persistenceUnitName with JPA2.1 - spring

I am having a Spring project (with JPA2.1) and persistenceUnitName is defined as "default" in that project.
I have defined the dependency (using maven) of this project (using spring-core.jar in another project to reuse some Entity classes and other stuff) in another spring batch project (that is too using spring-JPA2.1).
When I am defining the same persistenceUnitName in this project then it is giving me a conflict error of persistenceUnitName.
<bean id="entityManagerFactory"
p:dataSource-ref="dataSource" />
But when I changed the name of persistenceUnitName in this project then it is not able to create the persistenceUnitName ("default") of imported project. So not able to create JPA classes of imported project (for which I defined the dependency in pom.xml)
Error creating bean with name 'SampleJpa': Injection of persistence dependencies failed; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No bean named 'default' is defined
Please suggest me some solution. Actually this was working in this way with hibernate but migration is giving us hard time.

I created a new module in imported project and separated persistence.xml from that. And then I imported the module (module is now having only classes that I need to import in another project not the whole core). this way it is working fine.


JNDI resources not available for Gemini Blueprint running in Tomcat 9 (working in Bundle Activator)

I have an older Web-Application using Eclipse RAP 3.0 with Equinox OSGI-Container and Gemini Blueprint 1.0.2.
I can define my JDNI Values in server.xml
link them in context.xml and use them in my web.xml.
In my launch.ini i use the parent classloader fwk so the JNDI configuration is passed to the OSGI-Container.
My Application-Bundles can read those values for example in Bundle-Activator:
String xxx= InitialContext.doLookup("java:comp/env/xxx"); or
String xxx= new InitialContext().lookup("java:comp/env/xxx");
Some Bundle-Configuration is done via Gemini Blueprint xml files and SpringConfiguration Java classes.
<jee:jndi-lookup id="xxx" jndi-name="java:comp/env/xxx" />
This part is not working and i get following error
Error creating bean with name 'xxx': Invocation of init method failed;
nested exception is javax.naming.NameNotFoundException:
Name [java:comp/env/xxx] is not bound in this Context. Unable to find [java:comp].
I get the same Error when i use Spring-Java-Configuration which is invoked from gemini blueprint xml. Then statements like new InitialContext().lookup("java:comp/env/xxx") don't work and i get the same exception.
I think it has to to with the classloaders that are different for Bundle-Activator-Code and Gemini BlueprintExtender Thread but in can't figure it out how to solve this.
I found a Solution that i can use.
If i Move my JNDI-Lookups from xml into my Spring-Configuration-class then i can change the clasloader in init like this:
After that i my Lookups work fine.
i found that solution here
Can Spring Boot be used with OSGi? If not, any plans to have an OSGi Spring Boot?.

Springboot custom autoconfiguration in Gradle not loading

So I have I built a custom Springboot starter and autoconfiguration and everything builds fine, the code is all their in the local maven repo.
I even checked the generated jars and everything looksgood.
Can't load the generated files into the project but when I look at the generated beens, there is no sign of beans created by autoconfiguration (or the autoconfiguration itself) :
Project code can be sen here:
what am I doing wrong that implementations can';t see the beans?
I have tried bringing in the dependencies from mavenLocal() with:
implementation "io.beapi:beapi-lib:0.4"
implementation "io.beapi:beapi-spring-boot-starter:0.4"
and with:
implementation "io.beapi:beapi-lib:0.4"
implementation "io.beapi:beapi-spring-boot-autoconfigure:0.4"
Both have the same error of stating that an AUTOWIRED bean (from the autoconfiguration) cannot be found:
Consider defining a bean of type 'io.beapi.lib.service.PrincipleService' in your configuration.
If I comment out the autowired bean, it just throws error that bean is null.
Ok solved my issue.
As I am instantiating the beans from a library I am creating through the starter, I have to do a '#ComponentScan' on those classes.
So just adding:
To the application main class was enough to resolve this :)

Error when using #StepScope with Spring Batch Admin

I'm using Spring Batch Admin to launch batches from a batch module of my main project.
The batch module compile as a JAR addedstrong text in the dependency of the Spring Batch Admin project as follow:
Since I added "#StepScope" on one of my reader classes, I get the following error when deploying Spring Batch Admin
Could not generate CGLIB subclass of class [class com.sun.proxy.$Proxy71]: Common causes of this problem include using a final class or a non-visible class; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot subclass final class class com.sun.proxy.$Proxy71
I had the same error when running my unit test on the batch module (without Spring Batch Admin) but I resolved it using the following bean declaration in my test configuration:
<bean class="org.springframework.batch.core.scope.StepScope">
<property name="autoProxy" value="false" />
But I don't find how to use similar declaration to prevent the error in the Spring Batch Admin project.
I tried to add the bean into a configuration on the module side or on the SBA project side but nothing seems to work.
As far as I can see this error not caused by SBA. This is usual attempt of spring to proxify your bean. Please check your class annotated with #StepScope and remove final from class definition and public method definitions.

Spring Bean ID Scope

I have multiple spring configuration files, where each defines beans for a different implementation of an interface. Therefore the contents are similar, but not identical.
Each contains a bean that, through its <constructor-arg> references another bean defined in the file. This referenced bean exists in all of the config files with the same name. My IDE (IntelliJ) prompts me as to which version of the bean I want to use (from which config file) but it seems to get a bit confused when I ctrl click the reference.
So I want to clarify the scope of how these config files are resolved - does spring always look for the bean definition inside the same file first?
During the spring bean initialization phase, all bean definitions are loaded first before anything else happens. Bean instantiation and dependency injection are done in later step.Therefore it should not matter to which configuration file was each bean defined.

Exporting Spring Bean Service in OSGI- New Instance per Injection Call

I am trying to export a spring bean as service using Spring's application context, I need to have them exported as "prototype" scope, but this is not possible due to OSGi Service registry caching the service as singleton.
Doing some research I came upon a post suggesting to use "session" scope to get around this issue. I am following this tutorial to get this working, but I am stuck with an issue that has to do with class loader not finding an interface.
Here's how I am declaring the bean
<osgi:service id="SimulationExporter" ref="simulationService" interface="org.geppetto.core.simulation.ISimulation"/>
<bean id="simulationService" scope="session" class="org.geppetto.simulation.SimulationService">
<aop:scoped-proxy proxy-target-class="false"/>
When exporting the bean to another bundle, I get the following error
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: interface org.springframework.aop.scope.ScopedObject is not visible from class loader
at java.lang.reflect.Proxy.getProxyClass0(
at java.lang.reflect.Proxy.newProxyInstance(
at org.springframework.aop.framework.JdkDynamicAopProxy.getProxy(
The bundle importing the service bean has the dependency org.springframework.aop-3.0.0.RELEASE , and this has also being copied to the virgo repository. Any ideas why would the class loader not find that interface that it needs for scope "session"?
Does your MANIFEST.MF include import packages for aop.scope?
If you are using Apache Felix to generate it try adding something like this:
