Invalid Provisioning Profile Location: Xcode 6 embeds it on submission - macos

I upgraded last night to Xcode 6 GM. So I have an mac app which includes an helper app. I know that there should be only one provisioning profile in the package so I excluded it on the helper app.
If I look in the .xarchive of the product it is clean from profiles (There is only one or none profile - tried both)
But for me it somehow appears that Xcode 6 GM is including the profile when you hit submit via the organizer.
As you can see it adds the provisioning profile to both binaries (red rect) in the package and there is no way to avoid it.
I'm including the helper app via a Copy Ressource Build Phase to: "Contents/Library/LoginItems"
What am I doing wrong? Is this a Xcode issue or is my configuration not right?

Okay, here's a temporary solution that's far from ideal, but for now it works (unless you're on Yosemite, I'm guessing).
Rename XCode 6's to something like
Download XCode 5 from the App Store (downloads as in /Applications)
Open XCode 6, make SURE that you're NOT code signing the Helper app, then Archive the build and close XCode 6
Open XCode 5, open Organizer and proceed to Submit to Apple as usual
Note: While this works, I really hope Apple fixes whatever's breaking XCode 6, as this process will most likely break with Yosemite.
EDIT: Submitted a bug report to Apple (rdar://18318295)

This issue (is) seems to be fixed with Xcode 6.01
It doesn't embed an profile in the corresponding helper app:
This seems to solve the problem


