insertNewChild is not a function in DHTML Tree grid Pro - dhtmlx

I want to access child data from server when we append parent. Now I am using
mygrid.attachEvent("onOpenStart", getSubElements );
When I am using getSubElements, this method then it is showing an error: inserNewChild is not a function.
I am using this line, please review this and let me know where I am doing wrong.

Please note that the insertNewChild() is the method of the dhtmlxTree, and won't work in dhtmlxTreegrid.
You may use the addRow() method:
Also please try to use the onOpenEnd event instead of onOpenStart:


Cypress: Switching from cy.route() to cy.intercept()

It seems that most people I read about experence zero trouble with this. I, on the other hand, have a test suite which someone else wrote, in which I'm trying to replace route() with intercept(). The API intercepts are done to handle button clicks etc., and about 99.9% percent of them fails if I just replace it. So, there's obviously some syntax in/use of intercept() I've not found a description for.
This works:
cy.route('POST', getApiPrefix() + '/prosjektfinansiering/'+ pfId +'/eiendom', result);
This does not work. The button click is not executed:
cy.intercept('POST', getApiPrefix() + '/prosjektfinansiering/'+ pfId +'/eiendom', result);
I've tried adding '**' in front of "/prosjekt...", and I've tried removing 'POST', with no luck.
Any ideas? I'll gladly post more info if necessary.
Futher attempts:
Getting some hints here and there, it seems that this is a more correct way of using intercept():
return cy.intercept('POST', getApiPrefix() + '/prosjektfinansiering/'+ pfId +'/eiendom', {
body: result
This doesn't work, either.
The variables result in these examples is an object describing what is sent back to the frontend of the POST-request in the route matches the api path.
For troubleshooting, I can see that when using intercept(), there is ONE route that is not working when using intercept (the bottom one in the picture). However, I cannot for the life of me see why, and how the route match can be written differently?
Most likely, you're mixing the old use of cy.route() and cy.server(). In my experience, those two won't work well together. It's easier when you're starting fresh with just cy.intercept().
Your update is correct too; You have to encapsulate the return value you want mocked in {body: value}.
from what I am seeing in your circled screenshot, the API is not called after you try to intercept it. (the count under # column is -)
You need to track when the API is to be called and ensure you intercept before the call is made. Cypres can help you with this. You can go through the run steps in the cypress window.
You could also share this if you don't mind.
If you are 100% certain the button makes the call. Steps should be:
In the cypress window, right after the click, you should see the API being called.

Map().set() does not add element in Collection, using NativeScript

I recently have had a problem when coding using NativeScript.
I tried using Map() object as a Collection, but its set() method seems not to work.
I use the following snippet :
var r = new Map();
r.set("one", "two");
It however outputs an empty Map(), and I do not know why...
For your convenience, here is a link to a NativeScript PlayGround:
I inserted the snippet inside home.components.ts
Thanks alot!
Actually it works, if you try r.get("one") then you will see two in console.
May be console.dir does not handle Map as expected. You may report that in the GitHub project.

cfajaxproxy is sending invalid parameters?

For some reason that I don't understand, on my development machine can't call to function of a cfc component from a cfajaxproxy.
In my cfm document:
<cfajaxproxy cfc="#Application.CfcPath#.empleado"
This works, and also I can instantiate an object to get all the functions of that cfc component:
var cfcEmpleado = new ccEmpleado();
But, when I try to call a function of that object:
var nb_Empleado = cfcEmpleado.RSEmpeladoNombreBIND(1,1);
Debug complains:
Error: The ID_EMPRESA parameter to the RSEmpeladoNombreBIND function is required but was not passed in.
I got this from Network tab on Chrome and figured out that something is generating an invalid parameter:[object%20Object]&returnFormat=json&_cf_nodebug=true&_cf_nocache=true&_cf_clientid=41C92098C98042112AE2B3AAF523F289&_cf_rc=0
As you can see, there's a parameter [object%20Object], that is messing around my request, and that's why it fails. I don't why is happening this. Other people has tested this, and it works, but in mine doesn't.
I have Coldfusion 9, Apache, Windows 8. Is is some configuration issue on Coldfusion, or a bug?
I can't tell if this is your error or not, but it might be. This was a problem that we had for awhile. You should consider using explicit names to avoid any confusion. Add the "js" in there.
<cfajaxproxy cfc="cfcEmpleado" jsclassname="proxyEmpleado">
var jsEmpleado = new proxyEmpleado();
I will try to find a link to an article about this very thing.

How can I pass a local variable from function to event listener function in JavaScript?

Good day!
I began writing my own basic JavaScript library for personal use and distribution a few days ago, but I am having trouble with one of the methods, specifically bind().
Within the method itself, this refers to the library, the object.
I went to Google and found, but it didn't work out the way I planned it--it just executed the function.
If you take a look at another method, each(), you'll see that it uses call() to pass values.
I also tried the following:
My console throws an error, saying it cannot read '0' of "undefined".
I would like to be able to pass this (referencing the library--NOT THE WINDOW) to use it in the event listener.
You can see it starting at line 195 of the JavaScript of this JSFiddle.
Here it is as well:
if(typeof f==='function'){
/*Right now, 'this' refers to the library
How can I pass the library to the upcoming eventListener?
//f=f(this); doesn't work
//; //doesn't work
// refers to the HTMLElement Object itself, which we are adding the eventListener to
//the outcome I'm looking for is something like this:
//(which() defines which H3 element we're dealing with
//bind is to add an event listener,f,false)
return this;
Thank you so much for your help, contributors!
If, as per your comments, you don't want to use .bind(), rather than directly passing f to addEventListener() you could pass another function that in turn calls f with .call() or .apply():
if(typeof f==='function'){
var _this = this;,function(event){, event);
Doing it this way also lets your library do any extra event admin, e.g., pre-processing on the event object to normalise properties that are different for different browsers.
So in this particular case you actually want to call JavaScript's built in bind method that all functions have.
f = f.bind(this);
f will be a new function with it's this argument set to whatever you passed into it.
Replace f=f(this); with f.apply(this);
Look at underscore code, here:

how to get process id from IAudioSessionManager2

Background: enum all active sessions that are using system audio.
I am trying to get process information from IAudioSessionManager2. But I can't find such function. Does anyone know how to get it?
Sample code:
IAudioSessionControl only provides such methods: GetDisplayName, but the display name I got is just null.
You must use the IAudioSessionControl2 interface and the GetProcessId method.
