Complexity of iterated logarithm on base 2 - complexity-theory

Assuming iterated logarithm is defined as it is here:
How should I go about comparing its complexity to other functions, for example lg(lg(n))? So far I've done all the comparing by calculating the limits, but how do you calculate a limit of iterated logarithm?
I understand it grows very slowly, slower than lg(n), but is there some function that grows at the same speed maybe as lg*(n) (where lg* is iterated logarithm on base 2) so it would ease comparing it to other functions? This way I could also compare lg*(lg(n)) to lg(lg*(n)) for example. Any tips on comparing functions to each other based on speed of growing would be appreciated.

The iterated logarithm function log* n isn't easily compared to another function that has similar behavior, the same way that log n isn't easily compared to another function with similar behavior.
To understand the log* function, I've found it helpful to keep a few things in mind:
This function grows extremely slowly. Figure that log* 22222 = 5, and that tower of 2s is a quantity that's bigger than the number of atoms in the known universe.
It plays with logarithms the way that logarithms play with division. The quotient rule for logarithms says that log (n / 2) = log n - log 2 = log n - 1, assuming our logs are base-2. One intuition for this is that, in a sense, log n represents "how many times do you have to divide n by two to drop n down to 1?," so log (n / 2) "should" be log n - 1 because we did one extra division beforehand. On the other hand, (log n) / 2 is probably a lot smaller than log n - 1. Similarly, log* n counts "how many times do you have to take the log of n before you drop n down to some constant?" so log* log n = log* n - 1 because we've taken one additional log. On the other hand, log log* n is probably much smaller than log* n - 1.
Hope this helps!


Why is O(n) better than O( nlog(n) )?

I just came around this weird discovery, in normal maths, n*logn would be lesser than n, because log n is usually less than 1.
So why is O(nlog(n)) greater than O(n)? (ie why is nlogn considered to take more time than n)
Does Big-O follow a different system?
It turned out, I misunderstood Logn to be lesser than 1.
As I asked few of my seniors i got to know this today itself, that if the value of n is large, (which it usually is, when we are considering Big O ie worst case), logn can be greater than 1.
So yeah,
O(1) < O(logn) < O(n) < O(nlogn) holds true.
(I thought this to be a dumb question, and was about to delete it as well, but then realised, no question is dumb question and there might be others who get this confusion so I left it here.)
...because log n is always less than 1.
This is a faulty premise. In fact, logb n > 1 for all n > b. For example, log2 32 = 5.
Colloquially, you can think of log n as the number of digits in n. If n is an 8-digit number then log n ≈ 8. Logarithms are usually bigger than 1 for most values of n, because most numbers have multiple digits.
Plot both the graph( on desmos ( or any other web) and look yourself the result on large values of n ( y=f(n)). I am saying that you should look for large value because for small value of n the program will not have time issue. For convenience I had attached a graph below you can try for other base of log.
The red represent time = n and blue represent time = nlog(n).
Here is a graph of the popular time complexities
n*log(n) is clearly greater than n for n>2 (log base 2)
An easy way to remember might be, taking two examples
Imagine the binary search algorithm with is Log N time complexity: O(log(N))
If, for each step of binary search, you had to iterate the array of N elements
The time complexity of that task would be O(N*log(N))
Which is more work than iterating the array once: O(N)
In computers, it's log base 2 and not base 10. So log(2) is 1 and log(n), where n>2, is a positive number which is greater than 1.
Only in the case of log (1), we have the value less than 1, otherwise, it's greater than 1.
Log(n) can be greater than 1 if n is greater than b. But this doesn't answer your question that why is O(n*logn) is greater than O(n).
Usually the base is less than 4. So for higher values n, n*log(n) becomes greater than n. And that is why O(nlogn) > O(n).
This graph may help. log (n) rises faster than n and is greater than 1 for n greater than logarithm's base.
No matter how two functions behave on small value of n, they are compared against each other when n is large enough. Theoretically, there is an N such that for each given n > N, then nlogn >= n. If you choose N=10, nlogn is always greater than n.
The assertion is not always accurate. When n is small, (n^2) requires more time than (log n), but when n is large, (log n) is more effective. The growth rate of (n^2) is less than (n) and (log n) for small values, so we can say that (n^2) is more efficient because it takes less time than (log n), but as n increases, (n^2) increases dramatically, whereas (log n) has a growth rate that is less than (n^2) and (n), so (log n) is more efficient.
For higher values of log n it becomes greater than 1. as we consider all possible values of n we can say that for most of the time log n is greater than 1. Hence we can say O(nlogn) > O(n) (Assuming higher values)
Remember "big O" is not about values, it is about the shape of the function I can have an O(n2) function that runs faster, even for values of n over a million than a O(1) function...

