Using JFactory::getDbo()->insertObject with on duplicate key update - joomla

How to use:
JFactory::getDbo()->insertObject('#__card_bonus', $object);
with on duplicate key update ?

You have a few options:
1) Check for an entity id. This is my preferred option, because it only uses a single query, is reusable for any object, and is database agnostic - meaning it will work on whichever DBMS you choose, whereas the other two options are exclusive to MySQL.
if (isset($object->id)) {
$db->updateObject('#__card_bonus', $object);
else {
$db->insertObject('#__card_bonus', $object, 'id');
I often create an abstract model with a save(stdClass $object) method that does this check so I don't have to duplicate it.
2) Write your own query using the MySQL ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE syntax, which is a proprietary extension to the SQL standard, that you have demonstrated understanding of.
3) Write your own query using MySQL's proprietary REPLACE INTO extension.

$jarticle = new stdClass();
$jarticle->id = 1544;
$jarticle->title = 'New article';
$jarticle->alias = JFilterOutput::stringURLSafe($jarticle->title);
$jarticle->introtext = '<p>re</p>';
$jarticle->state = 1;
$jarticle->catid = 13;
$jarticle->created_by = 111;
$jarticle->access = 1;
$jarticle->language = '*';
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
try {
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
$result = JFactory::getDbo()->insertObject('#__content', $jarticle);
catch (Exception $e){
$result = JFactory::getDbo()->updateObject('#__content', $jarticle, 'id');
I use this method - are not fully satisfied, but ...
or for not object method:
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
$columns = array('username', 'password');
$values = array($db->quote($username), $db->quote($password));
->values(implode(',', $values));
$query .= ' ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ' . $db->quoteName('password') . ' = ' . $db->quote($password);

JFactory::getDbo()->insertObject('#__card_bonus', $object, $keyName);
The name of the primary key. If provided the object property is updated.
Joomla doc ...


Codeigniter Call to undefined method CI_DB_mysqli_result::fetch_assoc()

hello i want to update the row by clicking on edit button, but it giving me this error, kindly help
function updateUser()
$data = stripslashes(file_get_contents("php://input"));
$mydata = json_decode($data, true);
$id = $mydata['sid'];
//retrieve specific info
$sql = "SELECT * FROM admin WHERE id = {$id}";
$result = $this->db->query($sql);
$row = $result->fetch_assoc();
echo json_encode($row); //returning json formate
Use $result->row_array(); instead of $result->fetch_assoc();
To prevent sql injection, you may also want to bind the $id separately instead of concatenating it into the query, like this:
$sql = "SELECT * FROM admin WHERE id = ?";
$result = $this->db->query($sql, array($id));
$row = $result->row_array();
See also:

Laravel how to get query with bindings?

