Why should not I use static import of Mockito methods? - maven

I have no idea why people with me say this that don't use static import of Mockito methods while writing
unit test cases.
They say doing so may dramatically increase memory usage and caused build failures.
I want to know whether they are right or wrong. And please explain the reason behind it.
Please share links, thoughts or personal experiences.

I use the static import for a long time in my unit test. Static import from org.junit.Assert and org.mockito.Mockito. By doing this the syntax is more concise and my test is more readable.
There isn't any performance issue. This is just a syntactic sugar:
syntax within a programming language that is designed to make things easier to read or to express. (wikipedia)
You could have problem if you are importing two methods or constants with the same name.
Well in this case you will have to disambiguate.
But it is the same problem if you are using two different classes having the same name (You will have to use a qualified name).
import java.awt.List
java.util.List dataList = new ArrayList();
List viewList = new List();


Confused about the Interface and Class coding guidelines for TypeScript

I read through the TypeScript Coding guidelines
And I found this statement rather puzzling:
Do not use "I" as a prefix for interface names
I mean something like this wouldn't make a lot of sense without the "I" prefix
class Engine implements IEngine
Am I missing something obvious?
Another thing I didn't quite understand was this:
For consistency, do not use classes in the core compiler pipeline. Use
function closures instead.
Does that state that I shouldn't use classes at all?
Hope someone can clear it up for me :)
When a team/company ships a framework/compiler/tool-set they already have some experience, set of best practices. They share it as guidelines. Guidelines are recommendations. If you don't like any you can disregard them.
Compiler still will compile your code.
Though when in Rome...
This is my vision why TypeScript team recommends not I-prefixing interfaces.
Reason #1 The times of the Hungarian notation have passed
Main argument from I-prefix-for-interface supporters is that prefixing is helpful for immediately grokking (peeking) whether type is an interface. Statement that prefix is helpful for immediately grokking (peeking) is an appeal to Hungarian notation. I prefix for interface name, C for class, A for abstract class, s for string variable, c for const variable, i for integer variable. I agree that such name decoration can provide you type information without hovering mouse over identifier or navigating to type definition via a hot-key. This tiny benefit is outweighed by Hungarian notation disadvantages and other reasons mentioned below. Hungarian notation is not used in contemporary frameworks. C# has I prefix (and this the only prefix in C#) for interfaces due to historical reasons (COM). In retrospect one of .NET architects (Brad Abrams) thinks it would have been better not using I prefix. TypeScript is COM-legacy-free thereby it has no I-prefix-for-interface rule.
Reason #2 I-prefix violates encapsulation principle
Let's assume you get some black-box. You get some type reference that allows you to interact with that box. You should not care if it is an interface or a class. You just use its interface part. Demanding to know what is it (interface, specific implementation or abstract class) is a violation of encapsulation.
Example: let's assume you need to fix API Design Myth: Interface as Contract in your code e.g. delete ICar interface and use Car base-class instead. Then you need to perform such replacement in all consumers. I-prefix leads to implicit dependency of consumers on black-box implementation details.
Reason #3 Protection from bad naming
Developers are lazy to think properly about names. Naming is one of the Two Hard Things in Computer Science. When a developer needs to extract an interface it is easy to just add the letter I to the class name and you get an interface name. Disallowing I prefix for interfaces forces developers to strain their brains to choose appropriate names for interfaces. Chosen names should be different not only in prefix but emphasize intent difference.
Abstraction case: you should not not define an ICar interface and an associated Car class. Car is an abstraction and it should be the one used for the contract. Implementations should have descriptive, distinctive names e.g. SportsCar, SuvCar, HollowCar.
Good example: WpfeServerAutosuggestManager implements AutosuggestManager, FileBasedAutosuggestManager implements AutosuggestManager.
Bad example: AutosuggestManager implements IAutosuggestManager.
Reason #4 Properly chosen names vaccinate you against API Design Myth: Interface as Contract.
In my practice, I met a lot of people that thoughtlessly duplicated interface part of a class in a separate interface having Car implements ICar naming scheme. Duplicating interface part of a class in separate interface type does not magically convert it into abstraction. You will still get concrete implementation but with duplicated interface part. If your abstraction is not so good, duplicating interface part will not improve it anyhow. Extracting abstraction is hard work.
NOTE: In TS you don't need separate interface for mocking classes or overloading functionality.
Instead of creating a separate interface that describes public members of a class you can use TypeScript utility types. E.g. Required<T> constructs a type consisting of all public members of type T.
export class SecurityPrincipalStub implements Required<SecurityPrincipal> {
public isFeatureEnabled(entitlement: Entitlement): boolean {
return true;
public isWidgetEnabled(kind: string): boolean {
return true;
public areAdminToolsEnabled(): boolean {
return true;
If you want to construct a type excluding some public members then you can use combination of Omit and Exclude.
Clarification regarding the link that you reference:
This is the documentation about the style of the code for TypeScript, and not a style guideline for how to implement your project.
If using the I prefix makes sense to you and your team, use it (I do).
If not, maybe the Java style of SomeThing (interface) with SomeThingImpl (implementation) then by all means use that.
I find #stanislav-berkov's a pretty good answer to the OP's question. I would only share my 2 cents adding that, in the end it is up to your Team/Department/Company/Whatever to get to a common understanding and set its own rules/guidelines to follow across.
Sticking to standards and/or conventions, whenever possible and desirable, is a good practice and it keeps things easier to understand. On the other side, I do like to think we are still free to choose the way how we write our code.
Thinking a bit on the emotional side of it, the way we write code, or our coding style, reflects our personality and in some cases even our mood. This is what keeps us humans and not just coding machines following rules. I believe coding can be a craft not just an industrialized process.
I personally quite like the idea of turning a noun into an adjective by adding the -able suffix. It sounds very impropper, but I love it!
interface Walletable {
export class Wallet implements Walletable {
The guidelines that are suggested in the Typescript documentation aren't for the people who use typescript but rather for the people who are contributing to the typescript project. If you read the details at the begging of the page it clearly defines who should use that guideline. Here is a link to the guidelines.
Typescript guidelines
In conclusion as a developer you can name you interfaces the way you see fit.
I'm trying out this pattern similar to other answers, but exporting a function that instantiates the concrete class as the interface type, like this:
export interface Engine {
rpm: number;
class EngineImpl implements Engine {
constructor() {
this.rpm = 0;
export const createEngine = (): Engine => new EngineImpl();
In this case the concrete implementation is never exported.
I do like to add a Props suffix.
interface FormProps {
some: string;
const Form:VFC<FormProps> = (props) => {
The type being an interface is an implementation detail. Implementation details should be hidden in API:s. That is why you should avoid I.
You should avoid both prefix and suffix. These are both wrong:
What you should do is to make a pretty name visible in the API and have a the implemtation detail hidden in the implementation. That is why I propose:
Car - An interface that is exposed in the API.
CarImpl - An implementation of that API, that is hidden from the consumer.

