I want to send a counter (incrementing number) of cpu utilization to a monitoring system. The monitoring system handles deltas for me, so in order to avoid gaps between the observation I want to preserve the counter and not send the delta value itself. I am currently doing the following which generally works, but there are occasional random spikes of CPU which don't make sense:
In a loop over each core:
used += v.Timestamp_Sys100NS - v.PercentIdleTime
num++ //To count the cores
And then:
cpu := used / 1e5 / num
As I said the above formula seems to be accurate from the monitoring systems derived deltas, except for the crazy spikes:
Raw Counter:
Can anyone explain these spikes and/or suggest a way to avoid them?
I have an Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4720HQ CPU # 2.60GHz (Haswell) processor. In a relatively idle situation, I ran the following Perf commands and their outputs are shown, below. The counters are offcore_response.all_data_rd.l3_miss.any_response and mem_load_uops_retired.l3_miss:
sudo perf stat -a -e offcore_response.all_data_rd.l3_miss.any_response,mem_load_uops_retired.l3_miss sleep 10
Performance counter stats for 'system wide':
3,713,037 offcore_response.all_data_rd.l3_miss.any_response
2,909,573 mem_load_uops_retired.l3_miss
10.016644133 seconds time elapsed
These two values seem consistent, as the latter excludes prefetch requests and those not targeted at DRAM. But they do not match the read counter in the IMC. This counter is called UNC_IMC_DRAM_DATA_READS and documented here. I read the counter reread it 1 second later. The difference was around 30,000,000 (EDITED). If multiplied by 10 (to estimate for 10 seconds) the resulting value will be around 300 million (EDITED), which is 100 times the value of the above-mentioned performance counters (EDITED). It is nowhere near 3 million! What am I missing?
P.S.: The difference is much smaller (but still large), when the system has more load.
The question is also asked, here:
Please note that PCM output matches my IMC counter reads.
This is the relevant PCM output:
The values for columns READ, WRITE and IO are calculated based on UNC_IMC_DRAM_DATA_READS, UNC_IMC_DRAM_DATA_WRITES and UNC_IMC_DRAM_IO_REQUESTS, respectively. It seems that requests classified as IO will be either READ or WRITE. In other words, during the depicted one second interval, almost (because of the inaccuracy reported in the above-mentioned doc) 2.01GB of the 2.42GB READ and WRITE requests belong to IO. Based on this explanation, the above three columns seem consistent with each other.
The problem is that there still exists a LARGE gap between the IMC and PMC values!
The situation is the same when I boot in runlevel 1. The processes on the scheduler are one of swapper, kworker and migration. Disk IO is almost 85KB/s. I'm wondering what leads to such a (relatively) huge amount of IO. Is it possible to detect that (e.g., using a counter or a tool)?
I think that there is something wrong with the IO column. It is always something in the range [1.99,2.01], regardless of the amount of load in the system!
In runlevel 1, the average number of occurrences of the uops_retired.all event in a 1-second interval is 15,000,000. During the same period, the number of read requests recorded by the associated IMC counter is around 30,000,000. In other words, assuming that all memory accesses are directly caused by cpu instructions, for each retired micro-operation, there exists two memory accesses. This seems impossible specially concerning the fact that there exist multiple levels of caches. Therefore, in the idle scenario, perhaps, the read accesses are caused by IO.
Actually, it was mostly caused by the GPU device. This was the reason for exclusion from performance counters. Here is the relevant output for a sample execution of PCM on a relatively idle system with resolution 3840x2160 and refresh rate 60 using xrandr:
And this is for the situation with resolution 800x600 and the same refresh rate (i.e., 60):
As can be seen, changing screen resolution reduced read and IO traffic considerably (more than 100x!).
I have been trying to log all memory accesses of a program, which as I read seems to be impossible. I have been trying to see to what extent can I go to log at least a major portion of the memory accesses, if not all. So I was looking to program the PEBS counters in such a way that I could see changes in the number of memory access samples collected. I wanted to know if I can do this by modifying the counter-reset value of PEBS counters. (Usually this goes to zero, but I want to set it to a higher value)
So I was looking to program these PEBS counters on my own. Has anybody had experience manipulating the PEBS counters ? Specifically I was looking for good sources to see how to program them. I have gone through the Intel documentation and understood the steps. But I wanted to understand some sample programs. I have gone through the below github repo :-
But I am not quite sure, how and where to start. Are there any other good sources that I need to look ? Any suggestion for good resources to understand and start programming will be very helpful.
Please, don't mix tracing and timing measurements in single run.
It is just impossible both to have fastest run of Spec and all memory accesses traced. Do one run for timing and other (longer,slower) for memory access tracing.
In https://github.com/pyrovski/powertools the frequency of collected events is controlled by reset_val argument of pebs_init:
pebs_init(int nRecords, uint64_t *counter, uint64_t *reset_val ){
// 1. Set up the precise event buffering utilities.
