Compiling Qt using MinGW on Win64 - which MinGW? - windows

Based on these instructions I'm trying to install/compile Qt 4.8.6 on Windows 7x64 using MinGW 4.8.2. Per those instructions I went to get MinGW from this site, which leads me to
The result is that I have a directory filled with various mingw executables: x86_64-w64-mingw32-c++.exe, x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++-4.8.2.exe, x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++.exe, x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc-4.8.2.exe, x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc-ar-4.8.2.exe, x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc-nm-4.8.2.exe, x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc-ranlib-4.8.2.exe, x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc.exe.
When I go to install Qt, it asks where MinGW is:
But when I supply the path to all those executables, it says that it cannot find g++:
Do I need to alias one of those executables to a different name for Qt to find it?

As I only noticed when posting the above screenshot, the Qt installer is adding an extra \bin to the path. Giving it the location of the parent folder of the executables worked, in my case just:
C:\Program Files\Utilities\winbuild


Gstreamer on windows

I'd like to build application using Gstreamer 1.0 and GTK+-3.0 on Windows 8 (64bit).
I have sucessfully install and build GTK+-3.0, 32 bit version using Dev-C++ and Mingw 32-bit (there is no 64 bit version of GTK+). Everything works perferkt. It also installed pkg-config, I addeded it in %PATH% and it works.
I have installed gstreamer-1.0-devel-x86-1.4.4.msi and gstreamer-1.0-x86-1.4.4.msi from here
1) First problem: it installed itself into I:\gstreamer\ without asking me. I am very unhappy about it, I'd like have it on C:. But its not the biggest problem.
2) pkg-config do not know about gstreamer. I have found in I:\gstreamer\1.0\x86\lib\pkgconfig\ *.pc files, so I looked into gstreamer-1.0.pc and added to my projekt this options:
C compiler:
-L"I:/gstreamer/1.0/x86/lib" -lgstreamer-1.0
3) Now the program was compiled, but when I run it, it was not able to find gstreamer-1.0-0.dll. So i tried copy I:\gstreamer\1.0\x86\bin\gstreamer-1.0-0.dll into to the same directory as is my compiled file. Then it was not able to find libwinptread-1.dll. So I copied it also.
Then te program run, but it faild with some error like "cannot find entry point to windows thread ..." (I do not remember it exactly). So I copied ALL dll files from I:\gstreamer\1.0\x86\bin\ and then finally the program run.
But now it is not able to create elements:
source = gst_element_factory_make ("videotestsrc", "source");
//source is null
So, my question is, how to install gstreamer, that my program will find all dll files and will be able to create elements?
installing -- choose "custom install", there you can change the installation path.
for vs you can use *.props (gstreamer\1.0\x86\share\vs\2010\libs)
you need set Environment variable - GST_PLUGIN_SYSTEM_PATH_1_0 to plug-ins. For more details see

Ubuntu mingw-w64 package referencing non-existent binaries in Windows cross-compile config?

So, after installing the mingw-w64 and g++-mingw-w64 packages, I'm trying to cross-compile a QT application, running the suggested command:
qmake -spec unsupported/win32-g++-cross
However, when that runs, I get errors along the lines of:
i686-pc-mingw32-g++: Command not found
And indeed the qmake.conf file in that directory refers to binaries with that prefix i686-pc-mingw32-g++ does not exist on the system; the mingw applications installed have a i686-w64-mingw32- prefix (i686-w64-mingw32-g++ exists). Clearly, from the name of the manifest, that specification is "unsupported", but I would think it would at least refer to binaries by their proper name that were installed with the same package? Or is there something else I'm doing wrong in general to compile a QT package on Linux, for running on a Windows box after?

Trying to build static Qt project, cannot find configure.exe

I'm trying to follow the advice in this question:
Building Qt 4.7.3 (latest) on windows
It talks about where configure.exe is. In my installation, which includes 4.7.4 and 4.8.1 for Windows, I only find configure.exe in Symbian/SDKs/Symbian3Qt474/
Is this the right executable, and should I be adding that Symbian directory to my %PATH% so the Visual Studio command prompt can find it?
This just doesn't seem to be in the right place.
Make sure you have downloaded the Qt libraries and not the SDK. The SDK is a binary distribution, the source code in it is generally only for reference purposes.

LLVM MinGW installation on Vista?

