Requiring a gem in rspec - What does it do? - ruby

When creating a gem, in the spec_helper, you are supposed to require the name of your gemfile, such as this:
require 'dogeify'
As explained here: Building a gem from scratch
My question is, what are you actually requiring? I don't see a file within the spec folder called dogeify.

The dogeify mentioned in the project is the lib/dogify.rb. When running rspec as such
bundle exec rake spec, from the root of the gem,
rspec will automatically add the lib directory to the load path and the helper_spec loads said file.

When you install a Gem, gemfile will be save to your ruby environment, and use require 'dogeify', then require function will find this file in ruby library folder or you application library, then load the module or class or function that defind by dogeify to your project. Offical explanation at this


When is the 'require' necessary when using a ruby gem?

I noticed for some gems you must include it in the file where you want to use it like this require 'a_gem', but this is not always the case.
I am going to compose a gem by myself. What should I do if I do not want to add the require 'my_gem' to the .rb file when using it?
Usually, an application that is using a gem needs to require the gem:
require "my_awesome_gem"
However, if an application is using bundler, which defines the application's gem in a file called "Gemfile":
source ''
gem 'my_awesome_gem'
then the application may invoke bundler in a way that automatically requires all of the gems specified in the Gemfile:
require "bundler"
Rails projects use Bundler.require, so a Rails application will not need to explicitly require a gem in order to use it: Just add the gem to the Gemfile and go.
For more about Bundler.require, see the bundler documentation
For more about how Rails uses Bundler, see How Does Rails Handle Gems? by Justin Weiss.
This doesn't make sense. If you want to write a Gem and use it, it needs to be required somewhere.
This "somewhere" could be explicit in one of your scripts, it could be written in a Gemfile or it could be required by another script/gem that is required by your script.
If you write a gem, Ruby will not include it automatically in all your scripts.
Finally, if you publish it, should every single Ruby script on earth magically require it and execute your code?
I suppose that the project you have seen which didn't use require 'a_gem' was using a Gemfile.

Handling require in a project meant to be provided as a gem

I'm completely lost with ruby "require" (and I don't have the option for require_relative since my code is meant to run with ruby 1.8.7.
First some sample code.
require './column/main_column'
require './helper' # helper.rb being in the root dir
require './column/main_column'
require './helper' # helper.rb being in the root dir
I'm completely lost in how should I use my requires to make my code usable inside a gem and in a standalone way (without assuming a previous gem installation). I was reading at Jekyll's code and every dependencies seems to be loaded in the main rb file which to my opinion is a bit dirty and still do resolve the problem if column/segment_column.rb needs to be called independently.
Please try to argument about different approaches and why one is the best.
You should require files without the extension and relative to your gem project's lib folder.
For example, given this structure:
You'd require the main example module using:
require 'example'
And in the example.rb file you'd find:
require 'example/gem'
This set of conventions is adopted by the community and is documented on the RubyGems Guides. If they fail, it is often because your gem's lib directory is not in Ruby's $LOAD_PATH, which usually means the gem is not installed.
Building and installing gems during development is cumbersome. For that reason, gems like Bundler became part of the toolboxes of many Rubyists. Bundler lets you use your gem without having to build or install it locally. You can simply bundle exec a script that uses your gem or use bundle console in order to interact with it.

How do command line utility gems work?

How do gems like "rails", "rspec", and "cucumber" allow user to use commands that start with their gem name??
rails new project
rspec spec
cucumber features
Not all gems have this ability. For example, when I type json even though I have it installed, I get
-bash: json: command not found
Gem's .gemspec file looks like this: do |s| = "haml"
s.version = "3.1.8"
s.executables = ["haml", "html2haml"]
This means that when installing this Gem (haml-3.1.8 in this case) also links to executables (also called "binstubs") will be created for the files haml and html2haml which are found inside the gem's bin/ directory.
In this case, for example the file bin/haml could look like:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'rubygems'
require 'haml'
puts Haml::VERSION
From documentation on building Gems:
In addition to providing libraries of Ruby code, gems can also expose
one or many executable files to your shell’s PATH. Probably the best
known example of this is rake. Another very useful one is
prettify_json.rb, included with the JSON gem, which formats JSON in a
readable manner (and is included with Ruby 1.9).
Adding an executable to a gem is a simple process. You just need to
place the file in your gem’s bin directory, and then add it to the
list of executables in the gemspec. Let’s add one for the Hola gem.
The executable file itself just needs a shebang in order to figure out
what program to run it with.
All it’s doing is loading up the gem, and passing the first command
line argument as the language to say hello with.
These gems have binaries that can be executed from the CLI. Most gems do not need this functionality and only provide code extensions.
Edit: They may not be 'binaries'. They can be just executable Ruby code as well. Thanks #holger

Pry is not a module

Ok, as #tim-moore asked, I will post it in new question.
Ok, so I wanted to make gem using bundle. Pry extension gem require that gem start with pry- as mentioned here.
I used:
bundle gem pry-name
but it messed up my file structure
create pry-name/pry-name.gemspec
create pry-name/lib/pry/name.rb
create pry-name/lib/pry/name/version.rb
As you can see it created lib/pry directory. I know it's gem's style to created such structure but now I pry cannot load this gem automatically
One solution from my question was:
create pry-name.rb that contain only require 'pry/name'
After I have done this, and build gem, I started pry:
This message appear:
require 'pry-name' # Failed, saying: Pry is not a module
As for my guesses:
I'm creating commands writing something like this:
Pry::Commands.create_command "name-of-command" do
# my code goes here
and, as ruby find Pry::Commands. it want require it from lib directory not from Pry gem.
What does this error mean. Why it doesn't work. How make it work keeping in mind gem and pry requirements(pry gem starts with pry- and gem will create another directory(ies) when someone use - for example: gem pry-name will make pry/name)
Everywhere in your newly-created gem where it has module Pry, change it to: class Pry. Since Pry is already defined (as a class), you cannot redefine/reopen it as a module.

Making an executable GEM from a script

I started developing ruby lately and I really like it, But I feel somehow lost. I developed a script that does "whatever" and that scripts requires many gems like nokogiri and colorize. I now want to deploy the script, so after reading a while I found many people saying that deploying as a gem is the best approach. So my question is simple? Is there any tool that I can use to create a gem of my script file and include all the gem dependencies(nokogiri) in the new gem?
I am using ubuntu!
Thanks alot
Building a gem consists of basically creating a simple directory structure for your script, and a special file known as a gemspec that will list all its dependencies. That gemspec can be used with rubygems to create a gem file (*.gem), which can be installed using rubygems or uploaded to for public consumption.
There are several tools that automate part of this process. A relatively simple one is the Bundler gem, which will both take care of dependencies during development, and make it easy for you to package your gem. This article contains enough information to get you started with gem development using bundler.
The best way to make a gem is to use the bundler program to build a skeleton:
# bundler gem (gem_name)
bundler gem geil_gem
This will create a template gemspec file and give you the basic structure needed for your gem to have a setup command, a console and be ready to build into a working gem (both found in the bin folder of your skeleton project). From here you can add a command binary or build out the gem as a library using the lib directory or start with tests by adding rspec to the gemspec and creating a test folder.