Xcode 9 "no iTunes Connect account" error when uploading

With a certain project in Xcode 9 beta 6 when I try to Upload to the App Store I get:
I am the "Admin" role for this account.
All contracts are up-to-date
I tried removing/re-adding my account from Xcode prefs several times
Submitting for the same project from Xcode 8 works (however I need to upload from Xcode 9 for this project because it links against iOS 11 beta)
Another developer on the team is seeing the same thing so this seems like it might be common. Anyone find a workaround?
I encountered the same issue with xCode 9 GM build and others reported it as well in xCode 10 and xCode 11. Deleting the derived data actually solved it for me. Hopefully it will help others as well.
Close xCode
rm -fr ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/
Reopen xCode and try to upload again
This seems to be issue with Xcode 9. Solution is to use Application Loader tool.
Step 1 : Create an IPA file
Clean your project from Product -> Clean (cmd + shift + k )
Select Product -> Archive
Once archive is successfully completed it will open in Organizer window
Press Export button present on right side
Now select the distribution method as per your need and click on Next button
This will show the App Store distribution options. Now click on Next button
Re-sign your project (preferred is Automatically manage signing) and click on Next button
There will be Review window containing IPA content details. Click on Export.
Now choose the location where folder is to be saved and Click on Export.
This will create an folder containing IPA, packaging.log, DistributionSummary.plist and ExportOptions.plist file
Step 2 : Upload IPA using Application Loader
Right click on Xcode tool present on Slide-bar. Goto Open Developer Tool -> Application Loader
This opens Application Loader. Press on Choose button and select IPA file.
This will analyse IPA file and will show IPA details. You can press on Activity button to see list of activity performed while uploading app. Click on Next.
This will create iTunes Connect API analysis file.
Once it is successfully uploaded it will show Success. Now click on Next.
You IPA file is submitted to AppStore successfully
The only solution I have found for now, is to generate IPA for AppStore and then upload it with Application Loader.
I just had this happen to me and this was my solution.
Full Quit out of xCode 9
Reopen xCode
Update to a new version number
Archive again
Result: It worked
It's a pretty basic fix, but hopefully it will for you too.
None of the mentioned answers helped me. Below I am mentioning what all I have tried to solve the issue but didn't work.
i) Check provisioning profile & Certificate combination.
ii) Clean
iii) Quit Xcode
iv) Delete derived data
v) Restart Xcode
What worked for me is
i) Open Xcode preferences
ii) Check iTunes account you are using. If it is already logged in, remove it.
iii) Login the iTunes account again
iv) Xcode will start process automatically once it gets access now.
v) Select the provisioning profile that you are using again while Xcode asks for it in the popup.
vi) Xcode will proceed upload process.
This worked for me. Hope it will save some of your's time as well.
I just had a call with Apple developer customer support. They said its a known issue and the team is actively working on it. But there is no timeline insight.
Following solution that worked for me.
Use Xcode 8 until Apple engineers fix this issue:
The solution may work even if you don't downgrade to Xcode 8
Steps for Downgrading form Xcode 9 to Xcode 8
1. Download Xcode 8 from:
2. Install Xcode 8.
3. Create an ipa build
In Xcode go to
Menu -> Product -> Archive -> Export
4. Use the Application Loader to upload your ipa to iTunes connect
Application Loader can be found at:
In Xcode go to
Xcode -> Open Developer Tools -> Application Loader
Let me know if it helped
The same case happened to me.
Also when I tried to get crash reports, it shows that my session has expired.
I have just restarted my Xcode and it worked.
In My case none of the above solutions worked,
I have an access for both Developer account and iTunes Connect account, but I faced the same Issue.
The only option worked for me is updating my MAC OS before it was 10.13.4, after update to 10.13.6 the problem was resolved. Hope this will help to someone.
I've managed to get it working by creating a new user in iTunes Connect, with just the "Developer" role.
For me, that also required to creating a new Apple ID.
I then added that new user in Xcode:
Now it seems to work.
What works for me is to
remove the apple ID from the accounts known to XCode
to add the account again (do not import the account again)
See On Xcode 7 I keep receiving error "No accounts with iTunes connect access"
Edit: This worked for me in Xcode 9 GM. I don't know if it will be an issue in the final version
What worked for me is that I changed my regular AppleID email, with the equivalent alias.
For example, I didn't use, I used and it worked.
(Which I really don't prefer, I prefer using my personal email, but if it works, it works)
I could not use application loader because my password is not accepted. Even after changing my Apple ID password it was not accepted.
Restarting XCODE solved the upload problem this time. But it is a repetitive problem.
Apple is becoming a nightmare... XCode and iTunesConnect always have been...
I just removed and re-added my developer account for the Xcode 9. To remove account goto preferences -> select your account -> hit the minus icon(-). To add your account just click on the + icon next to it.
Restarting the laptop fixed this. Didn't try restarting XCode itself, just rebooted the whole laptop.
I also encountered with the same problem. But after I updated the Xcode to the current latest version of Xcode 9.2 solved my problem. I took the update on 2017-12-21.
For me remove derived data, clean project and try again working fine.
Please follow below steps:
Quit XCode
rm -fr ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/
Reopen XCode and try to upload again
Hope it will help!
Closed Xcode and reopened it. This worked for me. This was also the most popular answer on the apple forum. Do this first.
Your xCode must be open for longer time.
Quit the xCode and Reopen. It will work.
Got the same issue fixed with below steps.
Just do Quit XCode completely even dock too then wait for few seconds and Reopen the Xcode then proceed to Archive again freshly.
then believe problem solve :).
All the best.
Solution that worked for me in Xcode 9.1
Go to Preferences.
Go to Accounts tab.
Select the desired account.
If there is a login expired error displayed, login again.
Make sure the error has gone away.
Restart Xcode.
Try to upload the archive again.
Here's what worked for me (after trying many times of signing-out and signing-in):
Sign out your Apple ID (by going to Preferences with Cmd+,)
Sign in with your Apple ID, and make sure you sign in with ***
Somehow it all started working for me...
Posting it here in case it's helpful to anyone else. Have no clue how this solved the problem (and how the problem emerged in the first place).
Actually, it's apple server error. So, wait for some time and then upload. It'll work.
In my case this is the problem of firewall when I connected to other network it's working.
For me it helped to close Xcode and reopen it again, it was that simple ;)