Is there a way in Force.com Apex code to "import packages / namespaces" as in java/cpp ?

As in C++ we use,
using namespace std;
Or in Java we use,
import packageName;
Is there a way to import / use a package or namespace while writing Force.com Apex code?
For instance, I am writing simple Apex in Developer Console in "Execute Anonymous Window" as
System.debug('Hello world!');
Is there any way to write something like
import System;
debug('Hello world!');
This link seemed relevant, but did not answer my syntactical concern.
Any help is appreciated! Redirecting to something obvious which I might have missed is more than welcome, Thanks!
I think this is a hidden detail in APEX. I've extended classes and referenced system methods without ever having to worry about it.
It might work to think of Salesforce managing one big import list that it adds to all of your code. When you declare a class as global it gets added to your global import list. At least this line in the documentation hints in that direction, "The global access modifier declares that this class is known by all Apex code everywhere."
Regarding namespaces, I've only seen this made available as part of managed packages. So for instance, SteelBrick's managed package QuoteQuickly has the prefix SBQQ on all of it's code. More about that here. I don't believe you can namespace in any other way.
There are some really sharp peeps over at salesforce.stackexchange.com that would know better than me though. I think you should ask over there.
EDIT At DreamForce '13 I attend a presentation by Steven Herod where he made his DTO classes inner classes and referenced them elsewhere like this: QuoteModel.QuoteRequest and QuoteModel.QuoteResponse. I asked him about it and he said it was a decent way of mimicking namespaces. I found his slide deck but it didn't include the code he demo'd live. I found this code which illustrates it a bit anyways. Look for addTextrBox.textBoxClass.

