File checked out and locked, needs to be checked in from other workspace TFS 2013 - visual-studio

Another user on a different machine checked out files and was working on them until her computer crashed, keeping those files checked out. Is there a way to check in that work?
Some files in one repo she's made some changes to since her computer was reimaged. She was able to save them, but I am not sure if they will be permanently changed. If the old files are checked in, will it affect the changes that she's made in the past couple days? Is there a way to accept the most current changes?
I've used the workspace sidekick from Attrice, but not sure if that is on the right path.

Files that are checked out should be viewed as a reservation. If the files exist in the form that can be checked in either:
Recreate the working folder and recreate the workspace and copy the files to the correct subfolders and check in
preferred approach cancel the check-in, create a new workspace, get latest and merge the copies of the files into the new workspace and check-in.
the undo from the other workspace can be accomplished with the following tf command.
tf undo /workspace:OtherUserWorkspace;OtherUser $/Project/ItemName.cs /s:http://yourtfsserver:8080


How to Resolve TFS Issue when checking files in

I have a project under source control using TFS and Azure DevOps.
It all works normally except for one thing: When I check in a file, I get this error message:
TF10122: The path '$/KnowledgeBuilder/V2/$tf/1/1f8c47a1-8066-42d7-b56c-c9960b0ee7ea.gz' contains a '$' at the beginning of a path component. Remove the '$' and try again.
The check-in does in fact succeed, but I get three of the above error messages each time. I can simply ignore this, but it is starting to get annoying.
It appears the folder in question is a TFS created and controlled folder. I tried deleting the folder, but that remove the Project from Source Control, so I restored them.
Is there a way to resolve this?
This occurs in VS22 on a Blazor Server Project. I have tried opening the Project in VS19, making a change, and then checking it in, and it works fine. So, it must be something specific to VS22.
Someone, sometime, at some point, added that $tf folder to version control. It should not be there, ever, under any circumstances -- that's the folder that TFVC uses to track local workspaces. That's why removing it messes up your workspace.
Make sure any pending changes are committed or shelved first.
Remove that folder from source control. Make sure the change is checked in. You might need to use a server workspace to do this so that the $tf folder isn't relevant.
Use tf get to force a re-sync of your local workspace. tf get /all /overwrite should do the trick. If it doesn't, then just delete and recreate the workspace.
Add $tf to your .tfignore file (although if memory serves, that shouldn't be strictly necessary -- I haven't worked with TFVC in a few years)

Check in TFS solution file which is checked out by another user

I am working on the TFS solution as multiple developers are working on the same project. One file is checked out by another teammate and the virtual machine on which he was working has been deleted. Now I want to edit the file which is checked out by that user but the VS showing me error that the file is checked out by another user. Is there any way to check in that file?
Use TFS Sidekicks to delete his Workspace using the Workspace sidekick. When you delete the work space, any check-outs are undone on the server. You could also use tf.exe to delete the workspace.
From your machine, Get the latest version of that deleted file.
Place that file on virtual directory where it was deleted.
Checkin the file and then you are good to go

TFS: Statuses for solution & projects invalid after moving folder

OK, so one or more of the references required that the solution be in C drive. I cut-pasted the solution from one folder in D drive to another in C, and bam, all TFS bindings went down the drain.
I've changed my workspace local folder to point to my new folder, so I'm not sure why TFS doesn't recognize it. OK, I admit I was working without TFS connection for a period of time, but now I would like to get some changes checked in. But when I go to File -> Source Control -> Advanced -> Change Source Control, it tells me that the Status for my .sln and .proj files are all Invalid.
I've tried unbinding and rebinding projects but this doesn't seem to work.
This is frustrating. Is there any other way than to delete and re-download the entire solution? Or is this a caveat of TFS, is there any file on my hard drive that defines my solution location? It's 10GB worth, I don't want to need to do this every time I move my solution, especially when I actually have all the files on my hard drive.
If I understand you right, you had your sources connected to TFS on your D: drive. For some strange reason you needed to move them to C: drive and you did this by using Windows Explorer (or any other not TFS related tool)? After that you changed your code and now want to check it in to TFS, but it denies it. Right?
The problem is that TFS didn't got any information about your moving and changes you made in the new location. This only works if you used "local workspace" setting when creating the workspace or if you changed your workspace to the new location and checked out the files there.
How I would "fix" this:
Copy/save your current code changes in a temp folder
Open VS/TeamExplorer and create/change your workspace to the location where you want your sources on C:
Do a "Get Latest Version" on your workspace, to download the sources from TFS and to update the workspace in TFS
Checkout all files in your workspace (checkout root folder with recursive option)
Copy your saved code from step 1 into your workspace
check in your changes (check in on root folder of workspace again with recursive option)
your sources are now linked to and stored in TFS
Under "Tools-> Options-> Source Control -> Environment -> Saving/Editing" set the value to check out automatically, so that VS will to the checkout for you automatically when changing a file in VS.

TFS revert the current change

I changed several files in my project and I haven't checked those files in and I want to get the last version of the project from TFS. Right now all the local files have been changed (that broke the project) and I want get the code from the last check-in/changeset and basically void the current changes (that are not checked in). I changed like 10 files and lot of code. Is there a way to get the project into a different folder and run it? I still need the current changes because I was fixing the code.
How about backup your current changes first, retrieve the last changeset and move it to your desired folder, and then you can restore your backup in your working folder and continue working on it.

How can I force TFS to let me download a folder (other than methods listed)?

I have a seemingly common problem, but cannot find a common solution that will work for me. I recently had my computer re-imaged and am now in the process of redownloading a solution from TFS. One of the solution folders contains 2 folders that list "Not downloaded" in the "Latest" column of the Source Control Explorer. When trying to open the solution, I get the error "The project file could not be loaded. Could not find file x". I've tried the methods listed below, to no avail:
Get Specific Version, checking Overwrite options
Deleting, .suo file, restarting VS2010
tf get /force
Remove mapping, deleting local files, remapping entire TFS project to local folder
tfpt rollback /changeset where the last changeset for the .csproj listed a branch and a merge as pending changes by me
File -> Source Control -> Open from Source Control, Navigate to TFS project, try to open .csproj in undownloaded folder, receive error "The selected file cannot be opened. The project file has been moved, renamed or is not on your computer."
I may be missing other things I've tried, I'll be sure to update this list if I can think of anything.
Besides those listed above, is there any other way to get those 2 folders and their content from TFS?
Try browsing via visual studio command line to the directory and do a:
tf get . /force /recursive
This should forcibly recurse down from the current directory.
You have tried most of the things that I would suggest. A force-get-latest should work if it's a simple case of TFS being confused about what is on your pc.
Are the "folders" in tfs, or in your solution explorer? Folders in the solution explorer typically mirror the real disk structure, but it is possible to get files and folders in a different location in the SE than on disk. This coild mean that the files the solution explorer is referencing are not mapped into your tfs workspace.
I would check the workspace mapping is as simple as possible (no branches or extra unneeded folders etc), close the solution, force-get the latest version of the disk structure from the source control view, and then load the .csproj file in a text editor to check exactly what the project is referencing to be sure that all the files exist and are in sensible places on disk.
I found the problem. I recently added a certain domain group to the TFSProject/Readers TFS group, then explicitly denied access to all rights in those two folders. It seems that although I am in the Contributor TFS group, I'm also a "Reader", so I denied access to myself.
