Saving a MATLAB surface object as an image - image

I can generate a MATLAB surface object (using h=pcolor(X,Y,C)) and I would like to save just that surface object in an image format (png, tiff, ...) without any visible background.
The surface is elliptical and not rectangular so I want to see just the ellipse, without white background, axes, labels, ticks, frame, menus, etc.
I want to use it as an overlay on Google Earth so the entity may be rectangular, as long as the parts outside the ellipse are transparent.
MATLAB and its user community seem to offer a number of ways to save images but I have not yet found one that saves just the surface object. Any solutions or even suggestions would be appreciated.

You can use export_fig tool from the matlab's FEX (www) to export the figure with a transparent background (not all the image formats are supported).
To get rid of the axes and just plot the surface, you can do


HTML5 canvas - make a mono mask efficiently without antialiasing

I am using pixel colour inspection to detect collisions. I know there are other ways to achieve this but this is my use case.
I draw a shape cloned from the main canvas on to a second canvas switching the fill and stroke colours to pur black. I then use getImageData() to get an array of pixel colours and inspect them - if I see black I have a collision with something.
However, some pixels are shades of grey because the second canvas is applying antialiasing to the shape. I want only black or transparent pixels.
How can I get the second canvas to be composed of either transparent or black only?
I have achieved this long in the past with Windows GDI via compositing/xor combinations etc. However, GDI did not always apply antialiasing. I guess the answer lies in globalCompositeOperation or filter but I cannot see what settings/filters or sequence to apply.
I appreciate I have not provided sample code but I am hoping that someone can throw me a bone and I'll work up a snippet here which might become a standard cut & paste for posterity from that.

How to save photoshop pixel art

I'm having some troubles right now with isometric pixel art. So I'm drawing this picture that is going to be uploaded later in the game, but when I save it and zoom it looks like this:
The picture became blurred and colors are not that bright. Is there anything I could do about it? How can I save it so it will be the same as in the photoshop (300% zoom)?
Would be really grateful for any help.
As Phlume said, you can use Vector base software like illustrator, CorelDraw, Inkscape (freeware) etc. and export it as a SVG image.
for a quick fix, in a Photoshop you can create image in a 300% size (canvas size 3 times then require ) and export image in 96dpi. And further to reduce the image size for faster loading you can try
And by the coding you can resize it to required size.
Photoshop is a raster based program. To retain the clarity of the pixel artwork you should switch to a vector bed program such as illustrator. When you zoom in with illustrator the math recalculate to form clean lines from point to point. The blurry you see in photoshop is a product of the pixel data becoming compressed upon saving and finding a "happy medium" to represent the color within that region.

Using regionprops in MATLAB to detect shapes only in part of the picture

I have video frames with elliptical objects in them. I'm trying to detect the main ellipse using regionprops and it works just fine.
However, since I want to speed up the process, I want regionprops to only look for those ellipses in a certain area of the image. I can crop the images each frame, to only have the relevant area left, but I would rather have regionprops look only in specified areas.
Is such an option possible?
Regioprops uses label matrix provided by bwlabel(bw_image) or just logical(grayscale_image) if you suppose that there is only object in the image. To make regionprops process only a part of image you should set irrelevant part of the label matrix to zero.

How to custom the map controller in Windows Phone to use my Map image

I am developing a Map App for our school. Our school provide me its own map image and coordinate information. So I want use my map image as the source of map and accord to user's location to show a point in the map image. Can anybody gives me some advice?
Thanks in advance.
There are 2 ways:
It is possible to change the source of the map-tiles (e.g. from Bing to say Nokia or Google) of the Map Control. However, for this to work, it is important that map-tiles source implements mechanisms like quadkeys (e.g. see this). Therefore, to answer your question if you would like to use the Bing Map Control with your school's map so that you can leverage the positioning features of the control, it would require that you have a map-tile server properly designed in order to achieve this. AND, there might be some legal issue with altering the Bing Map control if i am not mistaken.
However, given that you are suggesting an image of the map and then doing positioning, then i would suggest that it can be as easy as you calibrating the pixel X-Y coordinate system on the map with that of the geo-coordinate provided by the geo-watcher. Then, in your code you could do a simple mapping between these 2 systems and then draw something on top of the image. For this part you could use a writeablebitmap or simply use the fact that you can overlay UI controls with silverlight. So, for the latter have a canvas with the an image of the map of your school and then on top of that canvas you can have an <image> representing the device and change its top-left coordinate wrt to the canvas.
So, in summary, as the geo-watcher gives geo x-y coordinates to your code, there is mapping function to the pixel X-Y (which you have pre-calculated) and use that XY to position an overlay <image> or draw some "pin" on a writeablebitmap where you have previously draw the image of the map of your school. Things get complicated with this approach when you want to have zooming as well but, this solution is easily scalable.
Does this help clear things a bit?
Answering 2nd question in comment below:
Yes you can zoom in and out of the canvas but, you would have to program it yourself. The control itself, the canvas does not have this capability. Hence, you would have to recognize the triggers for a zoom action (e.g. clicking on the (+) or (-) buttons or, pinch and stretch gestures) and react to that by re-drawing on the canvas a portion of the region on the canvas so that now that regions stretches over the entire canvas. That is, zooming. For instance for the zoom in case: you would have to determine a geometrical area which corresponds to the zoom factor and is in ratio to the dimensions of the canvas object. Then, you would have to scale that portion up so that edges and empty spaces representing walls and spaces between them grow proportionately. Also, you have to determine the center point of that region which your fix on the canvas so that everything grows away from it. Hence, you would be achieving a appropriate zooming effect. At this point you would have to re-adjust your mapping function of geo-coordinates to pixel XY so that the "pin" or object of interest can be drawn with precision and accurately on the newly rendered surface.
I understand that this can appear quite intensive but, it is straightforward once you appreciate for yourself the mechanics of what is required.
Another easier option could be to use SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) in a Web-Browser control. Note that you would still require the geo-coordinate to pixel-xy system. However, with this approach you can get the zooming for free with the combination of SVG (which have transformation capabilities for the scale up and down operations) and Web-Browser which enables you to render the SVG and does the gesture handling of zooming in to the map. For that, i believe that the cost of work would be in re-creating the map of your school which is in bitmap to SVG. There are tools like Inkscape which you can use to load the image of your map and then trace the outlines over it. You can then save that outline document as an SVG. In fact, i would recommend this approach to your problem before tackling the Canvas method as i feel that it would be the easiest path for your needs.

