Reference to array cell in Ruby? - ruby

Can I have a reference to an array cell in Ruby? In C++, I can do something like:
int& ref = arr[x][y];
and later work with the variable ref without the need of typing the whole arr[x][y].
I want to do this as I need to access one and the same cell multiple times throughout a function (I'm doing memoization) and typing unnecessary indexes may only lead to errors.

All values in ruby are references, so this is certainly possible, but with some important limitations. One caveat is that ruby doesn't DIRECTLY support multidimensional arrays, but you can implement one as an array of arrays or as a hash keyed by tuples.
You can achieve this in cases where the value at (x, y) has already been set by assigning to the value at the given coordinates. If no value currently exists at that location, then you must initialize that value before you can have a reference to it:
# if x and y are indices and a is your "multidimensional array"
a[x][y] = 'First Value' # Initial value at (x, y)
ref = a[x][y] # take a reference to the value referenced by a[x][y]
ref.gsub! 'First', 'Second'
a[x][y] # => 'Second Value'
Keep in mind that the assignment operator in ruby generally means "make the reference on the left side refer to the value on the right". This means that if you use the assignment operator on your reference, then you're actually making it refer to a new value:
a[x][y] = 1 # Initialize value with 1
ref = a[x][y] # Take the reference
ref += 1 # Assignment
ref # => 2
a[x][y] # => 1
You might have better success by using a Hash and keying the hash with tuples of your coordinates, and then using these tuples to get references to specific locations:
a = {}
loc = [x, y]
a[loc] = 'First Value' # Initial value
a[[x,y]] # => 'First Value'
a[loc] = 'Second Value' # Assignment
a[[x,y]] # => 'Second Value'
a[loc] = 1 # Assignment
a[loc] += 1 # Assignment
a[[x,y]] # => '2'

Ruby is considered pass by value so to answer your question (not pass by reference like C++), it's not directly possible to do what you're asking.
There's a really good post in this answer by Abe that you should read through:
Is Ruby pass by reference or by value?

For ref to continue to point to the actual data of arr[x][y] at any given time, one possibiliy is to write it as a method :
def ref

In a high level language like ruby, all variables are references and there is no "pointers" or levels of indirections like C or C++, you should create objects to hold this references to get similar behavior
This is what I would do on ruby
Suppose you need to save a "pointer" to a ruby array, then you create a Class to access the array in a given index (there is no such thing like getting a "pointer" to a value in ruby)
class ArrayPointer
def initialize(array, index)
#array = array
#index = index
def read
def write(value)
#array[index] = value
Then, you use the clase this way
array = [1, 2, 3]
pointer =, 1)
puts array # [1, 20, 3]
You also can get "pointers" to local variables, but is too weird and uncommon in ruby world and it almost doesn't make sense
Note this kind of code is weird and not common in ruby, but it is interesting from the didactic point of view to compare two great languages like Ruby and C
In the Object Oriented nature of ruby, is preferable to design good abstractions (e.g. instead of using an array to represent your data, if preferable to define a class with methods like the ruby way) before only using elemental structures such as Array or Hash to represent the data used by your program (the last approach common in C, is not the ruby way)


