Project Server Sharing resources across departments - project-management

Microsoft Project Server 2013, I am newbie , I had a system under MSProfessional to see capacity when I had just parts of people
We have a number of staff that work % of time in multiple departments, is there a way of seeing the total capacity of a department e.g. Software Department when we have staff say 50% on SW and 50% on help desk
Also this applies to role so we expect staff to have multiple roles so when working on Help desk they have a different role to Developer.

In Microsoft Project there are many different ways to accomplish this. I know, this is a "programming" site and I have used it for query help in the past but what you are asking for is built into Project already without having to go into development mode. One way you can do this is with one or two custom fields. Or, you could use the RBS and the units on each Resource. I know that the goal is to answer the question but this is one of those questions that is pretty wide open because there are two or three good solutions but each are based on a different business scenario. So, in the spirit of giving a path to do this I would suggest that you add a custom field for each resource with the department classification and then also put in the Resource's capacity and then you can run as many slices of this data as you want from the Resource Center. That will show you availability versus capacity and workload. You also mention roles, you may use a skill set field for that and use that as another method of slicing this data. Again, many choices to get that data directly from the system....

In the end I was able to perform this with custom fields on the resources, able to work with % split roles the amount of capacity by role +ve and negative to give full capacity planning. Managers able to see forecast resource capacity and down to an individual see how they were being utilised.
This was not real time, but an over night process that collated the data into set of Excel pivots to give graphs on trend etc..
Worked a treat as it was even able to model based on historic for different types and classes of projects . Basically gave a detailed portfolio management facility, so even worked when projects had no detailed plans. This was based on either forecast and actual. Also showed issues with the profile of projects e.g. optimistic testing profile, showed resource bottle knecks and where high valued staff doing low valued tasks. Even identifying quality issues where high % of rework on user stories (no unit tests normally ) .


Getting into designing dashboards and need some help identifying each technical layer along the way

So I will be embarking on designing a dashboard that will display KPI's and other relevant information for my team. Since I am in the early stages of this project and am not very familiar on the technical process behind designing a dashboard, I need some questions vetted out first before I go and shop for some solutions to avoid reinventing the wheel.
Here are some of my questions:
We want a dashboard that can provide live-time information via our data sources (or as close to live-time as possible). What function allows a dashboard to update itself with concurrent datasources? From a conceptual standpoint, I can understand creating a dashboard out of Microsoft Excel, and having the dashboard dependent on the values you may have set within your pivot table.
How do you make a dashboard request information from multiple datasources on its own? Just like the excel example, a user may have to go into the pivot tables to update values, but I want to know how would a dashboard request this by itself and what is the exact method from a programming standpoint? Does the code execute itself every time you refresh the webpage?
How do you create datasources organically? I know for some solutions such as SharePoint BI Center, there are pre-supported datasources like an excel sheet or SharePoint and it's as easy as uploading your document and letting the design handle the rest. However, there are going to be some datasources that I know that will need to be fetched. Do I need to understand something else like an event recorder in order to navigate this issue?
The dashboard (or a report, respectively) is usually the result of a long chain of steps. Very much simplified it could look like this:
src2 | /---- Dashboards
src n | | \---- Reports etc.
|------/ [Big Data]
Keep in mind, this is only a very, very simple structure of a data backend / frontend.
DWH means Data Warehouse, where data might be stored temporarily (you referred to this as fetching). This could be a database, could be a Big Data engine, could be a combination of both...
Afterwards, there are Business Rules (BR). Those might be specific rules in how different departments calculate and relate to data, but also simple things like algebra.
So, the main question should not be about the technology:
What software should we choose?
How can we create a dashboard?
but on the contrary focused on your business processes (see it like a top-down view):
How does our core process look like? Where would I like to measure data?
How would department a calculate sales in difference to department b? Should all use the same rule?
Where does everyone store the data? Can we access it? Do we need structural data?
And, very easy to forget but also easily sometimes one of the biggest parts: Is the identifier of a business object (say, sales id) everywhere build and formatted in the same way?
When those questions are at least in the back of your head and you keep working in this direction, more or less automatically data will spill out at certain points of that process.
Then it won't matter if you use Excel, a small-to medium app like Tableau, Tibco Spotfire, QlikView, Power BI or you want to go full scale with a big Hadoop backend, databases and JasperReports, Apache Drill, Pentaho, SSIS on top of it... it will come out eventually.
Focus on the processes first. Make sure to understand them. Draft in Excel. Then proceed in getting the data and the tools you need to help your use cases. It will work out much better from a "top-down" approach than trying to solve your requirements with tools only.

