Unable to submit to AppStore with Xcode 6 GM Seed - xcode

Anyone else having issues submitting iOS8 apps to AppStore using Xcode 6 GM Seed released 2014-09-09?
Keep running in to this error:
This bundle is invalid. New apps and app updates submitted to the App
Store must be built with public (GM) versions of Xcode 5.1.1 and iOS 7
SDK. Do not submit apps built with beta software.
My understanding was that the GM SEED is the version which allow you to submit iOS8 enabled app to the App Store?

You are correct that the GM seed is one which can be used to submit updated apps. However, Apple typically send out an email once developers are clear to submit apps built with the GM seed. That hasn't happened yet.
Due to the new phone sizes I expect there will also be updates to iTunes Connect first to support the new screen sizes. I would recommend allowing a day for them to sort all of that. If it is still not available then contact Apple support directly.
Update: Apple have now sent out the email indicating submissions for iOS 8 are now open. Try again now.

I guess maybe you Archived your app in xcode beta and tried to submit it in xcode GM?
I just submitted my iOS 8 app with Xcode GM yesterday and it was totally fine and is now under review.


Developer-ID app validation removed in XCode 8.3 Beta 3 and Beta 4 - publishing outside of the Mac App Store still possible?

Trying to validate an archive on XCode 8.3 Beta 3 or 4, the Developer-ID option is no longer there - it automatically tried to validate it for Mac App. Store.
The project works fine on the first XCode Beta.
I raised a bug report and got this response from Apple: "Developer ID app validation was removed."
I've looked around and can't find any announcement of this.
My question: does anyone know if this means that Apple is removing our right to publish outside of the Mac App store?
(I'm sure I'm not the only one who would be negatively affected by this - I've put a lot of work into getting a solution working outside of the store)
Developer ID distribution is fully supported. Most of what the Developer ID validation function did was verify that you weren't using entitlements that you couldn't use with Developer ID. In Xcode 8.3, this functionality has been folded into the code signing and provisioning checks that are performed when you choose to export your app for Developer ID distribution.

iOS app upgraded from iOS8 SDK to 9, doesn't receive notifications

I recently updated an app from iOS8 (swift 1.2) to iOS9, swift 2.2 on Xcode 7.3.
The app works fine, except that notifications are no longer received.
If I use Xcode 6.3 to build my iOS8 branch (master), the app when deployed to my phone receives notifications just fine.
If I use Xcode 7.3 to build my iOS9 branch, the app does not receive notifications.
I've gone over the usual suspects. I'm not getting any errors when registering for notifications, and my code signing and provisioning profiles all seem to be in order.
My registration is standard boilerplate:
let userNotificationSettings = UIUserNotificationSettings(forTypes: .Alert, categories: nil)
Is there some difference in notification registration on iOS9? I can't seem to find any differences when googling, but I'm open to any pointers.
For sanity checking, I switched back to my master branch, which uses swift 1.2 and iOS8 SDK, and built and redeployed to an older iPhone running iOS8. And, horrifyingly, notifications are not being received anymore
Meanwhile, if I re-install the last TestFlight build I made, using the same codebase, notifications work.
I'm beginning to wonder if there's some issue here from my having Xcode 6.3 and Xcode 7.3 running on the same machine, maybe mucking up some aspect of code-signing? Is that plausible?

Xcode Beta 7.3 When Upload to App Store clicked in Organiser, development teams greyed out

I want to upload my app to release a test flight version. I believe it is allowed to upload using beta Xcode's for Test Flight.
However after I've done the Archive and go to Organiser, when selecting the Upload to Appstore button, the popup with the dropdown with my Development teams, shows all my teams but they are greyed out.
The only team it does show is one where the development and distribution certificates have different names, and it allows me to select the distribution one. I didn't set up this account so not sure what was done differently that lets me select that one and none of the others.
Is this due to the beta Xcode? I'm also running beta OS 10.11.4. I thought we can still upload and release to test flight.
Apps must be sent to the App Store using a final version of Xcode (the one you download from the Mac App Store). Sending apps with Xcode Beta is not allowed by Apple.
Refer to this answer about Xcode 6.3 Beta: Submitting iOS app using beta version of xcode?

