Use feh to open graphviz (dot) files - graphviz

in past, I used feh to open directly the *.dot files (from Graphviz), which was great, as I didn't have to convert each *.dot file to jpg/pdf individually in order to display them (although, I imagine that it must have done it automatically there). I often get generated a lot of DOT files in different folder. However, after reinstalling my OS (Mageia), it stop working. I guess, normally feh is not supposed to open dot files, however, I got used to it. I know I could have written a script which would convert DOT to PNG in a tmp directory and open it with feh. However, does anybody know how to do it directly with feh (as I did in past)?
Now, if I type:
feh WARNING: - No Imlib2 loader for that file format
feh: No loadable images specified.
See 'man feh' for detailed usage information
So my question is rather how to include support for dot files into the Imlib2 loader?
Thanks a lot.


how to convert pdf files to jpg with soffice command?

I've tried using soffice -writer and swriter to convert pdf files to jpg:
The documentation is pretty rare and I can't seem to make it work.
I'm sure something is happening because the OpenOficce icon shows up briefly but I don't know what because there is no trace of a new file...
I hope someone can help me...
This worked for me using LibreOffice 5:
for %F in (*.pdf) do "%ProgramFiles%\LibreOffice 5\program\soffice" -convert-to jpg "%F" -outdir conv
Explanation of the command:
To convert more than one file, the For command specifies each name separately.
\conv goes to C:\conv. To put the folder on the desktop instead, just use conv.
Use one dash rather than two on Windows.
No need for the headless argument.
It did not work in Apache OpenOffice, apparently for several reasons:
It had trouble reading the PDF.
It expected the conv folder to already exist.
Something seemed wrong with automatic conversion in general. It opened the file but nothing happened.