Mongodb strategy for Multi-Company web app

I am developing a web app in Meteor, with Mongo, that will be running on cloud. Each user must belong to a Company.
Each Company can only access it's own data.
Each user can access it's own data and some data shared with other users of the same company.
Imagine 1.000 companies and 100 users per company, it could get very bad in performance and secutiry, if I use 1 Mongodb database for whole app.
So, because Mongo is "Schema-less and Database-less" I think I can define 1.000 dbs, lets say db_0001, db_0002, ... with same name collections, lets say tasks, messages, ..., so the app can be efficient and more secure (same code for every Company and isolation of data).
Also, on hosting side (let's say for example with Digital Ocean), I think its easier to distribute the dbs if the are already atomized.
Is this a good approach? Or should I not worry about it and let the hosting do this job?
Any thoughts are wellcome.
You are currently only looking at one side of the coin. That's fine to start with.
Think about how you are going to be displaying that data and what query does it translate to. Do a thorough due diligence on all the potential query. For example, how often would user/getbyid be called and how often would you have to show a user their info and their relationship with other users. What other meta data would be required beside user info, would you have to perform a join to get that data? or is it stored as an embedded document? What fields are you going to be searching and sorting by most? Which types of data are write heavy and what are read heavy?
Now lets get back to your database shading approach. It's great that you are thinking ahead of time on this front rather than having to rewrite your component later. Data volume/storage does not worry me here. How many concurrent users would be using at application and what are primary use cases should be the first place to look at to think about scale.
Additionally, you need to understand the nature of the business and project growth. Is it like Instragram type of hyper growth? or is it more predictable. A big Mongo cluster can handle thousands of concurrent read/write requests (assuming your design and query are optimized) so that does not bother me. If you want to keep it flexible MongoDB has a sharding mechanism and you can shard on a key and it takes care all the fancy stuff for ya.
MongoDB has eventual consistency (look up MongoDB CAP theorem) if you enable read from secondaries and you have a high volume business critical app you need to be careful because you can be reading out of date result.
As far as hosting is concerned, DO is fine but always have a backup in another region to maintain geographic redundancy so in case if a region goes down (Hello AWS!) you have something to fall back on.
Good luck on your project!

Multi tenancy with tenant sharing data

I'm currently in the process of making a webapp that sell subscriptions as a multi tenant app. The tech i'm using is rails.
However, it will not just be isolated tenants using the current app.
Each tenant create products and publish them on their personnal instance of the app. Each tenant has it's own user base.
The problematic specification is that a tenant may share its product to others tenants, so they can resell it.
Explanation :
FruitShop sells apple oranges and tomatoes.
VegetableShop sells radish and pepper bell.
Fruitshop share tomatoes to other shops.
VegetableShop decide to get tomatoes from the available list of shared
items and add it to its inventory.
Now a customer browsing vegetableshop will see radish, pepper bell and
As you can guess, a select products where tenant_id='vegetableshop_ID' will not work.
I was thinking of doing a many to many relation with some kind of tenant_to_product table that would have tenant_id, product_id, price_id and even publish begin-end dates. And products would be a "half tenanted table" where the tenant ID is replaced by tenant_creator_id to know who is the original owner.
To me it seems cumbersome, adding it would mean complex query, even for shop selling only their own produts. Getting the sold products would be complicated :
select tenant_to_products.*
where tenant_to_products.tenant_ID='current tenant'
AND (tenant_to_products.product match publication constraints)
for each tenant_to_product do
# it will trigger a lot of DB call
Display tenant_to_product.product with tenant_to_product.price
Un-sharing a product would also mean a complex update modifying all tenant_to_products referencing the original product.
I'm not sure it would be a good idea to implement this constraint like this, what do you suggest me to do? Am I planning to do something stupid or is it a not so bad idea?
You are going to need a more complicated subscription to product mechanism, as you have already worked out. It sounds like you are on the right track.
Abstract the information as much as possible. For example, don't call the table 'tenant_to_product', instead call it 'tenant_relationships', and have the product Id as a column in this table.
Then, when the tenant wants to have services, you can simply add a column to this table 'service Id' without having to add a whole extra table.
For performance, you can have a read-only database server with tenant relationships that is updated on a slight delay. Azure or similar cloud services would make this easy to spin up. However, that probably isn't needed unless you're in the order of 1 million+ users.
I would suggest you consider:
Active/Inactive (Vegetable shop may prefer to temporarily stop selling Tomatoes, as they are quite faulty at the moment, until the grower stops including bugs with them)
Server-side services for notification, such as 'productRemoved' service. These services will batch-up changes, providing faster feedback to the user.
Don't delete information, instead set columns 'delete_date' and 'delete_user_id' or similar.
Full auditing history of changes to products, tenants, relationships, etc. This table will grow quite large, so avoid reading from it and ensure updates are asynchronous so that the caller isn't blocked waiting for the table to update. But it will probably be very useful from a business perspective.
This related question may be useful if you haven't already seen it: How to create a multi-tenant database with shared table structures?
Multi-tenancy does seem the obvious answer as you are providing multiple clients your system.
However as an alternative, perhaps consider a reseller 'service layer', this would enable a degree of isolation whilst still offering integration. Taking inspiration to how reseller accounts work with 3rd parties like Amazon.
I realise this is very abstract reasoning but perhaps considering the integration at a higher tier than the data layer could be of benefit.
From experience strictly enforcing multi-tenancy at a data layer level we have found that tenancy sometimes has to be manipulated at a business layer (like your reseller ideas) to such a degree that the tenancy becomes a tricky concept. So considering alternatives early on could help.

