how to assign one list to a variable in prolog? - prolog

I want to append([],C,C) where C is a list containing some elements . Is it possible? I will append some list in C containing elements append (Found,C,C) if other condition is true.
And also i want to store final value in C to a variable D . How can I do that?

I want to append([],C,C) where C is a list containing some elements. Is it possible?
append([],C,C) is always true. An empty list combined with anything is that anything. Look what Prolog says when you attempt it:
?- append([],C,C).
This true without any bindings tells you that Prolog established the proof but no new bindings were created as a result. This code would have the same result:
meaningless(_, _, _).
?- meaningless(everybody, X, Squant).
This suggests your desire is misplaced. append([], C, C) does not do what you think it does.
I will append some list in C containing elements append (Found,C,C) if other condition is true. And also i want to store final value in C to a variable D. How can I do that?
Thinking in terms of "storing" and other operations implying mutable state is a sure sign that you are not understanding Prolog. In Prolog, you establish bindings (or assert facts into the dynamic store, which is a tar pit for beginners). Something similar could be achieved in a Prolog fashion by doing something like this:
frob(cat, List, Result) :- append([cat], List, Result).
frob(dog, List, List).
This predicate frob/3 has two in-parameters: an atom and a list. If the atom is cat then it will append [cat] to the beginning of the list. The threading you see going between the arguments in the head of the clause and their use in the body of the clause is how Prolog manages state. Basically, all state in Prolog is either in the call stack or in the dynamic store.
To give an example in Python, consider these two ways of implementing factorial:
def fac(n):
result = 1
while n > 1:
result = result * n
n = n - 1
This version has a variable, result, which is a kind of state. We mutate the state repeatedly in a loop to achieve the calculation. While the factorial function may be defined as fac(n) = n * fac(n-1), this implementation does not have fac(n-1) hiding in the code anywhere explicitly.
A recursive method would be:
def fac(n):
if n < 1:
return 1
return n * fac(n-1)
There's no explicit state here, so how does the calculation work? The state is implicit, it's being carried on the stack. Procedural programmers tend to raise a skeptical eyebrow at recursion, but in Prolog, there is no such thing as an assignable so the first method cannot be used.
Back to frob/3, the condition is implicit on the first argument. The behavior is different in the body because in the first body, the third argument will be bound to the third argument of the append/3 call, which will unify with the list of the atom cat appended to the second argument List. In the second body, nothing special will happen and the third argument will be bound to the same value as the second argument. So if you were to call frob(Animal, List, Result), Result will be bound with cat at the front or not based on what Animal is.
Do not get mixed up and think that Prolog is just treating the last argument as a return value! If that were true, this would certainly not work like so:
?- frob(X, Y, [whale]).
X = dog,
Y = [whale].
What appears to have happened here is that Prolog could tell that because the list did not start with cat it was able to infer that X was dog. Good Prolog programmers aspire to maintain that illusion in their APIs, but all that really happened here is that Prolog entered the first rule, which expanded to append([cat], X, [whale]) and then unification failed because Prolog could not come up with an X which, having had [cat] prepended to it, would generate [whale]. As a result, it went to the second rule, which unifies X with dog and the second two arguments with each other. Hence Y = [whale].
I hope this helps!