How to convert images from TIFF to JPG preserving the comments and tags

I am using preview (that comes with OS X El Capitan) feature to convert a file form TIFF format into JPG for example. I expected the export process will include the original comments, but it doesn't happen (it applies also for the tag fields).
The generated JPG file has no comment
The compression and change image format work, but the META INFO such as comment or tags are not exported.
Any suggestion or workaround about how to include that information. I need to convert about 500 images so manually copy/paste doesn't work for me.
Updated Answer
In the light of your comments, I think the best way forward is to try and identify how/where the comments are stored for each platform (Windows vs macOS) and then to decide which method you want to use going forward.
macOS Finder/Spotlight comments will not be legible on Windows, so if you want Windows compatibility, you need to standardise on JPEG or EXIF comments.
I recommend using exiftool which you can install with homebrew, using:
brew install exiftool
Then I suggest you try extracting the comments from your files to see how/where they are stored:
exiftool -a image.jpg
will show you all tags in image.jpg. Your comments may be under:
comment - which is the JPEG comment, or
EXIF:UserComment - which is the EXIF comment
If you find your comments in the JPEG or the EXIF section, you can extract just the comments with:
exiftool -comment image.jpg # extract JPEG comment
exiftool -EXIF:UserComment image.jpg # extract EXIF UserComment
Add the option -s3 to suppress the field-names in the above to save having to parse them out.
Likewise, you can set the comments with:
exiftool -comment="FUNKY JPEG COMMENT" image.jpg # set JPEG comment
exiftool -EXIF:UserComment="FUNKY EXIF USER COMMENT" image.jpg # set EXIF UserComment
You can also extract the EXIF user comments to a CSV with:
exiftool -EXIF:UserComment -csv *.jpg
a.jpg,FUNKY EXIF:UserComment
b.jpg,b FUNKY EXIF:UserComment
You can also apply comments from a CSV.
You should also be able to extract macOS/Spotlight/Finder comments using the script in my main answer:
$HOME/macOSGetFinderComment "/Users/someone/soneFile.tif"
Original Answer
I would suggest you try the following using ImageMagick.
First, use the Finder, or any other tool you are familiar with, to make a copy of your photos including the entire directory structure to some new place where we cannot damage your existing photos. So, let's say you copy (NOT move) the entire tree of TIFs to a subdirectory called "NEW" inside your HOME directory.
Then start the Terminal and change directory to "NEW":
cd NEW
Easy Method
If all the TIFs are in a single directory or two, just use mogrify:
mogrify -format jpg *.tif
Harder Method
If the TIF files are in multiple directories, you will need to work a bit harder. Inside Terminal copy and paste this:
find NEW -name \*.tif -exec sh -c 'new="${1%.tif}.jpg"; convert "{}" "$new"' _ {} \;
That starts looking in the "NEW" directory for files named "*.tif". When it finds one, it starts a new shell (sh) passing it the filename of the TIF. It then works out the new filename by replacing a trailing "tif" with "jpg" and invokes ImageMagick convert to do the conversion.
As regards the Finder/Spotlight comments, here is a little script to get the Finder comment of a file:
# macOSGetFinderComment
# Pass an absolute path to the file!
tell application "Finder" to get comment of item POSIX file "$file"
And here is one to set the Finder/Spotlight comment:
# macOSSetFinderComment
# Pass an absolute path to the file!
tell application "Finder" to set comment of item POSIX file "$file" to "$comm"
So, I would save those 2 scripts in your HOME directory and then make them executable with:
chmod +x macOS*FinderComment
Then save this file in your HOME directory under $HOME/CopyComments:
shopt -s nullglob
for f in $(pwd)/*.tif; do
comment=$($HOME/macOSGetFinderComment "$f")
echo Setting comment of $new to $comment
$HOME/macOSSetFinderComment "$new" "$comment"
and make it executable with:
chmod +x $HOME/CopyComments
and run it with:
cd NEW
I have posted this problem also in Apple Community, here is the solution proposed by VikingOSX. It is a big piece of code, so better download it from here or directly from the Apple Community Link mentioned. Here is a description about the solution as described in the original post:
Prompts for a source folder, and a destination folder.
Duplicates folder hierarchy from source to destination folder.
Selects all TIFF images in the folder hierarchy and converts them to JPEG.
For sub-folders and their files, transfers the original Finder comments, color tags and tag name(s) to the destination hierarchy.
The compression level for the JPG file is high, it can be modified for: medium or low in the line: save this_img as JPEG in outfile_name with compression level medium with icon
Limitation: Source folder can only contain one-level of sub-folders. Ignoring this will result in unplanned results.
Additional Comments
Uses a with timeout clause to allow for large number of files. AppleScript does not yet support Finder tag names, so this script uses AppleScript/Objective-C to get and set those tag name(s). Due to this extension, the script now requires AppleScript 2.4 and must be run on OS 10.10 or later.
Due to the AppleScript/Objective-C code, the script cannot be run interactively as a script/script bundle without using the control+command+R keyboard shortcut. A test is made when the script starts, and will warn appropriately. It is best to save the script as an application to avoid this keyboard shortcut altogether.
Save the script and then copy and paste the file contains into the Script Editor (you can find the application in the folder: Utilities under the name: Script Editor), compile and save the file with the format: Application, then double click on it to run the script application.
I have tested the script under with Mac Air 2010, with OS El Capitan, for a folder with 884 TIFF files with 2.25GB size and it takes about 18 minutes to convert them into JPG files with medium compression level. The generated files will contain the tags and comments from the original equivalent TIFF file.
Comment and tags generated in one platform for example Windows or mac OS are not visualized in the other platform. Tags created in Windows are treated in mac OS as keywords (Comand+i for visualizing them), but comments generated in Windows are not visualized in mac OS. This is general incompatibility problem that apply for photos in any format (for example TIFF or JPG).
EDIT (updated solution for solving cross-platform problem with comments)
Taking the idea from #MarkSetchell, I adapted the original script to at least solve the cross-platform problem from macOS to Windows, i.e. a comment from macOS can be seen in Windows platform. The idea is to use EXIF metadata. Then the Applescript will invoke the shell script for invoking the exiftool:
set uxFilepath to POSIX path of NewIMG
do shell script "/usr/local/bin/exiftool -overwrite_original -EXIF:UserComment=\"" & cmtstr & "\" " & uxFilepath
Windows processes the UserComment metadata from EXIF as a regular file comment. Now same comment on the TIF file will be on the JPG and also because such comments were copied (copy-paste) into an EXIF metadata the same information will be visualized under Windows. The same idea can be used for other file properties, in case Windows/Mac read it.
The EXIF metadata in macOS can be visualized from command line as suggest #MarkSetchell, but also from Finder: Command+o (to launch preview app), then Command+i (to launch the inspector). Then click on tap: "More Info", then the tab EXIF.
For the opposite process will require an script that does the opposite, i.e., copy EXIF comment using exiftool, into macOS comment. I have verified that in such case the Windows comment will appear under the label: XPComment. The script uses: UserComment, but it works using XPComment as label in both directions.