Wisdom of merging 100s of Oracle instances into one instance

Our application runs on the web, is mostly an inquiry tool, does some transactions. We host the Oracle database. The app has always had a different instance of Oracle for each customer. A customer is a company which pays us to provide our service to the company's employees, typically 10,000-25,000 employees per customer. We intend to have several hundred customers. We do a major release every few years, and migrating to that new release is challenging: we might have a team at the customer site for a couple weeks, explaining new functionality and setting up the driving data to suit that customer.
We're considering going multi-client, putting all our customers into a single shared Oracle 11g instance on a big honkin' Windows Server 2008 server -- in order to reduce costs. I'm wondering if that's advisable.
There are some advantages to having separate instances for each customer. Tell me if these are bogus, please. In my rough guess about decreasing importance:
Our customers MyCorp and YourCo can be migrated separately when breaking changes are made to the schema. (With multi-client, we'd be migrating 300+ customers overnight!?!)
MyCorp's data can be easily backed up and (!!!) restored, without affecting other customers.
MyCorp's data is securely separated from their competitor YourCo's data, without depending on developers to get the code right and/or DBAs getting the configuration right.
Multiple instances are lower risk, because a disaster with one customer (someone accidentally doubles everyone's salary and the error is discovered after pay day) doesn't affect other customers. A disaster that affected ALL our customers (whoops, new DBA, and suddenly every participant has the same SSN!?!) might put our company under.
Having one instance on one server presents a single point of failure, with our entire customer base out of business if a hurricane knocks the building over. Multiple instances on multiple servers permits geographic dispersion: no catastrophe will affect too large a proportion of our customers, and the unaffected servers in other regions can take on the load of the failed servers.
Performance is better because the database is smaller (10,000 vs 2,000,000 rows in ~50 tables).
If MyCorp's offices are (mostly) in just one region, then the MyCorp's instance can be geographically co-located there, so network lag doesn't hurt performance. We can provide better service to global clients, for the same reason.
In MyCorp wants to take their database in-house, then we can easily export their instance, to get MyCorp their data.
Load-balancing is easier because instances can be placed on different servers (this is with a web farm).
When a DEV or QA instance is needed, it's easier to clone the real instance and anonymize the data, because there's much less data.
Because they're small enough, developers can have their own instance running locally, so they can work on code while waiting at the airport and while in-flight, without fighting VPN hassles.
Q1: What are other advantages of separate instances?
We are contemplating changing the database schema and merging all of our customers into one Oracle instance, running on one hefty server.
Here are advantages of the multi-client instance approach, most important first (my WAG). Please snipe if these are bogus:
Less work for the DBAs, since they only need to maintain one instance instead of hundreds. Less DBA work translates to cheaper, our main motive for this change.
With just one instance, the DBAs can do a better job of optimizing performance. They'll have time to add appropriate indexes and review our SQL.
It will be easier for developers to debug & enhance the application, because there is only one schema and one app (there might be dozens of schema versions if there are hundreds of instances, with a different version of the app for each version of the schema). This reduces costs too. The alternative is having to start every debug session with (1) What version is this customer running and (2) Let's struggle to recreate the corresponding development environment, code and database. (We need a Virtual Machine that includes the code AND database instance for each patch and release!)
Licensing Oracle is cheaper because it's priced per server irrespective of heft (or something -- I don't know anything about the subject).
The database becomes a viable persistent store for web session data, because there is just one instance.
Some database operations are easier with one multi-client instance, like finding a participant when they're hazy about which customer they (or their spouse, maybe) works for: all the names are in one table. Reporting across customers is straightforward.
Q2: What are other advantages of having multiple clients in one instance?
Q3: Which approach do you think is better (why)? Instance per customer, or all customers in one instance?
I'm concerned that having one multi-client instance makes migration near-impossible, and that's a deal killer...
... unless there is a compromise solution like having two multi-client instances, the old and the new. In that case case, we would design cross-instance solutions for finding participants, reporting, etc. so customers could go from one multi-client instance to the next without anything breaking.
Unless you are using Oracle XE (the limited, free edition) having one database per server will get very expensive very quickly, even if you're buying single core, single CPU boxes. Having several databases per server is inefficient, because each database incurs an overhead of CPU and RAM usage. Tuning is more difficult, because contention is harder to diagnose.
So, as well as being easier to administer, a single big server ought to work out cheaper than lots of discrete little servers (no guarantees, no money back!). Make sure you buy the biggest, fastest chips you can and as much RAM as you have free slots. Those are things which give you better performance without affecting your licensing costs.
Consider the Partitioning option, if you can afford it. This will address your concerns regarding backup and recovery, because each partition can have its own tablespace. So (given partitioning by client_id) it becomes possible to backup or restore an individual client's data without affecting the other clients. We can even export and import individual partitions. I'm surprised by David's observation that Partition pruning didn't work with VPD. But I haven't tried this combo, so I'll take his word for it.
The one thing you might lose from consolidation is the ability to support different clients on different versions of your application. However, this is not necessarily a bad thing. As you observe, maintaining several hundred customers will be a lot easier if you forgo individualised versions of the application. If you do need to offer some bespoke features - even if you just want to beta test some functionality with an individual client - then have a look at Edition-Based Redefinition in 11gR2: it is a really nifty feature. Also it is available for all Oracle licenses, not just Enterprise.
