How can I encrypt files in GPG with password under dot - gnupg

Just wondering, how can I encrypt files with GPG with password under dot?
I have a file called test.txt and I want to encrypt this file into GPG with password, so this is the script I wrote to encrypt the file:
gpg - c test.txt
then it is asking for the Passphrase and I entered abc123. File test.txt.gpg was generated as a result.
Then I tried to decrypt the gpg file by using the following script under dot:
gpg -o testing.txt -d test.txt.gpg
It decrypted the file for me without asking for the password (abc123).
Does anyone know where is going wrong with my encrypt?


GPG --gen -key with password in a separate file

I want to encrypt a file using a passphrase, which I did using gpg --gen-key to create a key (I used the default options) in the command line, and I also go this to work in an "automated" way without user interaction.
But, I'd like to specify the passphrase stored in a separate file. This is what I'm running now:
gpg --batch --gen-key "D:\Staging\FileContainingKeySettings.txt"
And what's in the file called "FileContainingKeySettings.txt" is this:
%echo Generating a default key
Key-Type: default
Subkey-Type: default
Name-Real: PBJ
Name-Comment: test
Expire-Date: 0
%echo done
So that works and generates the key.
Then I call this:
gpg --batch --yes -r PBJ --output D:\Staging\newEncryptedFile.txt --encrypt
And this works too.
So now I have 1 problem and 1 question. The problem is that I need to specify the passphrase to reference a file that looks like this (but much longer):
Version: BCPG v1.47
instead of using the password where I wrote "blah"^, and I haven't found a way to do this online or from any other team members around me. How can I do that?
Question: I also notice now that the file I was sent containing the encryption key reads at the top
...which says it uses PGP (but I am using gpg). I know that gpg and pgp are different and read about them, but can I even do what I'm trying to do using gpg to encrypt a file with a key that was apparently generated with pgp?
(in Windows)
UPDATE: Now I may have gotten this working, although I still have to validate by having the other person decrypt the message (it works fine when I decrypt it). Silly I didn't think of this code change earlier when I've actually tried this before...I simply changed my cmd call from this part:
gpg --batch --gen-key "D:\Staging\FileContainingKeySettings.txt"
to this instead, specifying the passphrase file location here instead:
gpg --batch --passphrase "D:\Staging\FileWithActualKey.txt --gen-key
and I took the password line out of the file "FileContainingKeySettings" altogether. I haven't tested this by having the other person decrypt it yet on their end...I hope it worked. At least I didn't get error. But now when I run this line again to actually do encryption, it works:
gpg --batch --yes -r PBJ --output D:\Staging\newEncryptedFile.txt --encrypt

Message Authentication Code for gpg

The gpg software supports symmetric encryption out of the box. That means, it works with a password. But apart from protecting the content it is also important to ensure the Authentication of a message. The idea is to create a hashsum of the file itself together with the password used for encryption. According to [1] a popular “Message Authentication Code” is HMAC. After entering:
gpg --hmac --armor --symmetric --passphrase pwd1 file.txt
gpg: Invalid option "--hmac"
an error message occurs that the switch is not known by the software. How can i use the MAC authentication the right way?
You can't. The reason for the error message is that type of signature is not available with GPG. You'd be better off simply signing and encrypting the file with the standard GPG method. Even if you wanted to use symmetric encryption only, then the recipient would still need to use GPG to decrypt the file. The correct command would be:
gpg -o filename.txt.asc -sear $recipient_key filename.txt
This assumes you also always encrypt to your own key, otherwise the command would be:
gpg -o filename.txt.asc -sear $recipient_key -r $your_key filename.txt
If they don't have a key, you could still sign and encrypt to your own key only and then extract the session key so you could provide that for them to decrypt the file with it:
gpg -o filename.txt --show-session-key -d filename.txt.asc
Then the recipient would be able to decrypt with:
gpg -o filename.txt --override-session-key $session_key -d filename.txt.asc
If you really must use symmetric encryption only, however, you can do it in two setps.
First sign the file:
gpg -o filename.txt.asc -sa filename.txt
Then symmetrically encrypt that file:
gpg -o newfilename.asc -a -c filename.txt.asc
The recipient would then need to run the decryption command twice; first on the symmetrically encrypted file and then a second time on the file it decrypts.
The normal --verify option is only used for checking clearsigned files or files with detached signatures.

