Codeigniter FacebookSDK, base_facebook.php library - codeigniter

Hello there I am listing now the base_facebook.php file and can't see in there a function which gives back the username of the user. There is only a function getUser() which returns the user ID. Can you navigate me about the way how to take the username of a user with this FB SDK in codeigniter ?

You would need to make an API call to get the user details:
$me = $facebook->api('/me');
Although, the username is not included anymore since v2.0, for privacy reasons.
This is for the old PHP SDK btw, but i assume that is what you are using. The new one works completely different and needs PHP 5.4+. HereĀ“s a tutorial, just in case:


Laravel6 - Email verification customization on multi-login platform

I am new to laravel. I am trying to implement email verification on my laravel6 project.
On my project, there're three user types named 'user' 'vendor' and 'admin'. I have prepared separate directories for each user type in 'Controllers' and each of them has their own Auth files (e.g. Directory 'App/Http/Controllers/Vendor/Auth' has its own VerificationController.php, etc). So far, I've successfully implemented registration and login/logout function for each type with separate table in my DB.
A issue popped up when I tried to implement email verification. When I tried to access to a page where email verification is required, 'Auth\VerificationController#show' method seemed to be called regardless of the user type.
I went over laravel source code and learned that within the process, router calls Illuminate/Routing/Router->emailVerification() method. And the emailVerification() method routes to 'Auth\VerificationController#show' regardless of the user type.
What I wanted to do is to route depending on user type (e.g. if 'vendor' tries to login, I want to call 'Vendor\Auth\VerificationController#show').
I don't come up with any idea how to do for that. Can anyone please give me any advice?
Illuminate\Routing\Router class
public function emailVerification()
$this->get('email/verify', 'Auth\VerificationController#show')->name('verification.notice');
$this->get('email/verify/{id}/{hash}', 'Auth\VerificationController#verify')->name('verification.verify');
$this->post('email/resend', 'Auth\VerificationController#resend')->name('verification.resend');
Thank you in advance.

Laravel - How to create authentication for API without database

I'm writing an app at the moment which makes use of web-sockets and therefore needs to keep track of its users somehow.
I don't really want my users to register. Before using the app they should choose a name and will get a JWT-Token for it. I don't want to save anything in a database. As these names can be non-unique I will probaply add an Id.
I'm trying to use tymon/jwt-auth": "^1.0.0-rc.3.
public function login()
$token = auth()->tokenById(1234));
return $this->respondWithToken($token);
For some reason the tokenById-Function seems to not be available.
Postman says: BadMethodCallException: Method Illuminate\Auth\SessionGuard::tokenById does not exist.
In my case i have clear the cache. Then its working fine

Laravel - Domain API?

I'm trying to figure something out. I want to make a page where a user can check for domain names and if they're available or not. I'm asking for advice because I don't know where to look. TransIP does have an API but I can't understand their documentation. What can I do? I want to make this work in laravel
There are many API wrappers you can grab from github, here is one I found on a google search.
Just install with composer, put your login and private key in your .env perhaps and then include it in whatever file you want.
$client = new Transip\Client(env('TRANSIP_LOGIN'), env('TRANSIP_KEY'), true);
$domainApi = $client->api('domain');
$domainInfo = $domainApi->getInfo('');
$status = $domainApi->checkAvailability();
I would put env variables into a config file and access with config('key') but this is a basic example.

how to implement the code below in laravel for a password

i am following along a video course from tutsplus -getting started with laravel- and managed up to vid 19 securing the admin panel. My problem as follows. i cannot login to the system because i don't have a valid email-password. in the db there are dummy user emails and hashed pw's but i cannot use because already hashed and i don't know the pw's.
i found this post
How to create a laravel hashed password
however artisan tinker doesn't work because REPL not supported.Falling back to simple shell.
$password = 'JohnDoe';
$hashedPassword = Hash::make($password);
echo $hashedPassword; // $2y$10$jSAr/RwmjhwioDlJErOk9OQEO7huLz9O6Iuf/udyGbHPiTNuB3Iuy
makes sense - to create a new user with known pw but i don't know where and how to implement the code so it spits out the hash in the browser. I tried making a file in the model as well as route and stuck in the code.. to no avail. or maybe easier way?
Can someone help thx.
Place this in your routes.php
Route::get('hash/{password}', function($password){
echo Hash::make($password);
And then open in your browser.

codeigniter php native sessions without using cookies or URL session id, but matching browserfingerprints in database

Because of european privacy law being harsly applied in the Netherlands and to keep my company's site user friendly without nagging the users with questions if it's okay to store a cookie on their computer that allows me to access their client data.
What I need is a way to "overwrite" the native php sessions class so that at the point where the native class requests the cookie that stores the phpsessid, that I can place my own code there that checks the browsers fingerprint and matches that to a session id which I can use to return the normal working of the native class.
My idea is:
table sess_fingerprints
Fields: fingerprint - phpsessid
function getsessionid()
$result = $this->db->query("SELECT phpsessid
FROM `sessiondatabase`.`sess_fingerprints`
WHERE `sess_fingerprints`.`fingerprint` = '$userfingerprint'");
if($result->num_rows() != 0)
return $result->row->phpsessid;
and at that point the native php session code just works as it would normally do.
So, my question is: is it possible to overwrite only the "cookie" part of the phpsession class? if so, how? because I haven't found that yet.
I'm aware of being able to pass along the session variable via urls etc, but that's not secure enough for my web applications.
PHP provides support for custom session handlers:
I think I have found the solution to my problem.
I'm going to override the functions related to cookies by using
Thank you all for thinking along.
