"with" in parameter names in Swift initialisers - cocoa

This initialiser will cause an error complaining that "with" is implied for the first parameter of an initialiser; did you mean name?
init(withName: String){
I'm not sure what this means, if it provides automagically the withName external parameter name if I call it name or what...
If I change it to
init(name: String){
any attempt at calling it init(with: "joe") or init(withName: "Joe") will fail. So I have no idea what the error message is telling me and how I can declare it so I call it init(withName: "joe").

In Swift you should not add with to the initializer. The initializer should be init(name:) and you should call it as Object(name: "joe").
This is because of how Swift methods bridge to ObjC. In ObjC, that initializer will automatically be translated to initWithName:. If you named it init(withName:) it would become initWithWithName:.


What is the difference between method call syntax `foo.method()` and UFCS `Foo::method(&foo)`?

Is there any difference in Rust between calling a method on a value, like this:
struct A { e: u32 }
impl A {
fn show(&self) {
println!("{}", self.e)
fn main() {
A { e: 0 }.show();
...and calling it on the type, like this:
fn main() {
A::show(&A { e: 0 })
Summary: The most important difference is that the universal function call syntax (UFCS) is more explicit than the method call syntax.
With UFCS there is basically no ambiguity what function you want to call (there is still a longer form of the UFCS for trait methods, but let's ignore that for now). The method call syntax, on the other hand, requires more work in the compiler to figure out which method to call and how to call it. This manifests in mostly two things:
Method resolution: figure out if the method is inherent (bound to the type, not a trait) or a trait method. And in the latter case, also figure out which trait it belongs to.
Figure out the correct receiver type (self) and potentially use type coercions to make the call work.
Receiver type coercions
Let's take a look at this example to understand the type coercions to the receiver type:
struct Foo;
impl Foo {
fn on_ref(&self) {}
fn on_mut_ref(&mut self) {}
fn on_value(self) {}
fn main() {
let reference = &Foo; // type `&Foo`
let mut_ref = &mut Foo; // type `&mut Foo`
let mut value = Foo; // type `Foo`
// ...
So we have three methods that take Foo, &Foo and &mut Foo receiver and we have three variables with those types. Let's try out all 9 combinations with each, method call syntax and UFCS.
//Foo::on_mut_ref(reference); error: mismatched types
//Foo::on_value(reference); error: mismatched types
//Foo::on_ref(mut_ref); error: mismatched types
//Foo::on_value(mut_ref); error: mismatched types
//Foo::on_ref(value); error: mismatched types
//Foo::on_mut_ref(value); error: mismatched types
As we can see, only the calls succeed where the types are correct. To make the other calls work we would have to manually add & or &mut or * in front of the argument. That's the standard behavior for all function arguments.
Method call syntax
//reference.on_mut_ref(); error: cannot borrow `*reference` as mutable
//reference.on_value(); error: cannot move out of `*reference`
//mut_ref.on_value(); error: cannot move out of `*mut_ref`
Only three of the method calls lead to an error while the others succeed. Here, the compiler automatically inserts deref (dereferencing) or autoref (adding a reference) coercions to make the call work. Also note that the three errors are not "type mismatch" errors: the compiler already tried to adjust the type correctly, but this lead to other errors.
There are some additional coercions:
Unsize coercions, described by the Unsize trait. Allows you to call slice methods on arrays and to coerce types into trait objects of traits they implement.
Advanced deref coercions via the Deref trait. This allows you to call slice methods on Vec, for example.
Method resolution: figuring out what method to call
When writing lhs.method_name(), then the method method_name could be an inherent method of the type of lhs or it could belong to a trait that's in scope (imported). The compiler has to figure out which one to call and has a number of rules for this. When getting into the details, these rules are actually really complex and can lead to some surprising behavior. Luckily, most programmers will never have to deal with that and it "just works" most of the time.
To give a coarse overview how it works, the compiler tries the following things in order, using the first method that is found.
Is there an inherent method with the name method_name where the receiver type fits exactly (does not need coercions)?
Is there a trait method with the name method_name where the receiver type fits exactly (does not need coercions)?
Is there an inherent method with the name method_name? (type coercions will be performed)
Is there a trait method with the name method_name? (type coercions will be performed)
(Again, note that this is still a simplification. Different type of coercions are preferred over others, for example.)
This shows one rule that most programmers know: inherent methods have a higher priority than trait methods. But a bit unknown is the fact that whether or not the receiver type fits perfectly is a more important factor. There is a quiz that nicely demonstrates this: Rust Quiz #23. More details on the exact method resolution algorithm can be found in this StackOverflow answer.
This set of rules can actually make a bunch of changes to an API to be breaking changes. We currently have to deal with that in the attempt to add an IntoIterator impl for arrays.
Another – minor and probably very obvious – difference is that for the method call syntax, the type name does not have to be imported.
Apart from that it's worth pointing out what is not different about the two syntaxes:
Runtime behavior: no difference whatsoever.
Performance: the method call syntax is "converted" (desugared) into basically the UFCS pretty early inside the compiler, meaning that there aren't any performance differences either.