Is it reasonable to use a non-static class if that class does not contain state?

At my workplace there seems to currently be a crusade against static classes. I can understand part of that, they do sort of break the whole unit testing modularity thing. However, I am seeing an influx of code reviews that call for removing static classes.
A common case is a utility class this is spring-injected with a few other objects that are "known" at compile-time. It has no other member variables. If class M is calling this static class, I always see the suggestion to make this utility class non-static and inject it into class M.
This doesn't make sense to me. I don't particularly see anything wrong with it other than that it seems a waste of time and makes utility class less easily usable. As far as I can tell the justification is usually for unit testing, but I don't like the idea that valid code has to be changed to conform to a testing paradigm. Admittedly mocking a simple static utility class would probably be overkill.
Are static classes appropriate in this use case, or best avoided?
I think the differences in the two approaches are small, but as long as the class contain no state it is slightly better to make it static. Let's say I have this code in class A:
If I want to use this code in class B I can copy and paste. That's it. No adding member variables, injection, etc. cmd-c cmd-v.
Considering your existing code uses static classes and modifying that will take work, it's definitely best to continue using static classes.
I vote for using the static classes... i.e. A class with just static methods for purely Utility purposes. Even java has provided us such classes like java.util.Collections and java.util.Arrays
If you pretend for a moment that your static class did not belong to you, that it was, say, part of the .NET framework, how would your team handle it? Their answer would be my answer. In other words, if their answer to that question is inconsistent with what they're asking you to do, then they should probably either change how they work with .NET static classes or with how they work with yours.
I avoid using static classes (assuming we are actually talking about classes that contain static methods), and I do it for the sake of testability.
If you are using static methods, you will have a difficult time mocking/stubbing the portion of your code that uses said static for your unit tests.
Consider this:
public String myMethod() {
String complicatedStringOutput = MyUtility.createComplicatedStringOutput();
//do some more complicated work on this String
To write a unit test for this method, how would you go about making it a 'true unit test' without needing to also test the creation of complicatedStringOutput? In my unit tests, I prefer to test only the method that is the focus of the unit test.
Change it to this:
public String myMethod(MyNonStaticUtility util) {
String complicatedStringOutput = util.createComplicatedStringOutput();
//do some more complicated work on this String
Suddenly, this class is much easier to write a 'true unit test' for. You can control the behavior of MyNonStaticUtility by either using a stub or mock.
All that said, it is really up to you (or your Business Unit). If you value unit tests and feel that it is important to have good test coverage of your complicated code, this is the preferred approach. If you do not have time/money to invest in 'fixing' your code, then it just won't happen.
Depends, naturally.
How do you want to test the code that uses the static classes?
Do the static classes encapsulate behavior you'll need to mock often?
Will anybody ever need to modify the behavior of those static classes?
Is there a compelling reason not to inject a Spring-managed singleton bean?
Admittedly mocking a simple static utility class would probably be overkill.
You're absolutely right on this. Static classes should only be used for utility classes that are extremely simple, where there is no benefit of mocking such a class. If you're using them for any other purpose, you should rethink your design.
Is it reasonable to use a non-static class if that class does not contain state?
This really has nothing to do with state. For example, strategy objects often contain no state, yet they are not static; they usually implement a common interface and need to be interchangeable / mockable.

