Joins on two large tables using UDF in Hive - performance is too slow - performance

I have two tables in hive. One has around 2 millions of records and other has 14 miliions of records. I am joining these two tables. Also I am applying UDF in WHERE clause. It is taking too much time to perform JOIN operation.
I have tried to run the query for many times but it run for around 2 hrs and still my reducer remains at 70% and after that I am getting exception " No space left on device" and job gets killed.
I have tried to set the parameters as below:
My Query -
insert overwrite table output select col1, col2, name1, name2, col3, col4,, t.state from table1 m join table2 t ON (t.state=m.state and
where matchStrings(concat(name1,'|',name2))>=0.9;
The above query takes 8 mappers and 2 reducers.
Can someone please suggest what do I suppose to do to improve performance.

That exception probably indicates that you do not have enough space in the cluster for the temporary files created by the query you are running. You should try adding more disk space to the cluster or reducing the amount of rows that are joined by using a subquery to first filter the rows from each table.


Oracle `partition_by` in select clauses, does it create these partitions permantly?

I only have a superficial understanding on partitions in Oracle, but, I know you can create persistent partitions on Oracle, for example within a create table statement, but, when using partition by clauses within a select statement? Will Oracle create a persistent partition, for caching reasons or whatever, or will the partition be "temporary" in some sense (e.g., it will be removed at the end of the session, the query, or after some time...)?
For example, for a query like
SELECT col1, first_value(col2)
over (partition by col3 order by col2 nulls last) as colx
FROM tbl
If I execute that query, will Oracle create a partition to speed up the execution if I execute it again, tomorrow or three months later? I'm worry about that because I don't know if it could cause memory exhaustion if I abuse that feature.
partition by is used in the query(windows function) to fetch the aggregated result using the windows function which is grouped by the columns mentioned in the partition by. It behaves like group by but has ability to provide grouped result for each row without actually grouping the final outcome.
It has nothing to do with table/index partition.
scope of this partition by is just this query and have no impact on table structure.

Why is hive join taking too long?

I am running a code which basically goes like this:
Create table abc as
select A.* from
table1 A
Left outer join
table2 B
A.col1=B.col1 and A.col2=B.col2;
Number of records in table1=7009102
Number of records in table2=1787493
I have similar 6 queries in my script but my script is stuck on the 4th such query. I tried running via tez and mapreduce but both have the same issue.
In mapreduce it is stuck at map 0% nd reduce 0% even after an hour. There are no reducers
In Tez, its only 22% in 1 hour.
Upon checking the logs it shows many entries like 'progress of TaskAttempt attempt_12334_m_000003_0 is: 0.0'.
I ran the job in tez, and now its almost 3 hours and the job is about to finish with 2 failed in Map-2 Vertice.
General tips to improve Hive queries to run faster
1. Use ORC File
Hive supports ORC file – a new table storage format that sports fantastic speed improvements through techniques like predicate pushdown (pushup in Hive), compression and more.
Using ORCFile for every HIVE table should really be a no-brainer, and extremely beneficial to get fast response times for your HIVE queries.
customerIDint, namestring, age int, address string
2. Use Vectorization
Vectorized query execution improves performance of operations like scans, aggregations, filters, and joins, by performing them in batches of 1024 rows at once instead of a single row each time.
Introduced in Hive 0.13, this feature significantly improves query execution time, and is easily enabled with two parameters settings:
I. sethive.vectorized.execution.enabled = true;
II. sethive.vectorized.execution.reduce.enabled = true;
3. Partition Based Joins:
To optimize joins in Hive, we have to reduce the query scan time. For that, we can create a Hive table with partitions by specifying the partition predicates in the ‘WHERE’ clause or the ON clause in a JOIN.
For Example: The table ‘state view’ is partitioned on the column ‘state.’
The below query retrieves rows for only a given state:
Optimizing Joins In Hive
SELECT state_view.* FROM state view WHERE state_view.state= ‘State-1’ AND state_view.state = ‘State-3’;
If a table state view is joined with another table city users, you can specify a range of partitions in the ON clause as follows:
SELECT state_view.* FROM state_view JOIN city_users ON (state_view.state = city_users.state);
Hope this post helped you with all your joins optimization needs in Hive.
Hive use MapReduce and this is the main reason why it's slow, but if you want to find more information see the link bellow

Issue with joining tables in hadoop , where driver table has 10M records and child tables are left joined having 1M records

Facing an issue with joining 3 tables in hadoop , where left most table has 10M records and each right table has 1M records. The right most tables are left join with parent table.
SELECT distinct Table1.cid,Table2.gdtyp,Table3.ager,Table3.edcd FROM (SELECT
distinct(cid) FROM Table1 WHERE Table1.orgcd='T002' AND
(Table1.cacttrdt>=19980101 AND Table1.cacttrdt<=20171120) limit 2) Table1
LEFT JOIN Table2 Table2 ON (Table2.cid=Table1.cid) LEFT JOIN Table3 Table3
ON (Table3.cid=Table1.cid)
The above query is getting stuck during mapreduce.
Have set auto convert join to false.
Vectorized query execution improves performance of operations like joins, scans, aggregations and filters, by performing them in batches of 1024 rows at once instead of single row each time.
Introduced in Hive 0.13, this feature significantly improves query execution time, and is easily enabled with two parameters settings:
set hive.vectorized.execution.enabled = true;
set hive.vectorized.execution.reduce.enabled = true;
Also use the TEZ as the execution engine than Mapreduce.

