I have been working on a project with webapi 2 using oauth 2 (openid connect to be precise) bearer tokens to grant access. Now the whole idea is that the bearer tokens are only secure if used with a secure connection.
Until now I have simply not allowed http calls to the webserver which kinda worked since no one could do a http call with a bearer token.
We now have some endpoints that need to be avaible over http (no bearer token/authenticaiton required) and we are going to enable http of course. Now my question is, what is normal in these situations?
Would I have an attribute that I can put on all actions that only accept https?
Can I make that the default behaviour and only put attribute on those that are okay on http?
What is the advice on, is it our responsibility that no one use a oauth token over a non secure line or is the user of the api ?
I believe the right way to do this is to add global action filter which forces you to use HTTPs on all controllers/actions on your Web API. The implementation for this HTTPs action filter can be as the below:
public class ForceHttpsAttribute : AuthorizationFilterAttribute
public override void OnAuthorization(System.Web.Http.Controllers.HttpActionContext actionContext)
var request = actionContext.Request;
if (request.RequestUri.Scheme != Uri.UriSchemeHttps)
var html = "<p>Https is required</p>";
if (request.Method.Method == "GET")
actionContext.Response = request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Found);
actionContext.Response.Content = new StringContent(html, Encoding.UTF8, "text/html");
UriBuilder httpsNewUri = new UriBuilder(request.RequestUri);
httpsNewUri.Scheme = Uri.UriSchemeHttps;
httpsNewUri.Port = 443;
actionContext.Response.Headers.Location = httpsNewUri.Uri;
actionContext.Response = request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound);
actionContext.Response.Content = new StringContent(html, Encoding.UTF8, "text/html");
Now you want to register this globally on WebApiConfig class as the below:
config.Filters.Add(new ForceHttpsAttribute());
As I understand from your question, the number of controllers you want to call them over https are greater than controllers over http, so you want to add override attribute to those http controllers [OverrideActionFiltersAttribute]
Do not forget to attribute your anonymous controllers with [AllowAnonymous] attribute.
But my recommendation is to keep all the communication over https and you just allow anonymos calls.
You can read more about enforcing https on my blog here: http://bitoftech.net/2013/12/03/enforce-https-asp-net-web-api-basic-authentication/
Hope this helps.
Firstly I think you definitely have to make best efforts to ensure the security of that token and so the server should enforce SSL.
We are using web api v1 (infrastructure restrictions :() and we have a global DelegatingHandler that enforces SSL on all requests except for certain uris that are on a whitelist (not the prettiest solution but it works for now).
In web api 2 I reckon you could have a global FilterAttribute to enforce the SSL connectivity and then use the new attribute override feature http://dotnet.dzone.com/articles/new-filter-overrides-feature to create your exceptions - all theory though ! :)
Hope that helps
We have a legacy system written in Core MVC 1, using IdentityServer4 for API access and Identity for user management. The site includes a set of API controllers as well, which a mobile application connects to for authentication and data.
We have been having general stability issues, which we have not been able to get to the bottom of. We have decided to upgrade the system to the latest version of MVC Core and in the process IdentityServer4 requires an upgrade.
The problem is that the authentication pipeline has changed dramatically between versions (Core MVC 1 - 2 and Identity 1 - 2) and we are unable to determine a configuration that works.
In short we need:
Cookie Authentication for web site access
OAuth 2 password grant flow for app access
However, despite this setup working on the legacy version, it does not seem to want to play ball on the newer setup. It seems we can have one or the other, but not both. There doesn't appear to be any example projects available anywhere that demonstrate such a setup.
I understand this setup is not ideal in that these systems should be split out, and I am going to be making a recommendation as such. I have seen hints of routing api requests through a pipeline setup for Bearer authentication using MapFrom but haven't managed to determine a working setup.
UPDATE: Startup.cs
services.AddIdentity<ApplicationUser, IdentityRole>(o =>
o.Password.RequireDigit = false;
o.Password.RequireLowercase = false;
o.Password.RequireUppercase = false;
o.Password.RequireNonAlphanumeric = false;
o.Password.RequiredLength = 6;
var AuthServerConfig = new IdentityServerConfig(Configuration.GetSection("IdentityServer"));
var IdentityCert = AuthServerConfig.GetCerttificate();
var IdentityConfig = services.AddIdentityServer()
//to secure the API
.AddIdentityServerAuthentication(options =>
options.Authority = AuthServerConfig.Settings.RootUrl;
options.RequireHttpsMetadata = false;
options.ApiName = AuthServerConfig.Settings.Scope;
And in the Configure Method we have:
The stage we are at now is that IdentityServer seems to be operational in that a token can be requested. You can call into an API endpoint and gain access so long as that endpoint had the following attribute:
[Authorize(AuthenticationSchemes = "Bearer")]
However, we want the API to be authenticated using both Identity Cookies as well as Bearer tokens, as there is a swagger UI for querying the API when logged in.