How can I decrypt multiple .exe files in a directory using gpg?

When I double click on a file PGP SDA asks for passphrase. I am able to decrypt files with a .gpg extension using this script:
gpg --batch --yes --passphrase 12345 --decrypt-files *.gpg
But when I run the above command with *.exe it gives me unknown suffix error.

Simple way to encrypt and decrypt a backup file in bash

I need to encrypt a backup file gzip.
I performed the following operation.,
tar -Pzcvf $dir/*.xml >/dev/null | gpg --yes --batch --passphrase PaSsW0rD -o "$bpath/$bfile".tar.gz
But it is failing with the following error.,
gpg: processing message failed: Unknown system error
I just need a simple passsord protected backup file. Any other alternative solutions are also welcome.
Thanks in advance
Option 1
Doing it your way :
tar -zcvf your_tar_file_name.tar.gz "$dir"/*.xml && gpg --symmetric --cipher-algo AES256 your_tar_file_name.tar.gz
Note that I do not wish to preserve absolute names, so I have stripped the P option from tar. The default output file in this case is your_tar_file_name.tar.gz.gpg.
To decrypt and get the files back you may do :
gpg -o my_tar_file.tar.gz -d your_tar_file_name.tar.gz.gpg && tar -xzf my_tar_file.tar.gz
This uses a symmetric encryption scheme, ie, we could use the same password to decrypt the file. The above command will ask you to enter the password for encryption and confirm it.
If you wish to do asymmetric encryption using gpg have a look at this tutorial.
Option 2
You may also use aescrypt
Download aescrypt from here
Once installed you may use the straight-forward GUI to encrypt the file.
If you need the command line tool, you could use the aescrypt command like below:
tar zcvf your_tar_file_name.tar.gz "$dir"/*.xml && aescrypt -e -p yourstrongpassword your_tar_file_name.tar.gz
Here e is for encryption and p is for password. The output will usually be stored in your_tar_file_name.tar.gz.aes.
You could decrypt the your_tar_file_name.tar.gz.aes file using
aescrypt -d -p yourstrongpassword your_tar_file_name.tar.gz.aes
Here d is for decryption.

GNUPG - stdin encrypted file and passphrase on windows

How can I pipe the passphrase and encrypted file in gpg.exe?
I have tried a few different combinations but I can't get it to work.
Here is my attempt,
C:\>gpg.exe --output [OUTPUT_FILE] --batch --passphrase-fd 0 --decrypt < [INPUT_FILE] < [PASSPHRASE_FILE]
from this I get error
gpg: decrypt_message failed: eof
Swapping the input and passphrase around I get the error
gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found.
gpg: decrypt_message failed: eof
If I don't try and send the encrypted file via stdin then the decryption works fine.
Ultimately what I want to do is decrypt a file based on a file mask with the date timestamp in the file name. Outlined below,
C:\>gpg.exe --output yyyyMMdd.csv --batch --passphrase-fd 0 --decrypt < *_yyyyMMdd_*.txt < [PASSPHRASE_FILE]
I'm not sure if this will work because I can't get the basic scenario working, I would also appreciate if someone could advise me of the best way to achieve this.
Don't use redirection for the file you want to decrypt, only for the file containing your passphrase:
C:\>gpg.exe --output [OUTPUT_FILE] --batch --passphrase-fd 0 --decrypt [INPUT_FILE] < [PASSPHRASE_FILE]
But honestly, it might be easier for you to remove the passphrase from your key. After all, storing your passphrase in a file is not very secure. Just change your passphrase to a blank and protect your gpg home directory to deny access to any process other than your own.