List with if - plus and minus

I should create a list with integer.It should be ziga_arnitika(L,ML).Which take L list (+) integer and will return the list ML only (-) integer the even numbers of list L.
Warning:The X mod Y calculates X:Y.
Example: ziga_arnitika([3,6,-18,2,9,36,31,-40,25,-12,-5,-15,1],ML).
ML =[-18,-40,-12]
i know for example with not list to use if but not with lists,what i did is..:
something(12) :-
write('Go to L).
something(10) :-
write('Go to Ml).
something(other) :-
Go is other -10,
format('Go to list ~w',[ML]).
You want to compute a list with elements satisfying some properties from a given list. Lists in Prolog have a very simple representation. The empty list is represent by []. A non-empty list is a sequence of elements separated by a comma. E.g. [1,2,3]. Prolog also provides handy notation to split a list between its head (or first element) and its tail (a list with the remaining arguments):
?- [1,2,3] = [Head| Tail].
Head = 1,
Tail = [2, 3].
Walking a list (from its first element to its last element) can be done easily using a simple recursive predicate. The trivial case is when a list is empty:
If a list is not empty, we move to the list tail:
walk([Head| Tail]) :- walk(Tail).
However, if you try this predicate definition in virtually any Prolog system, it will warn you that Head is a singleton variable. That means that the variable appears once in a predicate clause. You can solve the warning by replacing the variable Head with an anonymous variable (which we can interpret as "don't care" variable). Thus, currently we have:
walk([_| Tail]) :- walk(Tail).
We can try it with our example list:
?- walk([1,2,3]).
Prolog being a relational language, what happens if we call the walk/1 predicate with a variable instead?
?- walk(List).
List = [] ;
List = [_4594] ;
List = [_4594, _4600] ;
List = [_4594, _4600, _4606]
Now back to the original problem: constructing a list from elements of other list. We want to process each element of the input list and, if it satisfies some property, adding it to the output list. We need two arguments. The simple case (or base case) is again when the input list is empty:
process([], []).
The general case (or recursive case) will be:
process([Head| Tail], [Head| Tail2]) :-
process(Tail, Tail2).
assuming a predicate property/1 that is true when its argument satisfies some property. In your case, being a even, negative integer. But not all elements will satisfy the property. To handle that case, we need a third clause that will skip an element that doesn't satisfy the property:
process([Head| Tail], List) :-
\+ property(Head),
process(Tail, List).
The \+/1 predicate is Prolog standard negation predicate: it's true when its argument is false.
Let's try our process/2 predicate it by defining a property/1 predicate that is true if the argument is the integer zero:
A sample call would then be:
?- process([1,0,2,0,0,3,4,5], List).
List = [0, 0, 0] ;
We have successfully written a predicate that extracts all the zeros from a list. Note that our query have a single solution. If we type a ; to ask for the next solution at the prompt, the Prolog top-level interpreter will tell us that there are no more solutions (the exact printout depends on the chosen Prolog system; some will print e.g. no instead of falsebut the meaning is the same).
Can you now solve your original question by defining a suitable property/1 predicate?
You can combine the two recursive clauses in one by writing for example:
process([Head| Tail], List) :-
( % condition
property(Head) ->
% then
List = [Head| Tail2],
process(Tail, Tail2)
; % else
process(Tail, List)
In this case, we use the Prolog standard if-then-else control construct. Note, however, that this construct does an implicit cut in the condition. I.e. we only take the first solution for the property/1 predicate and discard any other potential solutions. The use of this control construct also prevents using the process/2 predicate in reverse (e.g. calling it with an unbound first argument and a bound second argument) or using it to generate pairs of terms that satisfy the relation (e.g. calling it with both arguments unbound). These issues may or may not be significant depending on the property that you're using to filter the list and on the details of the practical problem that you're solving. More sophisticated alternatives are possible but out of scope for this introductory answer.

What does the following recursive Prolog call output?

