Ruby count duplicates in diagonal rows of matrix - ruby

I'm implementing gomoku game in Ruby, this is a variation of tic-tac-toe played on 15x15 board, and the first player who places 5 O's or X's in horizontal, vertical or diagonal row wins.
First, I assigning Matrix to a variable and fill it with numbers from 0 to 224, so there are no repetitions and I could count them later
gomoku =
num = 0
15.times do |i|
15.times do |j|
gomoku[i, j] = num
num += 1
then players take turns, and after every turn I check a win with the method win?
def win? matrix
15.times do |i|
return true if matrix.row_vectors[i].chunk{|e| e}.map{|_, v| v.length}.max > 4 # thanks to sawa for this way of counting adjacent duplicates
return true if matrix.column_vectors[i].chunk{|e| e}.map{|_, v| v.length}.max > 4
return false
I know, that I'm probably doing it wrong, but my problem isn't that, though suggestions are welcome. The problem is with diagonal rows. I don't know how to count duplicates in diagonal rows

diagonal_vectors = (-10 .. 10).flat_map do |x|
i = x < 0 ? 0 : x
j = x < 0 ? -x : 0
d = 15 - x.abs
[ { |k|
gomoku[i + k, j + k]
}, { |k|
gomoku[i + k, 14 - j - k]
With this, you can apply the same test sawa gave you.
EDIT: What this does
When looking at diagonals, there's two kinds: going down-left, and going down-right. Let's focus on down-right ones for now. In a 15x15 matrix, there are 29 down-right diagonals: one starting at each element of the first row, one starting at each element of the first column, but taking care not to count the one starting at [0, 0] twice. But some diagonals are too short, so we want to only take those that start on the first eleven rows and columns (because others will be shorter than 5 elements). This is what the first three lines do: [i, j] will be [10, 0], [9, 0] ... [0, 0], [0, 1], ... [0, 10]. d is the length of a diagonal starting at that position. Then, { |k| gomoku[i + k, j + k] } collects all the elements in that diagonal. Say we're working on [10, 0]: d is 5, so we have [10, 0], [11, 1], [12, 2], [13, 3], [14, 4]; and we collect values at those coordinates in a list. Simultaneously, we'll also work on a down-left diagonal; that's the other map's job, which flips one coordinate. Thus, the inner block will return a two-element array, which is two diagonals, one down-left, one down-right. flat_map will take care of iterating while squishing the two-element arrays so that we get one big array of diagonals, not array of two-element arrays of diagonals.


