"Command not found" inside shell script - bash

I have a shell script on a mac (OSX 10.9) named msii810161816_TMP_CMD with the following content.
When I execute it, I get
./msii810161816_TMP_CMD: line 1: matlab: command not found
However, when I type matlab into the shell directly it starts as normal. How can it be that the same command works inside the shell but not inside a shell script? I copy-pasted the command directly from the script into the shell and it worked ...
PS: When I replace the content of the script with
echo matlab
I get the desired result, so I can definitely execute the shell script (I use ./msii810161816_TMP_CMD)
Thanks guys!

By default, aliases are not expanded in non-interactive shells, which is what shell scripts are. Aliases are intended to be used by a person at the keyboard as a typing aid.
If your goal is to not have to type the full path to matlab, instead of creating an alias you should modify your $PATH. Add /Applications/MATLAB_R2014a.app/bin to your $PATH environment variable and then both you and your shell scripts will be able to simply say

This is because, as commenters have stated, the PATH variable inside of the shell executing the script does not include the directory containing the matlab executable.
When a command name is used, like "matlab", your shell looks at every directory in the PATH in order, searching for one containing an executable file with the name "matlab".
Without going into too much detail, the PATH is determined by the shell being invoked.
When you execute bash, it combines a global setting for basic directories that must be in the PATH with any settings in your ~/.bashrc which alter the PATH.
Most likely, you are not running your script in a shell where the PATH includes matlab's directory.
To verify this, you can take the following steps:
Run which matlab. This will show you the path to the matlab executable.
Run echo "$PATH". This will show you your current PATH settings. Note that the directory from which matlab is included in the colon-separated list.
Add a line to the beginning of your script that does echo "$PATH". Note that the directory from which matlab is not included.
To resolve this, ensure that your script is executed in a shell that has the needed directory in the PATH.
You can do this a few ways, but the two most highly recommended ones would be
Add a shebang line to the start of your script. Assuming that you want to run it with bash, do #!/bin/bash or whatever the path to your bash interpreter is.
The shebang line is not actually fully standardized by POSIX, so BSD-derived systems like OSX will happily handle multiple arguments to the shebanged executable, while Linux systems pass at most one argument.
In spite of this, the shebang is an easy and simple way to document what should be used to execute the script, so it's a good solution.
Explicitly invoke your script with a shell as its interpreter, as in bash myscript.sh or tcsh myscript.sh or even sh myscript.sh
This is not incompatible with using a shebang line, and using both is a common practice.
I believe that the default shell on OSX is always bash, so you should start by trying with that.
If these instructions don't help, then you'll have to dig deeper to find out why or how the PATH is being altered between the calling context and the script's internal context.
Ultimately, this is almost certainly the source of your issue.


AppleScript do shell script returns error for "which" command

I'm writing an AppleScript that will ask a user which remote cloud service and then which bucket they would like to mount in Mac OS using rclone. But in order to run the rclone command in an AppleScript, you need to include the entire path to the app. For me that is: /usr/local/bin/rclone
I want to include, as a variable, the location of rclone using the which command in a shell script like this:
set rcloneLOC to paragraphs of (do shell script "which rclone")
But I get a script error stating "The command exited with a non-zero status." This happens even if I just try to run do shell script "which rclone" by itself. If I type which rclone into terminal, I get the result I expect.
How do I get this to work?
As #GordonDavisson suggests, you can view your path using echo $PATH.
To change your applescript's path (and view the change) try this:
do shell script "export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH ; echo $PATH"
The first part of the shell command (up to the semi-colon) will prepend /usr/local/bin to your default path. The second part will return your updated path. The semi-colon has the second part run after the first part is finished.
It's important to note that this change is temporary and only in effect for this shell script and only while it is operating. This is why you need the combined commands in order to see the effect.
I'll use 'rsync' as an example since I don't have rclone; substitute 'rclone' to get its path. To get its path, you combine the export command with which, like so:
do shell script "export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH ; which rsync"
The result is /usr/local/bin/rsync.
To clarify a couple of things… the environment is a set of conditions that apply for each user. You can get a basic rundown of it by running man 7 environ in Terminal. There is an env command which lists your settings and allows you to edit them; man env will provide info on it. At the bottom of these man pages, you should see references to related commands which you can also look up. Meanwhile, from within Script Editor, you could run a 1-line script with do shell script "env" and see the corresponding environment for applescript's shell.
Based on Apple's documentation (or my interpretation of it), they chose this setup because it is relatively secure and portable. You know what you get every time you run a shell script. You don't need to use a more modern shell to run the which command. You can modify the environment as needed, the same way you would while using the terminal.
Finally, Apple has provided Technical Note 2065 which provides info on using shell scripts with applescript. Also, you can likely get more info here or on the unix stack exchange.
NB All of the above is just my understanding, which is limited.

How to make a bash command executable from any directory in Windows?

I have made a few bash scripts that I have saved to individual folders. I have Windows 10. The scripts have functions that executes commands in bash. I am now able to execute these .sh scripts from any directory, since I have added the folders they are saved in to the path variable. But I want to make it even easier for me, and be able to only have to type the function in the bash console to execute the command.
This is an example of one of the scripts. It is saved as file_lister.sh. I am able to run this by typing "file_lister.sh" but I want to run it by only typing the function name in the script, which is "list_files". How do I do this? Thanks in advance.
function list_files(){
cp C:/Users/jmell/OneDrive/projects/file_lister/file_lister.py file_lister.py
python file_lister.py
if [ $cwd != "/c/Users/jmell/OneDrive/projects/file_lister" ]
rm file_lister.py
Unless you source all of your scripts (e.g. in your .bashrc file), the functions won't be defined. However, your function is doing a lot of extra work that it really shouldn't be. The example script can be reduced to
python C:/Users/jmell/OneDrive/projects/file_lister/file_lister.py
Better, yet, keep in mind that the shebang line is read and stripped off by the shell. It specifies the interpreter to use. Instead of creating a wrapper script, add the following line to file_lister.py:
At that point, I'd also recommend renaming file_lister.py to just file_lister.