OS X - Make returning "Nothing to be done for <filename>"

First of all, I would like to apologize if I'm on the wrong stackexchange network, and secondly, sorry if I'm overlooking something simple.
I was moving files from my old hard drive from an old PC when I came across several password protected ZIP Files. However, since those files were a bit old, I forgot the passwords already. I tried every password I could come up with but I still came up empty. After several google searches, I found this tool/utility for Mac OS X that could help me. So I go to the downloads page and download the Mac OSX utility tool and the source code.
However, I am having problems executing the make command for the file. It says on the downloads page:
If you are using linux or another unix, you need to download the source code, uncompress it and type "make" to compile the utility.
So far, what I've tried is
$make /Users/myname/Downloads/aapr-0.01-source/Makefile
I have also tried the other files in the source folder but nothing worked. After that, I'm pretty much blank. I tried double clicking the aapr file in the utility download for Mac (which is a Unix Executable) and it opens a new terminal window displaying the commands and such. Also, doing $aapr [options] [filename] only shows me -bash: aapr: command not found. I also updated XCodes command line tools.
Sorry if I'm missing out on something very basic, I don't usually use the terminal on the OS X.
Try running
cd /Users/myname/Downloads/aapr-0.01-source
A Makefile contains rules for building files from other files but it is based on paths and contents, etc. which depend on your current location. So generally you need to be in the directory of the project for it to work.
Edit (copied from my comment):
To execute a command from a specific location (that isn't in the normal $PATH) you need to specify a path for it. So something like /bin/bash or ./aapr (where ./ means the current directory).

Import Query into Windows Grep tool

I've been using grepWin,
And I would like to somehow perform a series of queries for pdf links within .html files.
Thus far with the tool I have been using I just input each individual PDF name and copy the file paths of each reference.
This works fine but I have several hundred specific PDFs I need to find the references for,
And I was wondering if this was possible by using Cygwin or some other cmdline like Findstr to pipe a textfile of links to PDF's which I am searching.
I will give an example:
I would copy all of the paths to which the listed file is linked to within html files.
I then need that copied next to it, or in its own column within csv.
I'm not sure if it's at all probable anyone has asked this before. Currently I'm filling out a spreadsheet of links to these files for a website..
In Linux the following command will find all the html files which contain the specified string:
grep -Rl "Spring-Summer.pdf" <some root folder>
The -R option is to search recursively, and -l is to display just the file name without content.
The same should work on Cygwin.

Executing binary files with a shebang

I created a simple program that takes the path of a directory as an input, creates an archive of that directory (converting it into a single file), adds a shebang to that file (so that the contents of the file can be easily extracted), and writes the file to the base directory of the specified path.
The problem is that the file does not extract itself when I double click on it. Instead the operating system (I'm using Ubuntu 11.10) tries to open it with gedit. This obviously shows the shebang, random gibberish, and the contents of the archived files.
I made the file executable, first by using chmod +x; and when it still didn't work I tried chmod 777. However it still refuses to execute the file with the shebang when I double click on it. Perhaps this is because it's not a pure text file.
Interestingly when I try to execute the file directly from command line it reads the shebang and extracts the contents of the archive properly. So there's nothing wrong with my file format. I don't know much about what operating systems do when you double click on a file but I would sure like to understand.
It surely makes no sense to add a shebang to a file if you still need to manually execute it from the command line. One advantage could be that you don't need to specify the program to open it with but I believe that's hardly an advantage. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Update 1:
The program that creates the archive is called opm. It can be installed via the node package manager using the following command:
npm install opm
After that you simply use opm to pack and unpack directories for you. For example if I have a directory called test in my home directory then I can open a terminal and execute the following command to pack it:
opm test
This will create an archive of the directory called test.pack in the home directory. The .pack file has the shebang #!/usr/bin/opm. Opening a file with the extension .pack with opm tells it that it's an archive and opm unpacks it in the same directory.
Note: Change the name of the test.pack file if you do not want it to overwrite your existing test directory.
I added the shebang to the .pack file so that it would extract itself when I opened it. However that doesn't seem to work. Nevertheless if I run one of the following command then it works:
You may check my source code and make any modifications to the program as you may wish to.
Update 2:
Alright I created the following .desktop file for opm and stored it in the $HOME/.local/share/applications/ directory:
[Desktop Entry]
GenericName=Object Packer and Minifier
Comment=JavaScript Package Manager
Exec=opm %f
Now I was able to associate .pack files with opm by right clicking on a .pack file, going to the Properties window, the Open With tab, and setting opm.desktop as the default application. Now I am able to unpack a .pack file by simply opening it.
However I would like to know how to associate .pack files with the mime type application/opm. Currently the .pack files are associated with application/x-java-pack200. How do I do so? Is it better if I use a different extension (e.g. .opm)? By associating the packed archives with the mime type application/opm will the OS open them with opm by default without having to explicitly set a default application from Properties > Open With?
If there's already a MIME-type associated with .pack then you'll want to use a different extension (.opm) to associate with your MIME-type (application/opm). The way you automatically associate a program that opens files of a specific MIME-type is with xdg-mime .
Edit ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list and put your MIME/application combo under [Default Applications] like so:
[Default Applications]
Place your opm.desktop file in ~/.local/share/applications/ folder. (You've already done this)
