Reopen closed tab in adium (hotkey ) - macos

How to reopen closed tab in Adium(version 1.5.10)? I tried arrow top + cmd + T, but it doesn't work, why?
If i click with mouse in menu (File -> Reopen closed window), it works.

The problem, was resolved , thanks to xnyhps in freenode#adium!
I must use shift key instead arrow key.


How edit multiple lines on Xcode (shortcut)

I'm sorry, I don't find an already asked question for this problem...
in Xcode, what is the shortcut to edit multiples lines like the "CMD+click" of sublime text?
It is possible with Xcode 10+, see the wwdc2018 presentation of the functionality.
Ways to create multiple cursors:
⇧ Shift + ⌃ Control + Left Mouse Click: Will create a new cursor on every click
⇧ Shift + ⌃ Control + ↑: Will create a new cursor above
⇧ Shift + ⌃ Control + ↓: Will create a new cursor bellow
⌥ Option + drag: Will create a new cursor on every line you drag
For more information, see this answer
I'm not sure how helpful this is to you, but if you want to change a variable name, you can click it, hover over it until the triangle dropdown button appears, click it and select Edit All in Scope.
This allows you to change all instances of that variable name.
Multiline editing is supported in Xcode 10, Ctrl + Shift + click the lines you want to edit.
Select the line you want to edit, then press option + command for a moment
I had this same question a few weeks ago, if you use the Option Key you can use column select and edit multiple lines like in your picture.
Where the confusion comes in is it is used for multiple things. If you click the option key over a variable or text it shows a question mark and shows information about what you click on. However, if you hold the option key while before the line or not over text it shows up as a plus symbol and you can drag and select multiple lines and edit them at the same time.

Shorten code automatically in Xcode

I was wondering if it was possible to shorten code automatically in the last version of xcode. You know, when you press on the side of a void method for example and the (...) appear, and you have a shorter page. Is there a command to do it?
Click on the Editor>Code Folding menu and you'll see all your options for this, along with the keyboard shortcuts.
The shortcut is cmnd + shift + option + left arrow key. This will collapse all functions.
You can press command + alt + left cursor key on your keyboard to fold your codes or press command + alt + right cursor key to unfold. Make sure your pointer is inside of the curly brackets.

Visual Studio Minimize regions shortcut? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Command to collapse all sections of code?
(21 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
Is there a shortcut key in Visual Studio that will minimize all of the regions or + signs so that I don't have to go through and click each one individually?
C-m, C-o // collapse all
C-m, C-l // expand all
C-m, C-m // collapse, expand one
Where C is short for Ctrl. You can find more shortcuts at the msdn site
You can find the commands by going to Keyboard Options under the Tools menu, they are mapped to these commands
Edit.CollapseToDefinitions (C-m, C-o),
Edit.ToggleOutliningExpansion (C-m, C-m) and
Edit.ToggleAllOutlining (C-m, C-l)
If you are using Visual Studio Code the commands are similar but work differently. The commands are roughly these
C-k 2 - Fold Level 2
C-k C-j - Unfold all
C-k [ - Unfold recursively (unfold where the caret is)
You can search for Fold or Unfold commands (using C-S-p) to find all of them.
Ctrl + M,M - expand/collapse at caret
Ctrl + M,O - collapse all in document
Ctrl + M,L - expand all in document
Ctrl + M, Ctrl + M
You can perform this on a selection too.