How to run shell script by including "cd" command in ubuntu?

I am trying to execute a shell script for automating the process rather than manually running the python script. But i am getting the error folder not found.
cd /home/gaurav/AndroPyTool
export ANDROID_HOME=$HOME/android-sdk-linux/
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools
source ~/.bashrc
source droidbox_env/bin/activate
alias mycd='cd /home/gaurav/AndroPyTool/test'
python androPyTool.py -all -csv EXPORTCSV.csv -s mycd
>>>> AndroPyTool -- STEP 1: Filtering apks
Folder not found!
This is the error i am getting because the script is not able to find the path that i have provided above.
The part after "-s" in the code represents the folder path where the file stored.
The issue here is that you are not passing the path to the python program. The python program is not aware of bash aliases and bash will only expand aliases when it is interpreting the token as a command.
When bash reads python androPyTool.py -all -csv EXPORTCSV.csv -s mycd It interprets python as the command and all other space separated tokens are arguments that will be passed into python. Python then invokes androPyTool.py and passes the subsequent arguments to that script. So the program is receiving literally mycd as the argument for -s.
Moreover, even if mycd is expanded, it wouldn't be the correct argument for -s. androPyTool.py is expecting just the /path/to/apks, not cd /path/to/apks/.
I don't really think that using the alias in this script makes much sense. It actually makes the script harder to read and understand. If you want to wrap a command, I recommend defining a function, and occasionally you can use variable expansion (but that mixes code and data which can lead to issues). EDIT: As has been pointed out in the comments, aliases are disabled for scripts.
Finally there are some other suspicious issues with your script. Mainly, why are you sourcing .bashrc? If this script is run by you in your user's environment, .bashrc will already be sourced and there is no need to re-source it. On the other hand, if this is not intended to be run in your environment, and there is something in the .bashrc file that you need in your script, I recommend pulling just that out and nothing else.
But the most immediate issue that I can see is that sourcing .bashrc after you modify path runs the risk of overwriting the changes to PATH you just made. Depending on the contents of the .bashrc file, sourcing it may not be idempotent, meaning that running it more than once could have side effects. Finally, anything could get thrown in that .bashrc file down the road since that's what its for. So now your script may depend on something that likely will be changing. This opens up the possibility that bugs will creep in to your script unexpectedly.

How can I store and execute the command "export PATH=$PREFIX/bin" from a script?

I would like to write a script that has several commands of the kind
> export PATH=$PREFIX/bin
> $PREFIX = /home/usr
or something else. Instead of typing it into the the Shell (/bin/bash) I would run the script to execute the commands.
Tried it with sh and then with a .py script having the line,
> commands.getstatusoutput('export PATH=$PREFIX/bin')
but these result into the error "bad variable name".
Would be thankful for some ideas!
If you need to adjust PATH (or any other environment variable) via a script after your .profile and equivalents have been run, you need to 'dot' or 'source' the file containing the script:
. file_setting_path
source file_setting_path
The . notation applies to all Bourne shell derivatives, and is standardized by POSIX. The source notation is used in C shell and has infected Bash completely unnecessarily.
Note that the file (file_setting_path) can be specified as a pathname, or if it lives in a directory listed on $PATH, it will be found. It only needs to be readable; it does not have to be executable.
The way the dot command works is that it reads the named file as part of the current shell environment, rather than executing it in a sub-shell like a normal script would be executed. Normally, the sub-shell sets its environment happily, but that doesn't affect the calling script.
The bad variable name is probably just a complaint that $PREFIX is undefined.
Usually a setting of PATH would look something like
export PATH=$PATH:/new/path/to/programs
so that you retain the old PATH but add something onto the end.
You are best off putting such things in your .bashrc so that they get run every time you log in.

How to run a TCL script from shell script?

I am new to TCL scripting and shell scripting. I want to invoke a TCL script from the shell script. I have tried as below.
for i in {1..5}
If I run the script, it is throwing error as follows,
./sample.sh: line 5: my_script: command not found
./sample.sh: line 5: test_script: command not found
Can anyone help me out with this ?
Thanks in advance.
If they cannot be found in your $PATH you have to provide a path to your scripts, e.g.:
./my_myscript # current directory
/path/to/test_script # absolute path
If you haven't made your script executable (with chmod +x) then you need to use:
tclsh my_script.tcl
Or maybe tclsh8.5 /path/to/script.tcl or many variations on that.
If you have made the script executable, check that the directory containing the script is on your PATH (if not, use the full filename of the script or adjust your PATH) and that you've got a suitable #! line. The usual recommended one is:
#!/usr/bin/env tclsh8.5
as that will search your path for the tclsh8.5 executable instead of hard-coding it.
From man tclsh. I guess the second block answers your question.
If you create a Tcl script in a file whose first line is
then you can invoke the script file directly from your shell if you mark the file as executable. [...]
An even better approach is to start your script files with the following three lines:
# the next line restarts using tclsh \
exec tclsh "$0" ${1+"$#"}
This approach has three advantages over the approach in the previous paragraph [...]
You should note that it is also common practice to install tclsh with its version number as part of the name.This has the advantage of allowing multiple
versions of Tcl to exist on the same system at once, but also the disadvantage of making it harder to write scripts that start up uniformly across different versions of Tcl.