Swift: error: use of instance member on type

I'm trying to build a swift script but I got stuck with this error:
./1.swift:10:11: error: use of instance member 'thisIsmyFunction' on type 'myScript'; did you mean to use a value of type 'myScript' instead?
~~~~~~~~ ^
Here is my code:
import Foundation
class myScript {
func thisIsmyFunction() {
print("Do something in there!")
What I'm trying to do is access to the function and execute the print.
Any of you knows what I'm doing wrong?
I'll really appreciate your help.
You can only call an instance method on an instance of a class. For example, you would have to create an instance of myScript, then call it:
let script = myScript()
You can also choose to make thisIsmyFunction a class method (which is formally known as a "type method" in Swift), and call it like the way you are doing right now:
class func thisIsmyFunction() {...}
Note the class modifier in front of func. Of course, this means you can't access self inside the function, because there is no longer an instance of the class.
For more information, see the Swift documentation on methods.
Aside: Swift classes should start with capital letters.

"Jump to definition" for methods without external parameter names

For method calls with external parameter names I can cmd-click in Xcode on any parameter name to jump to the method definition. For
example, in
let a = Array(count: 3, repeatedValue: 0)
a cmd-click on "count" or "repeatedValue" jumps directly to the Array initializer method
init(count: Int, repeatedValue: Element)
However, I haven't found a way to do the same for methods calls
without external parameter names, as in
let c = Array("abc".characters)
Of course I can lookup that the characters method returns a String.CharacterView which in turn conforms to SequenceType, so this will call the Array initializer
init<S : SequenceType where S.Generator.Element == _Buffer.Element>(_ s: S)
but I wonder if somebody has found a direct "jump to definition" method
for this situation.
This would be very useful if a type has many overloaded init methods (without external parameter names), to determine which one is actually called.
The above examples are from Swift 2/Xcode 7 beta, but the problem is not
tied to a special Swift/Xcode version.
(Also posted at the Apple Developer Forums: https://forums.developer.apple.com/thread/12687.)
You have to do some work:
let c = Array.init("abc".characters)
// ^^^^^
Use initializer expression, then cmd + click on it.

Function parameter error - Missing Argument Label Anomaly - SWIFT

I have a strange issue (which I can overcome however I would like to get a proper understanding of my error).
I have a small random number generator function which I use often:
func ranNum(low: Int, high:Int) -> UInt32 {
var result = arc4random_uniform(UInt32((high+1)-low)) + low
return result
When I use this in XCode playgrounds it works just fine if I pass in something like:
ranNum(1, 10)
However, in a regular Swift file it generates the error message : Missing argument label 'hi:' in call. Now I can overcome this by calling the function this way:
ranNum(1, hi:10)
Apart from it just being a little harder to read, it just isn't making sense why it works in Playgrounds but also why it requires only the 2nd argument label and not both. Any help as to what I am not understandinh would be greatly appreciated.
That's called external parameter name, and by default:
global functions: don't have implicit external names
class/struct methods: external names are automatically defined for all parameters after the first
initializers: external names are automatically defined for all parameters
If not explicitly specified, external names take the same name as the local parameter.
You can override that by prefixing a local parameter name with _. In your case:
func ranNum(low: Int, _ high:Int) -> UInt32 {
You mentioned that in playground calling the function works without any external parameter name - I may argue that:
in playground you have that function as a global function
in other tests, that function is a class/struct method
Am I right?

What are these method parameters called in Swift?

I'm just taking my first steps with Swift and after having worked with things like PHP, Ruby, JavaScript and Python, this is all totally new to me.
So, I have code like this:
class DerpController: NSURLConnectionDelegate, NSURLConnectionDataDelegate {
func connection(connection: NSURLConnection!, didReceiveResponse response: NSURLResponse) {
println("response received")
func connection(connection: NSURLConnection!, didReceiveData data: NSData!) {
println("data received")
func connectionDidFinishLoading(connection: NSURLConnection!) {
println("request finished")
What are these things called: didReceiveResponse, didReceiveData? Are they some kind kind of message identifier or what?
And is func connection one overloaded method or are there actually two that are identified by these "didReceive..." names?
didReceiveResponse is an external parameter name. response and data are local parameter names.
This means that the first function is called with myDerpController.connection(url, didReceiveResponse:response). But within the body of the function you refer to the parameter as response.
The second function is a typo, and should be didReceiveData
These are delegate methods defined by NSURLConnectionDataDelegate, which is a protocol you have adopted.
In Swift, a parameter can have both an internal (parameter, local) name and an external (argument, caller) name. The internal name (response:, data:) is entirely up to you; the name provided by the docs and by code completion is just a "serving suggestion". The external name, however, needs to match the selector name by which Objective-C (or any other caller) will seek it. The method is called e.g. connection:didReceiveData: so you must use an external name didReceiveData for the second parameter in order to be called.
You also asked (irrelevantly) about overloading. Overloading by type is legal in Swift but not in Objective-C; the latter uses names (selectors) alone. You're biting off a lot at once here because you've chosen to start with an example involving heavy interplay between Swift and Objective-C, to understand which you really need to know at least the rudiments of both languages.