What are your most frequently used shortcut keys in visual studio? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Recently , I found some shortcut key really helpful which I never used before .
Such keys like F7 ,F3 ,Ctrl+g help me a lot when editing and debuging.
What are your most frequently used shortcut keys in visual studio?
including Resharper's shortcuts:
Ctrl-Shift-B (build)
F12 (go to definition)
Shift-F12 (find usages)
Ctrl-- (go to last location)
Alt-Shift-L (go to current file in the solution explorer)
Alt-\ (find member)
Ctrl-T (find type)
Ctrl-Shift-T (find file)
Shift-Esc (close current dialog)
Ctrl-Shift-S (save all files - VS tends to forget)
EDIT: added explanations
I always use the debugging keyboard shortcuts - F9 (toggle breakpoint), F10 (step over) and F11 (step into). I can't believe that some of my coworkers actually use the toolbar buttons for this - it's insanely more efficient to use the shortcuts.
Standard VS keys of F12 for going to the definition and then CTRL+- to go back to where I was before that.
Probably the two shortcuts that get me around VS and my code quicker than any other.
Ctrl + . for bringing up the smart tag for adding namespaces, renaming/refactoring, etc.
I also remapped Ctrl + B to build, Ctrl + Shift + P to Build Selection (in a sense, Build Project) and Ctrl + W to close window.
CTRL+K CTRL+C for comment selection and CTRL+K CTRL+U for uncomment selection (They may be mapped to CTRL+E CTRL+C and CTRL+E CTRL+C in some standard keyboard mappings, but the first two will generally still work...)
The most used keyboard shortcut is Ctrl-Tab to switch between tabs.
Another one I use alot is Ctrl-I to start incremental search.
Two more:
Alt+Ctrl+C for Call Stack
Alt+Ctrl+I for Immidiate window
(Both helpful while debugging)
The list is endless. To maximize readble code space, I've removed all my toolbars. If I want to do it, I have to know the keyboard shortcut for it.
Aside from the basics, I constantly use things like Ctrl-M,O, Ctrl-K,C, Ctrl-K,U, Ctrl-K,D, Ctrl-Alt-E, Ctrl-Alt-P. I have also made a little smiley-face button for "Remove and Sort Usings" because navigating through the right-click menu takes too long and it doesn't have a hotkey that I know of.
Ctrl+Shift+F9 to delete all the break points in a solution. Very handy when people leave them spattered all over the solution!
Shift + F6 to build current project, Shift +F5 to stop debugging
I use many, but most useful I think is
CTRL+K Kfor setting a bookmark
and CTRL+K N for going to next bookmark and CTRL+K P for previous
CTRL+D and then ">of $filename" (open filename),
CTRL+K+C (comment selection),
CTRL+K+F (format),
CTRL+X and CTRL+C on a line to cut
or copy the entire line
I use the bookmark shortcuts alot: Ctrl-K Ctrl-K to create a bookmark, Ctrl-K Ctrl-N to cycle through them.
Ctrl-Shift-B to build is probably the most executed though.
Ctrl + B
which for me is build current project.
I use it less in VS2008 SP1 with the error highlighting so
Ctrl + D
which for me is Go To Definition is starting to edge it out.
I never can remember shortcuts, but Ctrl + - . is one of the few I can remember and use often. With Resharper installed, Alt + Enter is Ctrl . on steroids. Both intelligently resolve a variety of errors or refactorings.