populate array with random numbers

I have the following array:
nums = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]
and another array that must have 3 items:
arr = [1]
How can I get one or two items from nums array (random) to populate arr that must have 3 elements?
Use Array.sample
arr.concat num.sample(2)
nums = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]
arr = [1]
2.times { arr << nums.sample }
Instead of sample(2) it's better to use sample without argument I think
Because sample with argument returns array with not repeated elements (with not repeated indices to be more precise)
That is, it is more random :)
Read more
You can shuffle the array and take the first three elements to ensure you don't have repeats.
arr = nums.shuffle.take(3)
If, for instance, you were dealing with a situation like a card game where you need to draw from a shuffled deck more than once, you might want to store the shuffled array, and then pop from it.
shuffled = arr.shuffle
arr = shuffled.pop(3)
# shuffled now only has the remaining two elements
Here are two ways to obtain a statistically random sample (subject to the impossibility of computing a truly random number).
The first is to select three elements at random and accept it if it contains at most two distinct elements. If it contains three distinct elements reject it and try again.
def doit(arr)
loop do
a = { arr.sample }
return a if a.uniq.size <= 2
nums = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]
doit nums #=> [40, 40, 10]
doit nums #=> [20, 50, 20]
doit nums #=> [50, 50, 20]
The second way is to make a probability calculation. Firstly, I assume that nums contains unique elements. (That assumption is not a deal-breaker but it avoids the messiness of dealing with the more complex case.)
n = nums.size
= 5
First compute the probability of drawing one distinct element (e.g., [30, 30, 30]).
P[N1] = (1/n)(1/n)
= (1/5)(1/5)
= 1/25
= 0.04
Note the first element drawn can be anything, then the second and third draws must match the first draw, the probability of each being 1/5.
Next compute the probability of drawing three distinct elements:
P[N3] = ((n-1)/n)*((n-2)/n)
= (n-1)*(n-2)/n**2
= 4*3/5**2
= 12/25
= 0.48
Again, the first element can be anything. The probability of the second element drawn being different is (n-1)/n and the probability of the third element drawn being different than the first two
is (n-1)/n.
Lastly, if N2 is the event in which exactly two of the three elements drawn are unique we have
P[N1] + P[N2] + P[N3] = 1
P[N2] = 1 - P[N1] - P[N3]
= 1 - 0.04 - 0.48
= 0.48
We therefore may compute
P[N1|N1 or N2] = P[N1 and (N1 or N2)]/P[N1 or N2]
P[N1|N1 or N2] = P[N1]/P[N1 or N2]
= 0.04/(0.04 + 0.48)
= 0.04/0.52
= 0.0769
P[N2|N1 or N2] = 1 - P[N1|N1 or N2]
= 1 - 0.0769
= 0.9231
We therefore may write the following to obtain a statistically random sample.
def doit(arr)
if rand < 0.0769
n = arr.sample
[n, n, n]
n1 = arr.sample
n2 = (arr - [n1]).sample
[n1, n2, n2]
doit nums #=> [40, 40, 40]
doit nums #=> [10, 20, 20]
doit nums #=> [10, 20, 20]

How to find maximum sum of smallest and second smallest elements chosen from all possible subarrays

Given an array, find maximum sum of smallest and second smallest elements chosen from all possible subarrays. More formally, if we write all (nC2) subarrays of array of size >=2 and find the sum of smallest and second smallest, then our answer will be maximum sum among them.
Examples: Input : arr[] = [4, 3, 1, 5, 6] Output : 11`
Subarrays with smallest and second smallest are,
[4, 3] smallest = 3 second smallest = 4
[4, 3, 1] smallest = 1 second smallest = 3
[4, 3, 1, 5] smallest = 1 second smallest = 3