Dynamically Modify Ruby Instance Variable in Array

I have an array ["moniker", #moniker] where the moniker can be any one of around 100 instance variables and its string representation. I want to change what the instance variable located at index 1 is referencing (not that data itself, which may very well be immutable). Just doing array[1] = newData doesn't work because it just changes whats in the array. I know this would be simple in C, but I'm struggling to find a way to do this in Ruby.
Your struggle is because you are thinking like a C programmer, where you have access to the underlying pointers, and where everything is mutable. In C, The array would store a pointer to a mutable integer, and you could change the integer whenever you want. In Ruby, every variable is a reference to an object, and numbers are immutable objects. So, #moniker is a reference to an object, the integer 4. When you create the array, you copy that reference into the array, so now the integer 4 has two references: One from #moniker, and one from the array. As you have found, changing the reference in the array does not change the reference named #moniker--it still refers to the object 4.
"Box" a reference in an array
This is not really a Ruby way of doing things. I'm showing it because it might help to illustrate how Ruby works with references.
You can box a reference in an array:
#moniker = [4]
a = ["moniker", #moniker]
This requires you to deference the array when you want access to the underlying object:
But now you can change the underlying integer in #moniker and the array will see the change:
#moniker[0] = 42
p a[1].first # => 42
Encapsulate the number in a mutable object.
Being an object oriented language, you might encapsulate that number in a mutable object.
class Moniker
attr_accessor :value
def initialize(value)
#value = value
(attr_accessor :value builds reader and writer methods for the instance variable #value).
#moniker =
a = ["monikier", #moniker]
#moniker.value = 42
p a[1].value # => 42
You would obviously chose a better name than "value." I couldn't because I don't know what the value represents.
Why these two solutions work
This was a comment by Jörg W Mittag, but it deserves to be part of the answer:
It may seem obvious, but I wanted to mention it explicitly: the two solutions are the same solution. The first uses an already existing class with generic semantics, the the second defines a new class with precise semantics for the specific encapsulated value. But in both cases, it's about wrapping the immutable value in a mutable value and mutating the "outer" value.
#moniker never got into the array but its value did.
#moniker = 4
a = ["moniker", #moniker]
=> ["moniker", 4]
You're just working with the value in the array anyway so just change it and you're good to go:
a[1] = 5
=> ["moniker", 5]
You might want to consider a hash:
h = {:moniker => #moniker}
=> {:moniker=>4}
h[:moniker] = 5
=> {:moniker=>5}

Ruby array changes by changing a 'copy' of one of its elements

I'm trying to confirm whether my understanding is correct of these six lines of code:
string="this is a sentence"
out=words.join(" ")
which prints "This is a sentence" (with the first letter capitalized).
It would appear that changing the "first_word" string, which is defined as the first element of the "words" array, also changes the original "words" array. Is this indeed Ruby's default behavior? Does it not make it more difficult to track where in the code changes to the array take place?
You just need need to distinguish between a variable and an object. Your string is an object. first_word is a variable.
Look for example
a = "hello"
b = a
c = b
now all variables contain the same object, a string with the value "hello". We say they reference the object. No copy is made.
a[0] = 'H'
This changes the first character of the object, a string which now has the value "Hello". Both b and c contain the same, now changed object.
a = "different"
This assigns a new object to the variable a. b and c still hold the original object.
Is this Rubys default behaviour? yes. And it also works like this in many other programming languages.
Does it make it difficult to track changes? Sometimes.
If you takes an element from an array (like your first_word), you need to know:
If you change the object itself, no matter how you access it,
all variables will still hold your object, which just happened to be changed.
But if you replace the object in the array, like words[0] = "That", then all your other variables will still hold the original object.
This behavior is caused by how ruby does pass-by-value and pass-by-reference.
This is probably one of the more confusing parts of Ruby. It is well accepted that Ruby is a pass-by-value, high level programming language. Unfortunately, this is slightly incorrect, and you have found yourself a perfect example. Ruby does pass-by-value, however, most values in ruby are references. When Ruby does an assignment of a simple datatypes, integers, floats, strings, it will create a new object. However, when assigning objects such as arrays and hashes, you are creating references.
original_hash = {name: "schylar"}
reference_hash = original_hash
reference_hash[:name] = "!schylar"
original_hash #=> "!schylar"
original_array = [1,2]
reference_array = original_array
reference_array[0] = 3
reference_array #=> [3,2]
original_fixnum = 1
new_object_fixnum = original_fixnum
new_object_fixnum = 2
original_fixnum #=> 1
original_string = "Schylar"
new_object_string = original_string
new_object_string = "!Schylar"
original_string #=> "Schylar'
If you find yourself needing to copy by value, you may re-think the design. A common way to pass-by-value complex datatypes is using the Marshal methods.
a = {name: "Schylar"}
b = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(a))
b[:name] = "!!!Schylar"
a #=> {:name => "Schylar"}


