Data Points Subtraction - wolfram-mathematica

I have a table of data points to be subtracted by another table of data points. I have succeed in subtracting the y values of each data point successfully, but it is the x values of each data point in that I have trouble.
m = 10;
DataList = Table[{}, {i, 1, m}];
BGData = Import["BatchData-Background.txt", "Table"];
BGPlot = ListPlot[BGData, FrameLabel -> {"Time (s)", "Voltage [V]"}, PlotStyle -> Black]
Do[{DataList[[i]] = Import["BatchData-B" <> ToString[i] <> "V.txt", "Table"];
DataPlot = ListPlot[DataList[[i]], FrameLabel -> {"Time (s)", "Voltage (V)"}, PlotStyle -> Gray]; Print["B = ", i, "Volts"]; Print[DataPlot];}, {i, 1, m}];
m = 10;
SubDataList = Table[{DataList[[i, All, 2]] - BGData[[All, 2]]}, {i, 1, m}];
Do[{SubDataPlot = ListPlot[SubDataList[[i]]];}, {i, 1, m}] `
m = 10;
SubDataList = Table[{DataList[[i,All,2]]-BGData[[All,2]]},{i,1,m}];
This is the code that I am having trouble with. However, my plot will get y values correct, but my x-axis is automatically set to 0 to 1400 in steps of 200. However, my data points shows that my x-axis should be from 0 to 0.07 in steps of 0.01.
Both DataList and BGData are table of its own and the specifications that I have done for each just extracts the y-values in each table and subtracts them.

Read a bit more of the documentation of ListPlot. The expression
plots, as you observe, the values in SubDataList from 1 to m. If you supply a second list of values to the function, perhaps
ListPlot[{SubDataList, BGData}]
treats the first list as a list of x-coordinates and the second as a list of y-coordinates.

Making some example data points for subDataList from 0 to 1400 and plotting them on an x-scale from 0 to 0.07:-
subDataList = Table[Sin[x], {x, 0, 4 Pi, 4 Pi/1400}];
ListPlot[Transpose[{Prepend[Range[1400]*0.00005, 0], subDataList}]]


New to Mathematica - Plotting Log functions

I am struggling quite a bit with plotting a couple of simple Log functions on Mathematica: h(n) = nLog10(n) and i(n) = n^2 + (nLog10(n)). What I currently have typed in:
f[n_] := n
g[n_] := n^2
h[n_] := n Log10[n]
i[n_] := (n^2 + (n Log10[n]))
pf = Plot[f[n], {n, 0, 100}, PlotStyle -> Red]
pg = Plot[g[n], {n, 0, 100}, PlotStyle -> Blue]
ph = Plot[h[x], {n, 0, 100}, PlotStyle -> Green]
pi = Plot[i[n], {n, 0, 100}, PlotStyle -> Yellow]
The plots that correspond to the two Log functions are inexplicably blank ☹ What is the syntax for plotting a Log10 function that has another term? Additionally, I eventually want all four graphs to be on one plot. The syntax for that would be Show[pf, pg, ph, pi], correct?

Coloring plot in Mathematica according to labels

I have a dataset with labels which I would like to plot with points colored according to their label. Is there a simple way how to get current line numer inside plot, so that I can determine which category does the point belong to?
I understood that x,y,z are the coordinates of plotted data, but it doesn't help for the external labels.
This is quite ugly and it works just on sorted dataset with regular distribution.
data = Import[""];
data = Drop[data, -1]; (*there one extra line at the end*)
inData = data[[All, 1 ;; 4]];
labels = data[[All, 5]];
ColorFunction ->
Function[{x, y, z},
If[y < 0.33, RGBColor[1, 1, 0.],
If[y < 0.66, RGBColor[1, 0, 0.], RGBColor[1, 0, 1]]
Expected result:
Suppose that points is the lists of coordinates and labels a list of the corresponding labels so for example
points = Flatten[Table[{i, j, Sin[i j]},
{i, 0, Pi, Pi/20}, {j, 0, Pi, Pi/10}], 1];
labels = RandomChoice[{"label a", "label b", "label c"}, Length[points]];
Each label corresponds to a colour which I'm writing as a list of rules, e.g.
rules = {"label a" -> RGBColor[1, 1, 0],
"label b" -> RGBColor[1, 0, 0], "label c" -> RGBColor[1, 0, 1]};
Then the points can be plotted in the colour corresponding to their label as follows
ListPointPlot3D[Pick[points, labels, #] & /# Union[labels],
PlotStyle -> Union[labels] /. rules]
To colour individual points in a ListPlot3D you can use VertexColors, for example
ListPlot3D[points, VertexColors -> labels /. rules, Mesh -> False]
For Example:
(* Build the labeled structure and take a random permutation*)
f[x_, y_] = Sqrt[100 - x x - y y];
l = RandomSample#Flatten[{Table[{{"Lower", {x, y, f[x, y] - 5}},
{"Upper", {x, y, 5 - f[x, y]}}},
{x, -5, 5, .1}, {y, -5, 5, .1}]}, 3];
Riffle[l[[All, 1]] /. {"Lower" -> Red, "Upper" -> Green},
Point /# l[[All, 2]]], Axes -> True]

