what controller responds to /auth/{providerId}? - spring

I need to override the requestmapping of /auth/{providerId} so that I can introduce two another behaviour from a different part of the website and therefore need to find that controller...

One way to do it with Spring would be to extend HandlerInterceptorAdapter to create a new interceptor which will be invoked before the Controller is invoked.
In its preHandle(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, Object handler) method, the handler is the controller which will serve the request, and therefore you can log the controller's name in your log files. Remember to set the log level accordingly for this class.
You need to add this interceptor to <mvc:interceptors> in your spring-mvc-config.xml.
Then when you access your URL you can see the name of the controller being logged in your log files.
This answer was given to my question here, which is essentially the same as your question as Hybris uses Spring.
An easier way to do it, would be to search for the string "/auth/" in your *.java files. But you might have to be lucky.


Spring Controller Url

I have question about controllers. Always when i working with controller im start to declare #RequestMapping for example if have UserController then is #RequestMapping("/user");
What if i want to declare another path in this same controller? For example im have #GetMapping("/info") and i will get info about user, but what if i want to declare on this same controller path localhost:8080/topic/blablabla? Is another solution than delete #RequestMapping from controller and make on every Get/PostMapping another path?
Defining a #RequestMapping at the controller level; it means narrowing it down to your criteria.
You can use the #RequestMapping annotation to map requests to controllers methods. It has various attributes to match by URL, HTTP method, request parameters, headers, and media types. You can use it at the class level to express shared mappings or at the method level to narrow down to a specific endpoint mapping. Read More
It is good you want to do, sometimes I need it too but as far as I research it is not supported now.

How to get the original handler URI (with wildcards, etc.) in a HandlerInterceptor in Spring?

I am collecting custom metrics for my controller endpoints via HandlerInterceptor. In postHandle I have everything I need and I would like to save the metrics for my endpoints along with the original route defined in the controller, so not the actual route filled with the data.
E.g. I have #GetMapping("/cats/{name}") and make GET request on /cats/tom I still want the defined route "cats/{name}"
I found that I can do this with the Object handler which is the parameter of postHandle -> I can cast it to HandlerMethod get the annotations of the method and find it from memberValues. This seems a bit overkill I also have to filter for Get-, Post-, Put-, Delete-, Patch-, RequestMapping annotations. Is there any easier or more straightforward way to do this? If so how? If not what else do I have to take into consideration with this solution?
It turns out Spring adds this data to the HttpServletRequest attributes. So it can be retrieved using:
String routePattern = (String) request.getAttribute("org.springframework.web.servlet.HandlerMapping.bestMatchingPattern");

Validate a HTTP-Header field in a Spring RestController

I'm looking for a way to validate whether the custom header 'X-Client-Id' is set to a value defined in a Repository within an HTTP request sent to a REST-controller in SpringBoot.
I see tutorials (like this) which includes the header in the method like this: #RequestHeader(value="User-Agent"). I assume I would have to write that line to every method and inject a common validator-bean to verify the value.
Another stackoverflow answer seems to suggest using an HandlerInterceptor. I'm not sure though if that's applicable to header values and REST endpoints.
So what is the recommended way to validate all methods of a class/REST-controller whether a specific header is set or not?
Basically the easiest (and most logical) way is to catch the Request before it gets to your Controller. That can be achieved either with a HandlerInterceptor as the other answer states or with a simple Filter like OncePerRequestFilter.
Extend that class, override the doFilterInternal() method as doFilter() is final, extract the proper header value, check it against whatever you need and depending on the value, either throw an Exception or continue with the chain.

Accessing Spring Controller Name from View

With Spring, how can i retrieve the following Controller attributes in the view?
Controller name
Controller's #RequestMapping URI
Action method name
Action method's #RequestMapping URI
One approach which i have tried is by creating a subclass of HandlerInterceptorAdapter and overriding postHandle. I register my subclass as an mvc:interceptor for a list of given paths - which is clunky to maintain but was the only way to avoid my interceptor being called for ResourceHandler requests (which i don't want). In my postHandle i can easily add the 2 name attributes, but not the URIs...
Parsing from the HttpRequest object requires constraints on all Controller RequestMappings. I.e. i must always map /Controller/Action or equiv scheme. Quite limiting.
Creating an ApplicationContext and querying that with the requestURI is too long-winded.
I am thinking about dropping the HandlerInterceptorAdapter and instead defining a BaseController for all my controllers to extend.
I wanted to ask before i do this, is there a better approach?
You haven't stated why you need to do this (it sometimes helps to include your motivation, as others can suggest alternative approaches).
But I'm guessing that the Spring 3.1 features loosely termed "end point documentation" may do what you are asking... See RequestMappingHandlerMapping in the Spring documentation which doesn't provide a lot of detail, so this example project is the best place to see it in action:
Spring MVC 3.1 Demo App
example controller
example JSP page

Best practice for using #SessionAttributes

I am trying to share data between two controllers in a Spring mvc application.
In Controller A I have annotated the class with #SessionAttributes({"mymodel1"}) and in the method which receives the first GET request I add it to the ModelMap:
model.addAttribute("mymodel1", MyModel1);
I now want to read myModel1 from Controller B.
In this Controller I have the following method which intercepts the POST requests and already has a different model in its parameters:
public String processSubmit(#ModelAttribute("mymodel2") MyModel2 mymodel2, BindingResult result, SessionStatus status, HttpServletRequest httpRequest)
Up to this point everything works fine and I am able to read mymodel2 from processSubmit however if I now want to add another #ModelAttribute("mymodel1") MyModel1 mymodel1 to this method signature I would have expected to be able to read the value I was setting in Controller A however I'm getting exceptions that the first model is no longer recognised.
So my question is: how can I read mymodel2 from Controller B?
You can't do that with #SessionAttributes :
Session attributes as indicated using this annotation correspond to a specific handlers model attributes, getting transparently stored in a conversational session. Those attributes will be removed once the handler indicates completion of its conversational session. Therefore, use this facility for such conversational attributes which are supposed to be stored in the session temporarily during the course of a specific handlers conversation.
For example I use this annotation when I want to validate elements with Hibernate validation, and after I submit the page and SOME elements are invalid I want the rest to be still on the page, but this is not your case. I think that the only way to do it would be with:
The javadoc excerpt above is the most typical way #SessionAttributes is used. However, what Joly is describing should also work. Session attributes are stored via DefaultSessionAttributeStore, which by default does not prefix attribute names when it stores them in the session. That means if ControllerA and ControllerB both list an attribute called "mymodel1", they're actually referring to the same session attribute. You'll need to provide a little more information on the error you're getting and the actual controller code.
