtn.
I combined two commands and i got my answer
grep Handler: filename | awk -F '${handler}' '{print $1}' | awk '{print $2}'
grep givepattern givefilename | awk -F '${givepattern}' '{print $1}' | awk '{print $2}'
It's grep, not greap. To print only the matched parts of a matching line, use option -o.
grep -o xyz.lambda_handler filename

Bad substitution using awk

I am trying to open some files as awk's output; the command is:
grep "formatDate\s=" "js/components/" | awk '{print $1}' | awk -F ":" '/1/ {print $1}'
and it (seems to) work correctly.
If I try to open that output as vim's tabs, like this:
vim -p ${ grep "formatDate\s=" "js/components/" | awk '{print $1}' | awk -F ":" '/1/ {print $1}' }
then I get:
-bash: ${ grep "formatDate\s=" "js/components/" | awk '{print $1}' | awk -F ":" '/1/ {print $1}' }: bad substitution
Any help? Thanks.
The way to execute a command is $(), whereas you are using ${}.
Hence, this should work:
vim -p $(grep "formatDate\s=" "js/components/" | awk '{print $1}' | awk -F ":" '/1/ {print $1}')

How to use awk for a variable in UNIX script

I would like to use awk for a variable
that has the form abc,def
I also don't know how to use awk for a variable instead of a file
I tried the following but it doesn't works
awk -F, '{$1" "$2}' $varand
awk -F, '{$1" "$2}' "$var"
Use a herestring
awk 'commands' <<< "$string"
Also if you want to print the first two fields of a comma separated string, change the command to
awk -F, '{print $1, $2}' <<< "$string"
You can do something like this:
echo "$variable" | awk -F, '{print $1 " " $2}'

Bash: AWK - $1 as first parameter of shell script

I spent on this 2 hours and get nothing. I want to get $1 and $2 as a first command line input of shell script, but I couldn't manage this. And $3 and $0 would be columns in awk. I try different methods but nothing works for me.
awk -F':' -v "limit=1000" '{ if ( $3 >=limit ) gsub("~/$1/",~/$2/); print \$0}' file.txt
the cleanest method is to explicitly pass the values from shell to awk with awk's -v option:
awk -F: -v limit=1000 -v patt="~/$1/" -v repl="~/$2/" '
$3 >=limit {gsub(patt,repl); print}
' file.txt
When your awk line is part of a script file, and you want to use $1 and $2 from the script in your awk command, you should temporary stop the literal string with a single quote and start it again.
awk -F':' -v "limit=1000" '{ if ( $3 >=limit ) gsub("~/'$1'/",~/'$2'/); print $0}' file.txt
You didn't post any sample input or expected output so this is a guess but you probably want something like this:
awk -F':' -v limit=1000 -v arg1="$1" -v arg2="$2" '$3 >= limit{gsub("~/" arg1 "/","~/" arg2 "/"); print}' file.txt

How to insert Command Line argument of shell script in AWK?

I have to find all of the record which have a particular data which I am gonna pass as the command line argument.
awk expression is like this(Date is in this format :'02/08/2013')
cat records.txt| awk -F ',' '$4 ~ /02/08/2013/ {print $1 $2}'
Here 4th column is the date column.
What I want to do is that, provide the date as the first argument and compare it.
I tried this,But it is not working.
cat records.txt| awk -F ',' -v awkvar="$1" '$4 ~ /^"awkvar/ {print $1 $2}'
Here the date column starts with " quote, so I am telling to look for the records who start with "+awkvar the given date.
Can anyone help me with this?
awk -F ',' -v var1="$1" '$4 ~ /^"2013/ {print $1 $2}' {This one is working, as I am directly comparing the record with 2013}
when I do this
awk -F ',' -v var1="$1" '$4 ~ /^"var1/ {print $1 $2}' , it does not return anything, what is the difference.
To pass variables to awk, use
awk -v awkvar=$value '{print awkvar}'
That said, no need to pipe cat | awk (useless use of cat) so finally :
awk -F, -v awkvar="$1" '$4 ~ "^\""awkvar {print $1 $2}' records.txt