Matlab: Material on image color processing [duplicate]

I have a image(png format) in hand. The lines that bound the ellipses (represent the nucleus) are over straight which are impractical. How could i extract the lines from the image and make them bent, and with the precondition that they still enclose the nucleus.
The following is the image:
After bending
EDIT: How can i translate the Dilation And Filter part in answer2 into Matlab language? I can't figure it out.
Ok, here is a way involving several randomization steps needed to get a "natural" non symmetrical appearance.
I am posting the actual code in Mathematica, just in case someone cares translating it to Matlab.
(* A preparatory step: get your image and clean it*)
i = Import#"";
i1 = Image#Replace[ImageData[i], {0., 0., 0.} -> {1, 1, 1}, {2}];
i2 = ImageSubtract[i1, i];
i3 = Inpaint[i, i2]
(*Now reduce to a skeleton to get a somewhat random starting point.
The actual algorithm for this dilation does not matter, as far as we
get a random area slightly larger than the original elipses *)
id = Dilation[SkeletonTransform[
Dilation[SkeletonTransform#ColorNegate#Binarize#i3, 3]], 1]
(*Now the real random dilation loop*)
(*Init vars*)
p = Array[1 &, 70]; j = 1;
(*Store in w an image with a different color for each cluster, so we
can find edges between them*)
w = (w1 =
GradientFilter[Binarize[id, .1], 1]]) /. {4 -> 0} // Colorize;
(*and loop ...*)
For[i = 1, i < 70, i++,
(*Select edges in w and dilate them with a random 3x3 kernel*)
ed = Dilation[EdgeDetect[w, 1], RandomInteger[{0, 1}, {3, 3}]];
(*The following is the core*)
p[[j++]] = w =
ImageFilter[ (* We apply a filter to the edges*)
Length[#1], (*Count the colors in a 3x3 neighborhood of each pixel*)
0, {{{0, 0, 0}, 0}}, (*If no colors, return bkg*)
1, #1, (*If one color, return it*)
_, {{{0, 0, 0}, 0}}])[[1, 1]] (*If more than one color, return bkg*)&#
Cases[Tally[Flatten[#1, 1]],
Except[{{0.`, 0.`, 0.`}, _}]] & (*But Don't count bkg pixels*),
w, 1,
Masking -> ed, (*apply only to edges*)
Interleaving -> True (*apply to all color chanels at once*)]
The result is:
For the Mathematica oriented reader, a functional code for the last loop could be easier (and shorter):
If[Length[#1] == 1, #1[[1, 1]], {0, 0, 0}] &#
Cases[Tally[Flatten[#1, 1]], Except[{0.` {1, 1, 1}, _}]] & , #, 1,
Masking -> Dilation[EdgeDetect[#, 1], RandomInteger[{0, 1}, {3, 3}]],
Interleaving -> True ] &,
WatershedComponents#GradientFilter[Binarize[id,.1],1]/.{4-> 0}//Colorize,
What you have as input is the Voronoi diagram. You can recalculate it using another distance function instead of the Euclidean one.
Here is an example in Mathematica using the Manhattan Distance (i3 is your input image without the lines):
DistanceFunction -> ManhattanDistance] ]], i3, i3}]
I am working with another algorithm (preliminary result). What do you think?
Here is what I came up with, it is not a direct translation of #belisarius code, but should be close enough..
%# read image (indexed image)
[I,map] = imread('');
%# extract the blobs (binary image)
BW = (I==1);
%# skeletonization + dilation
BW = bwmorph(BW, 'skel', Inf);
BW = imdilate(BW, strel('square',2*1+1));
%# connected components
L = bwlabel(BW);
%# filter 15x15 neighborhood
for i=1:13
L = nlfilter(L, [15 15], #myFilterFunc);
imshow( label2rgb(L) )
%# result
L(I==1) = 0; %# put blobs back
L(edge(L,'canny')) = 0; %# edges
imshow( label2rgb(L,#jet,[0 0 0]) )
function p = myFilterFunc(x)
if range(x(:)) == 0
p = x(1); %# if one color, return it
p = mode(x(x~=0)); %# else, return the most frequent color
The result:
and here is an animation of the process:

how to generate a plot of planar Cantor set in mathematica

I am wondering if anyone can help me to plot the Cantor dust on the plane in Mathematica. This is linked to the Cantor set.
Thanks a lot.
I actually wanted to have something like this:
Here's a naive and probably not very optimized way of reproducing the graphics for the ternary Cantor set construction:
cantorRule = Line[{{a_, n_}, {b_, n_}}] :>
With[{d = b - a, np = n - .1},
{Line[{{a, np}, {a + d/3, np}}], Line[{{b - d/3, np}, {b, np}}]}]
Graphics[{CapForm["Butt"], Thickness[.05],
Flatten#NestList[#/.cantorRule&, Line[{{0., 0}, {1., 0}}], 6]}]
To make Cantor dust using the same replacement rules, we take the result at a particular level, e.g. 4:
and take tuples of it
dust4 = Transpose /# Tuples[dust4, 2];
Then we just plot the rectangles
Graphics[Rectangle ### dust4]
Edit: Cantor dust + squares
Changed specs -> New, but similar, solution (still not optimized).
Set n to be a positive integer and choice any subset of 1,...,n then
n = 3; choice = {1, 3};
CanDChoice = c:CanD[__]/;Length[c]===n :> CanD[c[[choice]]];
splitRange = {a_, b_} :> With[{d = (b - a + 0.)/n},
CanD##NestList[# + d &, {a, a + d}, n - 1]];
dust = NestList[# /. CanDChoice /. splitRange &, {0, 1}, 4] // Rest;
Graphics[{FaceForm[LightGray], EdgeForm[Black],
Table[cantLevToRect[lev], {lev, Most#dust}],
FaceForm[Black], cantLevToRect[Last#dust /. CanDChoice]}]
Here's the graphics for
n = 7; choice = {1, 2, 4, 6, 7};
dust = NestList[# /. CanDChoice /. splitRange &, {0, 1}, 2] // Rest;
and everything else the same:
Once can use the following approach. Define cantor function:
cantorF[r:(0|1)] = r;
cantorF[r_Rational /; 0 < r < 1] :=
Module[{digs, scale}, {digs, scale} = RealDigits[r, 3];
If[! FreeQ[digs, 1],
digs = Append[TakeWhile[Most[digs]~Join~Last[digs], # != 1 &], 1];];
FromDigits[{digs, scale}, 2]]
Then form the dust by computing differences of F[n/3^k]-F[(n+1/2)/3^k]:
With[{k = 4},
Outer[Times, #, #] &[
Table[(cantorF[(n + 1/2)/3^k] - cantorF[(n)/3^k]), {n, 0,
3^k - 1}]]] // ArrayPlot
I like recursive functions, so
cantor[size_, n_][pt_] :=
With[{s = size/3, ct = cantor[size/3, n - 1]},
{ct[pt], ct[pt + {2 s, 0}], ct[pt + {0, 2 s}], ct[pt + {2 s, 2 s}]}
cantor[size_, 0][pt_] := Rectangle[pt, pt + {size, size}]
drawCantor[n_] := Graphics[cantor[1, n][{0, 0}]]
Explanation: size is the edge length of the square the set fits into. pt is the {x,y} coordinates of it lower left corner.

Is it possible to create polar CountourPlot/ListCountourPlot/DensityPlot in Mathematica?