Edge Detection and transparency

Using images of articles of clothing taken against a consistent background, I would like to make all pixels in the image transparent except for the clothing. What is the best way to go about this? I have researched the algorithms that are common for this and the open source library opencv. Aside from rolling my own or using opencv is there an easy way to do this? I am open to any language or platform.
If your background is consistend in an image but inconsistent across images it could get tricky, but here is what I would do:
Separate the image into some intensity/colour form such as YUV or Lab.
Make a histogram over the colour part. Find the most occuring colour, this is (most likely) your background (update) maybe a better trick here would be to find the most occuring colour of all pixels within one or two pixels from the edge of the image.
Starting from the eddges of the image, set all pixels that have that colour and are connected to the edge through pixels of that colour to transparent.
The edge of the piece of clothing is now going to look a bit ugly because it consist of pixels that gain their colour from both the background and the piece of clothing. To combat this you need to do a bit more work:
Find the edge of the piece of clothing through some edge detection mechanism.
Replace the colour of the edge pixels with a blend of the colour just "inside" the edge pixel (i.e. the colour of the clothing in that region) and transparent (if your output image format supports that).
If you want to get really fancy, you increase the transparency depending on how much "like" the background colour the colour of that pixel is.
Basically, find the color of the background and subtract it, but I guess you knew this. It's a little tricky to do this all automatically, but it seems possible.
First, take a look at blob detection with OpenCV and see if this is basically done for you.
To do it yourself:
find the background: There are several options. Probably easiest is to histogram the image, and the large number of pixels with similar values are the background, and if there are two large collections, the background will be the one with a big hole in the middle. Another approach is to take a band around the perimeter as the background color, but this seems inferior as, for example, reflection from a flash could dramatically brighten more centrally located background pixels.
remove the background: a first take at this would be to threshold the image based on the background color, and then run the "open" or "close" algorithms on this, and then use this as a mask to select your clothing article. (The point of open/close is to not remove small background colored items on the clothing, like black buttons on a white blouse, or, say, bright reflections on black clothing.)
OpenCV is a good tool for this.
The trickiest part of this will probably be at the shadow around the object (e.g. a black jacket on a white background will have a continuous gray shadow at some of the edges and where to make this cut?), but if you get this far, post another question.
if you know the exact color intensity of the background and it will never change and the articles of clothing will never coincide with this color, then this is a simple application of background subtraction, that is everything that is not a particular color intensity is considered an "on" pixel, one of interest. You can then use connected component labeling ( to figure out seperate groupings of objects.
for a color image, with the same background on every pictures:
convert your image to HSV or HSL
determine the Hue value of the background (+/-10): do this step once, using photoshop for example, then use the same value on all your pictures.
perform a color threshold: on the hue channel exclude the hue of the background ([0,hue[ + ]hue, 255] typically), for all other channels include the whole value range (0 to 255 typically). this will select pixels which are NOT the background.
perform a "fill holes" operation (normally found along blob analysis or labelling functions) to complete the part of the clothes which may have been of the same color than the background.
now you have an image which is a "mask" of the clothes: non-zero pixels represents the clothes, 0 pixels represents the background.
this step of the processing depends on how you want to make pixels transparent: typically, if you save your image as PNG with an alpha (transparency) channel, use a logical AND (also called "masking") operation between the alpha channel of the original image and the mask build in the previous step.
voilĂ , the background disappeared, save the resulting image.