Installing TestFlight on iOS 7

After upgrading my iPhone 5 to iOS 7 beta, it seems I have to re-connect it to Testflight.
Unfortunately, I can't install the provisioning profile:
After selecting 'Reconnect Device', 'Install Profile', 'Install Now', the alert is 'Profile Installation Failed. You iPhone is not activated'
I tried to remove the previous profiles, clear Safari cache and reboot, but no success...
Short answer - Go to TestFlight directly on Mobile Safari and use the TestFlight CocoaPod.
We got TestFlight working on the latest iOS 7 build. The TestFlight "app" that installs doesn't work, but manually visiting the TestFlight site in Mobile Safari allows you to install the profile and load the app. Nothing special needed. It sometimes takes a few tries loading the profile to get it to actually load.
Also, loading our apps into TestFlight wasn't working, so we started using the TestFlight CocoaPod and it works great.
I got it working on an iPad mini running iOS 7 beta 5, that was previously used with testflight while running iOS 6. It seems that it will work under some circumstances. What I did:
Unregistered the device from its connected testflight user account (actually this step might be irrelevant)
Launched testflightapp.com from Safari, not from any icon placed on home screen. It has to be from Safari where the url bar is shown. From here I could install betas. However the device itself is not listed under any user and it is not activated. While trying to activate it, testflight app says the registering works OK, however it really fails.
So, it MIGHT work but it's clear that the people at testflight has some work to do.
More: I am unable to get it working with an iPhone 4 iOS 7 beta 5 at all. The iPhone has not previously been used with testflight and seems to require an activation through that profile (at testflight or Apple, not sure) but the activation fails and there's no app list coming up in Safari, just the activation sequence. The key here might be that the device must have been used with testflight before, while on iOS previous to 7.
It seems that using testflight with iOS 7 beta does not work and/or is not supported at the moment.
Not sure what happened here but I was using testflight with an iPad mini that had iOS6. When I just upgraded it to iOS 7, the testflight site loads on the device, however installs never process.
I found the answer of Lysann Schlegel most useful. After some experimenting, I found out that simply opening TestFlight from Safari works fine. Don't use TestFlight app icon.
I had the same problem. In my case after i connect my iphone with the xcode/ organizer beta it let me install again the apps.
Check in Settings if you have the Developer options.
I'm sorry to say that this is currently untested and is a only workaround, but try downloading the ipa file from the TestFlightApp "Share this build" link and use xcode to install it.
This link is normally provided to allow pre iOS4 users to install using testflightapp.com
Even if this works this workaround is probably unacceptable for a vast majority of beta testers.
I'd say also use the "iphone configuration utility" but I suspect that the current release does not support the iOS beta.
If this does fix the issue for people then it's some confirmation that it's mainly the OTA profile that's at issue.
I did a fresh install of iOS 7 beta 6 (it did not have any provisioning profiles before) and was able to load an app from TestFlight. Installing the provisioning profile failed from the web, but I was able to get the correct one onto the device through XCode's Organizer. Then I downloaded the app from TestFlight in Safari (not the little portal TestFlight app). It loaded up just fine.

Setting a twitter account in the iphone simulator

I'm developing an iOS application, and to be able to retrieve data from Twitter, i need to set my Twitter account via Settings in the simulator to use Twitter framework. Even if i type my username and password correctly, it gives an error telling that username or password is invalid , but i'm 100 % sure that they are correct , because i'm using on the web. I'm able to access my Twitter account. The other weird issue that i'm facing this problem while using iphone 5.0 simulator. No problem with iphone 6.0 simulator. It drives me crazy, lookep up on the web, but nothing came up. Do you guys any idea why i'm having this problem ?
Edit: I'm using Xcode 4.5.2 and iOS 6.0 on Mountaion Lion
Do you use Xcode 4.6 Developer Preview 2? This is a known issue:
When using the iOS 6.1 SDK on OS X v10.8 (Mountain Lion), if you use
the iOS 5.0 or iOS 5.1 “Legacy SDK” in iOS Simulator, you will not be
able to sign in to Twitter via the Settings pane and Twitter.framework
will not work correctly. If you need to test Twitter features, you
will need to choose either the iOS 6.1 or iOS 6.0 Simulator run
destination or test with iOS 5.x on a device. These problems do not
occur when running Simulator on OS X v10.7 (Lion).
I had a code done in Xcode 8.3.3 that I code look up tweets on a hashtag. I used the twitter built in Social app to login there then test my app. An update with Xcode 9.2 is that you cannot use the built in social apps like before in Xcode 8.X.X.
iOS 11 no longer supports using Twitter from the built-in social framework.
The solution is that you have to use Twitter Kit 3 to use Twitter features in your app like Tweet, Social Twitter login, and access or use any Twitter API.
link to twitter kit iOS:
