Joomla 2.5 where are Module Params stored? - joomla

I am able to use the module parameter in my module, but want to create a cronjob and need to access the module parameter in separate php file. So can anyone let me know how Joomla 2.5 stores module parameter? How can I access module parameter in my separate php file ?

All module parameters are stored in the database table #__modules, field name params.
Hope this helps

For Joomla 2.5+ you can create a CLI app that subclasses JApplicationCLI. e.g.
class myModuleCRONJob extends JApplicationCLI
public function doExecute()
// Your code goes in here
Doing this gives you complete access to JDatabase, JModel etc - you can see in the /cli directory of your Joomla installation several CLI apps are included.
Once you have the basics setup you can simply use JDatabase against the #__modules table etc to run your queries and actions.


How to attach middleware to an existing named route from a package in laravel 5?

I'm trying to extend an existing application without modifying its source code.
The application has a named route called wizard-add.
Is there a way to register \MyPackage\MyMiddleware with the existing route?
I tried attaching it via Route::getRoutes()->getByName('wizard-add')->middleware(\MyPackage\MyMiddleware::class); but since packages are registered before the routes are read, Route::getRoutes() returns an empty collection.
Thank you!
Since I didn't find a way to solve this, I extended the app's controllers and put my logic inside.
namespace MyPackage\Controllers;
use App\Controllers\WizardController;
class MyPackageWizardController extends WizardController { ... }
and then in my service provider's register() method:
$this->app->bind(WizardController::class, MyPackageWizardController::class);
So everytime the app attempts to instantiate WizardController, it instantiates MyPackageWizardController instead. I don't know if there are any drawbacks but so far this has been working perfectly for me.

PrestaShop working with Doctrine & Entites

Hello :) On start: I use PrestaShop and MySQL 5.6 and PHP 7.2
I want to create a module on new way with Symfony Controller and Entites without ObjectModel (beacouse like say one of develoeper of PrestaShop: Pablo Borowicz - ObjectModel is deprecated)
So on start I create simple module available at the link
Controller and routing works perfect the problem is when I try use enity manager
$entityManager = $this->container->get('doctrine.orm.entity_manager');
$testRepository = $entityManager->getRepository(TestmoduleTest::class);
$test = $testRepository->findAll();
And I have error like that:
The class 'DarkSide\Testmodule\Entity\TestmoduleTest' was not found in the chain configured namespaces PrestaShopBundle\Entity
Maybe I doing something wrong? But doc of prestashop of coures is suck about new way of creating a PrestaShop modules
Looking 4 help :)
Thx all :)
The PrestaShop documentation is a completely mess concerning the handling of the Symfony repositories.
Doctrine is looking (by the auto_mapping orm configuration attribute) for the presence of your entity under the Prestashop Entity namespace, so given that your TestmoduleTest entity isn't there, it cannot be found and therefore loaded.
You may have to register your entity under the following namespace : namespace PrestaShop\Module\Testmodule\Entity;
You'll be able to find more about how to create your own repository class inside the official productcomments module here.
Ok the problem is on other way :)
In this case i have problem with my Repository class (probably with constructor of this class)
when I deleted them module start work
Problem solved :)

How to view drupal 7 sessions from an external PHP page?

I installed drupal 7 and I need to include a block of PHP code in the user profile page.
I created a new block and I put this code in it:
"include (http://mysite/sites/all/themes/campi_aggiuntivi.php)"
In "campi_aggiuntivi.php" I put the following code:
session_start ();
print_r ($ _SESSION);
But it returns an empty array.
How do I interact with drupal sessions in this external page?
Thank you very much for your answares.
Thank you all for your answers.
I'm trying to install a module and insert it into a block avege as I suggested.
I created the file
name = Test Block
description = description Test Block
package = package Test Block
core = 7.x
dependencies[] = block
; Information added by packaging script on 2013-02-01
version = "7.x-1.x-dev"
core = "7.x"
project = "Test Block"
datestamp = "1359680350"
But I can not figure out which function I put in the file test.module, to insert the test module management screen Blocks
Can you help me please?
Thank you again to all
I think you need to include Drupal Bootstrap and a few other necessary procedures. Here's a link to an issue on d.o that might help.
1st thing i want to suggest is don't include like this:
"include (http://mysite/sites/all/themes/campi_aggiuntivi.php)"
Use local path instead: "include (sites/all/themes/campi_aggiuntivi.php)"
But this depends on from where you are calling, if both the files are at same location(calling in user profile tpl file) then this might work: "include (campi_aggiuntivi.php)"
I presume you need session details to figure-out the user id, that information can be retrieved from $profile variable or arg(1)
I have not tested your code but the way you are trying to do is not the conventional way to extend Drupal functionality.
Also i hope print_r ($ _SESSION); is actually print_r ($_SESSION); in your code, i.e. without spaces.
If you want to add a block in user profile page, i recommend doing it the drupal way.
Drupal already has an excellent example for creating a block programmatically. Here is the link.
Have a look at block_example module inside it. It will give you relevant example codes that you can use to create the block.
The example also contains information about how to make the block appear in certain pages by default.
After you create the block place them in the region you would want to, like left sidebar, content etc of the relevant theme that is enabled on user profile pages.
Inside your custom module you would access to $_SESSION variable.
From here on you can include the code in campi_aggiuntivi.php inside your module itself.
Or use the following foolproof method to load the file. This would even work when you call it from a theme.
Say you want to use located in your custom module, from a theme then you can use module_load_include
For example,
module_load_include('inc', 'custom_module_name', 'custom_module_name.campi_aggiuntivi');
the above call would load from custom_module_name module folder. This way you don't have to hard code the path required to access the file.
Based on your update.. it sounds like you are now trying to create a block programmatically. There are example modules that you can download on There is a block module in that download.

Prism / Mef Directory Catalog SatisfyImports

In my app I have a module that I have been referencing direct from the shell (just while I get things working).
protected override void ConfigureAggregateCatalog()
AggregateCatalog.Catalogs.Add(new AssemblyCatalog(typeof(Bootstrapper).Assembly));
AggregateCatalog.Catalogs.Add(new AssemblyCatalog(typeof(MyModule).Assembly));
In my module when I've been calling SatisfyImportsOnce for a view this has worked and I can see the view model etc being created.
However, I have now changed my bootstrapper to use a directoryCatalog for my module. I have added some post build events to copy my module assembly, pdb etc to the shell.
So now I have the following in my bootstrapper
protected override void ConfigureAggregateCatalog()
AggregateCatalog.Catalogs.Add(new AssemblyCatalog(typeof(Bootstrapper).Assembly));
// add the directory catalog for the modules
AggregateCatalog.Catalogs.Add(new DirectoryCatalog("Modules"));
I am now able to run my app and see the views from my module but the SatisfyImportsOnce that used to work now seems to do nothing. I can't see any errors. Are there different attributes I need on my imports / exports now that I'm using the directory catalog?
No, there shouldn't be any difference in the attributes you need to use.
It's hard to tell what's wrong, here's a blog post on general MEF debugging.

Joomla two module using same helper.php

I've built two custom modules for Joomla ("reservation" and "contact") which are working just fine, however time to time I have to upgrade them.
Is it possible to make them to share the same "helper.php" so I could keep code in one place? For example the post function is the same for these two modules. I want the "contact" module to use the "reservation" helper.php post function.
You can simply include the reservation module helper inside the contact module and use it.
For example lets say that your modules are mod_reservation and mod_contact, in mod_contact.php you include the reservation helper file and use it like this:
require_once JPATH_SITE.DS."modules".DS."mod_reservation".DS."helper.php";
Or you make a custom helper module,, which is needed in order for the other 2 to work. I dont know for sure but I thought you can check for other modules when installing a module. In that check you check for the helper module and if not present you give a error. You could also say that a certain module needs atleast version X.XX.XX of the helper module and if the version is too long also give an error in during the install of the module.
