Non-blocking readline for STDIN? - ruby

I can't figure out why IO methods won't work on STDIN, when properly set to non-blocking mode:
require 'fcntl'
stdin_flags = STDIN.fcntl(Fcntl::F_GETFL)
p stdin_flags #32770
p STDIN.fcntl(Fcntl::F_SETFL, stdin_flags | Fcntl::O_NONBLOCK) # 0
p STDIN.fcntl(Fcntl::F_GETFL) # 34818
#at_exit { STDIN.fcntl(Fcntl::F_SETFL, stdin_flags & ~Fcntl::O_NONBLOCK) }
STDIN.readline # this call blocks, IO::EAGAINWaitReadable expected
IO.fcntl successfully sets non-blocking mode but all IO functions like read, readline, gets, readchar ignore the mode and hang at reading when no input has been received.
Setting sync mode to true has no effect.
If I replace STDIN.readline with the shell call system('read line') it does work correctly. It won't wait or would wait for input depending if non-blocking mode was set.
I'm aware of IO.read_nonblock but looking for an efficient way how to read newline terminated strings. Calling read_nonblock for each single character is painfully slow.
Can anybody explain this (mis)behavior?

It's a bit unfortunate but standard functions from IO module seem to not respect status flags associated with a file descriptor.
One of the working solutions is use of class method for input polling, then read the data with regular methods as they become available.
Be aware when line processing methods are used, code may hang until terminating newline character gets consumed. It's advisable to enclose polling code in Timeout block when things are going out of control.
In cases when amount of characters/bytes is known beforehand, stock IO.read_nonblock would simply serve well.


Is writing to a unix file through shell script is synchronized?

i have a requirement where many threads will call same shell script to perform a work, and then will write output(data as single text line) to a common text file.
as here many threads will try to write data to same file, my question is whether unix provides a default locking mechanism so that all can not write at the same time.
Performing a short single write to a file opened for append is mostly atomic; you can get away with it most of the time (depending on your filesystem), but if you want to be guaranteed that your writes won't interrupt each other, or to write arbitrarily long strings, or to be able to perform multiple writes, or to perform a block of writes and be assured that their contents will be next to each other in the resulting file, then you'll want to lock.
While not part of POSIX (unlike the C library call for which it's named), the flock tool provides the ability to perform advisory locking ("advisory" -- as opposed to "mandatory" -- meaning that other potential writers need to voluntarily participate):
flock -x 99 || exit # lock the file descriptor
echo "content" >&99 # write content to that locked FD
) 99>>/path/to/shared-file
The use of file descriptor #99 is completely arbitrary -- any unused FD number can be chosen. Similarly, one can safely put the lock on a different file than the one to which content is written while the lock is held.
The advantage of this approach over several conventional mechanisms (such as using exclusive creation of a file or directory) is automatic unlock: If the subshell holding the file descriptor on which the lock is held exits for any reason, including a power failure or unexpected reboot, the lock will be automatically released.
my question is whether unix provides a default locking mechanism so
that all can not write at the same time.
In general, no. At least not something that's guaranteed to work. But there are other ways to solve your problem, such as lockfile, if you have it available:
Suppose you want to make sure that access to the file "important" is
serialised, i.e., no more than one program or shell script should be
allowed to access it. For simplicity's sake, let's suppose that it is
a shell script. In this case you could solve it like this:
lockfile important.lock
rm -f important.lock
Now if all the scripts that access "important" follow this guideline,
you will be assured that at most one script will be executing between
the 'lockfile' and the 'rm' commands.
But, there's actually a better way, if you can use C or C++: Use the low-level open call to open the file in append mode, and call write() to write your data. With no locking necessary. Per the write() man page:
If the O_APPEND flag of the file status flags is set, the file offset
shall be set to the end of the file prior to each write and no
intervening file modification operation shall occur between changing
the file offset and the write operation.
Like this:
// process-wide global file descriptor
int outputFD = open( fileName, O_WRONLY | O_APPEND, 0600 );
// write a string to the file
ssize_t writeToFile( const char *data )
return( write( outputFD, data, strlen( data ) );
In practice, you can write anything to the file - it doesn't have to be a NUL-terminated character string.
That's supposed to be atomic on writes up to PIPE_BUF bytes, which is usually something like 512, 4096, or 5120. Some Linux filesystems apparently don't implement that properly, so you may in practice be limited to about 1K on those file systems.