Favorite Windows keyboard shortcuts [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm a keyboard junkie. I love having a key sequence to do everything. What are your favorite keyboard shortcuts?
I'll start by naming a couple of mine:
1 - Alt-Space to access the windows menu for the current window
2 - F2 to rename a file in Windows Explorer
Win + Pause/Break to bring up computer information and to access environment variables under the Advanced tab.
Win + R to go straight to the run box (though I barely use this anymore since I started with Launchy).
Of course Alt + Tab but also Alt + Shift + Tab for going backwards.
Oh, and personally, I hate Ctrl + F4 for closing tabs - too much of a pinky stretch.
Oh and try Win + Tab on Windows 7 (with Aero on).
Win + 1 .. 9 -- Start quick launch shortcut at that index (Windows Vista).
Ctrl + Scroll Lock, Scroll Lock -- Crash your computer: Windows feature lets you generate a memory dump file by using the keyboard
#gabr -- Win + D is show desktop, Win + M minimizes all windows. Hitting Win + D twice brings everything back as it has only shown the desktop window in front of the other windows.
Alt-F4 to close a program.
WindowsKey + L to lock my workstation
Ctr-Shift-Ins to copy text from a textbox
Alt-Print Screen to capture a shot of just a window
WindowsKey + R to open the "Run" dialog (XP Pro only- does something else on XP Home)
Win-D to minimize all applications
Ctrl-Shift-Esc to open Task Manager
Win-L to lock the computer..
To maximize a window: Alt+Space, X
To restore a window: Alt+Space, R
To minimize a window: Alt+Space, N
To close a window: Alt+Space, C
I try to stick to my keyboard as well. I frequently use...
Win+L to Lock my system
Alt+F4 to close a program
Win+R to launch from the Run Window (Used for frequent programs instead of going through QuickLaunch)
F2 to rename a file
Win+D to go to Desktop
Alt+Tab and Alt+Tab+Shift to cycle through open programs
Visual Studio
Alt, D (debug), P (process), W (webdev process)
Alt, T (Tools), P (process), W (webdev process) for VS 2008
Alt, M, O to collapse to definitions
F5 to launch
F9, F10, and F11 for stepping through debugger
Alt+K, D to format a document
Alt+K, C to comment
Alt+K, U to uncomment
Alt+W to close tab
F6 to focus on the address bar
How is this not here?
+Pause to System Information. Then the system PATH variable is only 2 clicks away (Advanced system settings,Environment Variables...)
F4 in windows explorer to access the location bar trivially.
Menu key (next to the right-hand windows key) + W + F to create a new folder in explorer.
Win + E to open an Windows Explorer reference
Win + R from the Run box
Ctrl + Esc to open the start menu
And, of course, Alt + F4 to close things.
A few basic keyboard shortcuts for clipboard operations, text selection, and navigation that work in most Windows programs:
Ctrl+X - Clipboard Cut
Ctrl+C - Clipboard Copy
Ctrl+V - Clipboard Paste
Selecting Text
Ctrl+A - Select All (in the current field or document)
Shift+[navigate with ▲/▼, Home/End, or Pg Up/Pg Dn] - Select text between the caret's previous and new positions. Continue to hold Shift and navigate to select more text.
Ctrl+left arrow / Ctrl+right arrow - Move the caret to the previous/next word
Ctrl+Home / Ctrl+End - Go to beginning/end of the current field or document
Bonus Tip!
Before submitting a web form where you've entered a lot of text into a text field (for example, an email in a web-based mail client -- or a new question or answer on Stack Overflow!), do a quick Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C on the field. That way, if something goes wrong with the submit (even if the browser crashes), you haven't lost your work -- you have a copy of it sitting on the clipboard.
Ctrl+Shift+Esc to go straight to the task manager without any intermediate dialogs.
In calc, F5, F6, F7, F8 cycle between Hex, Dec, Oct, Bin mode.
I use the free AutoHotKey, then I define my own shortcuts:
dobule tap F4 quickly => Close active Windows (like Alt+F4 but with one finger only)
double tap Right Alt quickly => Find and Run Robot task manager
F12 => open Find and Run Robot Locate32 plugin (I use it like a very lightweight desktop search)
Ctrl+Up / Down in a command window => scroll back / forward command line like the mouse wheel
Ctrl+w in a command windows => close window
For when you have a window stuck under an appbar and can't get at that window's system menu to move it:
alt-spacebar -> M -> arrow keys -> return
On Windows Vista, if you bring up the Start menu and search for a program, pressing Ctrl+Shift+Enter will run the selected program as Administrator. So to open an Administrator command prompt:
Windows key, type "cmd", Ctrl+Shift+Enter
My personal favourite is WinKey, U, Enter - shuts Windows down! ;-)
win+M to minimise all. Useful for quick trips to the desktop.
+[type name of program] to launch a program in Vista
+E for explorer
+F for find
Alt+Tab to swap between programs
Ctrl+Tab to swawp between tabs
