Creating Client ID in Developer console keeps throwing Server error - google-api

When I try to create Client ID with my Android game's fingerprint and package, it throws a Server Error (with Tracking number: undefined). With any other fingerprint and package combination, it works fine. Could Google fix it somehow? Seems like my fingerprint and package is broken, but my game is already published, so I must use them.
Server error, tracking number: undefined


Azure Bot-Builder : dispatch refresh fails with 401 error

We provisioned bot services using "msbot clone services ..." command. As part of this command a *.dispatch file is created with all the correct details.
The dispatch aggregates QnAMaker knowledge base and a LUIS app. We have verified the .dispatch file and also the .bot file to ensure correct keys are being used. The only change if any is we are not using starter_key in LUIS, rather we have generated a new key and this new key reflects in .dispatch and .bot file (when decrypted).
We have encrypted the .bot file correctly and tried following commands, and both fail with same error:
dispatch refresh --bot --secret
dispatch refresh --dispatch dispatch-file.dispatch
Exporting LUIS application...
One or more errors occurred. (The remote server returned an error: (401) Access Denied.)
Request url:<LUIS-APP-ID>/versions/0.1/export
Response: { "statusCode": 401, "message": "Access denied due to invalid subscription key. Make sure to provide a valid key for an active subscription." }
There are two different keys being used to use Dispatch CLI tool. Authoring key and subscription key. Authoring key is the key from portal and needed to export the LUIS sources for Dispatch and to upload the newly created Dispatch app to luis portal. Subscription key is optional and is used for hitting luis endpoint/prediction API. If subscription key (created from Azure portal for LUIS Cognitive Service) is put in place of authoring key, Dispatch CLI won't be able to create and upload/refresh Dispatch app into luis. This is the expected behavior at the moment.
Having the exact same issue. With the starter key everything worked fine.
Edit: seems like an issue with Microsoft API.
You can use the starter key to update the dispatch model even though the query limit is reached.
My workaround was:
replace the subscriptionkey with the original starter key (authoringkey in luis)
run dispatch refresh
switch the keys again to allow for queries

Debugging published bot

I'm trying to find out what is wrong with my bot. This is a bot meant as back-end for a Cortana skill. The bot is built with the bot framework version 3.8.0. I'm running it on an Azure Bot Service instance (Azure Function).
Locally, everything works as expected. I'm using the bot framework emulator to test everything; all great. Now I publish the bot to Azure and invoke it using Cortana. Cortana replies there's an issue with the bot.
When I check the diagnotics log in Azure, I see the following:
2017-07-18T08:11:34.252 Exception while executing function: Functions.messages
2017-07-18T08:11:34.252 Invalid channel data.
2017-07-18T08:11:34.272 Executed 'Functions.messages' (Failed, Id=e5eae9f5-97e4-4a35-aa5f-5c7d58a63aed)
2017-07-18T08:11:34.272 Invalid channel data.
2017-07-18T08:11:34.272 Function had errors. See Azure WebJobs SDK dashboard for details. Instance ID is 'e5eae9f5-97e4-4a35-aa5f-5c7d58a63aed'
2017-07-18T08:11:34.272 Invalid channel data.
2017-07-18T08:11:34.315 {"id":"6f095c10-d9e8-4ad0-a6a8-caf052288f8b","requestId":"2f4c950c-2459-4467-8579-4f3b5bc45e6b","statusCode":500,"errorCode":0,"messsage":"An error has occurred. For more information, please check the logs for error ID 6f095c10-d9e8-4ad0-a6a8-caf052288f8b"}
2017-07-18T08:11:34.315 Invalid channel data.
2017-07-18T08:11:34.194 Function completed (Failure, Id=e5eae9f5-97e4-4a35-aa5f-5c7d58a63aed, Duration=4626ms)
2017-07-18T08:11:34.252 Exception while executing function: Functions.messages. Microsoft.Bot.Connector: Invalid channel data.
So "invalid channel data" seems to be the main error here, but that doesn't tell much. I enabled all logging on the server and downloaded + inspected these; there's nothing more useful in there.
I also attached a debugger to the remote process. I see my dialog method being called and finished without any problem. So the issue doesn't appear to be in my code, but in the framework somewhere? But I have no idea on where to go next.
BTW I also tried updating to the latest version of the SDK (3.8.5) but it appears that Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Azure has a dependency on version 3.8.0 cause it won't run after upgrading due to a assembly load error (it's trying to load 3.8.0).
You can debug your Azure published BOT locally. This will help you to find the real issue.
I am adding the steps how to debug Azure published BOT in locally.
Enable Debug in Azure Application setting:
Open Azure Portal.
Click on Azure Web Bot.
Click on Application Settings, In the Debugging section On Remote Debugging and select your Visual Studio Version.
enter image description here
Get Publish Settings:
Click on All App service Settings
Click on Get publish profile to get the publish setting with all user name and paths. It will download the settings.
enter image description here
Click on the Attach to process ..
enter image description here
In the Connection target: type your bot url without http://.
--Click on Find Button.
--This is asking you to give username and password. You need to get your azure username and password from publish file.
enter image description here
Now run your Web App or Cortana to debug your BOT and the get real Error.