multiple insert into a table using Apache Spark

I am working on a project and i am stuck on following scenario.
I have a table: superMerge(id, name, salary)
and I have 2 other tables: table1 and table2
all the tables ( table1, table2 and superMerge) has same structure.
Now, my challenge is to insert/update superMerge table from table1 and table2.
table1 is updated every 10mins and table2 every 20 mins therefore at time t=20mins i have 2 jobs trying to update same table(superMerge in this case.)
I want to understand how can i acheive this parallel insert/update/merge into superMerge table using Spark or any other hadoop application.
The problem here is that the two jobs can't communicate with each other, not knowing what the other is doing. A relatively easy solution whould be to implement a basic file-based "locking" system:
Each job creates a (empty) file in a specific folder on HDFS indicating that the update/insert is in progress and removes that file if the jobs is done
Now, each jobs has to check whether such a file exists or not prior to starting the update/insert. If it exists, the job must wait until the files is gone.
Can you control code of job1 & job2? How do you schedule those?
In general you can convert those two jobs into 1 that runs every 10 minutes. Once in 20 mins this unified job runs with different mode(merging from 2 tables), while default mode will be to merge from 1 table only.
So when you have same driver - you don't need any synchronisation between two jobs(e.g. locking). This solution supposes that jobs are finishing under 10 mins.
How large are your dataset ? Are you planning to do it in Batch (Spark) or could you stream your inserts / updates (Spark Streaming) ?
Lets assume you want to do it in batch:
Launch only one job every 10 minutes that can process the two tables. if you got Table 1 and Table 2 do a Union and join with superMerge. As Igor Berman suggested.
Be careful has your superMerge table will get bigger your join will take longer.
I faced this situation, write the tb1 DF1 to a location1 and tb2 DF2 to location 2 and at the end just switch the paths to the super merge table, you can also do the table to table insert but that consumes a lot of runtimes especially in the hive.
overwriting to the staging locations location1 and location 2:
switching paths to super merge table :
hiveContext.sql(alter table super_merge_table add if not exists partition(partition=x); LOAD DATA INPATH 'location1/partition=x/' INTO TABLE super_merge_table partition(partition=x))"
hiveContext.sql(alter table super_merge_table add if not exists partition(partition=x); LOAD DATA INPATH 'location2/partition=x/' INTO TABLE super_merge_table partition(partition=x))"
You can do the parallel merging without overriding the one on other.

How can I speed up a diff between tables?

I am working on doing a diff between tables in postgresql, it takes a long time, as each table is ~13GB...
My current query is:
When I do a diff on the two (unindexed) tables it takes 1:40 hours (1 hour and 40 minutes) In order to get both the new and removed rows I need to run the query twice, bringing the total time to 3:30 hours.
I ran the Postgresql EXPLAIN query on it to see what it was doing. It looks like it is sorting the first table, then the second, then comparing them. Well that made me think that if I indexed the tables they would be presorted and the diff query would be much faster.
Indexing each table took 45 minutes. Once Indexed, each Diff took 1:35 hours.
Why do the indexes only shave off 5 minutes off the total diff time? I would assume that it would be more than half, since in the unindexed queries I am sorting each table twice (I need to run the query twice)
Since one of these tables will not be changing much, it will only need to be indexed once, the other will be updated daily. So the total runtime for the indexed method is 45 minutes for the index, plus 2x 1:35 for the diff, giving a total of 3:55 hours, almost 4hours.
What am I doing wrong here, I can't possibly see why with the index my net diff time is larger than without it?
This is in slight reference to my other question here: Postgresql UNION takes 10 times as long as running the individual queries
Here is the schema for the two tables, they are identical except the table name.
"partA" text NOT NULL,
"type" text NOT NULL,
"partB" text NOT NULL
In the statements above you are not using the indexes.
You could do something like:
SELECT * FROM tableA a
FULL OUTER JOIN tableB b ON a.someID = b.someID
You could then use the same statement to show which tables had missing values
SELECT * FROM tableA a
FULL OUTER JOIN tableB b ON a.someID = b.someID
This should give you the rows that were missing in table A OR table B
Confirm you indexes are being used (they are likely not in such a generic except statement), but you are not joining against a specified column(s) so likely that lack of explicit join will not make for an optimized query:
This will help you view the explain analyze more clearly:
Also, make sure you do an analyze on the table after you create the index if you want it to perform well right away:}
The queries as specified require a comparison of every column of the tables.
For example if tableA and tableB each have five columns then the query is having to compare tableA.col1 to tableB.col1, tableA.col2 to tableB.col2, . . . tableA.col5 to tableB.col5
If there are just few columns that uniquely identify a record instead of all the columnS in the table then joining the tables on the specific columns that uniquely identify a record will improve your performance.
The above statement assumes that a primary key has not been created. If a primary key has been defined to indicated which columns uniquely identify a record then I believe the EXCEPT statement would take that into consideration.
What kind of index did you apply? Indexes are only useful to improve WHERE conditions. If you're doing a select *, you're grabbing all the fields and the index is probably not doing anything, but taking up space, and adding a little more processing behind the scenes for the db-engine to compare the query to the index cache.
Instead of SELECT *, you can try selecting your unique fields and create an index for those unique fields
You can also use an OUTER JOIN to show results from both tables that did not match on the unique fields
You may want to consider is clustering your tables
What version of Postgres are you running?
When was the last time you vacuumed?
Other than the above, 13GB is pretty large, so you'll want to check your config settings. It shouldn't take hours to run that, unless you don't have enough memory on your system.