[4, 3, 1, 5, 6] smallest = 1 second smallest = 3
[3, 1] smallest = 1 second smallest = 3
[3, 1, 5] smallest = 1 second smallest = 3
[3, 1, 5, 6] smallest = 1 second smallest = 3
[1, 5] smallest = 1 second smallest = 5
[1, 5, 6] smallest = 1 second smallest = 5
[5, 6] smallest = 5 second smallest = 6
Maximum sum among all above choices is, 5 + 6 = 11
This question is on GFG but I didn't understand its explanation.
Please anybody gives its solution in O(n) time complexity.
The question is:
Why are we guaranteed to always find the maximum sum if we only look at all subarrays of length two?
To answer that question, lets assume we have some array A. Inside that array, obviously, there has to be at least one subarray S for which the smallest and second smallest elements, let's call them X and Y, sum up to our result.
If these two elements are already next to each other, this means that there is a subarray of A of length two that will contain X and Y, and thus, if we only look at all the subarrays of length two, we will find X and Y and output X+Y.
However, the question is: Is there any way for our two elements X and Y to not be "neighbors" in S? Well, if this was the case, there obviously would need to be other numbers, lets call them Z0, Z1, ..., between them.
Obviously, for all these values, it would have to hold that Zi >= X and Zi >= Y, because in S, X and Y are the smallest and second smallest elements, so there can be no other numbers smaller than X or Y.
If any of the Zi were bigger than X or Y, this would mean that there would be a subarray of A that only included this bigger Zi plus its neighbor. In this subarray, Zi and its neighbor would be the smallest and second smallest elements, and they would sum up to a larger sum than X+Y, so our subarray S would not have been the subarray giving us our solution. This is a contradiction to our definition of S, so this can not happen.
So, all the Zi can not be smaller than X or Y, and they can not be bigger than X or Y. This only leaves one possibility: For X == Y, they could all be equal. But, in this case, we obviously also have a subarray of length 2 that sums up to our correct result.
So, in all cases, we can show that there has to be a subarray of length two where both elements sum up to our result, which is why the algorithm is correct.
At first place you didn't understand the question! if you consider all sub-arrays carefully, at the end you can see all sub-arrays are related; in other words we are considering the result of previous sub-array into the current sub-array
Subarrays with smallest and second smallest are,
[4, 3] smallest = 3 second smallest = 4
[4, 3, 1] smallest = 1 second smallest = 3
[4, 3, 1, 5] smallest = 1 second smallest = 3
[4, 3, 1, 5, 6] smallest = 1 second smallest = 3
[3, 1] smallest = 1 second smallest = 3
[3, 1, 5] smallest = 1 second smallest = 3
[3, 1, 5, 6] smallest = 1 second smallest = 3
[1, 5] smallest = 1 second smallest = 5
[1, 5, 6] smallest = 1 second smallest = 5
[5, 6] smallest = 5 second smallest = 6
Maximum sum among all above choices is, 5 + 6 = 11
From each subarray:
1. we are taking the current largest value and if it is greater than previous largest we are replacing, and previous largest eventually becomes second most largest.
2. we are repeating this steps for every possible subarray (increasing in terms of index).
3. and at the end you can see, we are taking first-most and second-most value from the array.
so checking every-pair of values from the array reduced your overall complexity in O(N)
int res = arr[0] + arr[1]; //O(1)+O(1)
for (int i=1; i<N-1; i++) // O(N-2) -> O(N)
res = max(res, arr[i] + arr[i+1]); //O(1)+O(1)+O(1)
Overall complexity: O(N).