When you say 'separate instances', are you talking about one instance with multiple schemas on it? Or do you really mean multiple instances running on a single machine? There is little reason to run multiple instances on a single machine, as opposed to running multiple schemas on a single instance - each schema would still have their own set of tables, indexes, etc.
Anyways, I don't have a full answer, but one thing to keep in mind is the licensing costs of Oracle, and how that can affect what the optimal solution is.
According to the Oracle store,
Oracle standard edition one is $5,800.00 / Processor (where on x86, a processor is a socket, and you can go to up 2 sockets)
Oracle standard edition is $17,500.00 / Processor (where on x86, a processor is a socket, and you can go to up 4 sockets)
Oracle enterprise edition is $47,500.00 / Processor (where on x86, a processor is 2 CORES - so you have to effectively double that price for quad core CPUs)
So if, for example, you need 8 quad core CPUs to handle 100 customers, licensing that on a single database is VASTLY more expensive than having 4 separate databases, each having 2 quad core CPUs, each running 25 customers.
8 quad core CPUs requires enterprise edition, and would have a list price of 16 x $47,500 = $760,000. 4 machines, each running standard edition one, and each with 2 quad-core CPUS, would have a list price of 8 x $5,800.00 = $46,400 - a factor of 16 difference. Now, keep in mind that no one pays list price for enterprise edition, but there is still a huge difference to consider.
If you don't have a huge need for database operations across clients, and you don't need enterprise edition features, and you need this level of CPU power (or expect to grow to need this level of CPU power), the licensing costs are going to be a huge downside of the one-instance approach.
It may be worth researching salesforce, and the buzz word you're looking for is "multi tenant architecture"
This makes a good read:
It's a good example because Salesforce do use an Oracle db under the covers.
Good question, glad to see you are considering all the alternatives. Lots of good points but I will stick to just addressing one.
I was the DBA for a hosted application and the developers decided to use Oracle Virtual Private Database feature for this.
The application was constructed with intention of customers sharing a pool of app servers for load balancing and a single database schema on the back end.
Before VPD we had a Java class that tacked "where customer_id=?" or "and customer_id=?" on every query right before it went to the database so the customer would only see their data. To implement this in VPD upon login ot the DB we would have the app set a variable in the app context that would be used by the VPD policies to allow the session to only see their records. So yeah, you have to code it up right and assign VPD policies to tables, and also trust that Oracle holds up their end of the bargain.
So was it good for us? In theory it was nice to offload the SQL predicate handling to something outside our application but in practice the advantages didn't outweight the disadvantages.
When we had dozens of clients in one database and when we upgraded they all had to get upgraded at the same time. We had lots of tug-of-wars with customers that didn't want to upgrade for whatever reason or wanted to do their own QA on the new versions.
We entertained the Old instance/New instance thing for upgrades but migrating data was risky and associated downtime did not make customers happy. We did roll our own procedure that would step through tables and export data... But certainly not as easy as a quickie Export or Data Pump job.
We also had issues with VPD predicate analysis when it came to Partitioning. As with alot of Oracle features they may work OK on their own but once you combine with other features things get unpredictable. For us partitions not related to the current customer_id weren't getting eliminated because the predicate analysis was coming too late in the processing of the SQL statement. We worked around it by changing from static to dynamic VPD policies but our time spent parsing shot up.
So after all that what is my take on it? I would have spent the time making sure our app made good use of bind variables and continued with the old mechanism that added customer_id to the SQL statement.
Oracle is made to handle that kind of load.
My Question - What do you do when you have thousand customers and say ten thousand?
Do you still keep separate instances/schema?
I doubt anyone will do that. I have worked earlier in a place where each client had separate database as well as a copy at a central place.
Change management becomes a headache, you'd have to maintain a very good information about which client/company is on which database revision, schema, app version and all those things. This'd become a software in itself.
I'd suggest to create software/design based around SaaS model, that'll allow you easy maintenance and same database/schema for all users.
For Reliability you can still use clustering - Oracle RAC.
I've had to consider the same decision a few times. In our case we use MySQL, so there is no cost associated with running all customers in a separate database.
The benefits to running all of our customers on a separate database have been great. We have a script that lets us move a customer's entire instance to any server to balance load. The script merely copies over the database, copies over any custom files, spins up the application, and sets up our routing system to send users to the new instance. The whole process takes just a few minutes.
Database changes can take a very long time on large mysql databases. Since all our clients have their own database we are able to keep all of our datasets small. Backups are also very fast.
Our development instances behave the same way, so this method allows us to run a variety of database schemas simultaneously as we develop and test new features. We often work with customers to have them try out a new feature before we deploy it to the rest of our instances. The one rule that we stick to (in order to avoid a few of the drawbacks you mention), is that all clients must be within one version of each other. Maintaining more than a couple versions across clients would have a huge overhead.
Facebook took the same approach when they started their company. Each school that they launched at had a separate database and they were able to set up new instances very quickly. The primary reason they finally consolidated their database was that they wanted to enable users to communicate between schools.
If not for potential cost issues I would definitely encourage you to stick with the separate database approach.