I have some query that I need to pass to another query using query builder
$query = DB::table('table')->whereIn('some_field', [1,2,30])->toSql();
Model::join(DB::raw("({$query}) as table"), function($join) {
$join->on('', '=', '');
which should results with
Select * from model join (select * from table where some_field in (1,2,30)) as table on =
but the bindings are not passed, which force me to do
$query = DB::table('table')->whereRaw('some_field in ('. join(',', [1,2,30]) .')')->toSql();
what can be unsafe at times. How can I get the query with bindings?
Check out the getBindings() method on the Builder class
$query = DB::table('table')->whereIn('some_field', [1,2,30]);
$sql = $query->toSql();
$bindings = $query->getBindings();
Laravel now offers debugging directly on your Builder!!!
\App\User::where('age', '18')->dump();
\App\User::where('age', '18')->dd();
"select * from `users` where `age` = ?"
0 => "18"
public static function getQueries(Builder $builder)
$addSlashes = str_replace('?', "'?'", $builder->toSql());
return vsprintf(str_replace('?', '%s', $addSlashes), $builder->getBindings());
You can define below code block as helper function and use wherever required.
It will bind numeric as well as string value with quotations.
public static function getSqlWithBindings($query)
return vsprintf(str_replace('?', '%s', $query->toSql()), collect($query->getBindings())->map(function ($binding) {
return is_numeric($binding) ? $binding : "'{$binding}'";
$query = Document::where('model', 'contact')->where('model_id', '1');
"select * from `document` where `model` = 'contact' and `model_id` = 1"
Building upon Douglas.Sesar's answer.
I found I also needed to put the bindings in single quotations to be able to easily paste it into my database IDE.
$sql = $query->toSql();
$bindings = $query->getBindings();
$sql_with_bindings = preg_replace_callback('/\?/', function ($match) use ($sql, &$bindings) {
return json_encode(array_shift($bindings));
}, $sql);
$sqlQuery = Str::replaceArray(
->map(function ($i) {
if (is_object($i)) {
$i = (string)$i;
return (is_string($i)) ? "'$i'" : $i;
The following function ensures the resulting SQL doesn't confuse bindings with columns by enclosing the ? to be '?'
public static function getFinalSql($query)
$sql_str = $query->toSql();
$bindings = $query->getBindings();
$wrapped_str = str_replace('?', "'?'", $sql_str);
return str_replace_array('?', $bindings, $wrapped_str);
If you want to get an executed query including bindings from the query log:
dd(str_replace_array('?', \DB::getQueryLog()[0]['bindings'],
I created this function. It is partial, might be parameters which are not covered, for me it was enough.
More than welcomed to add your improvements in a comment!
function getFullSql($query) {
$sqlStr = $query->toSql();
foreach ($query->getBindings() as $iter=>$binding) {
$type = gettype($binding);
switch ($type) {
case "integer":
case "double":
$bindingStr = "$binding";
case "string":
$bindingStr = "'$binding'";
case "object":
$class = get_class($binding);
switch ($class) {
case "DateTime":
$bindingStr = "'" . $binding->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "'";
throw new \Exception("Unexpected binding argument class ($class)");
throw new \Exception("Unexpected binding argument type ($type)");
$currentPos = strpos($sqlStr, '?');
if ($currentPos === false) {
throw new \Exception("Cannot find binding location in Sql String for bundung parameter $binding ($iter)");
$sqlStr = substr($sqlStr, 0, $currentPos) . $bindingStr . substr($sqlStr, $currentPos + 1);
$search = ["select", "distinct", "from", "where", "and", "order by", "asc", "desc", "inner join", "join"];
$replace = ["SELECT", "DISTINCT", "\n FROM", "\n WHERE", "\n AND", "\n ORDER BY", "ASC", "DESC", "\n INNER JOIN", "\n JOIN"];
$sqlStr = str_replace($search, $replace, $sqlStr);
return $sqlStr;
You can do something like this:
$escapedBindings = array();
foreach($query->getBindings() as $item) {$escapedBindings[] = '"'.$item.'"';}
$sql_with_bindings = Str::replaceArray('?', $escapedBindings, $query->toSql());
This is a very old question (2015), but since this is the first Google result I got I think it's worth to give my solution as well, in case it's useful for the next person.
Eloquent (5.7 onwards I think, I haven't tested more recent or earlier versions) has a method to change a Builder's from to wrap a subquery:
# Taken from Illuminate/Database/Query/Builder.php - Line 272
public function fromSub($query, $as) {
[$query, $bindings] = $this->createSub($query);
return $this->fromRaw('('.$query.') as '.$this->grammar->wrapTable($as), $bindings);
This however requires an already existing instance of \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder. In order to make an empty one, you can do:
use Illuminate\Database\Capsule\Manager as DB;
$fancy = DB::table("videogames")->where("uses_sdl2", 1);
$empty = DB::table(null);
# Wrap the fancy query and set it as the "from" clause for the empty one
# NOTE: the alias is required
$empty = $empty->fromSub($fancy, "performant_games");
This will warranty that bindings are treated correctly, since they'll be handled by Eloquent itself.
Since the other answers do not properly quote the expressions, here is my approach. It uses the escaping function that belongs to the current database connection.
It replaces the question marks one by one with the corresponding binding, which is retrieved from $bindings via array_shift(), consuming the array in the process. Note, that $bindings has to be passed by reference for this to work.
function getSql($query)
$bindings = $query->getBindings();
return preg_replace_callback('/\?/', function ($match) use (&$bindings, $query) {
return $query->getConnection()->getPdo()->quote(array_shift($bindings));
}, $query->toSql());
Simple and elegant solution:
foreach (DB::getQueryLog() as $q) {
$queryStr = \Str::replaceArray('?', $q['bindings'], $q['query']);
echo $queryStr . ";\n";
(if you use a non-default connection, use DB::connection('yourConn')->getQueryLog() in the foreach command).
Output to the log all queries with inserted bindings sorted from the slowest query to the fastest:
// Put here your queries
$query = DB::table('table')->whereIn('some_field', [1,2,30]);
$query2 = DB::table('table2')->where('some_field', '=', 10);
$logQueries = \DB::getQueryLog();
usort($logQueries, function($a, $b) {
return $b['time'] <=> $a['time'];
foreach ($logQueries as $item) {
\Log::info(str_replace_array('?', $item['bindings'], $item['query']));
\Log::info($item['time']. ' ms');
It is all explained here.....
I created a scope query for that thing. I think it can also be in macros..
public function scopeJoinDerived($query, $derivedQuery, $table, $one, $operator = null, $two = null, $type = 'inner', $where = false)
$query->join(DB::raw("({$derivedQuery->toSql()}) as `{$table}`"), $one, $operator, $two, $type, $where);
$join = last($query->getQuery()->joins);
$join->bindings = array_merge($derivedQuery->getBindings(), $join->bindings);
return $query;