Not really a 'Windows' shortcut, but the Ctrl+Alt+numpad and Ctrl+Alt+[arrows] to move and resize windows and move them to another monitor using WinSplit Revolution are absolutely great. I would never use large or multiple monitors without them.
Ctrl + Shift + ESC : Run Task Manager
Ctrl/Shift + Insert : Copy/Paste
Shift + Delete : Cut (text)
Win + L : Lock System
Win + R : Run
Ctrl + Pause Break : Break Loop (Programming)
Ctrl + Tab : Tab Change
Win+Pause/Break for System Properties
Win+E: open windows explorer
Win+F: find
Win+R: run
Win+M: minimize all windows
Win+Shift+M: restore all windows
Alt+F4: close program
Alt+Tab: switch between tasks
Ctrl+Alt+Del: task manager
Repeat Ctrl + Alt + Del Twice!
Many say that Win-D minimises all applications. Not true. It simply shows the desktop. Use Win-M to minimise all open windows. Use Win-Shift-M to restore them to their previous state.
By the way, did you notice that the Sift key can be combined with most of the usual shortcuts? e.g. Alt+Tab : cycle through applications 1->2->3->4->...1 Add Shift to the shortcut and you will be cycling in the opposite direction 1<-2<-3<-4<- ...1
Control+Tab to switch between Tabs in most Windows applications (sadly not in Eclipse) - you can already guess what Ctr+Shift+Tab will do. Especially handy in Firefox, IE, etc... where you have more than one Tab open and try going to the previous one. Very handy.
And one more tip, this is soooo handy, I love it. Only found out about it a couple of weeks ago:
FireFox users: tired of rightclick->Open Link in New Tab?
Click a link with MIDDLE mouse button and it will open in a new tab (depends on your Tabs settings in Tools->Options but by default would work). The magical thing about this is that it works even for the browser's Back button! Also when you type a search term into the Google box (usually in top right corner) and middle-click the search button, the search results are opened in a new tab. Closing tabs is also much easier with the middle mouse button (of course you can do Ctrl+W but sometimes the mouse is simply in your hand). You don't have to click the tab's red button to close it. Simply middle-click anywhere on the tab and it will be closed.
I just tried the middle button in IE 7 and seems to work just like it does in FF, except for the Back-button and Search widget.
Ctrl + Shift + Esc -> Open Task Manager
Ctrl + W -> closes windows in MDIs where Ctrl+F4 doesn't work
Those and the Win + Number is Vista are used constantly.
Also a nice trick is Win + Tab -> cycles through program groups on task bar in Windows Xp and Server 2003. (i.e. same as Vista without the previews).
It's not a keyboard shortcut, but my favourite trick is to bind the large thumb button on the rat to move window, the smaller thumb button to resize. That way, windows can be moved and resized very easily and naturally. You can probably to that in windows too.
As for keyboard tricks, I use right ctrl+keypad to pick (one of nine) virtual screens. Very quick and natural.
In any dialog with tabs, Ctrl-Page Up/Down to cycle between the tabs.
Not really an answer, but a hint for a good source to look from - if no one cited it above wikipedia has all ( for the most important OS's) - not the best
I don't have favorites among keyboard shortcuts -- they are all utility entities to me...
Except for +L, which means another coffee break!
Windows right click key, next to the right alt can be very useful.
For the noobs,
tab and shift-tab to cycle through inputs
alt-tab and alt-shift-tab to cycle through the windows
ctrl-tab and alt-shift-tab to cycle through the tabs
ctrl-printscreen to snapshot the entire screen
and alt-printscreen to snapshot the current window
for some dialog windows ctrl-c will copy the message
alt-space then e,p to paste in windows console
alt-space then e,k to mark in console
tab and shifttab to cycle autocomplete in console
Visual Studio
ctrl-shift-f Search in files
ctrl-f Search page
F12 Goto definition of the current word
F2 Rename selected text
F4 Open properties tab for selected
Highlight section and tab or shifttab Indent a block of text
ctrl-k,d Format Document
ctrl-k,c Comment out highlighted text
ctrl-k,u,c Un-comment highlighted text
ctrl-m,o Collapse to definitions
ctrl-m,m Toggle open and close the current method/function
ctrl-alt,l Open solution pane
ctrl-alt,o Open output pane
and of course ctrl-space for intellisense
My favourites are the following (which I have not been able to spot in the responses above):
F12 Save as in Office applications
Ctrl + Home Scroll to the top of the page in most applications or go to cell A1 in Excel
Ctrl + Delete Go back to the cursor in a Word document or back to the active cell in Excel
Ctrl + Shift + End Select a whole table in Excel from its top-left corner. If the table starts at A1, use in conjunction with the above for super speedy one-handed table selecting
It's already been said, but I'm repeating F6 to go directly to the browser address bar because it rocks!