I am looking to plot something like the whispering gallery modes -- a 2D cylindrically symmetric plot in polar coordinates. Something like this:
I found the following code snippet in Trott's symbolics guidebook. Tried running it on a very small data set; it ate 4 GB of memory and hosed my kernel:
(* add points to get smooth curves *)
addPoints[lp_][points_, \[Delta]\[CurlyEpsilon]_] :=
Module[{n, l}, Join ## (Function[pair,
If[(* additional points needed? *)
(l = Sqrt[#. #]&[Subtract ## pair]) < \[Delta]\[CurlyEpsilon], pair,
n = Floor[l/\[Delta]\[CurlyEpsilon]] + 1;
Table[# + i/n (#2 - #1), {i, 0, n - 1}]& ## pair]] /#
Partition[If[lp === Polygon,
Append[#, First[#]], #]&[points], 2, 1])]
(* Make the plot circular *)
With[{\[Delta]\[CurlyEpsilon] = 0.1, R = 10},
Show[{gr /. (lp : (Polygon | Line))[l_] :>
lp[{#2 Cos[#1], #2 Sin[#1]} & ###(* add points *)
addPoints[lp][l, \[Delta]\[CurlyEpsilon]]],
Graphics[{Thickness[0.01], GrayLevel[0], Circle[{0, 0}, R]}]},
DisplayFunction -> $DisplayFunction, Frame -> False]]
Here, gr is a rectangular 2D ListContourPlot, generated using something like this (for example):
data = With[{eth = 2, er = 2, wc = 1, m = 4},
BesselJ[(Sqrt[eth] m)/Sqrt[er], Sqrt[eth] r wc] Exp[
I m phi]], {r, 0, 10, .2}, {phi, 0, 2 Pi, 0.1}]];
gr = ListContourPlot[data, Contours -> 50, ContourLines -> False,
DataRange -> {{0, 2 Pi}, {0, 10}}, DisplayFunction -> Identity,
ContourStyle -> {Thickness[0.002]}, PlotRange -> All,
ColorFunctionScaling -> False]
Is there a straightforward way to do cylindrical plots like this?.. I find it hard to believe that I would have to turn to Matlab for my curvilinear coordinate needs :)
Previous snippets deleted, since this is clearly the best answer I came up with:
With[{eth = 2, er = 2, wc = 1, m = 4},
Re[BesselJ[(Sqrt[eth] m)/Sqrt[er], Sqrt[eth] r wc] Exp[I phi m]]/.
{r ->Norm[{x, y}], phi ->ArcTan[x, y]},
{x, -10, 10}, {y, -10, 10},
Contours -> 50, ContourLines -> False,
RegionFunction -> (#1^2 + #2^2 < 100 &),
ColorFunction -> "SunsetColors"
Replacing ContourPlot by Plot3D and removing the unsupported options you get:
This is a relatively straightforward problem. The key is that if you can parametrize it, you can plot it. According to the documentation both ListContourPlot and ListDensityPlot accept data in two forms: an array of height values or a list of coordinates plus function value ({{x, y, f} ..}). The second form is easier to deal with, such that even if your data is in the first form, we'll transform it into the second form.
Simply, to transform data of the form {{r, t, f} ..} into data of the form {{x, y, f} ..} you doN[{#[[1]] Cos[ #[[2]] ], #[[1]] Sin[ #[[2]] ], #[[3]]}]& /# data, when applied to data taken from BesselJ[1, r/2] Cos[3 t] you get
What about when you just have an array of data, like this guy? In that case, you have a 2D array where each point in the array has known location, and in order to plot it, you have to turn it into the second form. I'm partial to MapIndexed, but there are other ways of doing it. Let's say your data is stored in an array where the rows correspond to the radial coordinate and the columns are the angular coordinate. Then to transform it, I'd use
R = 0.01; (*radial increment*)
T = 0.05 Pi; (*angular increment*)
xformed = MapIndexed[
With[{r = #2[[1]]*R, t = #2[[1]]*t, f = #1},
{r Cos[t], r Sin[t], f}]&, data, {2}]//Flatten[#,1]&
which gives the same result.
If you have an analytic solution, then you need to transform it to Cartesian coordinates, like above, but you use replacement rules, instead. For instance,
ContourPlot[ Evaluate[
BesselJ[1, r/2]*Cos[3 t ] /. {r -> Sqrt[x^2 + y^2], t -> ArcTan[x, y]}],
{x, -5, 5}, {y, -5, 5}, PlotPoints -> 50,
ColorFunction -> ColorData["DarkRainbow"], Contours -> 25]
Two things to note: 1) Evaluate is needed to ensure that the replacement is performed correctly, and 2) ArcTan[x, y] takes into account the quadrant that the point {x,y} is found in.