tvOS Invalid Toolchain when Submitting tvOS 9.1 app

I'm trying to submit a tvOS app through iTunes Connect, and every time I try I get the following message:
Invalid Toolchain. New apps and app updates must be built with the public (GM) versions of Xcode 6 or later, and tvOS 8 SDK or later. Don't submit apps built with beta software.
I have made sure to update Xcode to it's newest App Store version, and I'm not using any beta software.
While I never ended up resolving this issue completely, I did find a workaround.
When submitting an app, iTunes Connect checks the compiled app's compatibility to the latest operating system (in this case, for tvOS 9.1 build 13U85). While compatibility is completely fine between the two, Xcode has a bug. During the archiving process, Xcode specified my archive as Build 13U78 which is inaccurate and not correct.
A workaround I found, which is quite simple, changes the archive's build from (in my case) build 13U78 to build 13U85.
First, we'll create an archive which is self explanatory.
Second (and this is essential) we need to do the following:
Open 'Show in Finder'
Next, you need to right-click your archive and choose 'Show Package Content'
Then go to Products, then Applications, then repeat the second step (right click the .app file, then choose 'Show Package Content').
Once you're there, open the Info.plist file.
You'll see some version information in it, but what we want are:
These two options should be something like:
DTPlatformBuild 13U78
DTSDKBuild 13U78
Modify 13U78 to be the most recent build of tvOS, or in my case:
DTPlatformBuild 13U85
DTSDKBuild 13U85
You're almost done! Just save the modified Info.plist file and close it out. Then Submit to App Store- you're done!
Make absolutely sure you're using the most recent build of tvOS.

Xcode 6 OS X Submission Error: iOS Apps must have a provisioning profile

I'm having the worst time ever submitting an update to my Mac app. Everything was fine until I updated to Xcode 6. I'm in Mavericks, 10.9.4. I get the following error:
iTunes Store operation failed.
Unable to process application at this time due to the following error: iOS Apps must have a provisioning profile.
I have no idea why it says "iOS." Don't know if that's an Xcode bug or it thinks I'm making an iOS app. I used the same Xcode project file to submit the Mac app in the previous Xcode.
I have tried the following with no results:
• Revoked and deleted all certificates and provisioning profiles and started over.
• I created all certificates, provisioning profiles manually rather than Xcode managing them.
• Set the provisioning profile in "release" in the target and in a different occasion, in the project file.
• Gone into the project info and created a separate configuration.
The only "weird" thing I would say that I could be doing insanely obviously wrong is when I look at the options for code singing identity for release, it says "Mac Developer:yata" but there is no option for "Mac Distribution:(myname)" Should there be? I didn't need that in the past. Also, the only options that I can select are in a section called "identities in keychain." Should there be another section? "Identities in Xcode?"
Thank you for anyone that can help. I'll try pretty much anything at this point.
Solution for my case:
I got error in validation stage.
On organizer we see:
1) Go to Apple download page and download xCode 5.1.1
2) Double click on xcode_5.1.1.dmg
3) Copy to Desktop
4) Rename ->
5) Move -> Applications
6) Close xCode 6.1
7) Work with validation and upload in
8) Be careful ! ITC.apps.validation.prerelease_build_missing
I don't have Xcode right now, but here are the steps:
Delete your certificate and provisioning, both your mac and iTunes account
Regenerate the certificates and provisioning profile (distribution)
Download double click
Go to the account tab, then view account
All certificates and profiles will be listed refresh the stuff there
Clean and rebuild your app with the right provision and 3 party Mac developer
archive, validate and submit (select the right provison and match the app)
Everything you will ever need to know :
I was having the same problem... finally I click on Submit and it worked! It seems that the problem is on Validate only.
Okay so our problem was that our company name had an apostrophe in it ---- could have the same issue if you have quotes in your company name as well. I contacted Apple for them to change it and then uploading worked from Xcode 5.1.1.