I understand that "constants" in Ruby are by convention called constants but are in fact mutable. However I was under the impression that when they were "mutated" that there was a warning:
class Z2
M = [0,1]
Z2::M # => [0, 1]
Z2::M = [0,3]
(irb):warning: already initialized constant Z2::M
(irb):warning: previous definition of M was here
However I found this is not the case all the time:
a = Z2::M
a[1] = 2
Z2::M # => [0,2] and no warning
Is this a gap in the "warning" system? I am inferring that assignment of a constant would duplicate it, but I guess that is not true either as it appears that constants and variables point to the same object? Does this mean that all so-called "constants" need to be frozen in order to prevent them from being changed without warning?
Short of monkey-patching Kernel#warn (see to raise an exception, you won't be able to prevent reassignment to the constant itself. This is generally not a pragmatic concern in idiomatic Ruby code where one expects to be able to do things like reopen classes, even though class names are also constants.
A Ruby constant isn't actually immutable, and you can't freeze a variable. However, you can get an exception to be raised when something attempts to modify the contents of a frozen object referenced by the constant.
Freezing Objects Deeply with Plain Ruby
Freezing an Array is easy:
CONSTANT_ONE = %w[one two three].freeze
but the strings stored in this Array are really references to String objects. So, while you can't modify this Array, you can still (for example) modify the String object referenced by index 0. To solve this problem, you need to freeze not just the Array, but the objects it holds, too. For example:
CONSTANT = %w[one two three].map(&:freeze).freeze
CONSTANT[2] << 'four'
# RuntimeError: can't modify frozen String
CONSTANT << 'five'
# RuntimeError: can't modify frozen Array
Freezing Objects Recursively with a Gem
Since freezing recursive references can be a bit unwieldy, it's good to know there's a gem for that. You can use ice_nine to deep-freeze most objects:
require 'ice_nine'
require 'ice_nine/core_ext/object'
OTHER_CONST = %w[a b c]
# RuntimeError: can't modify frozen Array
OTHER_CONST[2] = 'z'
# RuntimeError: can't modify frozen Array
A Better Way to Use Ruby Constants
Another option to consider is calling Object#dup when assigning the value of a constant to another variable, such as instance variables in your class initializers, in order to ensure you don't mutate your constant's references by accident. For example:
class Foo
CONSTANT = 'foo'
attr_accessor :variable
def initialize
#variable = CONSTANT.dup
foo =
foo.variable << 'bar'
#=> "foobar"
#=> "foo"
There is no gap, as you are not altering a constant. And the fact is that Ruby constants are just variables with extra warnings.
Constant, just as every variable, is merely a pointer to the object in memory. When you doM = [0,3] you are creating a new array and re-pointing constant to this new object, which triggers a warning.
However, when you run M[0] = 1 you are just modifying referenced object, but you do not change the constant, as it still points to the same object.
Important thing to realize here is that all classes in Ruby are just objects in memory, referenced with constants, so when you do:
class Z2
it is equivalent to (if Z2 is not defined or is not pointing onto a class object already):
Z2 =
Naturally class is a very dynamic object, as we keep adding methods to it and so on - we definitively don't want this to trigger any warnings.
If you do Z2::M[1] = 2 you won´t get the message either. I believe the lack of warning occours because you are changing the Array itself and not the reference Z2::M.
If M was an integer, for exemple:
class Z2
M = 1
a = Z2::M
a = 2
a # => 2
Z2::M # => 1
To modify an Array from a constant without modify the original you can do:
class Z2
M = [0,1]
a = Z2::M.dup
a[0] = 1
a # => [1,1]
Z2::M # => [0,1]

