How to exclude field from cache in drupal? - caching

How can I exclude field from caching not excluding page from being cached? Field value is modified using _preprocess_field hook depending on cookie variable. Cache system caches the entire page and mymodule_preprocess_field never called to change the field value.
Any ideas how to exclude this field from caching?

Drupal page cache caches entire page. If you want a small part of data to update, such as user login or up to the date stock prices, you should use ajax, and on the page that's returning ajax set it to not cache.


Magento 2: How to modify product data on observer pre cache?

My problem would be the following:
I need to modify the product data on load after the product page was cached.
Everytime I load a product I need to request some data to an api and overwrite certain product attribute, even after it was cached.
I tried intercepting these events, but the code on my observers only gets executed the first time, then it gets cached:
I need to request some data to an api and overwrite certain product attribute, even after it was cached.
If I understand your correctly, there is a API which is requesting Product Data directly from your cached page.
Is it possible for this API to just Request Data from your Backend? This would not be cached and you could modify your product attributes via afterPlugins

How to exclude particular page/node from Drupal 8 cache

I have created a search page for a drupal 8 theme, but the page is cached. Whatever I have inputed for search, it always give me the result of the first query I input.
How can I exclude the search page from the cached?
You can use Drupal 8 CacheExclude module to exclude the search page url from getting cached.

Magento 2: Generating Customer Session Based Caching Pages

In an integration in Magento 2 with Full Caching.
We have two types of customers Type 1 and Type 2. Both these types of customers are saved under same Customer Group we are distinguishing the customers based on a customer type attribute.
Customer of type 1 can belong to different departments (1 to many). When he first visits the site after login, he is redirected to select his department.
This value is saved in customer session, on run time customer can change his department that value is updated in the existing customer session.
When we access a new page we get the updated session, but if we access a page that was accessed earlier, we get the old data from session.
Options tried:
We tried to load the data from customer session factory instead of customer session, but still we are facing the issue. Our understanding is that data which is saved in customer object is loaded as new, but since our data is saved under customer session it is not returning the latest data.
For some section of the page we have used sections to load the data, but in that scenario also, if a page is accessed earlier the correct data is not loaded in first refresh, in second refresh the data is loaded properly.
We also tried to update the session data from AJAX, but that was also not much useful since that data is not getting loaded on the pages.
We also tried to use context variables, but when we log the data while saving the context variable the correct data is logged but when we try to fetch the context data, no data was returned. Also even if different context variable is set for each department, the page seems to be rendered from cache.
We can’t use Cookie since this is sensitive data, this will be the last option.
In Magento 1 we had an option to generate new Cache key by extending app\code\local\Enterprise\PageCache\Model\Processor.php,
{ $uri .= '_' .
Is there any similar option available in Magento 2. If yes, please share some reference links to integrate the same.

Change to magento indexer process

I need to make product urls like this "attribute1/attribute2/product-url-key" dynamically. I've found that the urls of every product are in the enterprise_url_rewrite table, request path field.
I would like to make change to the indexer process as well, so the changes will stay when its rerun, but I don't know where it is?
Good afternoon! Let's break this down:
I need to make product urls like this "attribute1/attribute2/product-url-key" dynamically
Yes - you can create URL rewrites dynamically using the Magento models that represent the database table you've identified already:
/** #var Enterprise_UrlRewrite_Model_Redirect $rewrite */
$rewrite = Mage::getSingleton('enterprise_urlrewrite/redirect');
// Create new record or load the existing one
$rewrite->loadByRequestPath($requestUrl, $store->getId());
->setStoreId($store->getId()) // define which store the rewrite should be
->setOptions(null) // specify any rewrite/redirect/custom options
->setRequestPath($requestUrl) // specify the request URL
->setTargetPath($targetPath) // specify the redirect target
->setDescription('Add a comment if you want to');
This will attempt to load an existing URL rewrite/redirect by the $requestUrl and will return an empty model if it was not found which you can embellish with your data and save.
The "options" define whether it's a temporary or permanent redirect (302 vs 301).
More information here via the Magento EE user guide.
I would like to make change to the indexer process as well, so the changes will stay when its rerun, but I don't know where it is?
Don't worry about it. The (modern) Magento database has table triggers wherever records need to be indexed, and will detect creations, updated and deletions on those tables. The indexers will detect that change need to be made and will make them for you as required.
If you're seeing URL rewrites disappearing it's most likely because you've been adding them directly to the index table with SQL, so the table is rewritten whenever the indexer runs. To avoid this use the model as noted above and everything will be saved into the correct location and indexed properly.

can we store viewstate in masterpage?

I have a gridview having multiple customers.
When a user clicks on the customer link then the CustomerId is stored in the Session "CustomerId".
if i open multiple customer details on multiple tabs then the Session "CustomerId" is overwritten.
so it does not make sense to store customerid in the Session.
I just want to store customerids for different tabs
Is there a way by which i can store the customerid in the viewstate of the masterpage?
(Assuming there is a single master page and multiple content pages.)
I usually try to use the URL for page-specific state info. Using session or some other shared storage can easily get messy. If the amount of state data is a bit much for being passed around in the URL, one way could be to rework the way you store the info in the session. by creating a class for holding the needed data, store several such objects in the session and identifying them by some generated request id. This request id can then be passed in the url to allow the page to pick up the correct state info from the session object.
No. The master page does not "live" between requests to different pages, you will have the same effect as storing the value in the page's viewstate.
I would normally use the querystring for this kind of thing, primarily so that the pages are bookmarkable (if you use sessionstate or form values instead, it's impossible to bookmark the page). As you say in your comment to Fredrik's answer, this does mean that users can manipulate the URL to view different customers, but this isn't a problem provided you're checking that the user is allowed to access the specified customer.
If you really don't want to use the querystring, I'd go with hidden form fields to pass the ID around. You should still be checking whether the user is allowed to see the customer though, rather than just blindly assuming that all's fine.