Provisioning Profiles menu item missing from Xcode 5

After spending a whole day installing a fresh copy of Mac OS X v10.8 (Mountain Lion), Xcode 5, fixing provisioning profiles, certificates, creating new ones, I finally managed to get my applications running on my iPad again. The problem is that in Xcode 5 I don't have a menu item for Library - Provisioning Profiles, and I don't know what could have happened. I restarted the computer, tried some things, but I really have no idea what I could do. How can I fix this problem?
These settings have now moved to Preferences > Accounts:
If you like to manually manage your profiles (mostly to clean up):
Open Windows/Devices in Xcode 6
Select your device
Show Provisioning Profiles:
You'll get + and - buttons to add/remove profiles:
No longer supported ... you can also download Apple's iPhone Configuration Utility 3.5 for Mac OS X, it still has "Provisioning Profiles" and works with Xcode 5 -- it's now gone from Apples site but you can find an alternative download link in #suda's comment.
Provisioning files are located in:
/Users/${USER}/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/
Just remove the out-of-date files.
Xcode 5 lost my Mac Provisioning Profile while the one for iOS was present. The tips elsewhere helped solve the problem; this is what I did, because I noticed the lists were too short and did not include *Mac Team Provisioning Profile: **
Xcode menu => Preferences => Accounts
Select the Apple ID in the left panel.
Click the View Details button on the right.
In the pop-over that follows click the round refresh arrow. The lists will refresh after the download from the Member Center finishes. This can take a few minutes.
The provisioning profiles can then be selected in a Mac project under Build Settings => Code Signing => Provisioning Profile.
Try this:
Xcode >> Preferences >> Accounts
You can add account in the preference -> Accounts setting.
It seems that you already configure xCode4, then I think you can select your
certificates for compiling in project-> Building Setting directly since your
certificates are already in your keychain.
After searching a few times in google, i found one software for provisioning profiles.
Install this iPhone configuration utility software and manage your all provisioning profiles in MAC.
Stupid as it may sound but all "Provisioning Profiles" re-appear under "Organizer - Devices" once you connect a real device.
For me, the refresh in xcode 5 prefs->accounts was doing nothing. At one point it showed me three profiles so I thought I was one refresh away, but after the next refresh it went back to just one profile, so I abandoned this method.
If anyone gets this far and is still struggling, here's what I did:
Close xcode 5
Open xcode 4.6.2
Go to Window->Organizer->Provisioning Profiles
Press Refresh arrow on bottom right
When I did this, everything synced up perfectly. It even told me what it was downloading each step of the way like good software does. After the sync completed, I closed xcode 4.6.2, re-opened xcode 5 and went to preferences->accounts and voila, all of my profiles are now available in xocde 5.

Can you install the Xcode 5 Developer Preview in parallel with Xcode 4.6.2?

Apple announced the Xcode 5 Developer Preview today and I want to try it.
But before I download this, I want to know that what happen with my current version of Xcode (version 4.6.2)?
Will the Xcode 5 Developer Preview install as a different application or it will remove the old version? Will some common tools collide, like the command line tools?
The Xcode 5 developer preview comes as a normal app DMG (not with the usual packager/installer) and has a different name.
So essentially, you download it, open a DMG, then pull to the Applications folder and thence have two Xcodes there (the old and the new one called Xcode5-DP). It even comes with a slightly different icon (red badge across a corner) and the intro screen is different too, so there is very little chance of confusing them.
I already did that today (and a colleague also).
Now that xcode 5 has reached the first official release and is no longer in beta, you have to do ONE of the following if you wish to keep BOTH versions.
Run the dmg of the new version you download from Drag the app to applications, and when asked to overwrite click KEEP BOTH. This will rename the existing app to xcode 2 I believe.
Select your existing xcode 4 in applications. Rename it to xcode4 or whatever. Now you can drag in the new version without overwriting the existing one.
Drag the new xcode to someplace other than applications. Rename it and then drag it into applications.
I personally favour option 2, since going forward we'll be using xcode 5 and it's helpful if it retains the default name from the get go for easy updating.
BTW, if you do have more than one xcode installed expect the mac app store to report that you need to do an update. Probably best to install it by downloading it from the developer portal if this sort of thing bugs you.
Xcode 5 preview works fine with Xcode 4.6.2 or any other Xcode, It has different icon and it runs from its .dmg file (no install).
Pay attention you cannot submit an app with Xcode 5, So keep the old Xcode till Apple would release the stable version of Xcode 5.
Short answer: Dont replace XCode 4!
If you plan to deploy some app to appstore, you can't do it using Xcode 5 at this moment.
The best way is download the Xcode 5 version, unpack it and run the app on different folder (not application folder). You will stay with Xcode 4, and can run Xcode 5 separated (You don't need to 'install' xcode 5).
