Routing in Codeigniter (:any) gives me strange results - codeigniter

Here i'm using below routing config
$route['controllername/(:any)'] = "controllername/index/$1";
this is working well for me, but i want to use other methods in the same controller.
for that i'm using below route
$route['controllername/search'] = "controllername/search";
this is also working fine, but i want pass parameters to this method.
Here if i'm passing parameters but it is calling index method
i want to use both of above routes, i have tried with below route also but same result
$route['controllername/search/(:any)'] = "controllername/search/$1";
could anyone give any suggestions?

Ok.Do it like this for routing multiple functions in same controller :
$route['default_controller'] = "controller_name";
$route['index/(:any)'] = "controller_name/index/$1";
$route['search/(:any)'] = "controller_name/search/$1";
Let me know if you find any issues or doubts.

change your roouting rules position like below
$route['controllername/search/(:any)'] = "controllername/search/$1";
$route['controllername/search'] = "controllername/search";
$route['controllername/(:any)'] = "controllername/index/$1";


How to convert CodeIgniter urls into user friendly ones?

I've explored lot of questions and articles regarding this but I can't find how to get this done.
I'm doing a website which provides specifications of several products such as phones, tablets, tv etc. Here's what I've:
Controller - Specs (create and display specification of all products)
Method - Display (fetches detailed specs of selected model and shows)
Method - Index (lists names of all models stored in the table. this is where I build anchor links)
Display method takes three arguments (1, 2, 3).
1 - Type of product (Phones, Tablets, TV etc)
2 - Model Slug (iphone-6, galaxy-tab-s3, bravia-kdl-50w800d etc)
3 - Model ID (1, 4, 13 etc)
My URLs right now are like this:
What I want to achieve is URLs which are like this:
I don't mind restructuring my tables/controllers/methods or anything else if this can be achieved using whatever.
Thanks for reading.
$route['default_controller'] = 'Specs/index';
$route['404_override'] = 'Errors/show_404';
$route['translate_uri_dashes'] = FALSE;
This is how I'm building the anchor links (view_file->index.php, called from Index method):
foreach model(in the table)
echo anchor(specs_controller.display_function.product_type.model_slug.model_id, model_name);
end foreach
I can get the desired URLs with following code in route.php. Only problem is I'm not able to make the 'urlController/urlMethod' return a value in the function which can be assigned to $result variable.
$route['(:any)'] = function ($1)
$result = 'urlController/urlMethod/'.$1;
return $result;
I'm not sure how to do this. Can someone suggest how I should call 'urlController/urlMethod'?
You could achieve it with CodeIgniter URI Routing. Considering
maps to
And, model id i.e 4, in this case, is static with respect to galaxy tab s3, as you have not mentioned any such Id in the simplified URL.
My understanding is with every URL localhost/sitename/iphone-6, you need three details about the string 'iphone-6'. i.e. type of product, model-slug, model id. One way could be write something like
$route['sitename/(:any)'] = 'routingController/commonRoutingMethod/$1';
Here, create a new routingController and write some logic into commonRoutingMethod() method, which takes the string like iphone-6 and fetches its all three details i.e. product type, model id etc. And then redirects by building the exact URL using
header('Location: http://localhost/sitename/specs/display/$productType/$modelSlug/$modelId/');
NOTE : There could be more forward ways just using regex match in routes.php, given that you create diffrentiated structure of the string, based on product type and model id e.g p_iphone-6_1 or t_galaxy-tab-s3_4.
Please use below routing code, to achieve it.
$route['(:any)'] = 'specs/display/$1/$1/$1';
Let me know if you need any help.

laravel paginate passing additional var

let say i have url like this
but when i used laravel pagination link, my passing variabel by url disappear like this
i want laravel paginate to pass my url variable too like this
so far i already try to set baseurl like this
$listproduct = DB::table('product')->paginate(15);
but the result is like this (? not &)
i used laravel 4.2
you can use setPath()
or if you only want to add to the query string you may use
$users->appends(['idcategory' => '3'])
You can use this method to append more arguments to your pagination link:
$listproduct->appends(['idcategory' => $id])->links();

Laravel - Get route by a route name

route('products.create') returns full path like
How do I get the actual route? Only this -> products/create?
There is no such functionality provided by Laravel at this point. However, you may try this:
$extra = URL::to('/');
$actual = route('products.create');
str_replace($extra, '', $actual);
That will remove the unnecessary base URL from your route URL.

Coginter Clean Url

I am using Coginter
i want to clean url
i have url
i want this url
in routes file i write code
$route['categories/(:any)'] = "$1";
But this is not working
Can anybody have idea
Here it is,
current :
desired :
then on application/config/routes.php
add this routing RULE
//if class = newarticle , method = categories , 3rd seg = get_categories ,4th (:any) wildcard
$route['newarticle/categories/get_categories/:any'] = "newarticle/electronics";
A URL containing the segments newaricle/categories/get_categories will be remapped to the class newarticle and method electronics

CodeIgniter: current_url shows question mark

Say my page is on:
The result of current_url() is this:
There is a ? that shouldn't be there. The question mark seems to be caused by the following config setting:
$config['enable_query_strings'] = TRUE;
I need query strings enabled in my application. Any ideas what I need to do?
Also, in the case when the URL does have a query string, I need current_url to also return that. I'm hoping Phil Sturgeon's solution here CodeIgniter current_url doesn't show query strings will help me.
I'm using CI 2.1.0.
As mentioned, $config['enable_query_strings'] is sort of a "legacy" setting in Codeigniter from back when there was no support $_GET (really, none).
Enabling Query Strings
In some cases you might prefer to use query strings URLs:
c === Your controller name
m === Your method name
The rest is the method arguments. It's a very misleading description, and there's no mention of the other setting or query strings at all in the rest of the URL docs. I've never heard of anyone actually using this. CI comes with $config['allow_get_array']= TRUE; by default, which is what you want.
You can modify the current_url() function for query string support, just create application/helpers/MY_url_helper.php and use this:
function current_url($query_string = FALSE)
$CI =& get_instance();
$current_url = $CI->config->site_url($CI->uri->uri_string());
if ($query_string === TRUE)
// Use your preferred method of fetching the query string
$current_url .= '?'.http_build_query($_GET);
return $current_url;
Then call it like current_url(TRUE) to include the query string.
Don't use: $config['enable_query_strings'] = TRUE;
Use this instead: $config['allow_get_array']= TRUE;
enable_query_strings is not what you think and is not used much.
To build your own query strings, use one of these two:
$query_string = http_build_query($this->input->get());
$query_string = $this->input->server('QUERY_STRING');
along with this:
$lastseg_with_query = $lastseg.'?'.$query_string;
Please consult this SO Q&A for more information: URI Segment with Question Mark
