When i enter the command:
jekyll serve ,
i get following notice:
$ jekyll serve
Configuration file: e:/workspace/soohu.github.com/_config.yml
Source: e:/workspace/soohu.github.com
Destination: e:/workspace/soohu.github.com/_site
and the jekyll stop, without server running.
I check the file_site and can see the static pages in it, and of course i can't view the site locally.
Does anybody know why?
I just had the same problem and fixed by just appending --force_polling at the end of jekyll serve, aka jekyll serve --force_polling.
For detail, please refer to this issue 'jekyll serve' generating done without server on.
I've install Ruby(32bits),RubyDevkit(32 bits),gem(-v and jekyll 3.1.2.
But when I use
jekyll new MyBlog
and "cd" into this file,I try to start the local server:
jekyll serve
But it shows there are errors in reading file as follows:
But in fact the files which can't be found are here in the file "MyBlog".
When I write http://localhost:4000 as url, the page in my browser is empty.
I'm confused and I don't know which step is wrong to lead to the "can't read" error.
I setup a Jekyll blog on Github-Pages 5 months ago. It was working at that time, and I though it would be a nice place to post things.
Long story short, I wrote a first post, but then I never used, until yesterday when I wanted to check that all was working fine, but it was not. I also could not run Jekyll locally.
I do not use ruby on my daily basis ,so they were outdated. I though maybe if I update it and generate the site again everything is going to be working fine.
I updated ruby from 2.1.2 to 2.2.1, and I tried other things to make it work. Now is working locally, but throwing this
Defaults: An invalid front-matter default set was found:
[{"scope"=>{"path"=>"_posts/"}, "values"=>{"author"=>"Agustin Gambina"}}]
Defaults: An invalid front-matter default set was found:
[{"scope"=>{"path"=>"_posts/"}, "values"=>{"author"=>"Agustin Gambina"}}]
I also added a Gemfile to the root directory
source 'https://rubygems.org'
require 'json'
require 'open-uri'
versions = JSON.parse(open('https://pages.github.com/versions.json').read)
gem 'github-pages', versions['github-pages']
When I run
github-pages health-check
I get this
Checking domain littlebit.me...
Uh oh. Looks like something's fishy: Domain does not resolve to the GitHub Pages server
Does anyone know why it happened to me that is not working anymore? was because it was outdated and something changed?
thank you
You have an error in your _config.yml file :
path: "_posts/scala"
author: Agustin Gambina
Must be :
path: "_posts/scala"
author: Agustin Gambina
This is not a fatal error, so your site build, but your rule is not applied.
Concerning the health-check, it works for me as it checks littlebit.me that resolve to github IPs.
$: dig littlebit.me
littlebit.me. 1800 IN A
littlebit.me. 1800 IN A
If it doesn't work on your PC, you may have a DNS problem. Maybe you've set a bad value in your hosts file ?
I am new to this so hopefully I make sense when I ask this question.
I am doing this on windows 7 through the command prompt.
I have installed jekyll but I am having trouble with seeing the jekyll web page. Nothing appears. What I see when I write 'jekkyl serve' is:
c:\users\spiridon\desktop\portfolio\jekyll serve
Configuration file: c:users/spiridon/desktop/portfolio/_config.yml
source: c:users/spiridon/desktop/portfolio
destination: : c:users/spiridon/desktop/portfolio/_site
c:/ruby193/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/posix-spawn-0.3.9/lib/posix/spawn.rb:164: warning: cannot close fd before spawn
'which' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
←[31m Liquid Exception: no such file or directory - python c:/ruby193/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/pygments/mentos.py in _posts/2014-10-23-welcome-to-jekyll.markdown←[0m
Please add the following to your Gemfile to avoid polling for changes:
require 'rbconfig'
if RBConfig: :CONFIG['target_os'] =~ /mswin|mingw|cygwin/i
gem 'wdm', >= 0.1.0'
Auto-regeneration: enabled for 'c:/users/spiridon/desktop/portfolio'
Configuration file: c:/users/spiridon/desktop/portfolio/_config.yml
server address:
server running... press ctrl-c to stop.
i am using ruby193
jekyll 2.4.0
this is my _config.yml:
# Site settings
title: Your awesome title
email: your-email#domain.com
description: > # this means to ignore newlines until "baseurl:"
Write an awesome description for your new site here. You can edit this
line in _config.yml. It will appear in your document head meta (for
Google search results) and in your feed.xml site description.
baseurl: "" # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog/
url: "http://yourdomain.com" # the base hostname & protocol for your site
twitter_username: jekyllrb
github_username: jekyll
# Build settings
markdown: kramdown
I am brand new to this language and most other programming languages. I have also watched youtube videos and searched online for a solution but could not find anything. thank you.
From the Jekyll homepage
While Windows is not an officially-supported platform, it can be used
to run Jekyll with the proper tweaks.
Please follow all instructions on this page dedicated to hints to get Jekyll running on Windows or try this Jekyll Windows project.
The errors you get will probably be gone once you followed one of the above hints but still a short explanation:
'which' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
i.e. windows has no program called which.
which does not exists on Windows systems. On unixoid systems it's used to resolve what exactly is executed when you run the command given as attribute to which.
From the Wikipedia:
In the Internet Protocol version 4 the address is a non-routable meta-address used to designate an invalid, unknown or non applicable target.
So it's no surprise opening it in the browser doesn't work. Jekyll cannot start a server at it runs into errors. So it displays this generic IP as server address.
I've cloned this repo:
I got it working locally no problem.
I added a Procfile with the following:
web: bundle exec jekyll serve -P $PORT
Heroku accepts the bundle no problem.
But the server crashes when trying to load a page.
The first problem I had was that it was trying to render a misformated vendor page.
I fixed that by adding this to _config.yml:
- "vendor/bundle/ruby
But now my app.scss file can't #import "foundation/settings";.
Here is the relevant portion of the Heroku logs.
"2014-10-16T19:56:05.366451+00:00 app[web.1]: Generating...
2014-10-16T19:56:05.361060+00:00 app[web.1]: Configuration file: /app/_config.yml
2014-10-16T19:56:06.277480+00:00 app[web.1]: Conversion error: There was an error converting 'asset/app.scss'.
2014-10-16T19:56:06.277526+00:00 app[web.1]: jekyll 2.1.1 | Error: File to import not found or unreadable: foundation/settings.
2014-10-16T19:56:06.277529+00:00 app[web.1]: Load path: /app/_vendor/foundation/scss
Everything works fine locally, so I assume this is a Heroku configuration issue but I don't know enough about Heroku to begin to know where to look.
Maybe you forgot to run a make setup.
Note that your jekyll is 2.1.1 and current version is 2.4.
This is potentially a simple question but I wanted to ask to avoid running around in circles.
I have installed ruby 1.9.2 on Ubuntu and have set up passenger to run with Apache 2.2 on the machine. I am getting the following error when I view the site:
Permission denied - log/sinatra.log
I have changed the permissions for the log directory, but still no luck. The full trace from passenger can be seen on the site page: http://monkeh.me/
Does anyone know if/what I've done wrong or what's happening?
Many thanks
I have discovered that the site runs well using WEBrick on port 4567 on the production server, but the same code errors using Passenger. I have added to show exceptions for errors, so am now getting the following:
NoMethodError at /
undefined method `include?' for nil:NilClass
file: resource.rb location: block in attributes= line: 332
You can see this here: http://www.monkeh.me/?url=http://www.google.co.uk
Any ideas? Please help :)
The new issue with the nil class was due to not finalizing the classes properly. I needed to add the following after the models were loaded:
Thanks to #Frost for his continued help within the comments.