How can the complexity of this function be decreased?

I got this function:
def get_sum_slices(a, sum)
count = 0
a.length.times do |n|
a.length.times do |m|
next if n > m
count += 1 if a[n..m].inject(:+) == sum
Given this [-2, 0, 3, 2, -7, 4] array and 2 as sum it will return 2 because two sums of a slice equal 0 - [2] and [3, 2, -7, 4]. Anyone an idea on how to improve this to a O(N*log(N))?
I am not familiar with ruby, but it seems to me you are trying to find how many contiguous subarrays that sums to sum.
Your code is doing a brute force of finding ALL subarrays - O(N^2) of those, summing them - O(N) each, and checking if it matches.
This totals in O(N^3) code.
It can be done more efficiently1:
define a new array sums as follows:
sums[i] = arr[0] + arr[1] + ... + arr[i]
It is easy to calculate the above in O(N) time. Note that with the assumption of non negative numbers - this sums array is sorted.
Now, iterate the sums array, and do a binary search for each element sums[i], if there is some index j such that sums[j]-sums[i] == SUM. If the answer is true, add by one (more simple work is needed if array can contains zero, it does not affect complexity).
Since the search is binary search, and is done in O(logN) per iteration, and you do it for each element - you actually have O(NlogN) algorithm.
Similarly, but adding the elements in sums to a hash-set instead of placing them in a sorted array, you can reach O(N) average case performance, since seeking each element is now O(1) on average.
pseudo code:
input: arr , sum
output: numOccurances - number of contiguous subarrays that sums to sum
currSum = 0
S = new hash set (multiset actually)
for each element x in arr:
currSum += x
add x to S
numOccurances= 0
for each element x in S:
let k = number of occurances of sum-x in the hashset
numOccurances += k
return numOccurances
Note that the hash set variant does not need the restriction of non-negative numbers, and can handle it as well.
(1) Assuming your array contains only non negative numbers.
According to amit's algorithm :
def get_sum_slices3(a, sum)
s = a.inject([]) { |m, e| m << e + m.last.to_i }
s.count { |x| s.bsearch { |y| x - y == sum } }
Ruby uses quicksort which is nlogn in most cases
You should detail better what you're trying to achieve here. Anyway computing the number of subarray that have a specific sum could be done like this:
def get_sum_slices(a, sum)
count = 0
(2..a.length).each do |n|
a.combination(n).each do |combination|
if combination.inject(:+) == sum
count += 1
puts combination.inspect
btw your example should return 6
irb> get_sum_slices [-2, 0, 3, 2, -7, 4], 0
[-2, 2]
[-2, 0, 2]
[3, -7, 4]
[0, 3, -7, 4]
[-2, 3, 2, -7, 4]
[-2, 0, 3, 2, -7, 4]
=> 6