I'm trying to learn prologue, but man am I having trouble.
I have an example below as well as what it outputs, and I'm clearly stuck on some concepts but not sure what.
output([c|R]):- output(R), !, nl.
output([X|R]) :- output(R), write(X).
?- output([a,b,c,d,e]).
Correct me if I'm wrong, but here is what I understand so far...
When we call output([a,b,c,d,e]).
prologue looks for a solution using unification,
it tries output([]) and fails, so it proceeds to the second output([c|R]) which then passes the tail of the list recursively into output([c|R]) until it hits the base case of output([]).
Now I get confused...It then hits the cut which locks R to [] and c with a value of e? how does the output afterwards happens? I'm really confused.
I think you're having a fundamental misunderstanding of what Prolog is doing and what unification is about. In Prolog when you make a query such as output([a,b,c,d,e]). Prolog will start from the beginning of your asserted facts and predicates and attempt to unify this term (your query) with a fact or the head of a predicate.
We need to stop here for a moment and understand what unification is. In Prolog, the operator =/2 is the unification operator and can be used to query the unification of two terms, term1 = term2. This query will succeed if term and term2 can be successfully unified. How can they be successfully unified? This can happen if there is a binding of variables in term1 and term2 such that the terms become, essentially, identical (by "essentially" I mean they might differ only in syntactic representation but are truly identical when in canonical form - see details below on what that is).
Here are examples of unification attempts that fail. You can enter these at a Prolog prompt and it will show immediate failure.
a = e. % This fails because the atom `a` is different than the atom `e1`
% There are no variables here that can change this fact
foo(X) = bar(Y)
% This fails because the functor `foo` is different than
% the functor `bar`. There's no way to get these terms to match
% regardless of how the variables `X` or `Y` might be instantiated
foo(a, Y) = foo(b, Y)
% This fails because no matter how the variable `Y` is instantiated
% the 1st argument of `foo` just cannot match. That is, the atom
% `a` doesn't match the atom `b`.
foo(a, b, X) = foo(a, b)
% This fails because the `foo/3` and `foo/2` have a different
% number of arguments. No instantiation of the variable `X` can
% change that fact
[1,2] = [1,2,3] % Fails because a list of 2 elements cannot match a list of 3 elements
[] = [_|_] % Fails because the empty list cannot match a list of at
% least one element.
[a,b,c] = [x|T] % Fails, regardless of how `T` might be bound, because `[a,b,c]`
% is a list whose first element is `a`
% and `[x|T]` is a list whose first element is `x`. The
% atoms `a` and `x` do not and cannot match.
Here are examples of successful unifications. You can test these as well at a Prolog prompt and you should get success or, if variables are involved, get at least one solution showing binding of variables that causes it to succeed:
a = a. % Trivial case: an atom successfully unifies with itself
X = a. % Succeeds with `X` bound to `a`
foo(X) = foo(a). % Succeeds with `X` bound to `a`
[a,b,c] = [a|T] % Succeeds with `T` bound to `[b,c]` because the first element
% `a` is the same in both cases.
[1,2,3] = [H|T] % Succeeds with `H` bound to 1, and `T` bound to `[2,3]`
% since `[1,2,3]` is equivalent to `[1|[2,3]]` (they are two
% different syntaxes representing the same term)
Just an aside: Prolog list syntax
We're writing lists using a form that's familiar from other languages. So [] is an empty list, and [1,2,3] is a list of the 3 elements 1, 2, and 3. You can also have lists inside of lists, or any terms in a list for that matter. This, for example, is a valid list of 3 elements: [a, [1,foo(a)], bar(x,Y,[])]. The first element is a, the second is a list of two elements, [1, foo(a)], and the third element is bar(x,Y,[]). In Prolog, you can also write a list in a form that describes the first of one or more elements and a tail. For example [H|T] is a list whose first element is H and the rest of the list is T (itself a list). A list of at least two elements could be written as [H|T] and you'd know that T has at least one element. Or you could write it as [H1,H2|T] and explicitly indicate the first two elements and understand that T would be a list of zero or more arguments. The first elements are individual elements of the list, and the tail is a list representing the rest of the list. The following forms all represent the list [a,b,c,d,e]:
If you had a list, L, and wanted prolog to ensure that L had at least two arguments, you could unify L with an anonymous list of 2 elements: L = [_,_|_]. This will only succeed if L is a list of at least two elements.
Another aside: canonical form
Prolog, though, has what it calls a canonical form for terms which is its fundamental representation of a given term. You can see the canonical form of a term by calling write_canonical(Term):
| ?- write_canonical([a,b,c]).
So that's interesting, what on earth is that? It doesn't look like a list at all! It's actually the canonical form in Prolog of what a list really looks like to Prolog (if you want to think of it that way). The fundamental term form in Prolog is a functor and zero or more arguments. The atom a is a term which could be viewed as a functor a with no arguments. The term foo(1,X) has functor foo and arguments 1 and X. The list [a,b,c] written that way is just a convenient syntax for programmers that make it easy to read. A list is actually formed by the functor '.' and two arguments: the head and the tail. So the list [H|T] in general is '.'(H,T) and the empty list [] is just itself, an atom representing the empty list. When Prolog unifies (or attempts to unify) two lists, it's really looking at a list as '.'(H, T) so it matches the '.' functor, then attempts to match arguments. In the case of multiple elements, it's a recursive match since T is itself a list.
Expressions in Prolog such as X + 3 are also a syntactic convenience for the canonical form, '+'(X, 3).
Back to our story
As we were saying, when you query output([a,b,c,d,e])., Prolog tries to unify this with heads of predicate clauses or facts that you have already asserted. Here's what you have asserted:
output([c|R]):- output(R), !, nl.
output([X|R]) :- output(R), write(X).
Starting from the top, Prolog attempts this unification:
output([a,b,c,d,e]) = output([])
This fails since there are no variables to change the terms to make them match. It fails because the list [a,b,c,d,e] and the empty list [] cannot match.
On to the next clause:
output([a,b,c,d,e]) = output([c|R])
This can only succeed if the unification [a,b,c,d,e] = [c|R] can succeed with some binding of R. You can look at this as [a|[b,c,d,e,]] = [c|R]. Clearly, for this unification to succeed, the first element of each list must match. But a and c don't match, so this fails.
On to the next one:
output([a,b,c,d,e]) = output([X|R])
Prolog attempts then to unify [a,b,c,d,e] with [X|R], or [a|[b,c,d,e]] with [X|R]... and this succeeds since X and R are variables and they can be bound as X = a and R = [b,c,d,e]. Now the body of the clause can be executed:
output([b,c,d,e]), write(a).
Before we can get to the write(a), the call output([b,c,d,e]) must execute first and succeed. Following the same logic above, the the first and second clauses of the output/1 predicate do not match. But the 3rd clause matches again with [b,c,d,e] = [X|R] resulting in X = b and R = [c,d,e]. Now the body of this clause is executed again (and you must remember we're now one level deep in a recursive call... the above call to output([b,c,d,e]) is pending awaiting the result):
output([c,d,e]), write(b).
Now it gets more interesting. The first clause of output/1 still doesn't match since [c,d,e] = [] fails. But the second clause now does match since [c,d,e] = [c|R] succeeds with the binding R = [d,e]. So that body is executed:
output([d,e]), !, nl.
Now we need to chase down the call to output([d,e]) (we're now another level deep in recursion remember!). This one fails to match the first two clauses but matches the 3rd clause, by [d,e] = [X|R] with bindings X = d and R = [e].
I could keep going but I'm getting tired of typing and I do have a real job I work at and am running out of time. You should get the idea hear and start working through this logic yourself. The big hint moving forward is that when you finally get to output([]) in a recursive call an you match the first clause, you will start "unwinding" the recursive calls (which you need to keep track of if you're doing this by hand) and the write(X) calls will start to be executed as well as the !, nl portion of the second clause in the case where c was matched as the first element.
Have fun...
The main problem with your reasoning is that c is not a variable but an atom. It cannot be unified with any other value.
So with your example input, for the first 2 calls it will not execute output([c|R]) (since a nor b can be unified with c), but it goes on to output([X|R]) instead. Only for the third call, when the head is c, the former clause is called. After this it will call the latter clause another 2 times for d and e, and then it hits the base case.
From that point on we can easily see the output: if first writes 'e', then 'd', then a new line (for the time we matched c), ad then b and a. Finally you get true as output, indicating that the predicate call succeeded.
Also note that due to the cut we only get a single output. If the cut wasn't there, we would also get edcba, since the c case would also be able to match the last clause.

Why am I getting Type error: `[]' expected, found `[21,3,4,5,6,7,8]' (a list) ("x" must hold one character) with maplist/3 prolog?

I am new to Prolog. I want a predicate that takes a list, process it with maplist/3 creating a corresponding list with zeros in place of numbers less than mean and 1 for number above the mean. I then want a second predicate to sum the 1's to find out how many numbers are above the mean. This second predicate then returns this number which corresponds to total numbers above the mean.
I know the code below works fine:
numAtOrAboveMean(Mean, Num, Val) :- Num > Mean -> Val is 1; Val is 0.
maplist(numAtOrAboveMean(Mean), [], List), sumlist(List, Below).
When I modified it to this, I get a type erros that expected [] but found a list. The comments correspond to how I think the predicate behavior is.
nGMean(Mean, Num, Val) :- Num > Mean -> Val is 1; Val is 0.%sorts list
nGMean([], _ , []). %takes a list, a constant, relates to a list
nGMean(L, Mean, List) : - maplist(nGMean(Mean), L, List). %maplist call sort
Then to sum I will use a second predicate. Something like this:
sumtotal(L,V) :- mean(L, M), M2 is M, nGMean(L, M2, List), sum(List, V).
Which is not working probably mostly because nGMean is throwing an error. nGMean full error is shown below:
So my question is, why am I getting that type error on the nGMean predicate?
Edit -As requested in comments below is the entire thing. As I explained that is the only part because I am testing it separately.
Thank you for answers. Next time I will post complete code.Or make clear that I just want to trouble shoot one predicate.
Maplist for numAtOrAboveMean
Full Pic of code on Editor
You should post complete code that can just be copied and run. In what you have posted, mean/2 and sum/2 are not defined.
(Addition:) the reason for the error seems to be that you are comparing a value and a list (2<[2,3|...]). The reason this happens is because your first clause for nGMean/3 has Mean as first parameter, whereas the other clauses has the list, i.e. the list becomes Mean which is used in the comparison (Num > Mean). I'm not sure how > becomes <.
Also, calling maplist/3 on an empty list does not make sense.
A recursive predicate should have two clauses. A recursive clause that (typically) does something with the head of the list and then calls recursively on the tail, and a base case (empty list).
nGMean([Num|Nums],Mean,[Val|List]) :-
( Num > Mean ->
Val = 1
; Val = 0 ),
With this definition I get the same output as your first two lines above, so I believe this is what you wanted.
(Earlier addition: you only need to use is when the right-hand side contains mathematical calculations. To just set a value, = is fine.)