// a. Place values in the
// i. precise event buffer base,
// ii. precise event index
// iii. precise event absolute maximum,
// iv. precise event interrupt threshold,
// v. and precise event counter reset fields
// of the DS buffer management area.
// 2. Enable PEBS. Set the Enable PEBS on PMC0 flag
// (bit 0) in IA32_PEBS_ENABLE_MSR.
// 3. Set up the IA32_PMC0 performance counter and
// IA32_PERFEVTSEL0 for an event listed in Table
// 18-10.
// IA32_DS_AREA points to 0x58 bytes of memory.
// (11 entries * 8 bytes each = 88 bytes.)
// Each PEBS record is 0xB0 byes long.
pds_area->pebs_counter0_reset = reset_val[0];
pds_area->pebs_counter1_reset = reset_val[1];
pds_area->pebs_counter2_reset = reset_val[2];
pds_area->pebs_counter3_reset = reset_val[3];
write_msr(0, PMC0, reset_val[0]);
write_msr(1, PMC1, reset_val[1]);
write_msr(2, PMC2, reset_val[2]);
write_msr(3, PMC3, reset_val[3]);
This project is library to access PEBS, and there are no examples of its usage included in project (as I found there is only one disabled test in other projects by tpatki).
Check intel SDM Manual Vol 3B (this is the only good resource for PEBS programming) for meaning of the fields and PEBS configuration and output:
18.15.7 Processor Event-Based Sampling
PEBS permits the saving of precise architectural information associated with one or more performance events in the precise event records buffer, which is part of the DS save area (see Section 17.4.9, “BTS and DS Save Area”).
To use this mechanism, a counter is configured to overflow after it has counted a preset number of events. After the counter overflows, the processor copies the current state of the general-purpose and EFLAGS registers and instruction pointer into a record in the precise event records buffer. The processor then resets the count in the performance counter and restarts the counter. When the precise event records buffer is nearly full, an interrupt is generated, allowing the precise event records to be saved. A circular buffer is not supported for precise event
... After the PEBS-enabled counter has overflowed, PEBS
record is recorded
(So, reset value is probably negative, equal to -1000 to get every 1000th event, -10 to get every 10th event. Counter will increment and PEBS is written at counter overflow.)
and https://xem.github.io/minix86/manual/intel-x86-and-64-manual-vol3/o_fe12b1e2a880e0ce-656.html 18.4.4 Processor Event Based Sampling (PEBS) "Table 18-10" - only L1/L2/DTLB misses have PEBS event in Intel Core. (Find PEBS section for your CPU and search for memory events. PEBS-capable events are really rare.)
So, to have more event recorded you probably want to set reset part of this function to smaller absolute value, like -50 or -10. With PEBS this may work (and try perf -e cycles:upp -c 10 - don't ask to profile kernel with so high frequency, only user-space :u and ask for precise with :pp and ask for -10 counter with -c 10. perf has all PEBS mechanics implemented both for MSR and for buffer parsing).
Another good resource for PMU (hardware performance monitoring unit) are also from Intel, PMU Programming Guides. They have short and compact description both of usual PMU and PEBS too. There is public "Nehalem Core PMU", most of it still useful for newer CPUs - https://software.intel.com/sites/default/files/m/5/2/c/f/1/30320-Nehalem-PMU-Programming-Guide-Core.pdf (And there are uncore PMU guides: E5-2600 Uncore PMU Guide, 2012 https://www.intel.com/content/dam/www/public/us/en/documents/design-guides/xeon-e5-2600-uncore-guide.pdf)
External pdf about PEBS: https://www.blackhat.com/docs/us-15/materials/us-15-Herath-These-Are-Not-Your-Grand-Daddys-CPU-Performance-Counters-CPU-Hardware-Performance-Counters-For-Security.pdf#page=23 PMCs: Setting Up for PEBS - from "Black Hat USA 2015 - These are Not Your Grand Daddy's CPU Performance Counters"
You may start from short and simple program (not the ref inputs of recent SpecCPU) and use perf linux tool (perf_events) to find acceptable ratio of memory requests recorded to all memory requests. PEBS is used with perf by adding :p and :pp suffix to the event specifier record -e event:pp. Also try pmu-tools ocperf.py for easier intel event name encoding.
Try to find the real (maximum) overhead with different recording ratios (1% / 10% / 50%) on the memory tests like (worst case of memory recording overhead, left part on the Arithmetic Intensity scale of Roofline model - STREAM is BLAS1, GUPS and memlat are almost SpMV; real tasks are usually not so left on the scale):
STREAM test (linear access to memory),
RandomAccess (GUPS) test
some memory latency test (memlat of 7z, lat_mem_rd of lmbench).