Detecting when a subprocess expects input in Ruby

I have a console application (command response type) that I want to control its IO so I can feed it with a script from file and then continue the execution manually when the script execution is finished.
my script is this:
ARGF.readlines = commands
IO.popen('ConsoleApplication') { |io|
puts io.gets
sleep 0.1
end while ????
As I observed IO.popen connects the input of io object to the process IO but the output should be read. If by some means the output was displayed automatically or I could detect when the process is waiting for input where ???? is I think I could consider this matter as done!
My further workaround results:
Expect do not work on widows because windows do not support pseudo terminals(PTY) so I can't use ruby_expect like libraries for windows!
I tried in combination with IO.read_nonblock which encounters "bad file pointer". Some people said that non-blocking IO is not supported in windows as well
So I used some special strings to synchronize the read-write sequences myself and the task is done.

EINTR and non-blocking calls

As is known, some blocking calls like read and write would return -1 and set errno to EINTR, and we need handle this.
My question is: Does this apply for non-blocking calls, e.g, set socket to O_NONBLOCK?
Since some articles and sources I have read said non-blocking calls don't need bother with this, but I have found no authoritative reference about it. If so, does it apply cross different implementations?
I cannot give you a definitive answer to this question, and the answer may further vary from system to system, but I would expect a non-blocking socket to never fail with EINTR. If you take a look at the man pages of various systems for the following socket functions bind(), connect(), send(), and receive(), or look those up in the POSIX standard, you'll notice something interesting: All these functions except one may return -1 and set errno to EINTR. The one function that is not documented to ever fail with EINTR is bind(). And bind() is also the only function of that list that will never block by default. So it seems that only blocking functions may fail because of EINTR, including read() and write(), yet if these functions never block, they also will never fail with EINTR and if you use O_NONBLOCK, those functions will never block.
It would also make no sense from a logical perspective. E.g. consider you are using blocking I/O and you call read() and this call has to block, but while it was blocking, a signal is sent to your process and thus the read request is unblocked. How should the system handle this situation? Claiming that read() did succeed? That would be a lie, it did not succeed because no data was read. Claiming it did succeed, but zero bytes data were read? This wouldn't be correct either, since a "zero read result" is used to indicate end-of-stream (or end-of-file), so your process would to assume that no data was read, because the end of a file has been reached (or a socket/pipe has been closed at other end), which simply isn't the case. The end-of-file (or end-of-stream) has not been reached, if you call read() again, it will be able to return more data. So that would also be a lie. You expectation is that this read call either succeeds and reads data or fails with an error. Thus the read call has to fail and return -1 in that case, but what errno value shall the system set? All the other error values indicate a critical error with the file descriptor, yet there was no critical error and indicating such an error would also be a lie. That's why errno is set to EINTR, which means: "There was nothing wrong with the stream. Your read call just failed, because it was interrupted by a signal. If it wasn't interrupted, it may still have succeeded, so if you still care for the data, please try again."
If you now switch to non-blocking I/O, the situation of above never arises. The read call will never block and if it cannot read data immediately, it will fail with an error EAGAIN (POSIX) or EWOULDBLOCK (unofficial, on Linux both are the same error, just alternative names for it), which means: "There is no data available right now and thus your read call would have to block and wait for data arriving, but blocking is not allowed, so it failed instead." So there is an error for every situation that may arise.
Of course, even with non-blocking I/O, the read call may have temporarily interrupted by a signal but why would the system have to indicate that? Every function call, whether this is a system function or one written by the user, may be temporarily interrupted by a signal, really every single one, no exception. If the system would have to inform the user whenever that happens, all system functions could possibly fail because of EINTR. However, even if there was a signal interruption, the functions usually perform their task all the way to the end, that's why this interruption is irrelevant. The error EINTR is used to tell the caller that the action he has requested was not performed because of a signal interruption, but in case of non-blocking I/O, there is no reason why the function should not perform the read or the write request, unless it cannot be performed right now, but then this can be indicated by an appropriate error.
To confirm my theory, I took a look at the kernel of MacOS (10.8), which is still largely based on the FreeBSD kernel and it seems to confirm the suspicion. If a read call is currently not possible, as no data are available, the kernel checks for the O_NONBLOCK flag in the file descriptor flags. If this flag is set, it fails immediately with EAGAIN. If it is not set, it puts the current thread to sleep by calling a function named msleep(). The function is documented here (as I said, OS X uses plenty of FreeBSD code in its kernel). This function causes the current thread to sleep until it is explicitly woken up (which is the case if data becomes ready for reading) or a timeout has been hit (e.g. you can set a receive timeout on sockets). Yet the thread is also woken up, if a signal is delivered, in which case msleep() itself returns EINTR and the next higher layer just passes this error through. So it is msleep() that produces the EINTR error, but if the O_NONBLOCK flag is set, msleep() is never called in the first place, hence this error cannot be returned.
Of course that was MacOS/FreeBSD, other systems may be different, but since most systems try to keep at least a certain level of consistency among these APIs, if a system breaks the assumption, that non-blocking I/O calls can never fail because of EINTR, this is probably not by intention and may even get fixed if your report it.
#Mecki Great explanation. To add to the accepted answer, the book "Unix Network Programming - Volume 1, Third Edition" (Stevens) makes a distinction between slow system call and others in chapter/section 5.9 - "Handling Interrupted System Calls". I am quoting from the book -
We used the term "slow system call" to describe accept, and we use
this term for any system call that can block forever. That is, the
system call need never return.
In the next para of the same section -
The basic rule that applies here is that when a process is blocked in
a slow system call and the process catches a signal and the signal
handler returns, the system call can return an error of EINTR.
Going by this explanation, a read / write on a non-blocking socket is not a slow system call and hence should not return an error of EINTR.
Just to add some evidence to #Mecki's answer, I found this discussion about fixing a bug in Linux where a patch caused non-blocking recvmsg to return EINTR. It was stated:
EINTR always means that you asked for a blocking operation, and a
signal arrived meanwhile.
Once you invert the "blocking" part of that set of conditions, EINTR
becomes an impossible event.
Look at what we do for AF_INET. We handle this the proper way.
If we are 'interrupted' by a signal while sleeping in lock_sock(),
recvmsg() on a non blocking socket, we return -EAGAIN properly, not
Fact that we potentially sleep to get the socket lock is hidden for
the user, its an implementation detail of the kernel.
We never return -EINTR, as stated in manpage for non blocking sockets.
Source here:

Ruby: Read large data from stdout and stderr of an external process on Windows

Greetings, all,
I need to run a potentially long-running process from Ruby 1.9.2 on Windows and subsequently capture and parse the data from the external process's standard output and error. A large amount of data can be sent to each, but I am only necessarily interested in one line at a time (not capturing and storing the whole of the output).
After a bit of research, I found that the Open3 class would take care of executing the process and giving me IO objects connected to the process's standard output and error (via popen3).
Open3.popen3("external-program.bat") do |stdin, out, err, thread|
# Step3.profit() ?
However, I'm not sure how to continually read from both streams without blocking the program. Since calling IO#readlines on out or err when a lot of data has been sent results in a memory allocation error, I'm trying to continuously check both streams for available input, but not having much luck with any of my implementations.
Thanks in advance for any advice!
After a lot of different trial and error attempts, I eventually came up with using two threads, one to read from each stream (generator.rb is just a script I wrote to output things to standard out and err):
require 'open3'
data = {}
Open3.popen3("ruby generator.rb") do |stdin, out, err, external|
# Create a thread to read from each stream
{ :out => out, :err => err }.each do |key, stream| do
until (line = stream.gets).nil? do
data[key] = line
# Don't exit until the external process is done
puts data[:out]
puts data[:err]
It simply outputs the last line sent to standard output and error by the calling program, but could obviously be extended to do additional processing (with different logic in each thread). A method I was using before I finally came up with this was resulting in some failures due to race conditions; I don't know if this code is still vulnerable, but I've yet to experience a similar failure.

Handling streamed data via pipes

A Win32 application (the "server") is sending a continuous stream of data over a named pipe. GetNamedPipeInfo() tells me that input and output buffer sizes are automatically allocated as needed. The pipe is operating in byte mode (although it is sending data units that are bigger than 1 byte (doubles, to be precise)).
Now, my question is this: Can I somehow verify that my application (the "client") is not missing any data when reading from the pipe? I know that those read/write operations are buffered, but I suppose the buffers will not grow indefinitely if the client doesn't fetch the data quickly enough. How do I know if I missed something? Does the server (or the pipe?) silently discard data that is not read in time by the client?
BTW, can I rely on proper alignment of the data the client reads using ReadFile()? As far as I understood, ReadFile() may return with less bytes read than specified, i.e. NumberOfBytesRead <= NumberOfBytesToRead. Do I have to check every time that NumberOfBytesRead is a multiple of sizeof(double)?
The write operation will block if there is no more room in the pipe's buffers. This is from my (old) copy of the SDK manual:
When an application uses the WriteFile
function to write to a pipe, the write
operation may not finish if the pipe
buffer is full. The write operation is
completed when a read operation (using
the ReadFile function) makes more
buffer space available.
Sorry, didn't find out how to comment on your post, Neil.
The write operation will block if there is no more room in the pipe's buffers.
I just discovered that Sysinternals' FileMon can also monitor pipe operations. For testing purposes I connected the client to the named pipe and did no read operations, just waiting. The server writes a few hundred kB to the pipe every 4--5 seconds, even though nobody is fetching the data from the pipe on the client side. No blocking write operation ... And so far no limits in buffer-size seem to have been reached.
This is either a very big buffer ... or the server does some magic additional to just using WriteFile() and waiting for the client to read.