Alphabetical sorting of an array without using the sort method

I have been working through Chris Pine's tutorial for Ruby and am currently working on a way to sort an array of names without using sort.
My code is below. It works perfectly but is a step further than I thought I had got!
puts "Please enter some names:"
name = gets.chomp
names = []
while name != ''
names.push name
name = gets.chomp
names.each_index do |first|
names.each_index do |second|
if names[first] < names[second]
names[first], names[second] = names[second], names[first]
puts "The names you have entered in alphabetical order are: " + names.join(', ')
It is the sorting that I am having trouble getting my head around.
My understanding of it is that each_index would look at the position of each item in the array. Then the if statement takes each item and if the number is larger than the next it swaps it in the array, continuing to do this until the biggest number is at the start. I would have thought that this would just have reversed my array, however it does sort it alphabetically.
Would someone be able to talk me through how this algorithm is working alphabetically and at what point it is looking at what the starting letters are?
Thanks in advance for your help. I'm sure it is something very straightforward but after much searching I can't quite figure it out!
I think the quick sort algorithm is one of the easier ones to understand:
def qsort arr
return [] if arr.length == 0
pivot = arr.shift
less, more = arr.partition {|e| e < pivot }
qsort(less) + [pivot] + qsort(more)
puts qsort(["George","Adam","Michael","Susan","Abigail"])
The idea is that you pick an element (often called the pivot), and then partition the array into elements less than the pivot and those that are greater or equal to the pivot. Then recursively sort each group and combine with the pivot.
I can see why you're puzzled -- I was too. Look at what the algorithm does at each swap. I'm using numbers instead of names to make the order clearer, but it works the same way for strings:
names = [1, 2, 3, 4]
names.each_index do |first|
names.each_index do |second|
if names[first] < names[second]
names[first], names[second] = names[second], names[first]
puts "[#{names.join(', ')}]"
[2, 1, 3, 4]
[3, 1, 2, 4]
[4, 1, 2, 3]
[1, 4, 2, 3]
[1, 2, 4, 3]
[1, 2, 3, 4]
In this case, it started with a sorted list, then made a bunch of swaps, then put things back in order. If you only look at the first couple of swaps, you might be fooled into thinking that it was going to do a descending sort. And the comparison (swap if names[first] < names[second]) certainly seems to imply a descending sort.
The trick is that the relationship between first and second is not ordered; sometimes first is to the left, sometimes it's to the right. Which makes the whole algorithm hard to reason about.
This algorithm is, I guess, a strange implementation of a Bubble Sort, which I normally see implemented like this:
names.each_index do |first|
(first + 1...names.length).each do |second|
if names[first] > names[second]
names[first], names[second] = names[second], names[first]
puts "[#{names.join(', ')}]"
If you run this code on the same array of sorted numbers, it does nothing: the array is already sorted so it swaps nothing. In this version, it takes care to keep second always to the right of first and does a swap only if the value at first is greater than the value at second. So in the first pass (where first is 0), the smallest number winds up in position 0, in the next pass the next smallest number winds up in the next position, etc.
And if you run it on array that reverse sorted, you can see what it's doing:
[3, 4, 2, 1]
[2, 4, 3, 1]
[1, 4, 3, 2]
[1, 3, 4, 2]
[1, 2, 4, 3]
[1, 2, 3, 4]
Finally, here's a way to visualize what's happening in the two algorithms. First the modified version:
0 1 2 3
0 X X X
1 X X
2 X
The numbers along the vertical axis represent values for first. The numbers along the horizontal represent values for second. The X indicates a spot at which the algorithm compares and potentially swaps. Note that it's just the portion above the diagonal.
Here's the same visualization for the algorithm that you provided in your question:
0 1 2 3
0 X X X X
1 X X X X
2 X X X X
3 X X X X
This algorithm compares all the possible positions (pointlessly including the values along the diagonal, where first and second are equal). The important bit to notice, though, is that the swaps that happen below and to the left of the diagonal represent cases where second is to the left of first -- the backwards case. And also note that these cases happen after the forward cases.
So essentially, what this algorithm does is reverse sort the array (as you had suspected) and then afterwards forward sort it. Probably not really what was intended, but the code sure is simple.
Your understanding is just a bit off.
You said:
Then the if statement takes each item and if the number is larger than the next it swaps it in the array
But this is not what the if statement is doing.
First, the two blocks enclosing it are simply setting up iterators first and second, which each count from the first to the last element of the array each time through the block. (This is inefficient but we'll leave discussion of efficient sorting for later. Or just see Brian Adkins' answer.)
When you reach the if statement, it is not comparing the indices themselves, but the names which are at those indices.
You can see what's going on by inserting this line just before the if. Though this will make your program quite verbose:
puts "Comparing names[#{first}] which is #{names[first]} to names[#{second}] which is #{names[second]}..."
Alternatively, you can create a new array and use a while loop to append the names in alphabetical order. Delete the elements that have been appended in the loop until there are no elements left in the old array.
sorted_names = []
while names.length!=0
sorted_names << names.min
puts sorted_names
This is the recursive solution for this case
def my_sort(list, new_array = nil)
return new_array if list.size <= 0
if new_array == nil
new_array = []
min = list.min
new_array << min
my_sort(list, new_array)
puts my_sort(["George","Adam","Michael","Susan","Abigail"])
Here is my code to sort items in an array without using the sort or min method, taking into account various forms of each item (e.g. strings, integers, nil):
def sort(objects)
index = 0
sorted_objects = []
while index < objects.length
sorted_item = objects.reduce do |min, item|
min.to_s > item.to_s ? item : min
sorted_objects << sorted_item
index += 1
words_2 = %w{all i can say is that my life is pretty plain}
p sort(words_2)
=> ["all", "can", "i", "is", "is", "life", "my", "plain", "pretty", "say", "that"]
mixed_array_1 = ["2", 1, "5", 4, "3"]
p sort(mixed_array_1)
=> [1, "2", "3", 4, "5"]
mixed_array_2 = ["George","Adam","Michael","Susan","Abigail", "", nil, 4, "5", 100]
p sort(mixed_array_2)
=> ["", nil, 100, 4, "5", "Abigail", "Adam", "George", "Michael", "Susan"]