Do you want to trace every load/store commands or you only want to record requests that missed all (some) caches and were sent to main RAM memory of PC (to L3)?
Why you want no overhead and all memory accesses recorded? It is just impossible as every memory access have tracing of several bytes to be recorded to the memory. So, having memory tracing enabled (more than 10% or mem.access tracing) clearly will limit available memory bandwidth and the program will run slower. Even 1% tracing can be noted, but it effect (overhead) is smaller.
Your CPU E5-2620 v4 is Broadwell-EP 14nm so it may have also some earlier variant of the Intel PT: https://software.intel.com/en-us/blogs/2013/09/18/processor-tracing https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/tools/perf/Documentation/intel-pt.txt https://github.com/01org/processor-trace and especially Andi Kleen's blog on pt: http://halobates.de/blog/p/410 "Cheat sheet for Intel Processor Trace with Linux perf and gdb"
PT support in hardware: Broadwell (5th generation Core, Xeon v4) More overhead. No fine grained timing.
PS: Scholars who study SpecCPU for memory access worked with memory access dumps/traces, and dumps were generated slowly:
http://www.bu.edu/barc2015/abstracts/Karsli_BARC_2015.pdf - LLC misses recorded to offline analysis, no timing was recorded from tracing runs
http://users.ece.utexas.edu/~ljohn/teaching/382m-15/reading/gove.pdf - all load/stores instrumented by writing into additional huge tracing buffer to periodic (rare) online aggregation. Such instrumentation is from 2x slow or slower, especially for memory bandwidth / latency limited core.
http://www.jaleels.org/ajaleel/publications/SPECanalysis.pdf (by Aamer Jaleel of Intel Corporation, VSSAD) - Pin-based instrumentation - program code was modified and instrumented to write memory access metadata into buffer. Such instrumentation is from 2x slow or slower, especially for memory bandwidth / latency limited core. The paper lists and explains instrumentation overhead and Caveats:
Instrumentation Overhead: Instrumentation involves
injecting extra code dynamically or statically into the
target application. The additional code causes an
application to spend extra time in executing the original
application ... Additionally, for multi-threaded
applications, instrumentation can modify the ordering of
instructions executed between different threads of the
application. As a result, IDS with multi-threaded
applications comes at the lack of some fidelity
Lack of Speculation: Instrumentation only observes
instructions executed on the correct path of execution. As
a result, IDS may not be able to support wrong-path ...
User-level Traffic Only: Current binary instrumentation
tools only support user-level instrumentation. Thus,
applications that are kernel intensive are unsuitable for
user-level IDS.
I see the following when I run Intel VTune on my workload:
Memory Bound 50.8%
I read the Intel doc, which says (Intel doc):
Memory Bound measures a fraction of slots where pipeline could be stalled due to demand load or store instructions. This accounts mainly for incomplete in-flight memory demand loads that coincide with execution starvation in addition to less common cases where stores could imply back-pressure on the pipeline.
Does that mean that roughly half of the instructions in my app are stalled waiting for memory, or is it more subtle than that?
The pipeline slots concept used by VTune is explain e.g. here: https://software.intel.com/en-us/top-down-microarchitecture-analysis-method-win.
In short pipeline slot represents the hardware resources needed to process one uOp. So for 4-wide CPUs (most Intel processors) we can execute 4 Ops each cycle and the total number of slots will be measured as 4 * CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD by VTune.
The Memory Bound metric is built on CYCLE_ACTIVITY.STALLS_MEM_ANY event which gives you directly stalls due to memory. Taking into account out-of-order. Basically only if CPU is stalled and at the same time it has in-flight loads the counter is incremented. If there are loads in-flight but CPU is kept busy it is not accounted as memory stall.
So Memory Bound metric provides quite accurate estimation on how much the workload is bound by memory performance issues. The value of 50% means that half of the time was wasted waiting for data from memory.
A slot is an execution port of the pipeline. In general in the VTune documentation, a stall could either mean "not retired" or "not dispatched for execution". In this case, it refers to the number of cycles in which zero uops were dispatched.
According to the VTune include configuration files, Memory Bound is calculated as follows:
Memory_Bound = Memory_Bound_Fraction * BackendBound
Memory_Bound_Fraction is basically the fraction of slots mentioned in the documentation. However, according to the top-down method discussed in the optimization manual, the memory bound metric is relative to the backend bound metric. So this is why it is multiplied by BackendBound.
I'll focus on the first term of the formula, Memory_Bound_Fraction. The formula for the second term, BackendBound, is actually complicated.
Memory_Bound_Fraction is calculated as follows:
NUM_OF_PORTS is the number of execution ports of the microarchitecture of the target CPU. This can be simplified to:
Memory_Bound_Fraction = CYCLE_ACTIVITY.STALLS_MEM_ANY + RESOURCE_STALLS.SB / Backend_Bound_Cycles
CYCLE_ACTIVITY.STALLS_MEM_ANY and RESOURCE_STALLS.SB are performance events. Backend_Bound_Cycles is calculated as follows:
Backend_Bound_Cycles = CYCLE_ACTIVITY.STALLS_TOTAL + UOPS_EXECUTED.CYCLES_GE_1_UOP_EXEC - Few_Uops_Executed_Threshold - Frontend_RS_Empty_Cycles + RESOURCE_STALLS.SB
Few_Uops_Executed_Threshold is either UOPS_EXECUTED.CYCLES_GE_2_UOP_EXEC or UOPS_EXECUTED.CYCLES_GE_3_UOP_EXEC depending on some other metric. Frontend_RS_Empty_Cycles is either RS_EVENTS.EMPTY_CYCLES or zero depending on some metric.
I realize this answer still needs a lot of additional explanation and BackendBound needs to be expanded. But this early edit makes the answer accurate.
How do I find the optimal chunk size for multiprocessing.Pool instances?
I used this before to create a generator of n sudoku objects:
processes = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
worker_pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes)
sudokus = worker_pool.imap_unordered(create_sudoku, range(n), n // processes + 1)
To measure the time, I use time.time() before the snippet above, then I initialize the pool as described, then I convert the generator into a list (list(sudokus)) to trigger generating the items (only for time measurement, I know this is nonsense in the final program), then I take the time using time.time() again and output the difference.
I observed that the chunk size of n // processes + 1 results in times of around 0.425 ms per object. But I also observed that the CPU is only fully loaded the first half of the process, in the end the usage goes down to 25% (on an i3 with 2 cores and hyper-threading).
If I use a smaller chunk size of int(l // (processes**2) + 1) instead, I get times of around 0.355 ms instead and the CPU load is much better distributed. It just has some small spikes down to ca. 75%, but stays high for much longer part of the process time before it goes down to 25%.
Is there an even better formula to calculate the chunk size or a otherwise better method to use the CPU most effective? Please help me to improve this multiprocessing pool's effectiveness.
This answer provides a high level overview.
Going into detais, each worker is sent a chunk of chunksize tasks at a time for processing. Every time a worker completes that chunk, it needs to ask for more input via some type of inter-process communication (IPC), such as queue.Queue. Each IPC request requires a system call; due to the context switch it costs anywhere in the range of 1-10 μs, let's say 10 μs. Due to shared caching, a context switch may hurt (to a limited extent) all cores. So extremely pessimistically let's estimate the maximum possible cost of an IPC request at 100 μs.
You want the IPC overhead to be immaterial, let's say <1%. You can ensure that by making chunk processing time >10 ms if my numbers are right. So if each task takes say 1 μs to process, you'd want chunksize of at least 10000.
The main reason not to make chunksize arbitrarily large is that at the very end of the execution, one of the workers might still be running while everyone else has finished -- obviously unnecessarily increasing time to completion. I suppose in most cases a delay of 10 ms is a not a big deal, so my recommendation of targeting 10 ms chunk processing time seems safe.
Another reason a large chunksize might cause problems is that preparing the input may take time, wasting workers capacity in the meantime. Presumably input preparation is faster than processing (otherwise it should be parallelized as well, using something like RxPY). So again targeting the processing time of ~10 ms seems safe (assuming you don't mind startup delay of under 10 ms).
Note: the context switches happen every ~1-20 ms or so for non-real-time processes on modern Linux/Windows - unless of course the process makes a system call earlier. So the overhead of context switches is no more than ~1% without system calls. Whatever overhead you're creating due to IPC is in addition to that.
Nothing will replace the actual time measurements. I wouldn't bother with a formula and try a constant such as 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000 instead and see what works best in your case.
Is there a way to get the high water mark of RAM usage in powershell?
Running on a 2008 R2 System.
I was thinking I would have to write a script to turn on RAM counters, then use powershell to query? Make sense? Any examples?
There is no Peak Memory Used counter for the entire box, but you can query the /Paging File/% Usage Peak. You may find this gives an indication of whatever event you're trying to monitor.
$categoryName = 'Paging File'
$counterName = '% Usage Peak'
$instanceName = '_Total'
$counter = "\$categoryName($instanceName)\$counterName"
Get-Counter $counter
There is also a set of Peaks for each running process. If there's a particular service you're interested in (like inetinfo), then query for /Process(inetinfo)/Virtual Bytes Peak, Working Bytes Peak, Page File Bytes Peak. The odds are this will get you closer to your real goal, anyway, of finding out where your memory's being consumed.
If neither of those does what you want, then you'll need to set up an actual counter log. This can be done programmatically via PowerShell (if you're trying to do this in bulk against a number of machines), but it's usually easier just to use the PerfMon Control Panel Applet. If you save that data to a .csv, you can then use PowerShell to analyze for maximum values of significant columns.