Creating Copies In Ruby

I have the following code as an example.
a = [2]
b = a
puts a == b
a.each do |num|
a[0] = num-1
puts a == b
I want b to refer to a's value, and the value of b not to change when a is changed.(The second puts should return false).
Thank you in advance.
The answer posted by user2864740 seems to work for the example I gave. However, I'm working on a sudoku solving program, and it doesn't seem to work there.
#gridbylines = [[1,0,0,9,2,0,0,0,0],
save = #or #gridbylines.dup
puts save == #gridbylines #returns true
puts save.equal?(#gridbylines) #returns false
#gridbylines[0][0] = 'foo'
puts save.equal?(#gridbylines) #returns false
puts save == #gridbylines #returns true, but I want "save" not to change when I change "#gridbylines"
Does this have something to do with the fact that I'm using a global variable, or the version of Ruby I'm using, or even because it's a multidimentional array unlike the previous example?
Variables name or "refer to" objects1. In the code above the same object (which has two names, a and b) is being changed.
A simple solution in this case is to make a (shallow) copy of the original Array object, such as b = a.dup or b = (With a shallow copy, elements in the array are also shared and will exhibit the similar phoneme as the original question unless they to are [recursively] duplicated, etc.2)
a = [2]
b = # create NEW array object, a shallow-copy of `a`
puts a == b # true (same content)
puts a.equal?(b) # false (different objects)
a.each do |num|
a[0] = num-1 # now changing the object named by `a` does not
# affect the object named by `b` as they are different
puts a == b # false (different content)
And an isolated example of this "naming" phenomena (see the different equality forms):
a = []
b = a # assignment does NOT make a copy of the object
a.equals?(b) # true (same object)
c = a.dup # like, create a new shallow-copy object
a.equals?(c) # false (different object)
1 I find it most uniform to talk about variables being names, as such a concept can be applied across many languages - the key here is that any object can have one or more names, just as a person can have many nicknames. If an object has zero names then it is no longer strongly reachable and, just like a person, is forgotten.
However, another way to view variables (naming objects) is that they hold reference values, where the reference value identifies an object. This leads to phrasing such as
"variable a contains a reference [value] to object x" - or,
"variable a refers to / references object x" - or, as I prefer,
"variable a is a name for object x".
For the case or immutable "primitive" or "immediate" values the underlying mechanics are slightly different but, being immutable the object values cannot be changed and such a lack-of-shared object nature will not manifest itself.
See also:
String assignment by reference/copy? (examines object relationship after assignment)
Strange Feature? of Ruby Arrays (examines same-object mutation)
Is Ruby pass by reference or by value? (assignment works in the same way as argument passing)
2 As per the updated question with nested arrays, this is explained by the previous rules - the variables (well, really expressions) still name shared objects. In any case, one way to "clone an array of arrays" (to two levels, although not recursively) is to use:
b = {|r| r.dup}
This is because Array#map returns a new array with the mapped values which are, in this case, duplicates (shallow clones) of the corresponding nested arrays.
See How to create a deep copy of an object in Ruby? for other "deep[er] copy" approaches - especially if the arrays (or affect mutable objects) were nested to N-levels.

pass reference of primitive data types to functions in ruby

By default ruby passes copy of primitive values and references for object types. How to pass references of primitive type variables (ex: integers, floating points) into a function?
Ruby doesn't pass arguments by reference:
def change(x)
x = 2 # this assigns to a local variable 'x'
a = 1
a #=> 1
You could pass a mutable object instead, e.g. a hash "containing" an integer:
def change(h)
h[:x] = 2
h = {x: 1}
h[:x] #=> 2
Ruby does not work that way. There are no pointers, if that's what you mean and it . Arguments are passed by value, but these values are themselves references to objects in memory.
What you call "primitives" (eg. the value 1) are in fact immutable objects in Ruby so it would not make sense to have pointers to them. Passing a variable containing that object is the way to go.
I'm curious about what you want to achieve though.
