when i call a function in a controller, it show me 2 time the controller which stop my task - codeigniter

Hello every body I have a problem when i call to a certain function in controller to update a record, it duplicate the my controller in URL which not let me work fine.Help please thanks in advance..
it show URL like this:
In above practice_controller is coming two time.

Two possibilities.. either you have a redirect code in your controller which is redirecting in a false way or in the form action you have not written complete URL starting with base_url().
I would suggest to write complete url in form action like
<?php echo base_url()?>practice_controller/practice_update/<?php echo $update_id?>


Whats the difference between redirect and this in Codeigniter?

I am new in Codeigniter and it's one of the good frameworks of php. But on some conditions I'm confused. Like this one. If any of you have any clarification about my dough, it's a great help for me.
Offcouse redirects refresh the page and $this not but apart from this I want to know - anyhow both of them used to go to somewhere else on view pages or like in other controller or in same controller to other methods.
But we don't use these side by side because when getting any of them it will go to that page or method without checking the next lines.
In case of a normal difference then have lot's of but I just want to know about the condition of going to next page or method when we use redirect or $this like this -
$this->Function($value); //It's method of same controller.
redirect('Controller/function'); //It's also doing same with page reload.
Thank for looking my problem.
When you will call any function of helper in codeigniter then you can call function directly without using any object. Helper in Codeigniter is collection of functions.
Redirect() method is a part of URL helper in Codeigniter.
For your ref. https://www.codeigniter.com/user_guide/helpers/url_helper.html
So, just load helper using $this->load->helper('url'); or you can also mention in autoload.php file.
$this->Function(); used to call a function from same controller
$this->Function(); used to call a function from same controller
While building a web application, we often need to redirect the user from one page to another page. CodeIgniter makes this job easy for us. The redirect() function is used for this purpose.
redirect($uri = '', $method = 'auto', $code = NULL)
The first argument can have two types of URI. We can pass full site URL or URI segments to the controller you want to direct.
The second optional parameter can have any of the three values from auto, location or refresh. The default is auto.
The third optional parameter is only available with location redirects and it allows you to send specific HTTP response code.
Redirect means jumping to another function mentioned in the redirect method.
$this->Function($value); => jumping to another function and you can execute the code of the same function as well as pass the value back by returning value.
When you send request to codeigniter generally CI controller gets called and then function which is mentioned in uri segment. like below... So this will be another request.
redirect('Controller/function'); //It's also doing same with page reload.
But when you have to call another function within the same request then you can use below approach
$this->Function($value); //It's method of same controller.
This will execute the given function and return the value within same request.

Laravel 5.7 Passing a value to a route in a controller

My controller posts a form to create a new page. After posting the form I need to redirect the user to the new page that will have the contents for that page that were entered in the previous form. If I simply do return view('mynewpageview', compact('mycontent')); where my mycontent is the object used to execute the $mycontent->save(); command, I carry the risk for someone refreshing the url thus posting the same content twice by creating a new page.
Instead I would like to redirect the user to the actual page url.
My route is
Route::get('/newpage/{id}', 'PageController#pagebyid'); and if I use return redirect()->route('/newpage/$pageid'); where $pageid = $mycontent->id; I get Route not defined error.
What would be the solution either to stop someone from resubmitting the content or a correct syntax for passing the parameter?
The correct answer that works for me is -
Give your route a name in the routes file
Then pass the parameters with an array as shown below in the controller.
return redirect()->route('newpageid', ['id' => $pageid]);
With basic (unnamed) routes, the correct syntax was return redirect('/newpage/'.$pageid);
You have already found out you can alternatively use named routes.
Last but not least, thanks for having considered the "double submit" issue! You have actually implemented the PRG pattern :)

code igniter url doubling

I'm having an issue where when I submit a form where the submit URL the just appends to the existing URL instead of replacing it.
It is supposed to be:
But instead I get:
I open the form with:
echo form_open('sites/MakeEdit/'.$site['ID'],$attributes,$hidden);
So I.m not real sure where I am going wrong. If there is any more information I can provide please let me know. Thanks in advance.
echo form_open(base_url().'sites/MakeEdit/'.$site['ID'],$attributes,$hidden);
and don't forget to call the url helper on your controller:

redirect to another function in a controller in magento

I have magento site.
I have a controller ,how can i redirect into another function in this controller?
That means ,there have two functions:
i want to redirect from test1() to test2()
how can i do this?
How can i redirect from one function to another function in the same controller?
There are three redirecting functions available in frontend controller which are:
_redirect('frontName/controllerName/actionName/param1/param2') is used for internal redirection.
_redirectUrl($fullUrl) is used for external redirection.
_redirectReferer() is used to redirect to the referer url.
Hope this gives more info.
You can put something like this in test1 action.
$this->_redirect('*/*/test2', array(if you want to pass something then from here you can pass ));

Use CodeIgniter form validation in a view

I have footer view that's included on all my pages which contains a form. I would like to be able to make use of CI's form validation library to validate the form. Is that possible?
Currently the form posts back to the current page using the PHP_SELF environment variable. I don't want to get it to post to a controller because when validation fails it loads the controller name in the address bar, which is not the desired behaviour.
Any suggestions gratefully received.
One way, whilst far from ideal, would be to create a "contact" function in every controller. This could be in the form of a library/helper.
CI doesn't natively let you call one controller from another, although I believe there are extensions that enable this.
Another option would be an AJAX call instead, which would allow you to post to a generic controller, validate etc whilst remaining on the current page.
In this use case, I would definitely go for an AJAX call to a generic controller. This allows you to show errors even before submitting in the origin page.
Another way (slightly more complex), involves posting your form data to a generic controller method, passing it a hidden input containing the current URL.
The generic controller method handling your form can then redirect to the page on which the user submitted the form, passing it the validation errors or a success message using flash session variables: $this->session->set_flashdata('errors',validation_errors()) might do the trick (untested)
The good thing about this is that you can use the generic form-handling method for both the ajax case (suppressing the redirect) and the non-ajax case
AJAX would be best, just like everyone else says.
I would redirect the form to one function in one controller, you could make a controller just for the form itself. Then have a hidden value with the return URL. As far as errors go you could send them back with flashdata.
Just remember to never copy paste code, it a bad practice and guarantees bugs.
//make sure you load the proper model
if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE){
// invalid
$redirect = $this->input->post('url');
} else {
success, do what you want here
redirect('send them where ever');