From I've downloaded llvm-2.6-x86-mingw32.tar.bz2 into c:\llvm and llvm-gcc-4.2-2.6-x86-mingw32-tar.bz2 into c:\llvm-gcc as well as setup a desktop shortcut the following batch file in c:\llvm-gcc which attempts to setup an environment for compiling via the llvm-gcc command line too:
#echo off
color 0E
echo Configuring LLVM environment...
set PATH=c:\llvm;%~dp0bin;%PATH%
Unfortunately, this setup gives the following error when trying to compile a simple hello world program:
C:\CDev\sandbox>llvm-gcc -o hello.exe hello.c
llvm-gcc: CreateProcess: No such file or directory
I've briefly looked through the LLVM binaries and it appears that the MinGW-based Win32 API and runtime files are already included. I also tried adding the MinGW DLL to c:\llvm-gcc\bin to no avail.
What have I missed in setting up the binary LLVM environment and GCC-based front end on Vista?
Thanks, Jon
Because the GNU/MinGW assembler 'as' was required by 'llvm-gcc' to generate the obj file. The problem can be solved by using:
Install GNU/MinGW binutils, extract the as.exe into c:\llvm-gcc\bin
Install a full MinGW package, add %MinGW%\bin your %PATH%
#rwallace is correct that one needs to also install MinGW's binutils along with the LLVM binary download. I've updated the LLVM documentation appropriately at
As far as I can tell, the answer is that the MinGW distribution supplied by LLVM is not complete, in particular, it doesn't come with the 'binutils' programs.
The recommended solution seems to be to download and install MinGW yourself. However, the MinGW download page seems to be saying this requires 10 different packages to be downloaded and installed separately.
The solution I tried today was to use the MinGW that comes with Qt, which does come in a single package; thus far, that appears to work.
It seems like it is looking for the base MinGW installation in C:\MinGW. I just had this error today using gcc.exe in msys. To solve it, I created a symbolic link from c:\msys to c:\MinGW and everything worked.

qt configuration on windows

I'm having some trouble installing and configuring qt on my vista laptop.
I'm trying to setup a development environment on my laptop where I compile from the command line, because that's how the environment is setup on my university's linux machines, so I don't want to tie myself to some IDE .. (plus, real programmers use the command line!)
I haven't used the command line before for C++ development, it was all MSVC, so now I'm having a bit of trouble.
I'm still using MSVC, but from the command line. I practically have no idea what's going on, I just know that I have to run:
to compile my code!
I downloaded the opensource version of qt, and did the configuration, and tried a simple qt application (from a tutorial) and it worked, it compiled and executed pretty much as expected.
Now, when I decided to run another project that uses opengl, I got the following error:
fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'qgl.h': No such file
or directory
I'm not sure where does the compiler look for header files, and I didn't copy any header files anywhere, I assume that configure.exe worked its magic somehow and added the include directory to one or more enviroment variables or to some registery location or whatever other peculier places that the MSVC compiler searches for to find include directories.
However, what I did was search my C:\qt\include\ folder to make sure that qgl.h exists, and sure enough there it was. so why can't nmake find it?
I think the actual solution to this is in your pro file:
QT += opengl
If you want to stay with the command line anyway (plus use it on a linux box later / parallel) I'd suggest at least trying out the MinGW version of Qt. I'm using it regularly, and besides of the non-existance of a GUI it works pretty well. Using MinGW also has the advantage that you can simply download and install the MinGW edition of Qt and don't need to reconfigure or recompile anything.
Also, trying out QtCreator might be interesting. It's still beta and requires the beta Qt 4.5 but it's a nice small IDE that integrates nicely with gcc.
Two potential solutions (they solved issues at my workplace)
Do you have qt include and bin folders in the PATH variable? I think the doc says only one of these is needed, but one of the students had Vista and putting the other in the PATH variable solved a "Cannot open include file" problem.
If you're using MSVC did you run configure and nmake from the Visual Studio command prompt? We had problems when using the bare windows Command Prompt because the VS one adds a lot of temporary environment variables to the configure process.
Good luck
Install the complete Qt SDK for Windows which includes Qt 4.6 SDK, Qt Creator 1.3, and MinGW.
It will also install "Qt Command Prompt" launcher that you can use to build Qt apps from the command line.
I'm sure you're more familiar with MSVC than MinGW, as I do too (I've been using MSVC 6.0 to MSVC# 2008 for developing .NET apps).
But try MinGW with Qt and I think it's better for long term. I do some C++ development on Linux too so getting familiar with MinGW will be beneficial for you in cross-platform C++/Qt development.
For more info, see Installation of Qt 4.6 SDK for Windows.
Qmake generates Makefile from *.pro file located in current directory. It has qt path compiled in. Type "qmake -v" to see it. You can't move qt's dir after compiling it. If You haven't moved it, first maybe try to install Qt following instruction from INSTALL file. Good luck.
The opensource version of Qt does not provide profiles (mkspecs in qt terms) so qmake can generate nmake (msvc) compatible makefiles.
You have to use mingw/gcc.