replace elements in prolog

Am writing a program that includes a definition for the predicate 'word_replacements/2'. This predicate should be true if the two arguments are lists, and the second list is the same as the first but with all elements that are the single letter 'a' replaced by the letter 'e', and with all elements that are the single letter 'e' replaced by the letter 'a'. Your answer should reproduce the following example input/output:
?- word_replacements([e, a, s, i, l, y],Word_replacements).
Word_replacements = [a, e, s, i, l, y];
?- word_replacements(Word, [a,e,s,i,l,y).
Word = [e, a, s, i, l, y];
This is what I have tried but it just gives me false.
word_replacements([H|T], Word_replacements):-
A first thing to understand about Prolog is that you cannot reassign variables because of unification. Once you assign a value to a variable, it will never change again. This has implications for your example, since it seems you are trying to replace variables holding specific characters.
Of course there are various ways to solve this, but since you stated that you are new to prolog, I'll try to provide a (unfinished) simple way of writing this:
Firstly, we'll evaluate your code:
word_replacements([H|T], Word_replacements):-
(1) word_replacements(H,Replace_A),
(2) word_replacements(T,Replace_E),
(3) append(Replaced,[T],Word_replacements).
What you wrote is the following:
(1) : recursive call to word_replacements, however with H as first argument, since H is not a list, but an element, this will never pattern match and thus execution will fail here.
(2) : recursive call to word_replacements, this time with T, the tail of the list, and this indeed is a list as well, so that would be correct. However, as second argument, you specify a new uninstantiated variable 'Replace_E). Prolog does not know where this variable comes from and will thus give you the warning 'Singleton variable'. When you make recursive calls, you want to end up with a result afterwards, this means you will have to pass a known variable between recursive calls, instead of a new singleton variable.
(3) : here you try to append another new variable 'Replaced' with the tail of the letters enclosed in square brackets. This would wrap the tail, which is already in a list, into another list and you would end up with something like [['l','y']], which is not what you want.
Okay, we'll now start by breaking down the problem into the following possible states (this used to help me alot when I was new to Prolog):
The specified list of letters is empty
The current letter being read is an 'a'
The current letter being read is an 'e'
The current letter being read is some other letter than 'a' or 'e'
We now try to translate this into prolog code:
% Empty list
% If H is an 'e', we want to add an 'a' to our result
word_replacements([H|T],[a|R]) :-
% If H is an 'a', we want to add an 'e' to our result
word_replacements([H|T],[e|R]) :-
% If H is anything other than an 'a' or 'e', we want to keep that letter
word_replacements([H|T],[H|R]) :-
As you can see, we now wrote a structured model in which it is easy to specify different behaviour for different situations.
All that's left to do now, is for you to specify the conditions for each situation.
Good luck!

swi-prolog truth assignment?

So I have this exercise that I'm stuck on:
A formula is:
variable(V) iff V is an atom.
or(Flist) iff every element in the list is a formula
there are implies, and, neg too. the form looks similar.
We can represent a truth assignment (an assignment of values to variables) by a Prolog list of the form [Var1/Value1, Var2/Value2,...VarN/ValueN]. Write a predicate sub(?F,?Asst,?G) which succeeds iff G is a formula which is a result of substituting the variables of F with corresponding values from the assignment Asst. (You can assume that the truth assignment A is at least partially instantiated).
sub(variable(x), [x/tru], tru).
sub(or([variable(a),variable(b)]), [a/tru,b/fls], G).
G = or(tru,fls)
I've tried
G = variable(value).
But it just returns false.
Edit: Sorry I didn't make the question clear, Can someone explain to me if there's a way to assign values associated with variables in a list to another variable? I think it has something to do with unification.
Variables are placeholders.
Beware of case sensitivity: Prolog variable names start with an uppercase character or underscore, atoms with a lowercase character.
Your code snippet of sub/3 assumes that the list of
key-value pairs has exactly a length of one ([x/value]).
By using member/2 the lists can have arbitrary length.
When handling n-ary logical connectives like and / or, you probably want a short-circuit implementation that returns as soon as possible. Like so:
sub(variable(X),Assoc,Value) :-
sub(or([X|Xs]),Assoc,V) :-
( T = tru, V = tru % short-circuit logical-or
; T = fls, sub(or(Xs),Assoc,V)