Azure Notification Hub Register iOS Device Always Returns Unauthorized

Early on in developing an iOS app with Xamarin, another developer and I got push notifications working for it using the Azure Messaging Component. It's a few months later now, and sometime between then and now, the push notifications stopped working. The code is still basically the same as before (which is nearly identical to the example code for the component), it was just moved to its own class for maintainability.
On Hub.UnregisterAllAsync(DeviceToken, error =>, error is:
The operation couldn’t be completed. (NSURLErrorDomain error -1012.)
On Hub.RegisterNativeAsync(DeviceToken, tags, error =>, error is:
URLRequest failed for <NSMutableURLRequest: 0x167dbd80>
{ URL: https://[our namespace][our hub name]/Registrations/?$filter=deviceToken+eq+'[long token]'&api-version=2013-04 }
with status code: unauthorized
We tried a new hub, and a new namespace with a new hub, but without luck. I've rolled back the changes we've made since it was working, but with no luck there either. The same error happens on multiple devices, on multiple networks. It never shows any errors in the portal for APNS, so I'm assuming this is something with authenticating to the Hub itself. What is really weird is that a Windows Store app that we wrote to test this registers and receives notifications using the same credentials without any issue. Can anyone point me in the right direction on this? The error messages above aren't very helpful.
It turns out that the test devices all had the automatic date and time synchronization turned off. The iPad I was primarily testing with was only off by about 20 or 30 seconds, so I didn't notice it was off. Another question involving the same thing with a Windows or Windows Phone registration clued me into it, but I can't find the link to it now. Apologies for that, thanks to whoever that was!
Looking at the API, it makes sense why it's so sensitive to this. It uses the date and time to generate the SAS Token, thus the unauthorized response when the time is just a few seconds off.

Connection to CRM failing

We have a system where user enters his data in a form and we save Data in CRM (Its in cloud so we have no access to it and all that). Now suddenly we have started getting error everytime, we try to send data.
Error we get is:
An unsecured or incorrectly secured fault was received from the other party. See the inner FaultException for the fault code and detail.
Inner Exception: Authentication Failure DefaultURL
It fails on every command i use like RetrieveMultiple, Create to name a few.
Nothing has been changed, it worked for 6-7 months without any change/problem and suddenly we are getting this error everytime we try to communicate with CRM system.
I have tried connecting to CRM after disabling our firewall and that didnt change anything, so nothing we have changed.
Does anyone getting this error recently? I have tried looking for this but their isn't much help I have found on any blog.
Any help will be appreciated.
After days of investigation, we found that the password we were using to connect to CRM expired and need updating. We updated the password and it worked.

FacebookOAuthException: Error validating access token on WP7 using Facebook C# SDK

I have a strange problem with the Facebook C# SDK on Windows Phone 7. I am using the SDK to post pictures to users' walls. For the first authentication and the first few posts, it works great. After a while (I have a feeling the magic cutoff is 24hrs) I start to get an error on every post:
FacebookOAuthException was unhandled
(OAuthException) Error validating access token.
This happens after my line of code that does the actual post has run...
m_facebook.PostAsync(#"/photos", parameters, PostComplete);
... but before my PostComplete callback function is called. No code of mine is running when the exception happens. My Application_UnhandledException is not called - I get the error in a dialog in the middle of the screen in VS, and it says that no source code is available.
If this exception means I need to show the login screen again, that's fine - right now I'm both not sure what it means and not sure how to trap the bugger. Any help appreciated.
What publishing permissions do you use?
By default, access tokens expire after a short time period to ensure applications only make requests on behalf of the user when the are actively using the application.
For getting a long-lived access token, you need to ask for the offline_access permission.