Chunk a Ruby array according to streaks within it

Summary: The basic question here was, I've discovered, whether you can pass a code block to a Ruby array which will actually reduce the contents of that array down to another array, not to a single value (the way inject does). The short answer is "no".
I'm accepting the answer that says this. Thanks to Squeegy for a great looping strategy to get streaks out of an array.
The Challenge: To reduce an array's elements without looping through it explicitly.
The Input: All integers from -10 to 10 (except 0) ordered randomly.
The Desired Output: An array representing streaks of positive or negative numbers. For instance, a -3 represents three consecutive negative numbers. A 2 represents two consecutive positive numbers.
Sample script:
original_array = (-10..10).to_a.sort{rand(3)-1}
original_array.reject!{|i| i == 0} # remove zero
streaks = (-1..1).to_a # this is a placeholder.
# The streaks array will contain the output.
# Your code goes here, hopefully without looping through the array
puts "Original Array:"
puts original_array.join(",")
puts "Streaks:"
puts streaks.join(",")
puts "Streaks Sum:"
puts streaks.inject{|sum,n| sum + n}
Sample outputs:
Original Array:
Streaks Sum:
Original Array:
Streaks Sum:
Note a few things:
The streaks array has alternating positive and negative values.
The sum of the elements streaks array is always 0 (as is the sum of the original).
The sum of the absolute values of the streak array is always 20.
Hope that's clear!
Edit: I do realize that such constructs as reject! are actually looping through the array in the background. I'm not excluding looping because I'm a mean person. Just looking to learn about the language. If explicit iteration is necessary, that's fine.
Well, here's a one-line version, if that pleases you more:
streaks = original_array.inject([]) {|a,x| (a.empty? || x * a[-1] < 0 ? a << 0 : a)[-1] += x <=> 0; a}
And if even inject is too loopy for you, here's a really silly way:
streaks = eval "[#{original_array.join(",").gsub(/((\-\d+,?)+|(\d+,?)+)/) {($1[0..0] == "-" ? "-" : "") + $1.split(/,/).size.to_s + ","}}]"
But I think it's pretty clear that you're better off with something much more straightforward:
streaks = []
original_array.each do |x|
xsign = (x <=> 0)
if streaks.empty? || x * streaks[-1] < 0
streaks << xsign
streaks[-1] += xsign
In addition to being much easier to understand and maintain, the "loop" version runs in about two-thirds the time of the inject version, and about a sixth of the time of the eval/regexp one.
PS: Here's one more potentially interesting version:
a = [[]]
original_array.each do |x|
a << [] if x * (a[-1][-1] || 0) < 0
a[-1] << x
streaks = {|aa| (aa.first <=> 0) * aa.size}
This uses two passes, first building an array of streak arrays, then converting the array of arrays to an array of signed sizes. In Ruby 1.8.5, this is actually slightly faster than the inject version above (though in Ruby 1.9 it's a little slower), but the boring loop is still the fastest.
new_array = original_array.dup
<Squeegy's answer, using new_array>
Ta da! No looping through the original array. Although inside dup it's a MEMCPY, which I suppose might be considered a loop at the assembler level?
EDIT: ;)
original_array.each do |num|
if streaks.size == 0
streaks << num
if !((streaks[-1] > 0) ^ (num > 0))
streaks[-1] += 1
streaks << (num > 0 ? 1 : -1)
The magic here is the ^ xor operator.
true ^ false #=> true
true ^ true #=> false
false ^ false #=> false
So if the last number in the array is on the same side of zero as the number being processed, then add it to the streak, otherwise add it to the streaks array to start a new streak. Note that sine true ^ true returns false we have to negate the whole expression.
Since Ruby 1.9 there's a much simpler way to solve this problem:
original_array.chunk{|x| x <=> 0 }.map{|a,b| a * b.size }
Enumerable.chunk will group all consecutive elements of an array together by the output of a block:
>> original_array.chunk{|x| x <=> 0 }
=> [[1, [3]], [-1, [-4, -6]], [1, [1]], [-1, [-10, -5]], [1, [7]], [-1, [-8]], [1, [9]], [-1, [-3, -7]], [1, [8, 10, 4, 2, 5]], [-1, [-2]], [1, [6]], [-1, [-1, -9]]]
This is almost exactly what OP asks for, except the resulting groups need to be counted up to get the final streaks array.
More string abuse, a la Glenn McDonald, only different:
runs = do |e|
if e < 0
end.join.scan(/-+|\++/).map do |t|
p original_array
p runs
# => [2, 6, -4, 9, -8, -3, 1, 10, 5, -7, -1, 8, 7, -2, 4, 3, -5, -9, -10, -6]
# => [2, -1, 1, -2, 3, -2, 2, -1, 2, -4]