Laravel Eloquent ORM save: update vs create

I've got a table and I'm trying to use the save() method to update/create lines. The problem is that it always create new lines. The following code gives me about 12 lines each time I run it. They don't have a unique id before inserting them but the combination of name and DateTimeCode is unique. Is there's a way to use those two in order for laravel to recognize them as exist()? Should I consider using if exist with create and update instead?
foreach ($x as $y) {
$model = new Model;
$model->name = ''.$name[$x];
$model->DateTimeCode = ''.$DateTimeCode[$x];
$model->value = ''.$value[$x];
$model->someothervalue = ''.$someothervalue[$x];
I assume this would work in laravel 4.x:
foreach ($x as $y) {
$model = Model::firstOrCreate(array('name' => name[$x], 'DateTimeCode' => DateTimeCode[$x]));
$model->value = ''.$value[$x];
$model->someothervalue = ''.$someothervalue[$x];
I think that in this case you will need to search for it before updating or creating:
foreach ($x as $y) {
$model = Model::where('name', name[$x])->where('DateTimeCode', DateTimeCode[$x])->first();
if( ! $model)
$model = new Model;
$model->name = ''.name[$x];
$model->DateTimeCode = ''.DateTimeCode[$x];
$model->value = ''.$value[$x];
$model->someothervalue = ''.$someothervalue[$x];

How to get parameters in JFormField from a disabled plugin in Joomla 1.6/2.5?

How i can get some parameters from a disabled/not yet actived plugin in joomla 1.6/2.5?
$module = JPluginHelper::getPlugin('system','myplugin');
$moduleParams = new JParameter($module->params);
$val = $moduleParams->get("key");
This method didn't work becouse i need to use within an element JFormField generator.
Thanks for help!
With JPluginHelper::getPlugin it's possible to access only enabled plugins, so here's the code for direct access to database.
// Build query
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
->select( 'params' )
->from( '#__extensions' )
->where( 'type = ' . $db->q('plugin') )
->where( 'folder = ' . $db->q('authentication') ) // Plugin type
->where( 'element = ' . $db->q('gmail') ) // Plugin element
// Execute query
$result = $db->loadResult();
catch (RuntimeException $e)
return false;
// Parse parameters
if (!empty($result))
$params = new JRegistry($result);
$val = $params->get('key', 'defaultValue');
You may store query results in in the JFormField Object so save database queries in case field is availabile multiple times.
protected $results = null;
Perhaps you may want to try this:
// Get plugin parameters
$db = JFactory::getDBO();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
->from ('`#__extensions`')
->where ("`type` = 'plugin'")
->where ("`folder` = 'system'")
->where ("`element` = 'myplugin'");
$res = json_decode($db->loadResult(), true);
$val = $res['key'];
Just find the answer by myself.
$data = null;
foreach ((array) $this->form as $k => $v) {
if($val instanceof JRegistry){
$data = &$v;
$data = $data->toArray();
$val = $data['params']['key'];
Thanks! Bye!

Propel to Doctrine Code Snippets

This is a totally newbie question, so please bear with me. I am learning symfony from the online Jobeet and Askeet tutorials, but most of my hacks have involved Doctrine, so I am not familiar at all with Propel. I have managed so far by researching online and modifying to fit my needs, but I need a little help here.
Could someone give me a hand in translating these code snippets into Doctrine?
public function setTag($v)
public function getTags()
$c = new Criteria();
$c->add(QuestionTagPeer::QUESTION_ID, $this->getId());
$tags = array();
$rs = QuestionTagPeer::doSelectRS($c);
while ($rs->next())
$tags[] = $rs->getString(1);
return $tags;
public function getPopularTags($max = 5)
$tags = array();
$con = Propel::getConnection();
$query = '
SELECT %s AS tag, COUNT(%s) AS count
WHERE %s = ?
$query = sprintf($query,
$stmt = $con->prepareStatement($query);
$stmt->setInt(1, $this->getId());
$rs = $stmt->executeQuery();
while ($rs->next())
$tags[$rs->getString('tag')] = $rs->getInt('count');
return $tags;
public static function getTagsForUserLike($user_id, $tag, $max = 10)
$tags = array();
$con = Propel::getConnection();
$query = '
WHERE %s = ? AND %s LIKE ?
$query = sprintf($query,
$stmt = $con->prepareStatement($query);
$stmt->setInt(1, $user_id);
$stmt->setString(2, $tag.'%');
$rs = $stmt->executeQuery();
while ($rs->next())
$tags[] = $rs->getString('tag');
return $tags;
I recommend you to forget Askeet tutorial, it is for the 1.0 release, and lots of things change since this version.
But, you can find a svn dump of a doctrine version of Askeet. You should use SVN to rebuild the repo (don't know how to perform that).
On an other hand, if you need to handle tag in sf1.4 project, I recommend you to use the plugin sfDoctrineActAsTaggablePlugin.