Between O(nlog*n) and O(n)?

Is there any real complexity between O(n logstar(n) ) and O(n)?
I know that O(n sqrt(logstar(n))) and other similar functions are between these two but I mean something original which is not made of logstar(n).
Yes, there is. The most famous example would be the Ackermann inverse function α(n), which grows much more slowly than log* n. It shows up in contexts like the disjoint-set forest data structure, where each operation has an amortized cost of O(α(n)).
You can think of log* n as the number of times you need to apply log to n to drop the value down to some fixed constant (say, 2). You can then generalize this to log** n, which is the number of times that you need to apply log* to n to drop the value down to 2. You can then define log*** n, log**** n, log***** n, etc. in similar ways. The value of α(n) is usually given as the number of stars you need to put in log**...* n to get the value down to 2, so it grows much more slowly than the iterated logarithm function.
Intuitively speaking, you can think of log n as the inverse of exponentiation (repeated multiplication), log* n as the inverse of tetration (repeated exponentiation), log** n as the inverse of pentation (repeated tetration), etc. The Ackermann function effectively applies the n-th order generalization of exponentiation to the number n, so its inverse corresponds to how high of a level of exponentiation you need to apply to get to it. This results in an unbelievably slowly-growing function.
The most comically slowly-growing function I've ever seen used in a serious context is α*(n), the number of times you need to apply the Ackermann inverse function to a number n to drop it down to some fixed constant. It is almost inconceivable how large of an input you'd have to put into this function to get back anything close to, say, 10. If you're curious, the paper that introduced it is available here.

Is there any algorithm with time complexity O(lg * n) (iterated logarithm function)?

In computer science, the iterated logarithm of n, written log* n (usually read "log star"), is the number of times the logarithm function must be iteratively applied before the result is less than or equal to 1. The simplest formal definition is the result of this recursive function:
Is there any algorithm with time complexity O(lg * n) ?
If you implement union find algorithm with path compression and union by rank, both union and find will have complexity O(log*(n)).
It's rare but not unheard of to see log* n appear in the runtime analysis of algorithms. Here are a couple of cases that tend to cause log* n to appear.
Approach 1: Shrinking By a Log Factor
Many divide-and-conquer algorithms work by converting an input of size n into an input of size n / k. The number of phases of these algorithms is then O(log n), since you can only divide by a constant O(log n) times before you shrink your input down to a constant size. In that sense, when you see "the input is divided by a constant," you should think "so it can only be divided O(log n) times before we run out of things to divide."
In rarer cases, some algorithms work by shrinking the size of the input down by a logarithmic factor. For example, one data structure for the range semigroup query problem work by breaking a larger problem down into blocks of size log n, then recursively subdividing each block of size log n into blocks of size log log n, etc. This process eventually stops once the blocks hit some small constant size, which means that it stops after O(log* n) iterations. (This particular approach can then be improved to give a data structure in which the blocks have size log* n for an overall number of rounds of O(log** n), eventually converging to an optimal structure with runtime O(α(n)), where α(n) is the inverse Ackermann function.
Approach 2: Compressing Digits of Numbers
The above section talks about approaches that explicitly break a larger problem down into smaller pieces whose sizes are logarithmic in the size of the original problem. However, there's another way to take an input of size n and to reduce it to an input of size O(log n): replace the input with something roughly comparable in size to its number of digits. Since writing out the number n requires O(log n) digits to write out, this has the effect of shrinking the size of the number down by the amount needed to get an O(log* n) term to arise.
As a simple example of this, consider an algorithm to compute the digital root of a number. This is the number you get by repeatedly adding the digits of a number up until you're down to a single digit. For example, the digital root of 78979871 can be found by computing
7 + 8 + 9 + 7 + 9 + 8 + 7 + 1 = 56
5 + 6 = 11
1 + 1 = 2
and getting a digital root of two. Each time we sum the digits of the number, we replace the number n with a number that's at most 9 ⌈log10 n⌉, so the number of rounds is O(log* n). (That being said, the total runtime is O(log n), since we have to factor in the work associated with adding up the digits of the number, and adding the digits of the original number dominates the runtime.)
For a more elaborate example, there is a parallel algorithm for 3-coloring the nodes of a tree described in the paper "Parallel Symmetry-Breaking in Sparse Graphs" by Goldberg et al. The algorithm works by repeatedly replacing numbers with simpler numbers formed by summing up certain bits of the numbers, and the number of rounds needed, like the approach mentioned above, is O(log* n).
Hope this helps!