Using just the [Authorize] attribute will allow it to be accessed via cookies, but not access tokens through Postman (401)
Not sure if this is solved but what i personally done to enable API to be authenticated via cookie and bearer token is implement both schemes:
.AddCookie(options => {
options.LoginPath = "/Account/Unauthorized/";
options.AccessDeniedPath = "/Account/Forbidden/";
.AddJwtBearer(options => {
options.Audience = "http://localhost:5001/";
options.Authority = "http://localhost:5000/";
In the api controller i use [Authorize(AuthenticationSchemes = AuthSchemes)]
[Authorize(AuthenticationSchemes = AuthSchemes)]
public class TodoController: Controller
More details on different schemes and usages of them you can have a look here:
Hope that helps.
How to skip the [Authorization](Azure AD authentication) from Web Api controller depends on the value from header request?
public class ExampleController : ApiController
private string _clientid;
var req = Request.Headers;
_clientid = string.IsNullOrEmpty(req.GetValues("clientid").First())
? null :
The above mentioned _clientid is a header value, I want to skip authentication for some _clientid values.
In my opinion you essentially have an alternative way of authentication.
It would make the most sense to define your own authentication scheme that checks that header and creates a user principal based on that.
Then you can keep on using [Authorize] as usual.
Writing an example would be quite time-consuming, the best I can offer at the moment is the Security repo, which contains all of the built-in authentication schemes, like JWT Bearer here: https://github.com/aspnet/Security/blob/dev/src/Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer/JwtBearerHandler.cs Check those for examples on how to implement an authentication handler.
You can create a custom authentication handler similar to the one here .
Then, where you add authorization in Startup.cs, you can add a custom policy like this:
o =>
// create a policy called ApiKeyPolicy which requires a Role defined in
// ApiKeyAuthenticationOptions.
// The policy is used by the API controllers.
"ApiKeyPolicy", builder =>
and add the scheme to the services.AddAuthentication builder:
builder.AddScheme<ApiKeyAuthenticationOptions, ApiKeyAuthenticationHandler>(
"ApiKey", "ApiKey", o =>
o.AllowedApiKeys = config["Api:AllowedApiKeys"];
o.ApiKeyHeaderName = config["Api:ApiKeyHeaderName"];
In my example, I have an ApiKeyAuthenticationOptions class that is configured with some API keys and the http header name to check. In your case, you would probably want the valid client IDs.
Finally, you need to tell the [Authorize] attribute which policy is needed:
[Authorize(Policy = "ApiKeyPolicy")]
In your case, you want to be able to handle both the client IDs and regular auth, so you could add the regular auth scheme to the policy builder expression (the first snippet above).
I am using Owin middleware to implement token-based security for my application. When issuing the access token to the client I would also like to pass User Id along with the token, so that, the client application will know the User Id and will be able to call GetUserById (one of the methods inside UserController) in order to show the user his starting page. The best solution I could come up with so far is just adding User Id to the response header. Take a look at my OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider class, in GrantResourceOwnerCredentialsmethod I am adding User Id to the header, using context.Response.Headers.Add("User-Id", new string[] { "1" })
Here is the implementation of my OAuthAuthorizationServerProviderclass
public class AuthorizationServerProvider : OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider
public override async Task ValidateClientAuthentication(OAuthValidateClientAuthenticationContext context)
public override async Task GrantResourceOwnerCredentials(OAuthGrantResourceOwnerCredentialsContext context)
var identity = new ClaimsIdentity(context.Options.AuthenticationType);
//The actual credential check will be added later
if (context.UserName=="user" && context.Password=="user")
identity.AddClaim(new Claim("Id", "1"));
//Here I am adding User Id to the response header
context.Response.Headers.Add("User-Id", new string[] { "1" });
context.SetError("invalid_grant","The credentials provided are not valid");
Basically the client then will have to read User-Id from the header. Is this a good solution I came up with or there is a better one? Also what if I want to pass the whole User object with all its properties to the response is it possible and how to do this?