Should I only be testing public interfaces in BDD? (in general, and specifically in Ruby)

I'm reading through the (still beta) rspec book by the prag progs as I'm interested in behavioral testing on objects. From what I've gleaned so far (caveat: after only reading for 30 min), the basic idea is that I want ensure my object behaves as expected 'externally' i.e. in its output and in relation to other objects.
Is it true then that I should just be black box testing my object to ensure the proper output/interaction with other objects?
This may be completely wrong, but given all of the focus on how my object behaves in the system, it seems this is ideology one would take. If that's so, how do we focus on the implementation of an object? How do I test that my private method is doing what I want it to do for all different types of input?
I suppose this question is maybe valid for all types of testing?? I'm still fairly new to TDD and BDD.
If you want to understand BDD better, try thinking about it without using the word "test".
Instead of writing a test, you're going to write an example of how you can use your class (and you can't use it except through public methods). You're going to show why your class is valuable to other classes. You're defining the scope of your class's responsibilities, while showing (through mocks) what responsibilities are delegated elsewhere.
At the same time, you can question whether the responsibilities are appropriate, and tune the methods on your class to be as intuitively usable as possible. You're looking for code which is easy to understand and use, rather than code which is easy to write.
If you can think in terms of examples and providing value through behaviour, you'll create code that's easy to use, with examples and descriptions that other people can follow. You'll make your code safe and easy to change. If you think about testing, you'll pin it down so that nobody can break it. You'll make it hard to change.
If it's complex enough that there are internal methods you really want to test separately, break them out into another class then show why that class is valuable and what it does for the class that uses it.
Hope this helps!
I think there are two issues here.
One is that from the BDD perspective, you are typically testing at a higher level than from the TDD perspective. So your BDD tests will assert a bigger piece of functionality than your TDD tests and should always be "black box" tests.
The second is that if you feel the need to test private methods, even at the unit test level, that could be a code smell that your code is violating the Single Responsibilty Principle
and should be refactored so that the methods you care about can be tested as public methods of a different class. Michael Feathers gave an interesting talk about this recently called "The Deep Synergy Between Testability and Good Design."
Yes, focus on the exposed functionality of the class. Private methods are just part of a public function you will test. This point is a bit controversial, but in my opinion it should be enough to test the public functionality of a class (everything else also violates the OOP principle).

Too many public methods forced by test-driven development

A very specific question from a novice to TDD:
I separate my tests and my application into different packages. Thus, most of my application methods have to be public for tests to access them. As I progress, it becomes obvious that some methods could become private, but if I make that change, the tests that access them won't work. Am I missing a step, or doing something wrong, or is this just one downfall of TDD?
This is not a downfall of TDD, but rather an approach to testing that believes you need to test every property and every method. In fact you should not care about private methods when testing because they should only exist to facilitate some public portion of the API.
Never change something from private to public for testing purposes!
You should be trying to verify only publicly visible behavior. The rest are implementation details and you specifically want to avoid testing those. TDD is meant to give you a set of tests that will allow you to easily change the implementation details without breaking the tests (changing behavior).
Let’s say I have a type: MyClass and I want to test the DoStuff method. All I care about is that the DoStuff method does something meaningful and returns the expected results. It may call a hundred private methods to get to that point, but I don't care as the consumer of that method.
You don't specify what language you are using, but certainly in most of them you can put the tests in a way that have more privileged access to the class. In Java, for example, the test can be in the same package, with the actual class file being in a different directory so it is separate from production code.
However, when you are doing real TDD, the tests are driving the class design, so if you have a method that exists just to test some subset of functionality, you are probably (not always) doing something wrong, and you should look at techniques like dependency injection and mocking to better guide your design.
This is where the old saying, "TDD is about design," frequently comes up. A class with too many public methods probably has too many responsibilities - and the fact that you are test-driving it only exposes that; it doesn't cause the problem.
When you find yourself in this situation, the best solution is frequently to find some subset of the public methods that can be extracted into a new class ("sprout class"), then give your original class an instance variable of the sprouted class. The public methods deserve to be public in the new class, but they are now - with respect to the API of the original class - private. And you now have better adherence to SRP, looser coupling, and higher cohesion - better design.
All because TDD exposed features of your class that would otherwise have slid in under the radar. TDD is about design.
At least in Java, it's good practice to have two source trees, one for the code and one for the tests. So you can put your code and your tests in the same package, while they're still in different directories:
Then you can make your methods package private.