Complexity of prime factor algorithm

I just studied how to find the prime factors of a number with this algorithm that basically works this way:
void printPrimeFactors(N) {
while N is even
print 2 as prime factor
N = N/2
// At this point N is odd
for all the ODDS i from 3 to sqrt(N)
while N is divisible by i
print i as prime factor
N = N / i
if N hasn't been divided by anything (i.e. it's still N)
N is prime
everything is clear but I'm not sure how to calculate the complexity in big-O of the program above.
Being the division the most expensive operation (I suppose), I'd say that as a worst-case there could be a maximum of log(N) divisions, but I'm not totally sure of this.
You can proceed as like this. First of all, we are only interested in the behavior of the application when N is really big. In that case, we can simplify a lot: if two parts have different asymptotic performance, we need only take the one that performs worst.
The first while can loop at most m times, where m is the smallest integer so that 2m >= N. Therefore it will loop, at worst, log2N times -- this means that it performs as O(log N). Note that the type of log is irrelevant when N is large enough.
The for loop runs O(sqrt N) times. At scale, this is way more massive than log N, so we can drop the log.
Finally, we need to evaluate the while inside the loop. Since this while loop is executed only for divisors, it will have a big O equal to their number. With a little thought we can see that, at worst, the while will loop log3N times because 3 is the smallest possible divisor.
Thus, the while loop gets executed only O(log N) times, but the outer for gets executed O(sqrt N) times (and often the while loop doesn't run because the current number won't divide).
In conclusion, the part that will take the longest is the for loop and this will make the algorithm go as O(sqrtN).

How to calculate order (big O) for more complex algorithms (eg quicksort)

