Joomla - Virtuemart invoice/delivery note without content - joomla

I have a strange problem with invoice and delivery note. It displays only the name of company in top and nothing more in pdf. However, at print choice (in CMS) it displays whole the content.
Moreover, when I click on invoive or delivery note, it opens them as pdf in browser instead of download them. Is this a normal reaction?
I use joomla 2.5 and VM 2.6.8. Any idea why this happens?

I found the solution. I didn't have set the vmsafe folder for invoices.
I went to CMS - Virtuemart - configuration - configuration - (in tab) Templates
and I set in safe path: /home/username*/vmsafe
*the username of website


product images are not displayed web of prestashop 1.7

I am new in this world of prestashop, I mhave the following problem: I do not understand why from one moment to another the images of the products that I had registered on the page are not displayed.
Prestashop version
The tests that I have carried out according to what I have read on the internet and they have not worked for me are the following:
Main Menu > Personalize > Layout > Image Adjustment > Regenerate Images. Clear cache.
Disable friendly URLs, then I accessed my hosting, save a copy of the .htaccess file and then delete it from the server. I re-enabled friendly URLs and cleared the cache.
page url:
the strange thing is that from the backoffice of the page, when editing a product if the images are seen.
I would really appreciate your help.

Joomla cache make website's first page really late to open

I have an e-shop made with Joomla - Virtuemart.
The issue is that, at the first page, the website starts to open after 20-30seconds you hit the URL.
After discussing it with my hosting provider, they found that index.php sends for about 20s requests at the file :
Even if i manually delete it, joomla recreates the file and continue to be slow.
In global configuration cache is off.
Any idea, from what is this file coming from and how should i handle the situation?
<?php die("Access Denied");?>
ECB is virtuemart currency conversion rates file. That file is downloaded 3 to 4 times daily depending on your settings. It is in cache ditetory and updated with new file names.
You have to uninstall the module as by disabling it will still download xml conversion file. Login to administrator and then go to Control panel, Extensions - Install/Uninstall. Search and select "mod_virtuemart_currencies" now click on the uninstall button at the top.
It seems that you have more than one currency (maybe you have one product priced with another currency - once this is the case, the ECB will automatically be triggered). In any case, the fact that it's waiting 20-30 seconds means that it's timing out on something. Maybe it's trying to open a URL that has the IP of your website banned (this is very possible, and we had the exact scenario with one of our clients before).
If you can provide us with the contents of the cache file that is being called by your index.php file, maybe we can be of more help.

Redirecting to Front page when clicking on place order in virtuemart

I'm using virtuemart version 1.1.9 and joomla version 1.5.14. My problem is that when i click on add to cart then it is taking me to the place order and continue shopping. After that whenever i'm clicking on place order button then it is redirecting me to the frontpage. The link which shows me in the place order button I'm not using ssl in my website. Even i have changed the configuration file of virtuemart and also i checked my logged file and it is showing me PHP Warning: stristr() [function.stristr]: Empty delimiter in /home/kiranpra/public_html/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/classes/ps_session.php on line 566. I think that it is just a warning not an error. I'm using inbuilt joomla sef not any other kinds of 3rd party extensions. Any idea how to fix that?
There is something a little weird about the way that VirtueMart routes these requests.
The issue is a combination of VirtueMart's methods and your template which - if this is the same issue I've had in the past with a client's site - suppresses standard 'component' output on the frontpage.
I've no idea what template you are using, which template framework it is built on or which template provider built it, but you should go to the template manager and click through into your template's options and see if 'show component output on frontpage' is an option.
If so you should try it and see if that resolves the issue. Unfotunately it could mean you end up with other unwanted output when you navigate to your site's frontpage ordinarily.
I can't remember the specifics of how I resolved this in the end - probably with some code in the template to detect the frontpage (default page) together with the component being output, allowing the component output for virtuemart on the frontpage - but no other component.
Of course - you may be experiencing a totally different issue so your mileage may vary.

Custom Magento Homepage - Fix Issue

So the previous web developer has customized our Magento v1.4.1 site to use a page called main.php... It bypasses everything else that is set by Magento as far as Magento goes.
I have no way contact the previous developer to ask where this is setup...
We have just installed a new plugin and it has taken over as the homepage.
In Magento Admin > System > Configuration > Web the homepage is set to URL Key "home" ... When I go to that specific page index.php/home, the custom main.php page shows up. Why would a plugin have found it's way to be our homepage?
Thanks! Felt like my previous question didn't give enough details.
"home" is not the normal value, here is what that section should look like:

Joomla: homepage url

Joomla requires that home page was linked with some component.
So, if i link menu item of homepage to some article, i get a url like:
"index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=68&Itemid=464" on frontend.
How to link homepage to "/" ?
Joomla verion 1.7
Maybe, i not accurately explained.
I link home menu item with some article.
When i go to - all fine, choosen article is shown on homepage.
But then the home menu item on frontend became "index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=68&Itemid=464", not just '/'
You must use the default Joomla format for setting something as the "home" page. in 2.5 (since you failed to tell us which version you're running) you do this by using 'featured articles'. By default, any featured article is displayed on the homepage.
In older versions (1.5) you must mark it to display on the 'front page'
In doing that when you go to - you will see the articles listed as 'featured' or 'front page' articles. You can adjust how they display by using the front page or featured article manager.
I apologize if I've misunderstood your question - but hope this helps. It also looks like you don't have SEF URL's turned on - you may want to look into that. Regardless your front page will display without any additional URL stuff if you use the methods outlined above.
In your menu manager (backend), create a new entry for 1 article and select it in the list. After that, just define this new menu entry as default (or homepage).
This article will be the default homepage of your website and will be accessible via