Separating Demo data in Live system

If we put aside the rights and wrongs of putting demo data into a live system for a minute (that's a whole separate discussion!), we are being asked to store some demo data in our live system so that it can be credibly demonstrated without the appearance of smoke + mirrors (we want to use the same login page for example)
Since I'm sure this is a challenge many other people must have - I'd be interested to know what approaches have people have devised to separating this data so that it doesn't get in the way of day to day operations on their systems?
As I alluded to above, I'm aware that this probably isn't best practice. :-)
Can you instead, segregate the data into a new database, and just redirect your connection strings (they're not hard-coded, right? right?) to point to the demo database. This way, live data isn't tainted, and your code looks identical. We actually do a three tier-deployment system this way, where we do local development, deploy to QC environments that have snapshots of the live data every few months, and then deploy to live when testing is complete.
FWIW, we're looking at using Oracle's row level security / virtual private database feature to seperate the demo data from the rest.
I've often seen it on certain types of live systems.
For example, point of sale systems in a supermarket: cashiers are trained on the production point of sale terminals.
The key is to carefully identify the test or training data. I wouldn't say that there's any explicit best practice for how to model this in a database - it's going to be applicaiton specific.
You really have to carefully define the scope of what is covered by the test/training scenarios. For example, you don't want the training/test transactions to appear in production reports (but you may want to be able to create reports with this data for training/test purposes).
Completely disagree with Joe. Oracle has a tool to do this regardless of implementation. Before I read your answer I was going to say VPD... But that could have an impact on Production.
Remember Every table in a query changes from
SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM tableA WHERE Data_quality = 'PROD' <or however you do it>
Every table with a policy that is...
So assuming your test data has to span EVERY table, every table will have to have a policy and every table will be filtered before a SQL can begin working.
You can even hide that column from the users. You'll need to write the policy with some deftness if you do. You'll have to create that value based on how the data is inserted and expose the column to certain admin accounts for maintenance.