I know there are quite a bunch of questions about big O notation, I have already checked:
Plain english explanation of Big O
Big O, how do you calculate/approximate it?
Big O Notation Homework--Code Fragment Algorithm Analysis?
to name a few.
I know by "intuition" how to calculate it for n, n^2, n! and so, however I am completely lost on how to calculate it for algorithms that are log n , n log n, n log log n and so.
What I mean is, I know that Quick Sort is n log n (on average).. but, why? Same thing for merge/comb, etc.
Could anybody explain me in a not too math-y way how do you calculate this?
The main reason is that Im about to have a big interview and I'm pretty sure they'll ask for this kind of stuff. I have researched for a few days now, and everybody seem to have either an explanation of why bubble sort is n^2 or the unreadable explanation (for me) on Wikipedia
The logarithm is the inverse operation of exponentiation. An example of exponentiation is when you double the number of items at each step. Thus, a logarithmic algorithm often halves the number of items at each step. For example, binary search falls into this category.
Many algorithms require a logarithmic number of big steps, but each big step requires O(n) units of work. Mergesort falls into this category.
Usually you can identify these kinds of problems by visualizing them as a balanced binary tree. For example, here's merge sort:
6 2 0 4 1 3 7 5
2 6 0 4 1 3 5 7
0 2 4 6 1 3 5 7
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
At the top is the input, as leaves of the tree. The algorithm creates a new node by sorting the two nodes above it. We know the height of a balanced binary tree is O(log n) so there are O(log n) big steps. However, creating each new row takes O(n) work. O(log n) big steps of O(n) work each means that mergesort is O(n log n) overall.
Generally, O(log n) algorithms look like the function below. They get to discard half of the data at each step.
def function(data, n):
if n <= constant:
return do_simple_case(data, n)
if some_condition():
function(data[:n/2], n / 2) # Recurse on first half of data
function(data[n/2:], n - n / 2) # Recurse on second half of data
While O(n log n) algorithms look like the function below. They also split the data in half, but they need to consider both halves.
def function(data, n):
if n <= constant:
return do_simple_case(data, n)
part1 = function(data[n/2:], n / 2) # Recurse on first half of data
part2 = function(data[:n/2], n - n / 2) # Recurse on second half of data
return combine(part1, part2)
Where do_simple_case() takes O(1) time and combine() takes no more than O(n) time.
The algorithms don't need to split the data exactly in half. They could split it into one-third and two-thirds, and that would be fine. For average-case performance, splitting it in half on average is sufficient (like QuickSort). As long as the recursion is done on pieces of (n/something) and (n - n/something), it's okay. If it's breaking it into (k) and (n-k) then the height of the tree will be O(n) and not O(log n).
You can usually claim log n for algorithms where it halves the space/time each time it runs. A good example of this is any binary algorithm (e.g., binary search). You pick either left or right, which then axes the space you're searching in half. The pattern of repeatedly doing half is log n.
For some algorithms, getting a tight bound for the running time through intuition is close to impossible (I don't think I'll ever be able to intuit a O(n log log n) running time, for instance, and I doubt anyone will ever expect you to). If you can get your hands on the CLRS Introduction to Algorithms text, you'll find a pretty thorough treatment of asymptotic notation which is appropriately rigorous without being completely opaque.
If the algorithm is recursive, one simple way to derive a bound is to write out a recurrence and then set out to solve it, either iteratively or using the Master Theorem or some other way. For instance, if you're not looking to be super rigorous about it, the easiest way to get QuickSort's running time is through the Master Theorem -- QuickSort entails partitioning the array into two relatively equal subarrays (it should be fairly intuitive to see that this is O(n)), and then calling QuickSort recursively on those two subarrays. Then if we let T(n) denote the running time, we have T(n) = 2T(n/2) + O(n), which by the Master Method is O(n log n).
Check out the "phone book" example given here: What is a plain English explanation of "Big O" notation?
Remember that Big-O is all about scale: how much more operation will this algorithm require as the data set grows?
O(log n) generally means you can cut the dataset in half with each iteration (e.g. binary search)
O(n log n) means you're performing an O(log n) operation for each item in your dataset
I'm pretty sure 'O(n log log n)' doesn't make any sense. Or if it does, it simplifies down to O(n log n).
I'll attempt to do an intuitive analysis of why Mergesort is n log n and if you can give me an example of an n log log n algorithm, I can work through it as well.
Mergesort is a sorting example that works through splitting a list of elements repeatedly until only elements exists and then merging these lists together. The primary operation in each of these merges is comparison and each merge requires at most n comparisons where n is the length of the two lists combined. From this you can derive the recurrence and easily solve it, but we'll avoid that method.
Instead consider how Mergesort is going to behave, we're going to take a list and split it, then take those halves and split it again, until we have n partitions of length 1. I hope that it's easy to see that this recursion will only go log (n) deep until we have split the list up into our n partitions.
Now that we have that each of these n partitions will need to be merged, then once those are merged the next level will need to be merged, until we have a list of length n again. Refer to wikipedia's graphic for a simple example of this process
Now consider the amount of time that this process will take, we're going to have log (n) levels and at each level we will have to merge all of the lists. As it turns out each level will take n time to merge, because we'll be merging a total of n elements each time. Then you can fairly easily see that it will take n log (n) time to sort an array with mergesort if you take the comparison operation to be the most important operation.
If anything is unclear or I skipped somewhere please let me know and I can try to be more verbose.
Edit Second Explanation:
Let me think if I can explain this better.
The problem is broken into a bunch of smaller lists and then the smaller lists are sorted and merged until you return to the original list which is now sorted.
When you break up the problems you have several different levels of size first you'll have two lists of size: n/2, n/2 then at the next level you'll have four lists of size: n/4, n/4, n/4, n/4 at the next level you'll have n/8, n/8 ,n/8 ,n/8, n/8, n/8 ,n/8 ,n/8 this continues until n/2^k is equal to 1 (each subdivision is the length divided by a power of 2, not all lengths will be divisible by four so it won't be quite this pretty). This is repeated division by two and can continue at most log_2(n) times, because 2^(log_2(n) )=n, so any more division by 2 would yield a list of size zero.
Now the important thing to note is that at every level we have n elements so for each level the merge will take n time, because merge is a linear operation. If there are log(n) levels of the recursion then we will perform this linear operation log(n) times, therefore our running time will be n log(n).
Sorry if that isn't helpful either.
When applying a divide-and-conquer algorithm where you partition the problem into sub-problems until it is so simple that it is trivial, if the partitioning goes well, the size of each sub-problem is n/2 or thereabout. This is often the origin of the log(n) that crops up in big-O complexity: O(log(n)) is the number of recursive calls needed when partitioning goes well.