Since you store the ID already in the claims, why don't you just decode your token on the client and read out the user id like that? Passing it through the headers could allow tampering with it (security).
Have a look on how you could achieve to decode your token and read the claims. This is a c# example https://contos.io/peeking-inside-your-jwt-tokens-using-c-bf6a729d06c8 but this could also be done even through javascript.
This, assuming you use the JWT-format as token (was not specified in your initial question).
Bad way to store UserID as a response header back to client side. This is a huge security concern.
The best way would be to store it as a Claims.
It is very easy to achieve this and get back the claims in the client side.
In your controller, call this and remember to reference
using Microsoft.AspNet.Identity;
var userId = User.Identity.GetUserId();
I just installed Swashbuckle in my WebAPI project and so far so good, though the /swagger api endpoint is public.
I'd like to only allow access to my mobile app developer. How can I hide my API behind a password or require forms auth here?
I achieved this with the below:
protected override Task<HttpResponseMessage> SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) {
string username = null;
if (Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity != null && Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity.Name != null) {
username = Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity.Name.ToLower();
if (IsSwagger(request) && username != "Admin") {
var response = request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized);
return Task.FromResult(response);
else {
return base.SendAsync(request, cancellationToken);
private bool IsSwagger(HttpRequestMessage request) {
return request.RequestUri.PathAndQuery.StartsWith("/swagger");
If your project if hosted under IIS, you can use either Windows (with proper access rights on site folder) or basic authentication on your IIS website, and disable Anonymous authentication.
#bsoulier answer is perfectly reasonable. Another way is to use JavaScript/AJAX.
I have not tried securing the actual swagger-ui index page, since most of the time authentication on the endpoints is enough.
But any JavaScript can easily be injected into the index page or you can use your own custom index page. That means you can use any authentication that you want to. Simply create a simple HTML form and use AJAX to make a call to login the user before allowing them to see any content or before redirecting them to the real swagger-ui page.
Injecting JavaScript files into the swagger-ui page from SwaggerConfig:
c.InjectJavaScript(thisAssembly, "Your.Namespace.testScript1.js");
Injecting custom index page into the swagger-ui page from SwaggerConfig:
c.CustomAsset("index", containingAssembly, "Your.Namespace.index.html");
We have MVC 4 application which is hosted on Web Farm. Site has 5 applications hosted under one domain. These applications communicate with each other. We are implementing Cross Site Request Forgery for our application. We have added AntiForgeyToken(#Html.AntiForgeryToken()) on Layout page. When we try to post data actions across applications using Ajax request, we are facing below exception-
The anti-forgery token could not be decrypted. If this application is hosted by a Web Farm or cluster, ensure that all machines are running the same version of ASP.NET Web Pages and that the configuration specifies explicit encryption and validation keys. AutoGenerate cannot be used in a cluster.
For Ajax request we have added “__RequestVerificationToken” value into prefilter as shown below-
Client side implementation:
$.ajaxPrefilter(function (options, originalOptions, jqXHR) {
if (options.type.toLowerCase() == "post") {
if ($('input[name="__RequestVerificationToken"]').length > 0)
On Server side we validated this token as shown below-
string cookie = "";
Dictionary<string, object> cookieCollection = new Dictionary<string, object>();
foreach (var key in HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies.AllKeys)
cookieCollection.Add(key, (HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies[key]));
var res= cookieCollection.Where(x => x.Key.Contains("RequestVerificationToken")).First();
cookie = ((System.Web.HttpCookie)(res.Value)).Value;
string formToken = Convert.ToString(HttpContext.Current.Request.Headers["__RequestVerificationToken"]);
//To validate HTTP Post request
//To validate Ajax request
AntiForgery.Validate(cookie, formToken);
Other configurations which we have done are as below-
We have machine key in config which is same for all applications as well as on all web servers.
We have set AntiForgeryConfig.CookieName = "__RequestVerificationToken" + "_XYZ" cookie name across all applications which is mandatory to access token across applications.
Changes which we tried to resolve this issue-
We tried to post “__RequestVerificationToken” inside each ajax request’s data so that we can access it using Request.Form but no success on this.
We have verified that Content-Type header is appearing with each request.
Please suggest if you have any other way to implement CSRF functionality for Ajax POST requests across multiple applications.